コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Load wordlist together with wordlength, remove duplicates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="anagramCtrl"></param>
        public void Filter1_CreateListOfWordsHavingLettersFromAnagram(IAnagramContainer anagramCtrl)
            // preapare lists
            _listFilter1_WorddictHavingAllowedChars = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            // Create new list having letters that are contained anagram - the words might still have too many of the allowed chars
            var lettersNotInAnagram = anagramCtrl.LettersNotInAnagram.DistinctDataWithoutSpace;

            _listUnfiltered0_Wordlist.ForEach(word => {
                // If a word don't have any of the letters not in the anagram, then it is a possible match
                var inCommonCharsCount = lettersNotInAnagram.Intersect(word).Count();
                if (inCommonCharsCount == 0)
                        // A dict that uses word as key - it will throw if duplicates - remove duplicates in the same operation
                        _listFilter1_WorddictHavingAllowedChars.Add(word, word.Length);
                    catch (Exception)

            // Save as array for fast lookup by index - Droppet - this was slower than the dict
            //_listFilter1_WordArrayHavingAllowedChars = _listFilter1_WorddictHavingAllowedChars.Keys.ToArray();
コード例 #2
        // Pseudo:
        // A. Load Data
        // B. Decrease the dataset
        // C. Find valid words in dataset

        public ProgramTransactionScript(IConfigurationRoot config, ConsoleLogger logger,
                                        IAnagramContainer anagramContainer, IWordlistContainer wordlistContainer,
                                        LoopSetsHelper <CurrentSetOf2Pos> setsOf2WordsLooper, LoopSetsHelper <CurrentSetOf3Pos> setsOf3WordsLooper,
                                        LoopSetsHelper <CurrentSetOf4Pos> setsOf4WordsLooper, LoopSetsHelper <CurrentSetOf5Pos> setsOf5WordsLooper)
            _injectedLogger = logger;
            Console.WriteLine("Hello from AnagramSolver!");

            // A. Load Data

            // A1. Show loaded anagram data
            _injectedAnagramContainer = anagramContainer;
            _injectedLogger.ConsoleWriteLine(" This is the input anagram: '" + _injectedAnagramContainer.Anagram.RawData + "'");
            _injectedLogger.ConsoleWriteLine(" These distinct letters does the anagram contain: '" + _injectedAnagramContainer.Anagram.DistinctDataWithoutSpaceAsString + "'");
            _injectedLogger.ConsoleWriteLine(" As above, but sorted: '" + _injectedAnagramContainer.Anagram.DistinctDataWithoutSpaceSortedAsString + "' - also called TableHeader");

            // A2. Show loaded wordlistdata
            _injectedWordlistContainer = wordlistContainer;
            _injectedLogger.ConsoleWriteLine(" The unfiltered input wordlist contains " + _injectedWordlistContainer.ListUnfiltered0_Wordlist.Count + " lines");

            _injectedSetsOf2WordsLooper = setsOf2WordsLooper;
            _injectedSetsOf3WordsLooper = setsOf3WordsLooper;
            _injectedSetsOf4WordsLooper = setsOf4WordsLooper;
            _injectedSetsOf5WordsLooper = setsOf5WordsLooper;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// What's the plan?
        /// Create a table (of integers) having words as rows, where
        /// - col0 is index to ListFilter1
        /// - col1 is length of word
        /// - col2 is a bit telling if the word is a subset of the anagram (0 = Invalid, 1 = IsSubset)
        /// - col3 to approx col15 is count of each letter in the word
        /// Each row has same line number as in Filter1 to be able to easy lookup the word. The line number is also stored in col0.
        /// Only letters from the anagram is stored, since other letters were removed before ListFilter1
        /// Sample of table:
        /// Word in ListFilter1     TableFilter2
        ///                         "ailnoprstuwy" <- The letters in anagram - sorted - this is header line (not in table)
        /// "poultryoutwitsants"     111121124211  <- The anagram (not in table)
        /// -------------------------------------- (below this line is in table)
        /// "airstrip"            080120001211000  <- Line0, Len: 8, Invalid, no of each char
        /// "tyranosaurus"        1c0200110221201  <- Line1, Len: c, Invalid, no of each char
        /// After creating this table we
        /// - calculate which rows are valid
        /// - perhaps remove invalid rows
        /// - calculate some combinations from the length of the words
        /// Foreach combination sum the cols in the table - as soon as we reach a col with number differs from anagram then check failed and we goto next combination
        /// If all match then it is time for md5 checksum match - if fail, then try out each different order of words
        /// It is important that this table is very fast to access, so we use a simple array with fixed size
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="anagramCtrl"></param>
        public void Filter2_CreateTableOfWordsBeingSubsetOfAnagram(IAnagramContainer anagramCtrl)
            var hlpr = new TableHelper();
            // The "table header" - ailnoprstuwy
            var tableHeaderOfAnagramSorted = anagramCtrl.Anagram.DistinctDataWithoutSpaceSorted;
            // How many different letters in anagram? - 12
            var numberOfLettersInDistinctAnagram = tableHeaderOfAnagramSorted.Count();

