コード例 #1
 public Manager(IAgentReader <T> reader, IAgentWriter <T> writer)
     this.metadata = Activator.CreateInstance <T>();
     this.reader   = reader;
     this.writer   = writer;
     MetadataWatcher.MetadataUpdateEvent += new MetadataWatcher.EventHandler(Synchronize);
コード例 #2
        internal Tracer(TracerSettings settings, IAgentWriter agentWriter, ISampler sampler, IScopeManager scopeManager)
            // fall back to default implementations of each dependency if not provided
            Settings      = settings ?? TracerSettings.FromDefaultSources();
            _agentWriter  = agentWriter ?? new AgentWriter(new Api(Settings.AgentUri));
            _scopeManager = scopeManager ?? new AsyncLocalScopeManager();
            Sampler       = sampler ?? new RateByServiceSampler();

            // if not configured, try to determine an appropriate service name
            DefaultServiceName = Settings.ServiceName ??
                                 GetApplicationName() ??

            // Register callbacks to make sure we flush the traces before exiting
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit        += CurrentDomain_ProcessExit;
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException;
            Console.CancelKeyPress += Console_CancelKeyPress;

            // If configured, add/remove the correlation identifiers into the
            // LibLog logging context when a scope is activated/closed
            if (Settings.LogsInjectionEnabled)
コード例 #3
        static AgentWriterBenchmark()
            var settings = TracerSettings.FromDefaultSources();

            settings.StartupDiagnosticLogEnabled = false;
            settings.TraceEnabled = false;

            var api = new Api(settings.Exporter.AgentUri, new FakeApiRequestFactory(), statsd: null, updateSampleRates: null, isPartialFlushEnabled: false);

            AgentWriter = new AgentWriter(api, statsd: null, automaticFlush: false);

            var enrichedSpans = new Span[SpanCount];
            var now           = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

            for (int i = 0; i < SpanCount; i++)
                enrichedSpans[i] = new Span(new SpanContext((ulong)i, (ulong)i, SamplingPriorityValues.UserReject, "Benchmark", null), now);
                enrichedSpans[i].SetTag(Tags.Env, "Benchmark");
                enrichedSpans[i].SetMetric(Metrics.SamplingRuleDecision, 1.0);

            EnrichedSpans = new ArraySegment <Span>(enrichedSpans);

            // Run benchmarks once to reduce noise
            new AgentWriterBenchmark().WriteAndFlushEnrichedTraces().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
コード例 #4
ファイル: AgentConnector.cs プロジェクト: Kidify/L4p
        void IAgentConnector.DisconnectAgent(IAgentWriter proxy)
            Interlocked.Increment(ref _counters.AgentDisconnected);

            _log.Info("Agent at '{0}' is disconnected", proxy.AgentUri);
        private static Tracer GetTracer(IAgentWriter writer = null, IConfigurationSource configSource = null)
            var settings    = new TracerSettings(configSource);
            var agentWriter = writer ?? new Mock <IAgentWriter>().Object;
            var samplerMock = new Mock <ISampler>();

            return(new Tracer(settings, agentWriter, samplerMock.Object, scopeManager: null, statsd: null));
コード例 #6
 public CITracerManager(ImmutableTracerSettings settings, IAgentWriter agentWriter, ISampler sampler, IScopeManager scopeManager, IDogStatsd statsd, RuntimeMetricsWriter runtimeMetricsWriter, ITraceIdConvention traceIdConvention, DirectLogSubmissionManager logSubmissionManager, ITelemetryController telemetry, string defaultServiceName)
     : base(settings, agentWriter, sampler, scopeManager, statsd, runtimeMetricsWriter, traceIdConvention, logSubmissionManager, telemetry, defaultServiceName, new Trace.Processors.ITraceProcessor[]
     new Trace.Processors.NormalizerTraceProcessor(),
     new Trace.Processors.TruncatorTraceProcessor(),
     new Processors.OriginTagTraceProcessor(settings.ExporterSettings.PartialFlushEnabled, agentWriter is CIAgentlessWriter),
コード例 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a test instance of the Tracer, that doesn't used any shared instances
 /// </summary>
 public static Tracer Create(
     TracerSettings settings    = null,
     IAgentWriter agentWriter   = null,
     ISampler sampler           = null,
     IScopeManager scopeManager = null,
     IDogStatsd statsd          = null)
     return(new Tracer(settings, agentWriter, sampler, scopeManager, statsd));
コード例 #8
        internal Tracer(IAgentWriter agentWriter, string defaultServiceName = null, bool isDebugEnabled = false)
            _isDebugEnabled    = isDebugEnabled;
            _agentWriter       = agentWriter;
            DefaultServiceName = defaultServiceName ?? CreateDefaultServiceName() ?? UnknownServiceName;

