コード例 #1
        public IActionResult Put(int id, [FromBody] string value)
            var    studentChangeInput = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(value);
            string fullName           = studentChangeInput.FullName.Value;
            string email         = studentChangeInput.Email.Value;
            string admissionId   = studentChangeInput.AdmissionId.Value;
            string mobileContact = studentChangeInput.MobileContact.Value;
            //DateTime datatype is not that straightforward.
            //Need to make a DateTime datatype conversion first because
            //the DateOfBirth of the foundOneStudent instance is DateTime datatype.
            DateTime dateOfBirth = DateTime.ParseExact(studentChangeInput.DateOfBirth.Value, "d/M/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            string   courseId    = studentChangeInput.CourseId.Value;

            var successRequestResultMessage = new
                Message = string.Format("Server side has received the data. For example, full name is {0} email is {1} courseId is {2}. The logic in this Put() method are all dummy code. You will need to do it in the subsequent practical exerices.", fullName, email, courseId)

            //Create a HttpOkObjectResult class instance, httpOkResult.
            //When creating the object, provide the previous message object into it.
            HttpOkObjectResult httpOkResult =
                new HttpOkObjectResult(successRequestResultMessage);

            //Send the HttpOkObjectResult class object back to the client.
コード例 #2
        public IActionResult Put(int id, [FromBody] string value)
            string customMessage      = "";
            var    companyChangeInput = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(value);

            //To obtain the company name information:
            //use companyChangeInput.CompanyName.value
            //To obtain the address information:
            //use companyChangeInput.Address.value
                //Find the Company Entity through the Companies Entity Set
                //by calling the Single() method.
                //I learnt Single() method from this online reference:
                var foundOneCompany = Database.Companies
                                      .Single(item => item.CompanyId == id);
                foundOneCompany.CompanyName   = companyChangeInput.CompanyName;
                foundOneCompany.Address       = companyChangeInput.Address.Value;
                foundOneCompany.PostalCode    = companyChangeInput.PostalCode.Value;
                foundOneCompany.CompanyTypeId = Int32.Parse(companyChangeInput.CompanyTypeId.Value);
                foundOneCompany.UpdatedAt     = DateTime.Now;

                //Tell the database model to commit/persist the changes to the database,
                //I use the following command.
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.InnerException.Message
                    .Contains("Company_CompanyName_UniqueConstraint") == true)
                    customMessage = "Unable to save company record due " +
                                    "to another record having the same name as : " +
                    //Create a fail message anonymous object that has one property, Message.
                    //This anonymous object's Message property contains a simple string message
                    object httpFailRequestResultMessage = new { Message = customMessage };
                    //Return a bad http request message to the client
            }//End of try .. catch block on saving data
            //Construct a custom message for the client
            //Create a success message anonymous object which has a
            //Message member variable (property)
            var successRequestResultMessage = new
                Message = "Saved company record"

            //Create a HttpOkObjectResult class instance, httpOkResult.
            //When creating the object, provide the previous message object into it.
            HttpOkObjectResult httpOkResult =
                new HttpOkObjectResult(successRequestResultMessage);

            //Send the HttpOkObjectResult class object back to the client.
        }//End of Put() Web API method      (// PUT api/Companies/5)
コード例 #3
        public IActionResult Post([FromBody] string value)
            string  customMessage   = "";
            Student oneNewStudent   = new Student();
            var     studentNewInput = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(value);

            //To obtain the full name information, use studentNewInput.FullName.value
            //To obtain the email information, use studentNewInput.Email.value
            oneNewStudent.FullName      = studentNewInput.FullName.Value;
            oneNewStudent.Email         = studentNewInput.Email.Value;
            oneNewStudent.AdmissionId   = studentNewInput.AdmissionId.Value;
            oneNewStudent.MobileContact = studentNewInput.MobileContact.Value;
            //DateTime datatype is not that straightforward.
            //Need to make a DateTime datatype conversion first because
            //the DateOfBirth of the foundOneStudent instance is DateTime datatype.
            oneNewStudent.DateOfBirth =
                                    "d/M/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            oneNewStudent.CourseId = Convert.ToInt32(studentNewInput.CourseId.Value);

