private void FixedUpdate() { Frame frame = controller.Frame(); // Check if hands are detected by the leap motion if (frame.Hands.Count >= 1) { List <Hand> hands = frame.Hands; Hand firstHand = hands[0]; // fetch values from leap motion and apply low pass filter float mapedLift = MapInterval(firstHand.PalmPosition.y, 60, 260, -20F, 20F); // check if the hand is a fist IsDropping(firstHand.GrabAngle); // apply drone commands aircraft.Lift(mapedLift); aircraft.Pitch(-firstHand.Direction.Pitch * 0.6F); aircraft.Yaw(firstHand.Direction.Yaw * 1.5F); aircraft.Roll(-firstHand.PalmNormal.Roll); } else { //TODO: display hand symbol after ca. 3 seconds //Debug.Log("[!] No hands recognized"); } }