            // we know size of table, so created it - we create it as array of arrays - this enables us to delete rows from the table easily
            _tableFilter2_WordMatrix = new int[_listFilter1_WorddictHavingAllowedChars.Count][];

            // Fill table - one row foreach word in ListFilter1
            int col0, col1, col2;
            int i = 0; // counters for loops

            foreach (var kvp in _listFilter1_WorddictHavingAllowedChars)
                // Fill one row
                col0 = i;         // Pointer to ListFilter1, where word is stored
                col1 = kvp.Value; // Lenght of word
                col2 = 0;         // Invalid = Not a subset - initial value - will be calculated later
                var   word = kvp.Key;
                int[] row  = hlpr.FillRowFromWord(tableHeaderOfAnagramSorted, col0, col1, col2, word);

                // Add row to table
                _tableFilter2_WordMatrix[i] = row;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Pseudo:
        /// Loop through rows
        ///   Loop through number of letters in each row
        ///     If there are more letters than in anagram, then bail out
        ///   If not bailed out, then word is subset, so update col2
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="anagramCtrl"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int UpdateCol2InTableFilter2(IAnagramContainer anagramCtrl)
            // No number of letters must be larger than in the anagram row
            // Count number of words being subset
            var noOfWordsBeingSubset = 0;

            var isSubset = true;

            foreach (var row in _tableFilter2_WordMatrix)
                isSubset = anagramCtrl.IsSubset(row);
                // Update col2
                if (isSubset)
                    row[2] = 1;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate TableByWordLength from words in TableFilter2_WordMatrix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AnagramCtrl"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <int> CreateTableByWordLength(IAnagramContainer AnagramCtrl)
            var anagramLenghtWithoutSpaces = AnagramCtrl.Anagram.RawDataWithoutSpace.Length;
            // Assuming the anagram is made up of minimum 2 words
            // - and when shortest word is length = 1, then longest will be
            var longestWordWhen2WordsAreUsed = anagramLenghtWithoutSpaces - 1;
            // Now create a table having a row for each length from 1 to longestWordWhen2WordsAreUsed

            // We also want a list telling how many words there are of each length
            var listOfWordLenghts = new List <int>();

            bool       isValid, lengthMatch;
            int        pointerToWord, wordLength;
            List <int> row;
            var        sourceTable = _tableFilter2_WordMatrix;

            _tableByWordLength = new List <List <int> >();
            for (int i = 0; i < longestWordWhen2WordsAreUsed; i++)
                row        = new List <int>();
                wordLength = i + 1;
                // Loop matrix and add pointer (col0) to valid (col2) words being wordLength (col1)
                foreach (var sourceRow in sourceTable)
                    isValid     = (sourceRow[2] > 0);
                    lengthMatch = (sourceRow[1] == wordLength);
                    if (isValid && lengthMatch)
                        pointerToWord = sourceRow[0];
コード例 #6
 public LoopSetsHelper(ConsoleLogger logger, MD5 Md5HashComputer,
                       IAnagramContainer AnagramCtrl, IWordlistContainer WordlistCtrl) :
     base(logger.ConsoleWriteLine, Md5HashComputer, AnagramCtrl, WordlistCtrl)
コード例 #7
 public Md5Helper(MD5 Md5HashComputer, IAnagramContainer anagramContainer)
     : this(Md5HashComputer, anagramContainer.Md5Hashes)