public void HttpParameterDescriptionCollection_Unsynchronized_Insert()
            HttpParameterDescriptionCollection coll = new HttpParameterDescriptionCollection();
            HttpParameterDescription hpd1 = new HttpParameterDescription()
                Name = "First",
                Namespace = "FirstNS",
                Index = 0,
                ParameterType = typeof(string)
            HttpParameterDescription hpd2 = new HttpParameterDescription()
                Name = "Second",
                Namespace = "SecondNS",
                Index = 1,
                ParameterType = typeof(int)
            HttpParameterDescription hpd3 = new HttpParameterDescription()
                Name = "Third",
                Namespace = "ThirdNS",
                Index = 2,
                ParameterType = typeof(double)

            // Insert semamtics allow index==Count.  Verify.
            coll.Insert(0, hpd1);
            coll.Insert(1, hpd2);

            // Now really insert between
            coll.Insert(1, hpd3);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, coll.Count, "Insert failed");
            Assert.AreSame(hpd3, coll[1], "Insert went to wrong spot");
            Assert.AreSame(hpd2, coll[2], "Insert did not move items");

            // Insert negative
                "Insert throws argument null for null item",
                () => coll.Insert(0, null)

                "Insert should throw for negative index",
                () => coll.Insert(-1, hpd3),

                "Insert should throw for too large index",
                () => coll.Insert(4, hpd3),
        public void HttpParameterDescriptionCollection_Synchronized_Insert()
            OperationDescription od1 = GetOperationDescription(typeof(MockService3), "SampleInOutMethod");
            OperationDescription od2 = GetOperationDescription(typeof(MockService3), "SampleMethod");
            MessagePartDescriptionCollection mpdColl = od1.Messages[0].Body.Parts;
            Assert.AreEqual(2, mpdColl.Count, "MessagePartDescriptionCollection should show 2 existing input parameters");

            MessagePartDescriptionCollection mpdColl2 = od2.Messages[0].Body.Parts;
            Assert.AreEqual(1, mpdColl2.Count, "MessagePartDescriptionCollection 2 should show 1 existing input parameters");

            // Pull out individual parts to test synching at item level
            MessagePartDescription mpd1 = mpdColl[0];
            MessagePartDescription mpd2 = mpdColl[1];

            // Use a MPD from a 2nd collection so we can add and remove it
            MessagePartDescription mpd3 = mpdColl2[0];

            // This ctor creates the synchronized form of the collection.   It should immediately reflect
            // the state of the MPD collection
            HttpParameterDescriptionCollection hpdColl = new HttpParameterDescriptionCollection(od1, isOutputCollection: false);
            Assert.IsNotNull(hpdColl, "Failed to create HttpParameterDescriptionCollection");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, hpdColl.Count, "HttpParameterDescriptionCollection should show 2 existing input parameters");

            // Extension method creates synched version of HPD from MPD's
            HttpParameterDescription hpd1 = mpd1.ToHttpParameterDescription();
            HttpParameterDescription hpd2 = mpd2.ToHttpParameterDescription();

            // Ensure the extension method created HPD's that point to the idential MPD
            Assert.AreEqual(mpd1, hpd1.MessagePartDescription, "HttParameterDescription 1 linked to wrong MessagePartDescription");
            Assert.AreEqual(mpd2, hpd2.MessagePartDescription, "HttParameterDescription 2 linked to wrong MessagePartDescription");

            // Keep one from 2nd collection
            HttpParameterDescription hpd3 = mpd3.ToHttpParameterDescription();

            // Insert
            hpdColl.Insert(1, hpd3);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, hpdColl.Count, "Insert failed");
            Assert.AreSame(hpd3.MessagePartDescription, hpdColl[1].MessagePartDescription, "Insert went to wrong spot");
            Assert.AreSame(hpd2.MessagePartDescription, hpdColl[2].MessagePartDescription, "Insert did not move items");

            // Insert negative
                "Insert throws argument null for null item",
                () => hpdColl.Insert(0, null)

                "Insert should throw for negative index",
                () => hpdColl.Insert(-1, hpd3),

                "Insert should throw for too large index",
                () => hpdColl.Insert(4, hpd3),
        public void HttpParameterDescriptionCollection_Synchronized_Collection_Throws_New_Mock_HttpParameterDescriptions()
            OperationDescription od = GetOperationDescription(typeof(MockService3), "SampleInOutMethod");
            MessagePartDescriptionCollection mpdColl = od.Messages[0].Body.Parts;
            HttpParameterDescriptionCollection hpdColl = new HttpParameterDescriptionCollection(od, isOutputCollection: false);
            Assert.IsFalse(hpdColl.IsReadOnly, "Collection should not be readonly");

            // Create a new HPD from simple types
            HttpParameterDescription hpd = new HttpParameterDescription()
                Name = "MockHpd",
                Namespace = "MockHpdNS",
                Index = 2,
                ParameterType = this.GetType()

                "Should throw if attempt to add unsynchronized item to synchronized collection",
                () => hpdColl.Add(hpd));

                "Should throw if attempt to insert unsynchronized item to synchronized collection",
                () => hpdColl.Insert(0, hpd));

                "Should throw if attempt to test contains of unsynchronized item to synchronized collection",
                () => hpdColl.Contains(hpd));

                "Should throw if attempt to test contains of unsynchronized item to synchronized collection",
                () => hpdColl.IndexOf(hpd));