コード例 #1
    public void Box_PointOnFace()
        using (var box = CreateBox())
            HullDrawingUtility.DrawBasicHull(box, RigidTransform.identity, Color.black, 100);

            var rotateEveryAxis45 = Quaternion.Euler((float3)45);

            // up and rotated position
            var insideUnitBox  = new RigidTransform(rotateEveryAxis45, new float3(0.2f, 1.34f, 0.1f));
            var outsideUnitBox = new RigidTransform(rotateEveryAxis45, new float3(0.2f, 1.38f, 0.1f));

            Assert.IsTrue(HullCollision.IsColliding(insideUnitBox, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));
            Assert.IsFalse(HullCollision.IsColliding(outsideUnitBox, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));

            HullDrawingUtility.DrawBasicHull(box, insideUnitBox, Color.blue, 100);
            HullDrawingUtility.DrawBasicHull(box, outsideUnitBox, Color.black, 100);

            // down and rotated position
            insideUnitBox  = new RigidTransform(rotateEveryAxis45, new float3(0.2f, -1.34f, 0.1f));
            outsideUnitBox = new RigidTransform(rotateEveryAxis45, new float3(0.2f, -1.38f, 0.1f));

            Assert.IsTrue(HullCollision.IsColliding(insideUnitBox, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));
            Assert.IsFalse(HullCollision.IsColliding(outsideUnitBox, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));

            HullDrawingUtility.DrawBasicHull(box, insideUnitBox, Color.blue, 100);
            HullDrawingUtility.DrawBasicHull(box, outsideUnitBox, Color.black, 100);
コード例 #2
    public static HullCollision OBBOBBCollision(OBBHull boxHull1, OBBHull boxHull2)
        Particle2D A = boxHull1.GetComponent <Particle2D>();
        Particle2D B = boxHull2.GetComponent <Particle2D>();

        Vector3[] shape1Corners;
        Vector3[] shape2Corners;
        shape1Corners = new Vector3[4];
        shape2Corners = new Vector3[4];
        Vector3[] normals      = new Vector3[4];
        float[]   shape1MinMax = new float[2];
        float[]   shape2MinMax = new float[2];

        shape1Corners = getRotatedCorners(boxHull1);
        shape2Corners = getRotatedCorners(boxHull2);

        normals[0] = getUpNormal(-boxHull1.currentRotation);
        normals[1] = getRightNormal(-boxHull1.currentRotation);
        normals[2] = getUpNormal(-boxHull2.currentRotation);
        normals[3] = getRightNormal(-boxHull2.currentRotation);

        HullCollision col = new HullCollision();

        col.a = boxHull1;
        col.b = boxHull2;
        Vector3 range = (boxHull2.transform.position + boxHull2.offset) - (boxHull1.transform.position + boxHull1.offset);
        //float xOverlap = boxHull1.halfX + boxHull2.halfX - Mathf.Abs(range.x);
        //float yOverlap = boxHull1.halfY + boxHull2.halfY - Mathf.Abs(range.y);


        //col.penetration = new Vector3(xOverlap, yOverlap);

        //Vector3 closingVel = A.velocity - B.velocity;
        Vector3 closingVel = B.velocity - A.velocity;

        col.closingVelocity = closingVel;

        HullCollision.Contact con0 = new HullCollision.Contact();
        con0.point       = new Vector3(Mathf.Clamp(range.x, -boxHull1.halfX, boxHull1.halfX), Mathf.Clamp(range.y, -boxHull1.halfY, boxHull1.halfY));
        con0.restitution = Mathf.Min(boxHull1.restitution, boxHull2.restitution);
        con0.normal      = range.normalized;

        for (int i = 0; i < normals.Length; i++)
            //Debug.Log("testing corner" + i);

            shape1MinMax = SatTest(normals[i], shape1Corners);
            shape2MinMax = SatTest(normals[i], shape2Corners);
            if (!Overlap(shape1MinMax[0], shape1MinMax[1], shape2MinMax[0], shape2MinMax[1]))
                col.status = false;
        col.status      = true;
        col.contacts[0] = con0;
コード例 #3
    public static HullCollision CircleAABBCollision(CircleHull circleHull, AABBHull boxHull)
        Particle2D A = boxHull.GetComponent <Particle2D>();
        Particle2D B = circleHull.GetComponent <Particle2D>();

