// <snippet1> // Override the RenderBeginTag method to check whether // the tagKey parameter is set to a <label> element // or a <font> element. public override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey) { // <snippet2> // If the tagKey parameter is set to a <label> element // but a color attribute is not defined on the element, // the AddStyleAttribute method adds a color attribute // and sets it to red. if (tagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Label) { if (!IsStyleAttributeDefined(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Color)) { AddStyleAttribute(GetStyleKey("color"), "red"); } } // </snippet2> // <snippet3> // If the tagKey parameter is set to a <font> element // but a size attribute is not defined on the element, // the AddStyleAttribute method adds a size attribute // and sets it to 30 point. if (tagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Font) { if (!IsAttributeDefined(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Size)) { AddAttribute(GetAttributeKey("size"), "30pt"); } } // </snippet3> // Call the base class's RenderBeginTag method // to ensure that this custom MarkupTextWriter // includes functionality for all other markup elements. base.RenderBeginTag(tagKey); }
internal static string BuildOneTag(string virtualPath, HtmlTextWriterTag tag) { TagRenderMode tagRenderMode; var tagBuilder = new TagBuilder(tag.ToString().ToLower()); var absolutePath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(virtualPath); switch (tag) { case HtmlTextWriterTag.Script: tagRenderMode = TagRenderMode.Normal; tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("src", absolutePath); break; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Link: tagRenderMode = TagRenderMode.SelfClosing; tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("type", "text/css"); tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("media", "all"); //always ALL? tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("href", absolutePath); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } return tagBuilder.ToString(tagRenderMode); }
private void WriteTag(HtmlTextWriter writer, HtmlTextWriterTag tag, string className, Action contentRenderer) { writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, className); writer.RenderBeginTag(tag); contentRenderer(); writer.RenderEndTag(); }
public static HtmlTextWriter Full(this HtmlTextWriter writer, HtmlTextWriterTag tag, string content = "") { writer.RenderBeginTag(tag); writer.Write(content); writer.RenderEndTag(); return writer; }
public static void AddTag(this HtmlTextWriter writer, HtmlTextWriterTag tag, string value = "") { writer.RenderBeginTag(tag); writer.Write(value != "" ? value : Environment.NewLine); writer.RenderEndTag(); }
void DoBeginTag() { WriteIfNotNull(RenderBeforeTag()); if (!TagIgnore) { WriteBeginTag(TagName); FilterAttributes(); HtmlTextWriterTag key = (int)TagKey < tags.Length ? TagKey : HtmlTextWriterTag.Unknown; switch (tags [(int)key].tag_type) { case TagType.Inline: Write(TagRightChar); break; case TagType.Block: Write(TagRightChar); WriteLine(); Indent++; break; case TagType.SelfClosing: Write(SelfClosingTagEnd); break; } } // FIXME what do i do for self close here? WriteIfNotNull(RenderBeforeContent()); }
public void EnsureEnumerations() { WriteDictionaryEntries <HtmlTextWriterTag>(); WriteDictionaryEntries <HtmlTextWriterAttribute>(); using MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(); using StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(mem); using HtmlTextWriter writer = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); foreach (FieldInfo tagInfo in typeof(HtmlTextWriterTag).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)) { HtmlTextWriterTag tag = (HtmlTextWriterTag)tagInfo.GetRawConstantValue(); if (tag == HtmlTextWriterTag.Unknown) { continue; } writer.RenderBeginTag(tag); foreach (FieldInfo attrInfo in typeof(HtmlTextWriterAttribute).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)) { HtmlTextWriterAttribute attr = (HtmlTextWriterAttribute)attrInfo.GetRawConstantValue(); writer.AddAttribute(attr, "1"); } writer.RenderEndTag(); }
public virtual void RenderEndTag() { // FIXME what do i do for self close here? WriteIfNotNull(RenderAfterContent()); if (!TagIgnore) { HtmlTextWriterTag key = (int)TagKey < tags.Length ? TagKey : HtmlTextWriterTag.Unknown; switch (tags [(int)key].tag_type) { case TagType.Inline: WriteEndTag(TagName); break; case TagType.Block: Indent--; WriteLineNoTabs(String.Empty); WriteEndTag(TagName); break; case TagType.SelfClosing: // NADA break; } } WriteIfNotNull(RenderAfterTag()); PopEndTag(); }