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.InnerException.Message
                    .Contains("Student_AdmissionId_UniqueConstraint") == true)
                    customMessage = "Unable to save student record due " +
                                    "to another record having the same admin id : " +
                    //Create a fail message anonymous object that has one property, Message.
                    //This anonymous object's Message property contains a simple string message
                    object httpFailRequestResultMessage = new { Message = customMessage };
                    //Return a bad http request message to the client
            }//End of try .. catch block on saving data
             //Construct a custom message for the client
             //Create a success message anonymous object which has a
             //Message member variable (property)
            var successRequestResultMessage = new
                Message = "Saved student record"

            //Create a HttpOkObjectResult class instance, httpOkResult.
            //When creating the object, provide the previous message object into it.
            HttpOkObjectResult httpOkResult =
                new HttpOkObjectResult(successRequestResultMessage);

            //Send the HttpOkObjectResult class object back to the client.
        }//End of Post() method
コード例 #4
        public IActionResult Post([FromBody] string value)
            string customMessage = "";
            //Reconstruct a useful object from the input string value.
            dynamic companyNewInput = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(value);
            Company newCompany      = new Company();

                //Copy out all the company data into the new Company instance,
                newCompany.CompanyName   = companyNewInput.CompanyName.Value;
                newCompany.Address       = companyNewInput.Address.Value;
                newCompany.PostalCode    = companyNewInput.PostalCode.Value;
                newCompany.CompanyTypeId = Int32.Parse(companyNewInput.CompanyTypeId.Value);
                Database.SaveChanges();                        //Telling the database model to save the changes
            catch (Exception exceptionObject)
                if (exceptionObject.InnerException.Message
                    .Contains("Company_CompanyName_UniqueConstraint") == true)
                    customMessage = "Unable to save company record due " +
                                    "to another record having the same name as : " +
                    //Create a fail message anonymous object that has one property, Message.
                    //This anonymous object's Message property contains a simple string message
                    object httpFailRequestResultMessage = new { Message = customMessage };
                    //Return a bad http request message to the client
            }            //End of Try..Catch block

            //If there is no runtime error in the try catch block, the code execution
            //should reach here. Sending success message back to the client.

            //Construct a custom message for the client
            //Create a success message anonymous object which has a
            //Message member variable (property)
            var successRequestResultMessage = new
                Message = "Saved company record"

            //Create a HttpOkObjectResult class instance, httpOkResult.
            //When creating the object, provide the previous message object into it.
            HttpOkObjectResult httpOkResult =
                new HttpOkObjectResult(successRequestResultMessage);

            //Send the HttpOkObjectResult class object back to the client.
        }        //End of Post() method
コード例 #5
        public IActionResult Post([FromBody] string value)
            string customMessage = "";
            //Reconstruct a useful object from the input string value.
            dynamic courseNewInput = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(value);
            Course  newCourse      = new Course();

                //Copy out all the course data into the new Course instance,
                newCourse.CourseAbbreviation = courseNewInput.CourseAbbreviation.Value;
                newCourse.CourseName         = courseNewInput.CourseName.Value;
                //When I add this Course instance, newCourse into the
                //Courses Entity Set, it will turn into a Course entity waiting to be mapped
                //as a new record inside the actual Course table.
                Database.SaveChanges();//Telling the database model to save the changes
            catch (Exception exceptionObject)
                if (exceptionObject.InnerException.Message
                    .Contains("Course_CourseAbbreviation_UniqueConstraint") == true)
                    customMessage = "Unable to save course record due " +
                                    "to another record having the same abbreviation : " +
                    //Create an anonymous object that has one property, Message.
                    //This anonymous object's Message property contains a simple string message
                    object httpFailRequestResultMessage = new { Message = customMessage };
                    //Return a bad http request message to the client
            }//End of Try..Catch block

            //If there is no runtime error in the try catch block, the code execution
            //should reach here. Sending success message back to the client.

