public void CreateBinary() { var bin = DemoData.GetDemoBinary(); ResourceEntry <Binary> received = null; HttpTests.AssertSuccess(client, () => received = client.Create <Binary>(bin)); HttpTests.AssertLocationPresentAndValid(client); var binResult = client.Read <Binary>(received.Id); if (binResult.Resource.ContentType != bin.ContentType) { TestResult.Fail("Created binary of type " + bin.ContentType + "but received " + client.LastResponseDetails.ContentType); } HttpTests.AssertContentLocationValidIfPresent(client); compareData(bin.Content, binResult); binaryId = received.Id; }
private Uri tryCreatePatient(FhirClient client, ResourceFormat formatIn, string id = null) { client.PreferredFormat = formatIn; ResourceEntry <Patient> created = null; Patient demopat = DemoData.GetDemoPatient(); if (id == null) { HttpTests.AssertSuccess(client, () => created = client.Create <Patient>(demopat)); } else { HttpTests.AssertSuccess(client, () => created = client.Create <Patient>(demopat, id)); var ep = new RestUrl(client.Endpoint); if (!ep.IsEndpointFor(created.Id)) { TestResult.Fail("Location of created resource is not located within server endpoint"); } var rl = new ResourceIdentity(created.Id); if (rl.Id != id) { TestResult.Fail("Server refused to honor client-assigned id"); } } HttpTests.AssertLocationPresentAndValid(client); // Create bevat geen response content meer. Terecht verwijderd?: // EK: Niet helemaal, er is weliswaar geen data meer gereturned, maar de headers (id, versie, modified) worden // nog wel geupdate HttpTests.AssertContentLocationValidIfPresent(client); return(created.SelfLink); }
private void checkResultHeaders() { HttpTests.AssertValidResourceContentTypePresent(client); HttpTests.AssertContentLocationValidIfPresent(client); }