コード例 #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //AudioSource functions

        Core1 = GetComponent(typeof(AudioSource)) as AudioSource;

        Core1.spatialBlend = 1;

        //	freqscale = new float[128];
        //	InvokeRepeating ("getAudio", 0f, audioGetRepeatRate);

        // Heavy Param Control

        Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib CoreA = GetComponent <Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib> ();

        MastVoiceVolA = 0.8f;         //Voice Volume or Amplitude: Controls Amp at the End of the Chain
        OscMidiFreqA  = 1 + Mathf.Round(Random.value * 120f);

        //Clock Loop Length. For a static, all-encompassing loop, remove Random.value * 12000f
        //With this in place, all cores will operate on an independent loop-length, making the piece hardly repetitive.
        MetroA = 4000f + Random.value * 12000f;

        //Attack and Decay Times: If Attack Time is less-than or equal to 150ms, set it to a random value between 1ms and 10ms. etc
        AtktA = Random.Range(1f, 400f);
        if (AtktA <= 150f)
            AtktA = Random.Range(5f, 15f);
        DectA = Random.Range(50f, 2000f);
        if (DectA <= 900f)
            DectA = Random.Range(40f, 100f);

        //Place within loop time
        objVarA = Mathf.Round(Random.value * 16);

        //Upper partial amplitudes? Needs clarification
        HV1A = (Random.value * 10f);
        HV2A = (Random.value * 10f);
        HV3A = (Random.value * 10f);
        HV4A = (Random.value * 10f);
        //Upper partial spectral structure? Needs clarification
        HF1A = Mathf.Sin(Random.Range(10f, 20f) * 10);
        HF2A = Mathf.Sin(Random.Range(10f, 20f) * 10);
        HF3A = Mathf.Sin(Random.Range(10f, 20f) * 10);
        HF4A = Mathf.Sin(Random.Range(10f, 20f) * 10);
        //Distortion Level
        DistA = 0.01f + (Random.value * 2);

        //Delaytimes Left and Right
        delayTimeLeft  = (Random.value * 4000);
        delayTimeRight = (Random.value * 4000);

        CoreA.SetFloatParameter(Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib.Parameter.Masterclock, MetroA);
        CoreA.SetFloatParameter(Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib.Parameter.Objvar, objVarA);

        CoreA.SetFloatParameter(Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib.Parameter.Mastervoicevolume, MastVoiceVolA);

        CoreA.SetFloatParameter(Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib.Parameter.Oscfreq, OscMidiFreqA);

        CoreA.SetFloatParameter(Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib.Parameter.Atkt, AtktA);          //Attack Time

        CoreA.SetFloatParameter(Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib.Parameter.Dect, DectA);          //Decay Time

        CoreA.SetFloatParameter(Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib.Parameter.Hv1, HV1A);

        CoreA.SetFloatParameter(Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib.Parameter.Hv2, HV2A);

        CoreA.SetFloatParameter(Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib.Parameter.Hv3, HV3A);

        CoreA.SetFloatParameter(Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib.Parameter.Hv4, HV4A);

        CoreA.SetFloatParameter(Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib.Parameter.Hf1, HF1A);

        CoreA.SetFloatParameter(Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib.Parameter.Hf2, HF2A);

        CoreA.SetFloatParameter(Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib.Parameter.Hf3, HF3A);

        CoreA.SetFloatParameter(Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib.Parameter.Hf4, HF4A);

        CoreA.SetFloatParameter(Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib.Parameter.Distortioncrush, DistA);

        CoreA.SetFloatParameter(Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib.Parameter.Lowpassfreq, LPFA);

        CoreA.SetFloatParameter(Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib.Parameter.Delaytimeleft, delayTimeLeft);

        CoreA.SetFloatParameter(Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib.Parameter.Delaytimeright, delayTimeRight);

        //PD Send Receiver Callback


        CoreA.FloatReceivedCallback += OnFloatMessage;

        float CoreScaleB = 1f;
コード例 #2
 private void OnEnable()
     _dsp = target as Hv_coreofinal_AudioLib;