            //Construct a custom message for the client
            //Create a success message anonymous object which has a
            //Message member variable (property)
            var successRequestResultMessage = new
                Message = "Saved course record"
            //Create a HttpOkObjectResult class instance, httpOkResult.
            //When creating the object, provide the previous message object into it.
            HttpOkObjectResult httpOkResult =
                new HttpOkObjectResult(successRequestResultMessage);

            //Send the HttpOkObjectResult class object back to the client.
        }//End of POST api
コード例 #6
        public IActionResult Put(int id, [FromBody] string value)
            string customMessage      = "";
            var    studentChangeInput = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(value);
            var foundOneStudent = Database.Students
                                  .Where(item => item.StudentId == id).FirstOrDefault();

            foundOneStudent.FullName      = studentChangeInput.FullName.Value;
            foundOneStudent.Email         = studentChangeInput.Email.Value;
            foundOneStudent.MobileContact = studentChangeInput.MobileContact.Value;
            foundOneStudent.AdmissionId   = studentChangeInput.AdmissionId.Value;
            foundOneStudent.DateOfBirth   =
                                    "d/M/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            foundOneStudent.CourseId  = Convert.ToInt32(studentChangeInput.CourseId.Value);
            foundOneStudent.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now;

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.InnerException.Message
                    .Contains("Student_AdmissionId_UniqueConstraint") == true)
                    customMessage = "Unable to save student record due " +
                                    "to another record having the same admin id: " +
                    //Create a fail message anonymous object that has one property, Message.
                    //This anonymous object's Message property contains a simple string message
                    object HttpFailRequestResultMessage = new { Message = customMessage };
                    //Return a bad http request message to the client
            }   //End of try .. catch block on saving data
                //Construct a custom message for the client
                //Create a success message anonymous object which has a
                //Message member variable (property)

            var successRequestResultMessage = new
                Message = "Saved student record"
            //Create a HttpOkObjectResult class instance, httpOkResult.
            //When creating the object, provide the previous message object into it
            HttpOkObjectResult httpOkResult = new HttpOkObjectResult(successRequestResultMessage);

            //Send the HttpOkObjectResult class object back to the client
        }//End of Put() method
コード例 #7
        public IActionResult Put(int id, [FromBody] string value)
            string customMessage     = "";
            var    courseChangeInput = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(value);
            //After reconstructing the object from the JSON string residing in the input parameter variable,
            //To obtain the course Abbreviation information, use courseChangeInput.CourseAbbreviation.Value
            //To obtain the course name information, use courseChangeInput.CourseName.Value
            var oneCourse = Database.Courses
                            .Where(courseEntity => courseEntity.CourseId == id).Single();

            oneCourse.CourseAbbreviation = courseChangeInput.CourseAbbreviation.Value;
            oneCourse.CourseName         = courseChangeInput.CourseName.Value;
            oneCourse.UpdatedAt          = DateTime.Now;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.InnerException.Message
                    .Contains("Course_CourseAbbreviation_UniqueConstraint") == true)
                    customMessage = "Unable to save course record due " +
                                    "to another record having the same name as : " +
                    //Create an anonymous object that has one property, Message.
                    //This anonymous object's Message property contains a simple string message
                    object httpFailRequestResultMessage = new { Message = customMessage };
                    //Return a bad http request message to the client
            }//End of try .. catch block on saving data
             //Construct a custom message for the client
             //Create a success message anonymous object which has a
             //Message member variable (property)
            var successRequestResultMessage = new
                Message = "Saved course record"

            //Create a HttpOkObjectResult class instance, httpOkResult.
            //When creating the object, provide the previous message object into it.
            HttpOkObjectResult httpOkResult =
                new HttpOkObjectResult(successRequestResultMessage);

            //Send the HttpOkObjectResult class object back to the client.
        }//End of Put() Web API method
コード例 #8
        public IActionResult Delete(int id)
            //Build a custom message for the client
            //Create a success message anonymous object which has a
            //Message member variable (property)
            var successRequestResultMessage = new
                Message = string.Format("Server side Delete() Web API method of Students Web API controller object has received the id {0} which you want to delete. You need to code the Delete() method in subsequent practical exericises", id.ToString())