            // Register callbacks to make sure we flush the traces before exiting
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit        += CurrentDomain_ProcessExit;
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException;
            Console.CancelKeyPress += Console_CancelKeyPress;
            _scopeManager           = new AsyncLocalScopeManager();
コード例 #9
 protected override TracerManager CreateTracerManagerFrom(
     ImmutableTracerSettings settings,
     IAgentWriter agentWriter,
     ISampler sampler,
     IScopeManager scopeManager,
     IDogStatsd statsd,
     RuntimeMetricsWriter runtimeMetrics,
     DirectLogSubmissionManager logSubmissionManager,
     ITelemetryController telemetry,
     string defaultServiceName)
     return(new CITracerManager(settings, agentWriter, sampler, scopeManager, statsd, runtimeMetrics, logSubmissionManager, telemetry, defaultServiceName));
コード例 #10
ファイル: Tracer.cs プロジェクト: sieukrem/dd-trace-dotnet
        internal Tracer(TracerSettings settings, IAgentWriter agentWriter, ISampler sampler, IScopeManager scopeManager, IStatsd statsd)
            // update the count of Tracer instances
            Interlocked.Increment(ref _liveTracerCount);

            Settings = settings ?? TracerSettings.FromDefaultSources();

            // if not configured, try to determine an appropriate service name
            DefaultServiceName = Settings.ServiceName ??
                                 GetApplicationName() ??

            // only set DogStatsdClient if tracer metrics are enabled
            if (Settings.TracerMetricsEnabled)
                Statsd = statsd ?? CreateDogStatsdClient(Settings, DefaultServiceName);

            // fall back to default implementations of each dependency if not provided
            IApi apiClient = new Api(Settings.AgentUri, delegatingHandler: null, Statsd);

            _agentWriter  = agentWriter ?? new AgentWriter(apiClient, Statsd);
            _scopeManager = scopeManager ?? new AsyncLocalScopeManager();
            Sampler       = sampler ?? new RuleBasedSampler(new RateLimiter(Settings.MaxTracesSubmittedPerSecond));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.CustomSamplingRules))
                // User has opted in, ensure rate limiter is used

                foreach (var rule in CustomSamplingRule.BuildFromConfigurationString(Settings.CustomSamplingRules))

            // Register callbacks to make sure we flush the traces before exiting
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit        += CurrentDomain_ProcessExit;
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException;
            Console.CancelKeyPress += Console_CancelKeyPress;

            // start the heartbeat loop
            _heartbeatTimer = new Timer(HeartbeatCallback, state: null, dueTime: TimeSpan.Zero, period: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));

            // If configured, add/remove the correlation identifiers into the
            // LibLog logging context when a scope is activated/closed
            if (Settings.LogsInjectionEnabled)
コード例 #11
        internal Tracer(TracerSettings settings, IAgentWriter agentWriter, ISampler sampler, IScopeManager scopeManager)
            // fall back to default implementations of each dependency if not provided
            Settings      = settings ?? TracerSettings.FromDefaultSources();
            _agentWriter  = agentWriter ?? new AgentWriter(new Api(Settings.AgentUri));
            _scopeManager = scopeManager ?? new AsyncLocalScopeManager();
            Sampler       = sampler ?? new RateByServiceSampler();

            // if not configured, try to determine an appropriate service name
            DefaultServiceName = Settings.ServiceName ??
                                 GetApplicationName() ??

