public List <IAssetDef> Process(string wildcard) { var subset = _resources.Where(x => Wildcard.Matches(wildcard, x.ID)); foreach (IResource r in subset) { IAssetDef assetDef = null; if (r.ID.Contains("Assets/Game")) { assetDef = new GameAssetDef(_game, r); } else if (r.ID.Contains("Assets/Rooms")) { assetDef = new RoomAssetDef(_game, r); } else { throw new NotImplementedException($"Could not infere the asset type from the wildcard '{wildcard}'"); } //TODO! IMPORTANT! Check (CPU-efficiently) if not already processed before with another wildcard! assetsDefs.Add(assetDef); } foreach (IAssetDef assetDef in assetsDefs) { assetDef.Parse(); } return(assetsDefs); }
protected FakeAGSLoadingScreen(IGame game, string id, IAssetDef def) { _id = id; _game = game; _def = def; _room = _game.Factory.Room.GetRoom(_id); }
public SplashScreen(IGame game, string id, IAssetDef def) : base(game, id, def) { }