            //Create a HttpOkObjectResult class instance, httpOkResult.
            //When creating the object, provide the previous message object into it.
            HttpOkObjectResult httpOkResult =
                new HttpOkObjectResult(successRequestResultMessage);

            //Send the HttpOkObjectResult class object back to the client.
        }//end of Delete() Web API method with /apis/students/digit route
コード例 #9
        public IActionResult Delete(int id)
            string customMessage = "";

            //The following command should not be used. Although can work too.
            // var existingOneCompany = Database.Companies
            //    .Where(item => item.CompanyId == id).FirstOrDefault();
                var foundOneCompany = Database.Companies
                                      .Single(item => item.CompanyId == id);
                foundOneCompany.DeletedAt = DateTime.Now;

                //Update the database model
                //Tell the db model to commit/persist the changes to the database,
                //I use the following command.
            catch (Exception ex)
                customMessage = "Unable to delete company record.";
                object httpFailRequestResultMessage = new { Message = customMessage };
                //Return a bad http request message to the client
            }//End of try .. catch block on manage data

            //Build a custom message for the client
            //Create a success message anonymous object which has a
            //Message member variable (property)
            var successRequestResultMessage = new
                Message = "Deleted company record"

            //Create a HttpOkObjectResult class instance, httpOkResult.
            //When creating the object, provide the previous message object into it.
            HttpOkObjectResult httpOkResult =
                new HttpOkObjectResult(successRequestResultMessage);

            //Send the HttpOkObjectResult class object back to the client.
        }//end of Delete() Web API method with /apis/values/digit route
コード例 #10
        public IActionResult Delete(int id)
            string customMessage = "";

                var foundOneStudent = Database.Students
                                      .Single(eachStudent => eachStudent.StudentId == id);
                //Update the DeletedAt property with the current date and time
                foundOneStudent.DeletedAt = DateTime.Now;

                //Update the database model
                //Tell the db model to commit/persist the changes to the database.
            catch (Exception ex)
                customMessage = "Unable to delete student record.";
                object httpFailRequestResultMessage = new
                    Message = customMessage
                //Return a bad http request message to the client
            }//End of try..catch block on manage data

            //Build a custom message for the client
            //Create a success message anonymous object which has a
            //Message member variable (property)
            var successRequestResultMessage = new
                Message = "Deleted student record"

            //Create a HttpOkObjectResult class instance, httpOkResult.
            //When creating the object, provide the prvious message object into it.
            HttpOkObjectResult httpOkResult = new HttpOkObjectResult(successRequestResultMessage);

            //Send the HttpOkObjectResult class object back to the client.
        }//end of Delete() Web API method with /api/students/digit route
コード例 #11
        public IActionResult Delete(int id)
            string customMessage = "";

                var foundOneCompanyType = Database.CompanyTypes
                                          .Single(eachCompanyType => eachCompanyType.CompanyTypeId == id);
                foundOneCompanyType.DeletedAt = DateTime.Now;
                //Tell the db model to commit/persist the changes to the database,
                //I use the following command.
            catch (Exception ex)
                customMessage = "Unable to delete company type record.";
                object httpFailRequestResultMessage = new { Message = customMessage };
                //Return a bad http request message to the client
            }//End of try .. catch block on manage data

            //Build a custom message for the client
            //Create a success message anonymous object which has a
            //Message member variable (property)
            var successRequestResultMessage = new
                Message = "Deleted company type record"

            //Create a HttpOkObjectResult class instance, httpOkResult.
            //When creating the object, provide the previous message object into it.
            HttpOkObjectResult httpOkResult =
                new HttpOkObjectResult(successRequestResultMessage);

            //Send the HttpOkObjectResult class object back to the client.
        }//end of Delete() Web API method with /apis/CompanyTypes/<record id>
コード例 #12
        public async Task <IActionResult> Delete([FromQuery] string value)
            string customMessage = "";
            var    listOfId      = value.Split(',').ToList();

                var companyList = Database.Companies.Where(x => listOfId.Contains(x.CompanyId.ToString()));
                await companyList.ForEachAsync(a => a.DeletedAt = DateTime.Now);