private MvcTag TagHelper(HtmlTextWriterTag htmlTag, string name, string errorClass = "invalid", IDictionary <string, object> htmlAttributes = null) { // tag MvcTag tag = new MvcTag(ViewContext, htmlTag); // attributes if (htmlAttributes != null) { tag.Builder.MergeAttributes(htmlAttributes); } // add the name if a form element if (new HtmlTextWriterTag[3] { HtmlTextWriterTag.Textarea, HtmlTextWriterTag.Input, HtmlTextWriterTag.Select }.Contains(htmlTag)) { tag.Builder.Attributes.Add("name", name); } // model state error check if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorClass)) { ModelState state = GetState(ViewContext, name); if (state != null && state.Errors.Count > 0) { tag.Builder.AddCssClass("invalid"); } } // output to writer ViewContext.Writer.Write(tag.Builder.ToString(TagRenderMode.StartTag)); // return tag return(tag); }
/// <summary> /// Writes an HTML tag /// </summary> /// <param name="tagKey">Type of tag to write</param> /// <returns><see cref="FluentHtmlTextWriter"/></returns> public FluentHtmlTextWriter WriteTag(HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey) { FlushActions(); BeginTag(tagKey); SetEnd(f => f.RenderEndTag()); return(this); }
public static void AppendText(this HtmlTextWriter htmlWriter, string contents, HtmlTextWriterTag tag) { htmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(tag); htmlWriter.Write(contents); htmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); }
/// <internalonly/> public override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriter writer) { AddAttributesToRender(writer); HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey = TagKey; if (tagKey != HtmlTextWriterTag.Unknown) { writer.RenderBeginTag(tagKey); } else { writer.RenderBeginTag(TagName); } string s = GroupingText; bool useGrouping = (s.Length != 0) && !(writer is Html32TextWriter); if (useGrouping) { writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Fieldset); _renderedFieldSet = true; writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Legend); writer.Write(s); writer.RenderEndTag(); } }
public static string HtmlTag( this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, HtmlTextWriterTag tag, object htmlAttributes, Func <HtmlHelper, string> action) { var attributes = new RouteValueDictionary(htmlAttributes); using (var sw = new StringWriter()) { using (var htmlWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(sw)) { // Add attributes foreach (var attribute in attributes) { htmlWriter.AddAttribute(attribute.Key, attribute.Value != null ? attribute.Value.ToString() : string.Empty); } htmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(tag); htmlWriter.Write(action.Invoke(htmlHelper)); htmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); } return(sw.ToString()); } }
public static IDisposable RenderTag([NotNull] this HtmlTextWriter writer, HtmlTextWriterTag tag) { if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("writer"); writer.RenderBeginTag(tag); return new DisposableAction(writer.RenderEndTag); }
/// <devdoc> /// <para>[To be supplied.]</para> /// </devdoc> public override void EnterStyle(Style style, HtmlTextWriterTag tag) { // Ignore tag for wml. if (AnalyzeMode) { return; } // All "block level controls" (controls that render using block level elements in HTML) call enterStyle // using a div. Here we ensure that a new p is open for these controls to ensure line breaking behavior. if (tag == HtmlTextWriterTag.Div) { BeginBlockLevelControl(); } Style stackStyle = new Style(); stackStyle.CopyFrom(style); stackStyle.MergeWith(CurrentStyle); if (_panelStyleStack.Count > 0) { stackStyle.MergeWith((Style)_panelStyleStack.Peek()); } _styleStack.Push(stackStyle); // updates CurrentStyle if (_paragraphOpen) { OpenCurrentStyleTags(); } }
public void RenderTag(HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey, string html) { RenderBeginTag(tagKey); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(html)) Write(html); RenderEndTag(); }
// Methods public void WriteHeading(HtmlTextWriterTag tag, string text) { RenderBeginTag(tag); WriteLine(text); RenderEndTag(); WriteLine(); WriteLine(); }
public void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag tag) { string tagName = GetTagName(tag); writer.Write("<" + tagName + attrs + ">"); tags.Push(tagName); attrs = ""; }
/// <include file='doc\Html32TextWriter.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="Html32TextWriter.GetTagName"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// <para>[To be supplied.]</para> /// </devdoc> protected override string GetTagName(HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey) { if (tagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Div) { return("table"); } return(base.GetTagName(tagKey)); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the HtmlTag class. Renders the opening tag of an HTML node, including any attributes. /// </summary> /// <param name="writer"> /// The HTMLTextWriter. /// </param> /// <param name="tag"> /// The type of HTML tag. /// </param> /// <param name="style"> /// The style. /// </param> /// <param name="attributes"> /// HTML attributes. /// </param> public HtmlTag(HtmlTextWriter writer, HtmlTextWriterTag tag, TagStyle style, params HtmlAttribute[] attributes) { this.writer = writer; this.attributes = attributes; this.tag = tag.ToString().ToLower(); this.tagStyle = style; this.StartRender(); }