            // Register callbacks to make sure we flush the traces before exiting
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit        += CurrentDomain_ProcessExit;
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException;
            Console.CancelKeyPress += Console_CancelKeyPress;
コード例 #12
        static AgentWriterBenchmark()
            var settings = TracerSettings.FromDefaultSources();

            settings.StartupDiagnosticLogEnabled = false;
            settings.TraceEnabled = false;

            var api = new Api(settings.AgentUri, new FakeApiRequestFactory(), statsd: null);

            _agentWriter = new AgentWriter(api, statsd: null, automaticFlush: false);

            _spans = new Span[SpanCount];
            var now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

            for (int i = 0; i < SpanCount; i++)
                _spans[i] = new Span(new SpanContext((ulong)i, (ulong)i, SamplingPriority.UserReject, "Benchmark", null), now);
コード例 #13
        internal Tracer(TracerSettings settings, IAgentWriter agentWriter, ISampler sampler, IScopeManager scopeManager, IStatsd statsd)
            // fall back to default implementations of each dependency if not provided
            Settings = settings ?? TracerSettings.FromDefaultSources();

            // only set DogStatsdClient if tracer metrics are enabled
            if (Settings.TracerMetricsEnabled)
                Statsd = statsd ?? CreateDogStatsdClient(Settings);

            IApi apiClient = new Api(Settings.AgentUri, delegatingHandler: null, Statsd);

            _agentWriter  = agentWriter ?? new AgentWriter(apiClient, Statsd);
            _scopeManager = scopeManager ?? new AsyncLocalScopeManager();
            Sampler       = sampler ?? new RuleBasedSampler(new RateLimiter(Settings.MaxTracesSubmittedPerSecond));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.CustomSamplingRules))
                foreach (var rule in RegexSamplingRule.BuildFromConfigurationString(Settings.CustomSamplingRules))

            // if not configured, try to determine an appropriate service name
            DefaultServiceName = Settings.ServiceName ??
                                 GetApplicationName() ??

            // Register callbacks to make sure we flush the traces before exiting
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit        += CurrentDomain_ProcessExit;
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException;
            Console.CancelKeyPress += Console_CancelKeyPress;

            // If configured, add/remove the correlation identifiers into the
            // LibLog logging context when a scope is activated/closed
            if (Settings.LogsInjectionEnabled)
コード例 #14
        static AgentWriterBenchmark()
            var settings = TracerSettings.FromDefaultSources();

            settings.StartupDiagnosticLogEnabled = false;
            settings.TraceEnabled = false;

            var api = new Api(settings.AgentUri, new FakeApiRequestFactory(), statsd: null);

            AgentWriter = new AgentWriter(api, statsd: null, automaticFlush: false);

            Spans                   = new Span[SpanCount];
            EnrichedSpans           = new Span[SpanCount];
            SpansWithOrigin         = new Span[SpanCount];
            EnrichedSpansWithOrigin = new Span[SpanCount];
            var now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

            for (int i = 0; i < SpanCount; i++)
                Spans[i]         = new Span(new SpanContext((ulong)i, (ulong)i, SamplingPriority.UserReject, "Benchmark", null), now);
                EnrichedSpans[i] = new Span(new SpanContext((ulong)i, (ulong)i, SamplingPriority.UserReject, "Benchmark", null), now);
                EnrichedSpans[i].SetTag(Tags.Env, "Benchmark");
                EnrichedSpans[i].SetMetric(Metrics.SamplingRuleDecision, 1.0);
                SpansWithOrigin[i] = new Span(new SpanContext((ulong)i, (ulong)i, SamplingPriority.UserReject, "Benchmark", null), now);
                SpansWithOrigin[i].SetTag(Tags.Origin, "synthetics");
                EnrichedSpansWithOrigin[i] = new Span(new SpanContext((ulong)i, (ulong)i, SamplingPriority.UserReject, "Benchmark", null), now);
                EnrichedSpansWithOrigin[i].SetTag(Tags.Origin, "synthetics");
                EnrichedSpansWithOrigin[i].SetTag(Tags.Env, "Benchmark");
                EnrichedSpansWithOrigin[i].SetMetric(Metrics.SamplingRuleDecision, 1.0);

