/// <summary> /// VEX框架的主入口 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public Boolean Execute() { try { string strResult = ""; HttpTools http = new HttpTools(); int nExecuteRowCount = 200; string strurl = ""; if (m_request != null && m_request.Tables.Count > 0 && m_request.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1) { if (m_request.Tables[0].Columns.Contains("executeRowCount")) { try { nExecuteRowCount = Convert.ToInt32(m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["executeRowCount"]); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (m_request.Tables[0].Columns.Contains("posturl")) { try { strurl = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["posturl"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("目标服务器URL不正确,请查看配置。"); return false; } } } m_conn.TimeOut = 60; //事务开始 m_conn.Excute("update [dbo].[Put_SKU] set WCSFlag=2 where isnull(WCSFlag,0)=0 and SKU_GROUP4 NOT IN ('P','X','LX','RS','E','G','F','J','K','N','S','T','Z','D','B','Q')"); m_conn.BeginTransaction(); string strSQL = @" SELECT top " + nExecuteRowCount.ToString() + @" [NewID] ,[CreateTime] ,[Timestamps] ,[WMSFlag] ,[WCSFlag] ,[SKU] ,[Descr_C] ,[SKU_GROUP4] ,[SKU_GROUP1] ,[Price] ,[Alternate_SKU1] ,[ReservedField01] ,[ReservedField02] ,[ReservedField03] ,[ReservedField04] ,[ReservedField05] ,[ReservedField06] ,[ReservedField07] ,[NOTES] ,styleid INTO #tmp FROM [dbo].[Put_SKU] WHERE isnull(WCSFlag,0)=0 And SKU_GROUP4 IN ('P','X','LX','RS','E','G','F','J','K','N','S','T','Z','D','B','Q') ORDER BY CreateTime ASC,Timestamps ASC UPDATE [dbo].[Put_SKU] SET WCSFlag=1 WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM #tmp WHERE #tmp.NewID = Put_SKU.newid) SELECT * FROM #tmp DROP TABLE #tmp "; DataTable dtData = m_conn.GetDataTable(strSQL); string strInputValue = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><goodsDatas>"; if (dtData.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dtData.Rows.Count; i++) { strInputValue += "<goodsData>"; strInputValue += "<sku>" + dtData.Rows[i]["SKU"].ToString() + "</sku>"; strInputValue += "<price>" + dtData.Rows[i]["PRICE"].ToString() + "</price>"; strInputValue += "<sizeId>" + dtData.Rows[i]["ReservedField04"].ToString() + "</sizeId>"; strInputValue += "<colorId>" + dtData.Rows[i]["ReservedField05"].ToString() + "</colorId>"; strInputValue += "<goodsName>" + dtData.Rows[i]["Descr_C"].ToString() + "</goodsName>"; strInputValue += "<channelId>1</channelId>"; strInputValue += "<merchantId>1</merchantId>"; strInputValue += "<fid>" + dtData.Rows[i]["styleid"].ToString() + "</fid>"; //strInputValue += "<fid>001test</fid>"; strInputValue += "<barcode>" + dtData.Rows[i]["Alternate_SKU1"].ToString() + "</barcode>"; strInputValue += "<isUpdate>0</isUpdate>"; strInputValue += "<goodsCategory>" + dtData.Rows[i]["ReservedField03"].ToString() + "</goodsCategory>"; strInputValue += "<bigCategory>" + dtData.Rows[i]["SKU_GROUP1"].ToString() + "</bigCategory>"; strInputValue += "<smallCategory>" + dtData.Rows[i]["ReservedField01"].ToString() + "</smallCategory>"; strInputValue += "<goodsbrand>" + dtData.Rows[i]["SKU_GROUP4"].ToString() + "</goodsbrand>"; strInputValue += "<brandName>" + dtData.Rows[i]["ReservedField02"].ToString() + "</brandName>"; strInputValue += "<year>" + dtData.Rows[i]["ReservedField06"].ToString() + "</year>"; strInputValue += "<season>" + dtData.Rows[i]["ReservedField07"].ToString() + "</season>"; strInputValue += "</goodsData>"; } //ws.Timeout = 3600 * 1000; strInputValue += "</goodsDatas>"; strInputValue = strInputValue.Replace("&", "&"); strResult = http.CreateHttpPost(strurl, strInputValue, false, "UTF-8", "application/xml"); HZY.COM.Common.Log.WirteLogWS("IBMWCSKUInterface:" + strResult + " 传入参数:" + strInputValue, null); //执行失败 if (!strResult.Contains("成功")) { m_conn.RollbackTransaction(); return false; } } //事务提交 --注意:不能移动到每个方法里面,这里面的方法会有互相调用的情况 m_conn.CommitTransaction(); } catch { m_conn.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } return true; }