public virtual void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey) { bool ignore = !OnTagRender(GetTagName(tagKey), tagKey); PushEndTag(tagKey); DoBeginTag(); TagIgnore = ignore; }
protected override string GetTagName(HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey) { if ((tagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Div) && this.ShouldPerformDivTableSubstitution) { return("table"); } return(base.GetTagName(tagKey)); }
protected virtual string GetTagName(HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey) { if ((int)tagKey < tags.Length) { return(tags [(int)tagKey].name); } return(null); }
internal static string StaticGetTagName(HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey) { if ((int)tagKey < tags.Length) { return(tags [(int)tagKey].name); } return(null); }
/// <devdoc> /// <para>[To be supplied.]</para> /// </devdoc> protected override string GetTagName(HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey) { // div->table substitution. if (tagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Div && ShouldPerformDivTableSubstitution) { return("table"); } return(base.GetTagName(tagKey)); }
/// <summary> /// Writes a full (i.e. self-closed) HTML tag. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="hwTag">The name of the tag to write.</param> /// /// <param name="newLines">How many newlines to write after the end tag.</param> /// /// <param name="htmlTextWriter">The <c>HtmlTextWriter</c> to write to.</param> /// public static void WriteFullTag(HtmlTextWriterTag hwTag, int newLines, HtmlTextWriter htmlTextWriter) { htmlTextWriter.RenderBeginTag(hwTag); htmlTextWriter.RenderEndTag(); for (int i = 0; i < newLines; i++) { htmlTextWriter.WriteLine(); } }
public void RenderTag(HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey, string html) { RenderBeginTag(tagKey); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(html)) { Write(html); } RenderEndTag(); }
internal static void RenderElement(this HtmlTextWriter writer, HtmlTextWriterTag tag, string format, params object[] arg) { writer.RenderBeginTag(tag); if (format != null) { writer.Write(format, arg); } writer.RenderEndTag(); }
protected BaseSecuredControl(HtmlTextWriterTag Tag, HtmlInputType InputType) : base(Tag) { m_Text = ""; m_Description = ""; m_SecurityContext = ""; m_bCausesValidation = false; m_bRequiresAuthorization = false; m_bDoPostBack = false; }
private String GetTagName(HtmlTextWriterTag key) { String name = key.ToString().ToLower(); if (name.Contains(".")) { name = name.Substring(name.LastIndexOf(".") + 1); } return(name); }
private static IHtmlNode GetNumericTagWithOptionalClass(HtmlTextWriterTag tag, string className, int value) { var node = Html.Tag(tag).Content(value.ToString()); if (value != 0) { node.Class(className); } return(node); }
public override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey) { output.WriteLine("{0:###0} RenderBeginTag ({1})", NextIndex(), tagKey); if (full_trace) { WriteTrace(new StackTrace()); } base.RenderBeginTag(tagKey); }
protected override bool OnTagRender(string name, HtmlTextWriterTag key) { output.WriteLine("{0:###0} OnTagRender ({1}, {2})", NextIndex(), name, key); if (full_trace) { WriteTrace(new StackTrace()); } return(base.OnTagRender(name, key)); }
protected override string GetTagName(HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey) { output.WriteLine("{0:###0} GetTagName ({1})", NextIndex(), tagKey); if (full_trace) { WriteTrace(new StackTrace()); } return(base.GetTagName(tagKey)); }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether the specified markup element will be rendered to the requesting page. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name.</param> /// <param name="key">Tag key.</param> /// <returns>True if the markup element should be rendered, false otherwise.</returns> protected override bool OnTagRender(string name, HtmlTextWriterTag key) { // Do not render <span> tags if (key == HtmlTextWriterTag.Span) { return(false); } // Otherwise, call the base class (always true) return(base.OnTagRender(name, key)); }
/// <summary> /// Write text inside tags of type HtmlTextWriterTag /// </summary> /// <param name="html">HtmlTextWriter instance object</param> /// <param name="value">Input text / string</param> /// <param name="tag">Value of HtmlTextWriterTag enumaration</param> /// <returns>HtmlTextWriter reference</returns> public static HtmlTextWriter InsertText(this HtmlTextWriter html, string value, HtmlTextWriterTag tag) { CheckNullParam(html); html.WriteBeginTag(tag.ToString()); html.Write(HtmlTextWriter.TagRightChar); html.Write(value); html.WriteEndTag(tag.ToString()); return html; }
internal static MvcHtmlString BuildTags(string[] virtualPaths, HtmlTextWriterTag tag) { var builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var virtualPath in virtualPaths) { var urls = ResolveUrls(virtualPath); foreach (var url in urls) builder.AppendLine(BuildOneTag(url, tag)); } return MvcHtmlString.Create(builder.ToString()); }