        Vector3 closestPoint = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f);
        Vector3 range        = (circleHull.transform.position + circleHull.offset) - (boxHull.transform.position + boxHull.offset);

        closestPoint = new Vector3(Mathf.Clamp(range.x, -boxHull.halfX, boxHull.halfX), Mathf.Clamp(range.y, -boxHull.halfY, boxHull.halfY));

        HullCollision col = new HullCollision();

        col.a = boxHull;
        col.b = circleHull;
        Vector3 closingVel  = B.velocity - A.velocity;
        Vector3 penetration = range - (closestPoint - circleHull.transform.position + circleHull.offset);

        col.closingVelocity = closingVel;
        col.penetration     = penetration;

        HullCollision.Contact con0 = new HullCollision.Contact();
        con0.point       = closestPoint;
        con0.restitution = Mathf.Min(boxHull.restitution, circleHull.restitution);

        Vector3 collisionNormal = new Vector3();

        if ((range - closestPoint).magnitude - circleHull.radius < 0)
            if (con0.point.x == boxHull.halfX)//added mathf
                collisionNormal = new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f);
            if (con0.point.x == -boxHull.halfX)//added mathf
                collisionNormal = new Vector3(-1.0f, 0.0f);
            if (con0.point.y == boxHull.halfY)
                collisionNormal = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f);
            if (con0.point.y == -boxHull.halfY)
                collisionNormal = new Vector3(0.0f, -1.0f);

            con0.normal = collisionNormal;

            col.status      = true;
            col.contacts[0] = con0;
            col.status = false;

コード例 #4
    public static HullCollision CircleOBBCollision(CircleHull circleHull, OBBHull OBBHull)
        Particle2D A = circleHull.GetComponent <Particle2D>();
        Particle2D B = OBBHull.GetComponent <Particle2D>();

        Vector3[] OBBCorners;

        OBBCorners = new Vector3[2];//was 4
        Vector3[] normals      = new Vector3[2];
        float[]   OBBMinMax    = new float[2];
        float[]   circleMinMax = new float[2];

        OBBCorners = getRotatedCorners(OBBHull);

        normals[0] = getUpNormal(-OBBHull.currentRotation);
        normals[1] = getRightNormal(-OBBHull.currentRotation);
        //normals[2] = getUpNormal(-OBBHull2.currentRotation);
        //normals[3] = getRightNormal(-boxHull2.currentRotation);

        HullCollision col = new HullCollision();

        col.a = circleHull;
        col.b = OBBHull;
        Vector3 range = (OBBHull.transform.position + OBBHull.offset) - (circleHull.transform.position + circleHull.offset);

        Vector3 rotatedRange = getRotatedPoint(range, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f), -OBBHull.currentRotation);// 2 circleHull.transform.position
        Vector3 point        = new Vector3(Mathf.Clamp(rotatedRange.x, -OBBHull.halfX, OBBHull.halfX), Mathf.Clamp(rotatedRange.y, -OBBHull.halfY, OBBHull.halfY));
        //Debug.Log("range " + range);
        //Debug.Log("rotrange " + rotatedRange);

        //float xOverlap = boxHull1.halfX + boxHull2.halfX - Mathf.Abs(range.x);
        //float yOverlap = boxHull1.halfY + boxHull2.halfY - Mathf.Abs(range.y);

        //col.penetration = new Vector3(xOverlap, yOverlap);

        Vector3 closingVel = B.velocity - A.velocity;

        col.closingVelocity = closingVel;

        HullCollision.Contact con0 = new HullCollision.Contact();
        con0.point       = new Vector3(Mathf.Clamp(range.x, -OBBHull.halfX, OBBHull.halfX), Mathf.Clamp(range.y, -OBBHull.halfY, OBBHull.halfY));
        con0.restitution = Mathf.Min(OBBHull.restitution, circleHull.restitution);
        con0.normal      = range.normalized;
        //Debug.Log("point " + point);

        col.status = false;
        if ((rotatedRange - point).magnitude - circleHull.radius < 0)
            col.status      = true;
            col.contacts[0] = con0;
コード例 #5
    void VolumeBoundChecks()
        Hull3D  hull1;
        Hull3D  hull2;
        Vector3 range;
        float   radialSum;
        float   dot;

        for (int i = 0; i < allColliders.Count; i++)
            allColliders[i].gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.red;
            if (i != allColliders.Count - 1)                     // if i is not the last collider in the array
                for (int j = i + 1; j < allColliders.Count; j++) // compare it with all colliders after it
                    HullCollision col = new HullCollision();

                    hull1 = allColliders[i];
                    hull2 = allColliders[j];

                    col.a = hull1;
                    col.b = hull2;