                //Update the database model
                //Tell the db model to commit/persist the changes to the database,
                //I use the following command.
            catch (Exception ex)
                customMessage = "Unable to delete company record(s).";
                object httpFailRequestResultMessage = new { Message = customMessage };
                //Return a bad http request message to the client
            }//End of try .. catch block on saving data
            //Construct a custom message for the client
            //Create a success message anonymous object which has a Message member variable (property)
            var successRequestResultMessage = new
                Message = "Deleted company record(s)"
            //Create a HttpOkObjectResult class instance, httpOkResult.
            //When creating the object, provide the previous message object into it.
            HttpOkObjectResult httpOkResult = new HttpOkObjectResult(successRequestResultMessage);

            //Send the HttpOkObjectResult class object back to the client.
        } //End of bulk delete method
コード例 #13
        public IActionResult Post([FromBody]string value)
            string customMessage = "";
            //Reconstruct a useful object from the input string value
            dynamic companyNewInput = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(value);
            Company newCompany = new Company();

                //Copy out all the company data into the new Company instance,
                newCompany.CompanyName = companyNewInput.CompanyName.Value;
                newCompany.Address = companyNewInput.Address.Value;
                newCompany.PostalCode = companyNewInput.PostalCode.Value;
            catch (Exception exceptionObject)
                if (exceptionObject.InnerException.Message
                    .Contains("Company_CompanyName_UniqueConstraint") == true)
                    customMessage = "Unable to save company record due" +
                        "to another record having the same name as :" +

                    //Create a fail fail message generic object that has one property, Message.
                    //This generic object's Message property contains a simple string message
                    object httpFailRequestResultMessage = new { Message = customMessage };
                    //Return a bad http request message to the client
                    return HttpBadRequest(httpFailRequestResultMessage);
            } //End of Try catch block

            //If there is no runtime error in the try catch block, the code execution
            //should reach here. Sending success message back to the client.

            //Construct a custom message for the client
            //Create a success message generic object which has a
            //Message member variable (property)
            var successRequestResultMessage = new
                Message = "Saved company record"

            //Create a HttpOkObjectResult class instance, httpOkResult.
            //When creating the object, provide the previous message object into it.
            HttpOkObjectResult httpOkResult =
                            new HttpOkObjectResult(successRequestResultMessage);
            //Send the HttpOkObjectResult class object back to the client.
            return httpOkResult;

        //End of POST api

            //var company = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(value);

            ////To obtain the company name information, use company.CompanyName.value
            ////To obtain the address information, use company.Address.value
            ////Create a new Company type instance, oneCompany
            //Company oneCompany = new Company();
            ////Use the following 3 lines to supply user provided values
            ////into the oneCompany's respective properties 
            //oneCompany.CompanyName = company.CompanyName.Value;
            //oneCompany.Address = company.Address.Value;
            //oneCompany.PostalCode = company.PostalCode.Value;
            ////The object Database represents the database. The Database object has a property, Companies
            ////which references the Company entity (table) in the database.
            ////Calling the Add() method to add the filled Company type instance, oneCompany
            //    //Tell the Database object which references the database to begin committing the
            //    //changes. Calling the SaveChanges() method will persist the new company data
            //    //in the database.
            //    Database.SaveChanges();
            //catch (DbUpdateException ex)
            //    string messageToUser = "";
            //    //Code to return the message to the user informing him that he is entering a duplicate company name
            //    if (ex.InnerException.Message.Contains("Company_CompanyName_UniqueConstraint") == true)
            //    {
            //        messageToUser = "******" +
            //                company.CompanyName.Value;
            //    }
            //    var errorResponse = new { Status = "fail", Message = messageToUser };
            //    return new JsonResult(errorResponse);

            //var successResponse = new { Status = "success", Message = "Saved company record." };
            //return new JsonResult(successResponse);
        }//End of Post API (// POST api/values)