            // Run benchmarks once to reduce noise
            new AgentWriterBenchmark().WriteAndFlushTraces().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            new AgentWriterBenchmark().WriteAndFlushEnrichedTraces().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            new AgentWriterBenchmark().WriteAndFlushTracesWithOrigin().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            new AgentWriterBenchmark().WriteAndFlushEnrichedTracesWithOrigin().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
コード例 #15
        internal Tracer(TracerSettings settings, IAgentWriter agentWriter, ISampler sampler, IScopeManager scopeManager, IStatsd statsd)
            // update the count of Tracer instances
            Interlocked.Increment(ref _liveTracerCount);

            Settings = settings ?? TracerSettings.FromDefaultSources();

            // if not configured, try to determine an appropriate service name
            DefaultServiceName = Settings.ServiceName ??
                                 GetApplicationName() ??

            // only set DogStatsdClient if tracer metrics are enabled
            if (Settings.TracerMetricsEnabled)
                // Run this first in case the port override is ready
                    port =>
                    Log.Debug("Attempting to override dogstatsd port with {0}", port);
                    Statsd = CreateDogStatsdClient(Settings, DefaultServiceName, port);

                Statsd = statsd ?? CreateDogStatsdClient(Settings, DefaultServiceName, Settings.DogStatsdPort);

            // Run this first in case the port override is ready
                port =>
                Log.Debug("Attempting to override trace agent port with {0}", port);
                var builder = new UriBuilder(Settings.AgentUri)
                    Port = port
                var baseEndpoint         = builder.Uri;
                IApi overridingApiClient = new Api(baseEndpoint, delegatingHandler: null, Statsd);
                if (_agentWriter == null)
                    _agentWriter = _agentWriter ?? new AgentWriter(overridingApiClient, Statsd);

            // fall back to default implementations of each dependency if not provided
            _agentWriter = agentWriter ?? new AgentWriter(new Api(Settings.AgentUri, delegatingHandler: null, Statsd), Statsd);

            _scopeManager = scopeManager ?? new AsyncLocalScopeManager();
            Sampler       = sampler ?? new RuleBasedSampler(new RateLimiter(Settings.MaxTracesSubmittedPerSecond));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.CustomSamplingRules))
                // User has opted in, ensure rate limiter is used

                foreach (var rule in CustomSamplingRule.BuildFromConfigurationString(Settings.CustomSamplingRules))

            if (Settings.GlobalSamplingRate != null)
                var globalRate = (float)Settings.GlobalSamplingRate;

                if (globalRate < 0f || globalRate > 1f)
                    Log.Warning("{0} configuration of {1} is out of range", ConfigurationKeys.GlobalSamplingRate, Settings.GlobalSamplingRate);
                    Sampler.RegisterRule(new GlobalSamplingRule(globalRate));

            // Register callbacks to make sure we flush the traces before exiting
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit        += CurrentDomain_ProcessExit;
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload       += CurrentDomain_DomainUnload;
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException;
            Console.CancelKeyPress += Console_CancelKeyPress;

            // start the heartbeat loop
            _heartbeatTimer = new Timer(HeartbeatCallback, state: null, dueTime: TimeSpan.Zero, period: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));

            // If configured, add/remove the correlation identifiers into the
            // LibLog logging context when a scope is activated/closed
            if (Settings.LogsInjectionEnabled)
                InitializeLibLogScopeEventSubscriber(_scopeManager, DefaultServiceName, Settings.ServiceVersion, Settings.Environment);
コード例 #16
        internal Tracer(TracerSettings settings, IAgentWriter agentWriter, ISampler sampler, IScopeManager scopeManager, IDogStatsd statsd)
            // update the count of Tracer instances
            Interlocked.Increment(ref _liveTracerCount);

            Settings = settings ?? TracerSettings.FromDefaultSources();

            // if not configured, try to determine an appropriate service name
            DefaultServiceName = Settings.ServiceName ??
                                 GetApplicationName() ??