                     * if (hull1.transform.position.magnitude <= hull2.transform.position.magnitude)
                     *  {
                     *      col.a = hull1;
                     *      col.b = hull2;
                     *  }
                     *  else
                     *  {
                     *      col.a = hull2;
                     *      col.b = hull1;
                     *  }
                    range = (col.b.transform.position - col.a.transform.position);

                    radialSum = hull1.boundingVolumeRadius + hull2.boundingVolumeRadius;
                    if (radialSum * radialSum >= range.sqrMagnitude)     // if the radial distance is greater than the actual distance
                        col.closingVelocity = col.a.GetComponent <Particle3D>().velocity - col.b.GetComponent <Particle3D>().velocity;
                        dot = Vector3.Dot(range.normalized, col.closingVelocity.normalized);
                        //if(dot<=0) // maybe remove
                        if (!CheckIfCollisionsContains(hull1, hull2))
コード例 #6
    public void Box_CornerOnCorner()
        using (var box = CreateBox())
            var insideUnitRangePosition  = new float3(0.99f, 0.99f, 0.99f);
            var outsideUnitRangePosition = new float3(1.01f, 1.01f, 1.01f);

            var insideUnitRange  = new RigidTransform(float3x3.identity, insideUnitRangePosition);
            var outsideUnitRange = new RigidTransform(float3x3.identity, outsideUnitRangePosition);

            Assert.IsTrue(HullCollision.IsColliding(insideUnitRange, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));
            Assert.IsFalse(HullCollision.IsColliding(outsideUnitRange, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));
コード例 #7
    public void Box_EdgeSeparation()
        using (var box = CreateBox())
            // These two boxes are positioned so that both face SAT checks would show no separation,
            // a working SAT edge test is required to catch the false positive.

            var boxTransformA = new RigidTransform(Quaternion.Euler(-24.357f, -4.779f, -32.115f), new float3(-0.089f, -0.821f, -2.233f));
            var boxTransformB = new RigidTransform(Quaternion.Euler(55.943f, 21.207f, 47.057f), new float3(-0.207f, -0.06f, -1.256f));

            Assert.IsFalse(HullCollision.IsColliding(boxTransformA, box, boxTransformB, box));

            HullDrawingUtility.DrawBasicHull(box, boxTransformA, Color.blue, 100);
            HullDrawingUtility.DrawBasicHull(box, boxTransformB, Color.black, 100);
コード例 #8
    public void Box_EdgeOnEdge()
        using (var box = CreateBox())
            HullDrawingUtility.DrawBasicHull(box, RigidTransform.identity, Color.black, 100);

            var rotateEveryAxis45 = Quaternion.Euler((float3)45);
            var insideUnitBox     = new RigidTransform(rotateEveryAxis45, new float3(0.2f, 1.1f, -0.80f));
            var outsideUnitBox    = new RigidTransform(rotateEveryAxis45, new float3(0.184f, 1.123f, -0.816f));

            Assert.IsTrue(HullCollision.IsColliding(insideUnitBox, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));
            Assert.IsFalse(HullCollision.IsColliding(outsideUnitBox, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));