public static void AddTag(this HtmlTextWriter writer, HtmlTextWriterTag tag, Dictionary<string, string> attributes, string value = "") { foreach (var attribute in attributes) { writer.AddAttribute(attribute.Key, attribute.Value); } writer.RenderBeginTag(tag); if (value != "") { writer.Write(value); } writer.RenderEndTag(); }
private void Test(ref HtmlTextWriterTag testTag) { try { this.GHTSubTestBegin("Tag = " + ((HtmlTextWriterTag) testTag).ToString()); WebControl control1 = new WebControl(testTag); this.m_ctrlCounter++; control1.ID = "ctrl_" + this.m_ctrlCounter.ToString(); base.GHTActiveSubTest.Controls.Add(control1); } catch (Exception exception2) { // ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception2); Exception exception1 = exception2; this.GHTSubTestUnexpectedExceptionCaught(exception1); // ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } this.GHTSubTestEnd(); }
/// <summary> /// 构造函数 /// Initializes a new ScriptControl /// </summary> /// <param name="tag"></param> public ScriptControlBase(HtmlTextWriterTag tag) : this(false, tag) { }
/// <devdoc> /// <para>[To be supplied.]</para> /// </devdoc> protected override string GetTagName(HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey) { // div->table substitution. if (tagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Div && ShouldPerformDivTableSubstitution) { return "table"; } return base.GetTagName(tagKey); }
/// <devdoc> /// <para>[To be supplied.]</para> /// </devdoc> public override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey) { // flush string buffers to build new tag _beforeTag.Length = 0; _beforeContent.Length = 0; _afterContent.Length = 0; _afterTag.Length = 0; _renderFontTag = false; _fontFace = null; _fontColor = null; _fontSize = null; // div->table substitution. if (ShouldPerformDivTableSubstitution) { if (tagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Div) { AppendOtherTag("tr", _beforeContent, _afterContent); string alignment; if (IsAttributeDefined(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Align, out alignment)) { string[] attribs = new string[] { GetAttributeName(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Align), alignment}; AppendOtherTag("td", new object[]{ attribs}, _beforeContent, _afterContent); } else { AppendOtherTag("td", _beforeContent, _afterContent); } if (!IsAttributeDefined(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Cellpadding)) { AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Cellpadding, "0"); } if (!IsAttributeDefined(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Cellspacing)) { AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Cellspacing, "0"); } if (!IsStyleAttributeDefined(HtmlTextWriterStyle.BorderWidth)) { AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Border, "0"); } if (!IsStyleAttributeDefined(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width)) { AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Width, "100%"); } } } base.RenderBeginTag(tagKey); }
internal Label(HtmlTextWriterTag tag) : base(tag) { }
/// <devdoc> /// <para>[To be supplied.]</para> /// </devdoc> protected override bool OnTagRender(string name, HtmlTextWriterTag key) { // handle any tags that do not work downlevel SetTagSupports(); if (Supports(FONT_PROPAGATE)) { FontStack.Push(new FontStackItem()); } // div->table substitution. // Make tag look like a table. This must be done after we establish tag support. if (key == HtmlTextWriterTag.Div && ShouldPerformDivTableSubstitution) { TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.Table; } return base.OnTagRender(name,key); }
public override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey) { base.RenderBeginTag(tagKey); HasRenderedFirstTag = true; }
/// <summary> /// Creates the actions menu separator. /// </summary> /// <param name="parent">The parent.</param> /// <param name="name">The name.</param> /// <param name="WrapperTagKey">The wrapper tag key.</param> /// <param name="cssClass">The CSS class.</param> /// <param name="text">The text.</param> /// <param name="resourceClassId">The resource class pageId.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static WidgetElement CreateActionMenuSeparator( ConfigElement parent, string name, HtmlTextWriterTag WrapperTagKey, string cssClass, string text, string resourceClassId) { return new LiteralWidgetElement(parent) { Name = name, WrapperTagKey = WrapperTagKey, CssClass = cssClass, Text = text, ResourceClassId = resourceClassId, WidgetType = typeof(LiteralWidget), IsSeparator = true }; }
public override void RenderBeginTag (HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey) { base.RenderBeginTag (tagKey); }
public WebControl (HtmlTextWriterTag tag) { this.tag = tag; this.enabled = true; }
internal static void RenderElement(this HtmlTextWriter writer, HtmlTextWriterTag tag, string format, params object[] arg) { writer.RenderBeginTag(tag); writer.Write(format, arg); writer.RenderEndTag(); }
protected WebControl (string tag) { this.tag = HtmlTextWriterTag.Unknown; this.tag_name = tag; this.enabled = true; }
internal static void RenderElement(this HtmlTextWriter writer, HtmlTextWriterTag tag, object value) { writer.RenderElement(tag, value.ToString()); }