            // only set DogStatsdClient if tracer metrics are enabled
            if (Settings.TracerMetricsEnabled)
                Statsd = statsd ?? CreateDogStatsdClient(Settings, DefaultServiceName, Settings.DogStatsdPort);

            // fall back to default implementations of each dependency if not provided
            if (agentWriter != null)
                _agentWriter = agentWriter;
                IApi api = null;
                switch (Settings.Exporter)
                case ExporterType.Zipkin:
                    api = new ZipkinApi(Settings);

                case ExporterType.DatadogAgent:
                    api = new Api(Settings.AgentUri, TransportStrategy.Get(Settings), Statsd);

                _agentWriter = new AgentWriter(api, Statsd, queueSize: Settings.TraceQueueSize);

            _scopeManager = scopeManager ?? new AsyncLocalScopeManager();
            Sampler       = sampler ?? new RuleBasedSampler(new RateLimiter(Settings.MaxTracesSubmittedPerSecond));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.CustomSamplingRules))
                foreach (var rule in CustomSamplingRule.BuildFromConfigurationString(Settings.CustomSamplingRules))

            if (Settings.GlobalSamplingRate != null)
                var globalRate = (float)Settings.GlobalSamplingRate;

                if (globalRate < 0f || globalRate > 1f)
                    Log.Warning("{ConfigurationKey} configuration of {ConfigurationValue} is out of range", ConfigurationKeys.GlobalSamplingRate, Settings.GlobalSamplingRate);
                    Sampler.RegisterRule(new GlobalSamplingRule(globalRate));

            // Register callbacks to make sure we flush the traces before exiting
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit  += CurrentDomain_ProcessExit;
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += CurrentDomain_DomainUnload;

                // Registering for the AppDomain.UnhandledException event cannot be called by a security transparent method
                // This will only happen if the Tracer is not run full-trust
                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Warning(ex, "Unable to register a callback to the AppDomain.UnhandledException event.");

                // Registering for the cancel key press event requires the System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission
                Console.CancelKeyPress += Console_CancelKeyPress;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Warning(ex, "Unable to register a callback to the Console.CancelKeyPress event.");

            // start the heartbeat loop
            _heartbeatTimer = new Timer(HeartbeatCallback, state: null, dueTime: TimeSpan.Zero, period: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));

            // If configured, add/remove the correlation identifiers into the
            // LibLog logging context when a scope is activated/closed
            if (Settings.LogsInjectionEnabled)
                InitializeLibLogScopeEventSubscriber(_scopeManager, DefaultServiceName, Settings.ServiceVersion, Settings.Environment);

            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _firstInitialization, 0) == 1)
                if (Settings.StartupDiagnosticLogEnabled)
                    _ = Task.Run(WriteDiagnosticLog);

                if (Settings.RuntimeMetricsEnabled)
                    _runtimeMetricsWriter = new RuntimeMetricsWriter(Statsd ?? CreateDogStatsdClient(Settings, DefaultServiceName, Settings.DogStatsdPort), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
コード例 #17
ファイル: MessengerEngine.cs プロジェクト: Kidify/L4p
        void IMessengerEngine.IoFailed(IAgentWriter proxy, comm.IoMsg msg, Exception ex, string at)
            Interlocked.Increment(ref _counters.IoFailed);

            var msgType = msg.GetType().Name;

            _log.Error("Msg ({0}): io error in '{1}' of '{2}' (retryCount={3}) to agent '{4}' (agent will be reconnected); {5}",
                msg.Guid.AsStr(), at, msgType, msg.RetryCount, msg.AgentUri, ex.Message);

            var removedAgent = _agents.RemoveAgent(proxy);

            if (removedAgent == null)


コード例 #18
ファイル: MessengerEngine.cs プロジェクト: Kidify/L4p
        private void set_agent_proxy(string uri, IAgentWriter proxy)
            var prev = _agents.SetAgentProxy(uri, proxy);

            if (prev == null)

コード例 #19
ファイル: Tracer.cs プロジェクト: DavidSanr/dd-trace-dotnet
        internal Tracer(TracerSettings settings, IAgentWriter agentWriter, ISampler sampler, IScopeManager scopeManager, IDogStatsd statsd)
            // update the count of Tracer instances
            Interlocked.Increment(ref _liveTracerCount);

            Settings = settings ?? TracerSettings.FromDefaultSources();

            // if not configured, try to determine an appropriate service name
            DefaultServiceName = Settings.ServiceName ??
                                 GetApplicationName() ??