            HullDrawingUtility.DrawBasicHull(box, insideUnitBox, Color.blue, 100);
            HullDrawingUtility.DrawBasicHull(box, outsideUnitBox, Color.black, 100);
コード例 #9
    public void Box_FaceOnFace()
        using (var box = CreateBox())
            var testTransform = new RigidTransform();

            testTransform.pos = Vector3.down * 0.99f;
            Assert.IsTrue(HullCollision.IsColliding(testTransform, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));

            testTransform.pos = Vector3.down * 1.01f;
            Assert.IsFalse(HullCollision.IsColliding(testTransform, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));

            testTransform.pos = Vector3.up * 0.99f;
            Assert.IsTrue(HullCollision.IsColliding(testTransform, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));

            testTransform.pos = Vector3.up * 1.01f;
            Assert.IsFalse(HullCollision.IsColliding(testTransform, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));

            testTransform.pos = Vector3.back * 0.99f;
            Assert.IsTrue(HullCollision.IsColliding(testTransform, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));

            testTransform.pos = Vector3.back * 1.01f;
            Assert.IsFalse(HullCollision.IsColliding(testTransform, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));

            testTransform.pos = Vector3.forward * 0.99f;
            Assert.IsTrue(HullCollision.IsColliding(testTransform, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));

            testTransform.pos = Vector3.forward * 1.01f;
            Assert.IsFalse(HullCollision.IsColliding(testTransform, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));

            testTransform.pos = Vector3.right * 0.99f;
            Assert.IsTrue(HullCollision.IsColliding(testTransform, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));

            testTransform.pos = Vector3.right * 1.01f;
            Assert.IsFalse(HullCollision.IsColliding(testTransform, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));

            testTransform.pos = Vector3.left * 0.99f;
            Assert.IsTrue(HullCollision.IsColliding(testTransform, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));

            testTransform.pos = Vector3.left * 1.01f;
            Assert.IsFalse(HullCollision.IsColliding(testTransform, box, RigidTransform.identity, box));
コード例 #10
    public static HullCollision CircleCircleCollision(CircleHull circleHull1, CircleHull circleHull2)
        // *IMPORTANT* for circle and square the collision only wirks with obejct1 - object 2 and not viceversa, must be a prob in clollision resolution
        Vector3 c1Offset = circleHull1.offset;
        Vector3 c2Offset = circleHull2.offset;

        Vector3 range   = (circleHull2.transform.position + c2Offset) - (circleHull1.transform.position + c1Offset); // make sure offsets arent screwing things up
        float   overlap = (circleHull2.radius + circleHull1.radius) - range.magnitude;

        HullCollision col = new HullCollision();

        col.a           = circleHull1;
        col.b           = circleHull2;
        col.penetration = range * overlap;

        HullCollision.Contact con0 = new HullCollision.Contact();
        con0.point       = (range.normalized * circleHull1.radius);
        con0.point      += new Vector3(circleHull1.transform.position.x, circleHull1.transform.position.y);
        con0.normal      = range.normalized;
        con0.restitution = Mathf.Min(circleHull1.restitution, circleHull2.restitution);

        col.contacts[0] = con0;

        Particle2D c1 = circleHull1.GetComponentInParent <Particle2D>();
        Particle2D c2 = circleHull2.GetComponentInParent <Particle2D>();

        Vector3 closingVel = c2.velocity - c1.velocity; // started as c1 -c2

        col.closingVelocity = closingVel;

        if (overlap > 0)
            col.status = true;
            col.status = false;
コード例 #11
    private void HandleHullCollisions()
        for (int i = 0; i < Transforms.Count; ++i)
            var tA = Transforms[i];
            if (tA == null)

            var hullA      = Hulls[tA.GetInstanceID()].Hull;
            var transformA = new RigidTransform(tA.rotation, tA.position);

            HullDrawingUtility.DrawDebugHull(hullA, transformA, HullDrawingOptions);

            if (LogClosestPoint)
                var sw3     = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
                var result3 = HullCollision.ClosestPoint(transformA, hullA, 0);

                var sw4     = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
                var result4 = HullOperations.ClosestPoint.Invoke(transformA, hullA, 0);

                if (DrawClosestPoint)
                    DebugDrawer.DrawSphere(result4, 0.1f, Color.blue);
                    DebugDrawer.DrawLine(result4, Vector3.zero, Color.blue);

                Debug.Log($"ClosestPoint between '{tA.name}' and world zero took: {sw3.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds:N4}ms (Normal), {sw4.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds:N4}ms (Burst)");

            for (int j = i + 1; j < Transforms.Count; j++)
                var tB = Transforms[j];
                if (tB == null)

                if (!tA.hasChanged && !tB.hasChanged)

                var hullB      = Hulls[tB.GetInstanceID()].Hull;
                var transformB = new RigidTransform(tB.rotation, tB.position);
                HullDrawingUtility.DrawDebugHull(hullB, transformB, HullDrawingOptions);

