private static void HttpPostRoot(HttpServerResponse resp, HttpServerRequest req) { networkLed.High(); try { FormParameters Parameters = req.Data as FormParameters; if (Parameters == null) { throw new HttpException(HttpStatusCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } string UserName = Parameters ["UserName"]; string Password = Parameters ["Password"]; string Hash; object AuthorizationObject; GetDigestUserPasswordHash(UserName, out Hash, out AuthorizationObject); if (AuthorizationObject == null || Hash != CalcHash(UserName, Password)) { resp.ContentType = "text/html"; resp.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; resp.ReturnCode = HttpStatusCode.Successful_OK; Log.Warning("Invalid login attempt.", EventLevel.Minor, UserName, req.ClientAddress); OutputLoginForm(resp, "<p>The login was incorrect. Either the user name or the password was incorrect. Please try again.</p>"); } else { Log.Information("User logged in.", EventLevel.Minor, UserName, req.ClientAddress); string SessionId = CreateSessionId(UserName); resp.SetCookie("SessionId", SessionId, "/"); resp.ReturnCode = HttpStatusCode.Redirection_SeeOther; resp.AddHeader("Location", "/"); resp.SendResponse(); // PRG pattern, to avoid problems with post back warnings in the browser: } } finally { networkLed.Low(); } }
private static void HttpPostRoot (HttpServerResponse resp, HttpServerRequest req) { FormParameters Parameters = req.Data as FormParameters; if (Parameters == null) throw new HttpException (HttpStatusCode.ClientError_BadRequest); string UserName = Parameters ["UserName"]; string Password = Parameters ["Password"]; string Hash; object AuthorizationObject; GetDigestUserPasswordHash (UserName, out Hash, out AuthorizationObject); if (AuthorizationObject == null || Hash != CalcHash (UserName, Password)) { resp.ContentType = "text/html"; resp.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; resp.ReturnCode = HttpStatusCode.Successful_OK; Log.Warning ("Invalid login attempt.", EventLevel.Minor, UserName, req.ClientAddress); OutputLoginForm (resp, "<p>The login was incorrect. Either the user name or the password was incorrect. Please try again.</p>"); } else { Log.Information ("User logged in.", EventLevel.Minor, UserName, req.ClientAddress); string SessionId = CreateSessionId (UserName); resp.SetCookie ("SessionId", SessionId, "/"); resp.ReturnCode = HttpStatusCode.Redirection_SeeOther; resp.AddHeader ("Location", "/"); resp.SendResponse (); // PRG pattern, to avoid problems with post back warnings in the browser: } }