コード例 #1
        public void SearchingAnElementBySeveralSelectingMethods()
            Browser b = new Browser();


            HtmlResult colorBox = b.Find("first-checkbox"); // find by id

            Assert.That(colorBox.Count() == 1, "There should be exactly 1 element with ID first-checkbox");

            colorBox = b.Select("*[type=checkbox][checked]");
            Assert.That(colorBox.Count() == 1, "There should be exactly 1 element with type checkbox and checked");
コード例 #2
        public void UsePlusSelector()
            Browser b = new Browser();

            HtmlResult inputDirectlyUnderForm = b.Select("div + input");

            Assert.That(inputDirectlyUnderForm.Count() == 1); // only one <input> comes directly after a div
コード例 #3
        public void SearchingAnInputElementBySeveralSelectingMethods()
            Browser b = new Browser();


            HtmlResult colorBox = b.Find("colorBox"); // find by id

            Assert.That(colorBox.Count() == 1, "There should be exactly 1 element with ID colorBox");

            colorBox = b.Find("input", new { name = "colorBox", type = "color" }); // find by attributes
            Assert.That(colorBox.Count() == 1, "There should be exactly 1 element with name colorBox and type color");

            colorBox = b.Find("input", new { name = "colorBox", type = "Color" }); // find by attributes
            Assert.That(colorBox.Count() == 1, "There should be exactly 1 element with name colorBox and type color");

            colorBox = b.Find("input", new { name = "colorBox", type = "Colors" }); // find by attributes
            Assert.That(colorBox.Exists == false, "There should be no element with name colorBox and type Colors");

            colorBox = b.Find(ElementType.Checkbox, new { name = "colorBox", type = "Color" }); // find by attributes
            Assert.That(colorBox.Count() == 0, "Input elements with types other than the specified type should not be found");

            colorBox = b.Find("input", FindBy.Name, "colorBox"); // find by FindBy
            Assert.That(colorBox.Count() == 1, "There should be exactly 1 element with name colorBox");

            colorBox = b.Select("input[name=colorBox]"); // find by Css selector
            Assert.That(colorBox.Count() == 1, "There should be exactly 1 element with name colorBox");

            colorBox = b.Select("input[type=color]"); // find by Css selector
            Assert.That(colorBox.Count() == 1, "There should be exactly 1 element with type color");

            colorBox = b.Select("input[type=Color]"); // find by Css selector
            Assert.That(colorBox.Count() == 0, "There should be no element for the expression input[type=Color] (CSS is case sensitive)");

            HtmlResult clickLink = b.Select(".clickLink"); // find by Css selector

            Assert.That(clickLink.Count() == 1, "There should be one element for the expression .clickLink");