                DrawHullCollision(tA.gameObject, tB.gameObject, transformA, hullA, transformB, hullB);

                if (LogCollisions)
                    var sw1     = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    var result1 = HullCollision.IsColliding(transformA, hullA, transformB, hullB);

                    var sw2     = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    var result2 = HullOperations.IsColliding.Invoke(transformA, hullA, transformB, hullB);

                    Debug.Assert(result1 == result2);

                    Debug.Log($"Collisions between '{tA.name}'/'{tB.name}' took: {sw1.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds:N4}ms (Normal), {sw2.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds:N4}ms (Burst)");

        if (LogCollisions)
コード例 #12
    public void DrawHullCollision(GameObject a, GameObject b, RigidTransform t1, NativeHull hull1, RigidTransform t2, NativeHull hull2)
        var collision = HullCollision.GetDebugCollisionInfo(t1, hull1, t2, hull2);

        if (collision.IsColliding)
            if (DrawIntersection) // Visualize all faces of the intersection
                HullIntersection.DrawNativeHullHullIntersection(t1, hull1, t2, hull2);

            if (DrawContact || LogContact)  // Visualize the minimal contact calcluation for physics
                //var manifold = HullOperations.GetContact.Invoke(t1, hull1, t2, hull2);

                var sw1          = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
                var tmp          = new NativeManifold(Allocator.Persistent);
                var normalResult = HullIntersection.NativeHullHullContact(ref tmp, t1, hull1, t2, hull2);

                var sw2         = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
                var burstResult = HullOperations.TryGetContact.Invoke(out NativeManifold manifold, t1, hull1, t2, hull2);

                if (LogContact)
                    Debug.Log($"GetContact between '{a.name}'/'{b.name}' took: {sw1.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds:N4}ms (Normal), {sw2.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds:N4}ms (Burst)");

                if (DrawContact && burstResult)
                    // Do something with manifold


                    //var points = manifold.Points;

                    for (int i = 0; i < manifold.Length; i++)
                        var point = manifold[i];
                        DebugDrawer.DrawSphere(point.Position, 0.02f);
                        DebugDrawer.DrawArrow(point.Position, manifold.Normal * 0.2f);

                        var penentrationPoint = point.Position + manifold.Normal * point.Distance;
                        DebugDrawer.DrawLabel(penentrationPoint, $"{point.Distance:N2}");

                        HullDrawingUtility.DrawEdge(point.Id.FeaturePair.InEdge1, t1, hull1);
                        HullDrawingUtility.DrawEdge(point.Id.FeaturePair.OutEdge1, t1, hull1);
                        HullDrawingUtility.DrawEdge(point.Id.FeaturePair.InEdge2, t1, hull1);
                        HullDrawingUtility.DrawEdge(point.Id.FeaturePair.OutEdge2, t1, hull1);

                        HullDrawingUtility.DrawEdge(point.Id.FeaturePair.InEdge1, t2, hull2);
                        HullDrawingUtility.DrawEdge(point.Id.FeaturePair.OutEdge1, t2, hull2);
                        HullDrawingUtility.DrawEdge(point.Id.FeaturePair.InEdge2, t2, hull2);
                        HullDrawingUtility.DrawEdge(point.Id.FeaturePair.OutEdge2, t2, hull2);

                        DebugDrawer.DrawDottedLine(point.Position, penentrationPoint);


            if (DrawIsCollided)
                DebugDrawer.DrawSphere(t1.pos, 0.1f, UnityColors.GhostDodgerBlue);
                DebugDrawer.DrawSphere(t2.pos, 0.1f, UnityColors.GhostDodgerBlue);

        if (DrawClosestFace)
            var color1 = collision.Face1.Distance > 0 ? UnityColors.Red.ToOpacity(0.3f) : UnityColors.Yellow.ToOpacity(0.3f);
            HullDrawingUtility.DrawFaceWithOutline(collision.Face1.Index, t1, hull1, color1, UnityColors.Black);