            // only set DogStatsdClient if tracer metrics are enabled
            if (Settings.TracerMetricsEnabled)
                // Run this first in case the port override is ready
                    port =>
                    Log.Debug("Attempting to override dogstatsd port with {0}", port);
                    Statsd = CreateDogStatsdClient(Settings, DefaultServiceName, port);

                Statsd = statsd ?? CreateDogStatsdClient(Settings, DefaultServiceName, Settings.DogStatsdPort);

            // Run this first in case the port override is ready
                port =>
                Log.Debug("Attempting to override trace agent port with {0}", port);
                var builder = new UriBuilder(Settings.AgentUri)
                    Port = port
                var baseEndpoint = builder.Uri;

                if (_agentWriter == null)
                    IApi overridingApiClient = new Api(baseEndpoint, apiRequestFactory: null, Statsd);
                    _agentWriter             = _agentWriter ?? new AgentWriter(overridingApiClient, Statsd, queueSize: Settings.TraceQueueSize);

            // fall back to default implementations of each dependency if not provided
            _agentWriter = agentWriter ?? new AgentWriter(new Api(Settings.AgentUri, apiRequestFactory: null, Statsd), Statsd, queueSize: Settings.TraceQueueSize);

            _scopeManager = scopeManager ?? new AsyncLocalScopeManager();
            Sampler       = sampler ?? new RuleBasedSampler(new RateLimiter(Settings.MaxTracesSubmittedPerSecond));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.CustomSamplingRules))
                foreach (var rule in CustomSamplingRule.BuildFromConfigurationString(Settings.CustomSamplingRules))

            if (Settings.GlobalSamplingRate != null)
                var globalRate = (float)Settings.GlobalSamplingRate;

                if (globalRate < 0f || globalRate > 1f)
                    Log.Warning("{0} configuration of {1} is out of range", ConfigurationKeys.GlobalSamplingRate, Settings.GlobalSamplingRate);
                    Sampler.RegisterRule(new GlobalSamplingRule(globalRate));

            // Register callbacks to make sure we flush the traces before exiting
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit  += CurrentDomain_ProcessExit;
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += CurrentDomain_DomainUnload;

                // Registering for the AppDomain.UnhandledException event cannot be called by a security transparent method
                // This will only happen if the Tracer is not run full-trust
                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Warning(ex, "Unable to register a callback to the AppDomain.UnhandledException event.");

                // Registering for the cancel key press event requires the System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission
                Console.CancelKeyPress += Console_CancelKeyPress;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Warning(ex, "Unable to register a callback to the Console.CancelKeyPress event.");

            // start the heartbeat loop
            _heartbeatTimer = new Timer(HeartbeatCallback, state: null, dueTime: TimeSpan.Zero, period: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));

            // If configured, add/remove the correlation identifiers into the
            // LibLog logging context when a scope is activated/closed
            if (Settings.LogsInjectionEnabled)
                InitializeLibLogScopeEventSubscriber(_scopeManager, DefaultServiceName, Settings.ServiceVersion, Settings.Environment);

            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _firstInitialization, 0) == 1)
                if (Settings.StartupDiagnosticLogEnabled)
                    _ = WriteDiagnosticLog();

                if (Settings.RuntimeMetricsEnabled)
                    _runtimeMetricsWriter = new RuntimeMetricsWriter(Statsd ?? CreateDogStatsdClient(Settings, DefaultServiceName, Settings.DogStatsdPort), 10000);