private string ExecuteRestful(DataSet pdsWSID, DataSet pdsRequest) { string strParam = ""; string strType = pdsWSID.Tables[0].Rows[0]["WSMethod"].ToString().ToLower(); string strUnicode = pdsWSID.Tables[0].Rows[0]["WSUnicode"].ToString().ToUpper(); for (int j = 0; j < pdsWSID.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++) { if (pdsWSID.Tables[0].Rows[j]["ParamName"] == DBNull.Value) { continue; } string strParamName = pdsWSID.Tables[0].Rows[j]["ParamName"].ToString(); DataRow[] drList = pdsRequest.Tables[0].Select("ParamName='" + strParamName + "'"); if (drList.Length > 0) { if (strType == "get") { strParam += drList[0]["ParamName"].ToString() + "="; strParam += drList[0]["ParamValue"].ToString() + "&"; //Microsoft.JScript.GlobalObject.escape( } else if (strType == "post") { strParam = drList[0]["ParamValue"].ToString(); } } else { if (pdsWSID.Tables[0].Rows[j]["DefaultValue"] != DBNull.Value) { if (strType == "get") { strParam += strParamName + "="; strParam += pdsWSID.Tables[0].Rows[j]["DefaultValue"].ToString() + "&"; } else if (strType == "post") { strParam = drList[0]["ParamValue"].ToString(); } } else { if (pdsWSID.Tables[0].Rows[j]["ParamMustFlag"].ToString() == "1") { throw new Exception(strParamName + "参数没有被赋值!"); } } } } string strResult = ""; HttpTools http = new HttpTools(); string strurl = GetURL(pdsWSID); if (strType == "get") { strResult = http.CreateHttpGet(strurl + strParam, false, strUnicode); } else if (strType == "post") { strResult = http.CreateHttpPost(strurl, strParam, false, strUnicode); } return strResult; }
/// <summary> /// VEX框架的主入口 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public Boolean Execute() { Log log = new Log(); try { string strResult = ""; HttpTools http = new HttpTools(); int nExecuteRowCount = 200; string strurl = ""; if (m_request != null && m_request.Tables.Count > 0 && m_request.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1) { if (m_request.Tables[0].Columns.Contains("executeRowCount")) { try { nExecuteRowCount = Convert.ToInt32(m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["executeRowCount"]); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (m_request.Tables[0].Columns.Contains("posturl")) { try { strurl = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["posturl"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("目标服务器URL不正确,请查看配置。"); } } } m_conn.TimeOut = 60; //事务开始 m_conn.BeginTransaction(); string strSQL = @" SELECT top " + nExecuteRowCount.ToString() + @" [NewID] ,[CreateTime] ,[WCSFlag] ,[SKU] ,[totalInventory] ,[UpdateTime] INTO #tmp FROM [dbo].[Put_SkuStock] WHERE isnull(WCSFlag,0)=0 ORDER BY CreateTime ASC,Timestamps DESC UPDATE [dbo].[Put_SkuStock] SET WCSFlag=1 WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM #tmp WHERE #tmp.NewID = Put_SkuStock.newid) SELECT * FROM #tmp DROP TABLE #tmp "; DataTable dtData = m_conn.GetDataTable(strSQL); string strInputValue = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><goodsDatas>"; if (dtData.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dtData.Rows.Count; i++) { strInputValue += "<goodsData>"; strInputValue += "<sku>" + dtData.Rows[i]["SKU"].ToString() + "</sku>"; strInputValue += "<totalStork>" + dtData.Rows[i]["totalInventory"].ToString() + "</totalStork>"; strInputValue += "<updateFlag>0</updateFlag>"; strInputValue += "</goodsData>"; } strInputValue += "</goodsDatas>"; log.WritePostLog("IBMWCStockInterface", strurl, strInputValue); strResult = http.CreateHttpPost(strurl, strInputValue, false, "UTF-8", "application/xml"); log.WritePostLogUpdateResult(strResult); //执行失败 if (!strResult.Contains("成功")) { m_conn.RollbackTransaction(); throw new Exception("调用接口失败,返回信息为:" + "调用地址:" + strurl+" 返回信息:" + strResult); return false; } } //事务提交 --注意:不能移动到每个方法里面,这里面的方法会有互相调用的情况 m_conn.CommitTransaction(); } catch(Exception ex) { log.WritePostLogUpdateResult(ex.ToString()); m_conn.RollbackTransaction(); throw ex; } return true; }