            var color2 = collision.Face2.Distance > 0 ? UnityColors.Red.ToOpacity(0.3f) : UnityColors.Yellow.ToOpacity(0.3f);
            HullDrawingUtility.DrawFaceWithOutline(collision.Face2.Index, t2, hull2, color2, UnityColors.Black);
コード例 #13
    public static void ResolveCollision(HullCollision col)
        Particle2D A = col.a.GetComponent <Particle2D>();
        Particle2D B = col.b.GetComponent <Particle2D>();
        float      invAMass;
        float      invBMass;

        if (A.mass == 0)
            invAMass = 0;
            invAMass = 1 / A.mass;
        if (B.mass == 0)
            invBMass = 0;
            invBMass = 1 / B.mass;

        float velAlongNormal = Vector3.Dot(col.closingVelocity, col.contacts[0].normal);

        //Debug.Log("velAlongNormal " + velAlongNormal);

        if (velAlongNormal > 0)
            return;                     // > makes square work properly
        // restitustion
        float e = col.contacts[0].restitution;
        // impulse scalar
        float j = -(1 + e) * velAlongNormal;

        j /= invAMass + invBMass;

        Vector3 impulse = j * col.contacts[0].normal;


        //A.velocity = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        //B.velocity = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

        A.velocity -= invAMass * impulse;
        B.velocity += invBMass * impulse;

        // Positional Correction
        if (col.status)
            float   percent    = 0.2f;
            float   slop       = 0.01f;
            Vector3 correction = Mathf.Max(velAlongNormal - slop, 0) / (invAMass + invBMass) * percent * col.contacts[0].normal;
            A.position += invAMass * correction; // started -
            B.position -= invBMass * correction; // started +
コード例 #14
    public static HullCollision AABBAABBCollision(AABBHull boxHull1, AABBHull boxHull2)
        Vector3    min0, max0, min1, max1;
        Vector3    b1Offset = boxHull1.offset;
        Vector3    b2Offset = boxHull2.offset;
        Particle2D A        = boxHull1.GetComponent <Particle2D>();
        Particle2D B        = boxHull2.GetComponent <Particle2D>();

        min0 = boxHull1.transform.position - new Vector3(boxHull1.halfX, boxHull1.halfY) + b1Offset;
        max0 = boxHull1.transform.position + new Vector3(boxHull1.halfX, boxHull1.halfY) + b1Offset;
        min1 = boxHull2.transform.position - new Vector3(boxHull2.halfX, boxHull2.halfY) + b2Offset;
        max1 = boxHull2.transform.position + new Vector3(boxHull2.halfX, boxHull2.halfY) + b2Offset;

        Vector3 range = (boxHull2.transform.position + b2Offset) - (boxHull1.transform.position + b1Offset); // make sure offsets arent screwing things up

        HullCollision col = new HullCollision();

        col.a = boxHull1;
        col.b = boxHull2;

        float xOverlap = boxHull1.halfX + boxHull2.halfX - Mathf.Abs(range.x);
        float yOverlap = boxHull1.halfY + boxHull2.halfY - Mathf.Abs(range.y);


        col.penetration = new Vector3(xOverlap, yOverlap);

        //Vector3 closingVel = A.velocity - B.velocity;
        Vector3 closingVel = B.velocity - A.velocity;

        col.closingVelocity = closingVel;

        HullCollision.Contact con0 = new HullCollision.Contact();
        con0.point       = new Vector3(Mathf.Clamp(range.x, -boxHull1.halfX, boxHull1.halfX), Mathf.Clamp(range.y, -boxHull1.halfY, boxHull1.halfY));
        con0.restitution = Mathf.Min(boxHull1.restitution, boxHull2.restitution);

        if (max0.x >= min1.x && max1.x >= min0.x)
            if (max0.y >= min1.y && max1.y >= min0.y)
                Vector3 collisionNormal = new Vector3();

                if (con0.point.x == boxHull1.halfX)//added mathf
                    collisionNormal = new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f);
                if (con0.point.x == -boxHull1.halfX)//added mathf
                    collisionNormal = new Vector3(-1.0f, 0.0f);
                if (con0.point.y == boxHull1.halfY)
                    collisionNormal = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f);
                if (con0.point.y == -boxHull1.halfY)
                    collisionNormal = new Vector3(0.0f, -1.0f);

                con0.normal = collisionNormal;

                col.status = true;
            col.status = false;
        col.contacts[0] = con0;