internal static void RenderElement(this HtmlTextWriter writer, HtmlTextWriterTag tag) { writer.RenderBeginTag(tag); writer.RenderEndTag(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HttpHandledControl"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="tag">The tag.</param> public HttpHandledControl(HtmlTextWriterTag tag) : base(tag) { }
/// <summary> /// 构造函数 /// Initializes a new ScriptControl /// </summary> /// <param name="enableClientState">是否使用ClientState</param> /// <param name="tag">控件的HtmlTextWriterTag</param> protected ScriptControlBase(bool enableClientState, HtmlTextWriterTag tag) { _tagKey = tag; _enableClientState = enableClientState; }
/// <summary> /// Creates the action menu command. /// </summary> /// <param name="parent">The parent.</param> /// <param name="name">The name.</param> /// <param name="wrapperTagKey">The wrapper tag key.</param> /// <param name="commandName">Name of the command.</param> /// <param name="text">The text.</param> /// <param name="resourceClassId">The resource class id.</param> /// <param name="cssClass">The CSS class.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static CommandWidgetElement CreateActionMenuCommand( ConfigElement parent, string name, HtmlTextWriterTag wrapperTagKey, string commandName, string text, string resourceClassId, string cssClass) { var commandWidgetElement = DefinitionsHelper.CreateActionMenuCommand(parent, name, wrapperTagKey, commandName, text, resourceClassId); commandWidgetElement.CssClass = cssClass; return commandWidgetElement; }
protected override bool OnTagRender (string name, HtmlTextWriterTag key) { return base.OnTagRender (name, key); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new ScriptControl /// </summary> /// <param name="enableClientState"></param> /// <param name="tag"></param> protected ScriptControlBase(bool enableClientState, string tag) { _tagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.Unknown; _tagName = tag; _enableClientState = enableClientState; }
protected override string GetTagName (HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey) { if (tagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Unknown || !Enum.IsDefined (typeof (HtmlTextWriterTag), tagKey)) return ""; return tagKey.ToString ().ToLower (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); /* The code below is here just in case we need to split things up switch (tagkey) { case HtmlTextWriterTag.Unknown: return ""; case HtmlTextWriterTag.A: return "a"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Acronym: return "acronym"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Address: return "address"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Area: return "area"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.B: return "b"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Base: return "base"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Basefont: return "basefont"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Bdo: return "bdo"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Bgsound: return "bgsound"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Big: return "big"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Blockquote: return "blockquote"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Body: return "body"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Br: return "br"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Button: return "button"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Caption: return "caption"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Center: return "center"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Cite: return "cite"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Code: return "code"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Col: return "col"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Colgroup: return "colgroup"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Dd: return "dd"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Del: return "del"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Dfn: return "dfn"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Dir: return "dir"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Div: return "table"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Dl: return "dl"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Dt: return "dt"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Em: return "em"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Embed: return "embed"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Fieldset: return "fieldset"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Font: return "font"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Form: return "form"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Frame: return "frame"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Frameset: return "frameset"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.H1: return "h1"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.H2: return "h2"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.H3: return "h3"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.H4: return "h4"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.H5: return "h5"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.H6: return "h6"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Head: return "head"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Hr: return "hr"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Html: return "html"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.I: return "i"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Iframe: return "iframe"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Img: return "img"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Input: return "input"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Ins: return "ins"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Isindex: return "isindex"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Kbd: return "kbd"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Label: return "label"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Legend: return "legend"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Li: return "li"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Link: return "link"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Map: return "map"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Marquee: return "marquee"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Menu: return "menu"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Meta: return "meta"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Nobr: return "nobr"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Noframes: return "noframes"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Noscript: return "noscript"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Object: return "object"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Ol: return "ol"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Option: return "option"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.P: return "p"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Param: return "param"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Pre: return "pre"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Q: return "q"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Rt: return "rt"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Ruby: return "ruby"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.S: return "s"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Samp: return "samp"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Script: return "script"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Select: return "select"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Small: return "small"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Span: return "span"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Strike: return "strike"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Strong: return "strong"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Style: return "style"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Sub: return "sub"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Sup: return "sup"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Table: return "table"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Tbody: return "tbody"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Td: return "td"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Textarea: return "textarea"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Tfoot: return "tfoot"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Th: return "th"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Thead: return "thead"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Title: return "title"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Tr: return "tr"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Tt: return "tt"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.U: return "u"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Ul: return "ul"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Var: return "var"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Wbr: return "wbr"; case HtmlTextWriterTag.Xml: return "xml"; default: return ""; } */ }
/// <summary> /// Creates the action menu widget element. /// </summary> /// <param name="parent">The parent.</param> /// <param name="name">The name.</param> /// <param name="wrapperTagKey">The wrapper tag key.</param> /// <param name="commandName">Name of the command.</param> /// <param name="text">The text.</param> /// <param name="resourceClassId">The resource class pageId.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static CommandWidgetElement CreateActionMenuCommand( ConfigElement parent, string name, HtmlTextWriterTag wrapperTagKey, string commandName, string text, string resourceClassId) { return new CommandWidgetElement(parent) { Name = name, WrapperTagKey = wrapperTagKey, CommandName = commandName, Text = text, ResourceClassId = resourceClassId, WidgetType = typeof(CommandWidget) }; }