コード例 #1
        // Get the employee with Dept manger role only  // Done By fatma
        public IQueryable <FormList> GetActiveMangers(int companyId, string culture)
            var today = DateTime.Today.Date;
            //Get Departments managers
            var query1 = (from a in context.Assignments
                          where a.CompanyId == companyId && a.AssignDate <= today && a.EndDate >= today && a.IsDepManager == true
                          select new FormList
                id = a.EmpId,
                name = HrContext.TrlsName(a.Employee.Title + " " + a.Employee.FirstName + " " + a.Employee.Familyname, culture),
                PicUrl = HrContext.GetDoc("EmployeePic", a.EmpId),
                Gender = a.Employee.Gender,
                Icon = HrContext.GetEmpStatus(a.Employee.Id)

            var query2 = (from a in context.Assignments
                          where a.CompanyId == companyId && a.AssignDate <= today && a.EndDate >= today
                          join p in context.People on a.ManagerId equals p.Id
                          select new FormList
                id = p.Id,
                name = HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture),
                PicUrl = HrContext.GetDoc("EmployeePic", p.Id),
                Gender = p.Gender,
                Icon = HrContext.GetEmpStatus(p.Id)

            var query3 = query1.Union(query2);

コード例 #2
 public IQueryable <DropDownList> GetAllPeoples(string culture)
     return(from p in context.People
            select new DropDownList
         Id = p.Id,
         Name = HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture),
         PicUrl = HrContext.GetDoc("EmployeePic", p.Id),
         Icon = HrContext.GetEmpStatus(p.Id),
         Gender = p.Gender
コード例 #3
        public IQueryable <TrainIndexFollowUpViewModel> GetPeopleTrain(string culture, int CompanyId)
            var query = from c in context.PeopleTraining
                        where c.CompanyId == CompanyId && c.ApprovalStatus == 6
                        join p in context.People on c.EmpId equals p.Id
                        join Cu in context.TrainCourses on c.CourseId equals Cu.Id
                        join Ev in context.TrainEvents on c.EventId equals Ev.Id into Ev1
                        from Ev in Ev1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        join wft in context.WF_TRANS on new { p1 = "Training", p2 = c.CompanyId, p3 = c.Id } equals new { p1 = wft.Source, p2 = wft.SourceId, p3 = wft.DocumentId } into g
            from wft in g.DefaultIfEmpty()
            join ap in context.People on wft.AuthEmp equals ap.Id into g1
            from ap in g1.DefaultIfEmpty()
            join apos in context.Positions on wft.AuthPosition equals apos.Id into g2
            from apos in g2.DefaultIfEmpty()
            join dep in context.CompanyStructures on wft.AuthDept equals dep.Id into g3
            from dep in g3.DefaultIfEmpty()
            join role in context.Roles on wft.RoleId equals role.Id into g4
            from role in g4.DefaultIfEmpty()
            select new TrainIndexFollowUpViewModel
                Id                                              = c.Id,
                EmpId                                           = c.EmpId,
                Employee                                        = HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture),
                ActualHours                                     = c.ActualHours,
                Event                                           = Ev.Name,
                Course                                          = HrContext.TrlsName(Cu.Name, culture),
                CourseEDate                                     = c.CourseEDate,
                EventId                                         = c.EventId,
                RequestDate                                     = c.RequestDate,
                Status                                          = c.Status,
                CompanyId                                       = c.CompanyId,
                ApprovalStatus                                  = c.ApprovalStatus,
                CourseSDate                                     = c.CourseSDate,
                HasImage                                        = p.HasImage,
                RoleId                                          = wft.RoleId.ToString(),
                DeptId                                          = wft.DeptId,
                PositionId                                      = wft.PositionId,
                AuthBranch                                      = wft.AuthBranch,
                AuthDept                                        = wft.AuthDept,
                AuthDeptName                                    = HrContext.TrlsName(dep.Name, culture),
                AuthEmp                                         = wft.AuthEmp,
                AuthEmpName                                     = HrContext.TrlsName(ap.Title + " " + ap.FirstName + " " + ap.Familyname, culture),
                AuthPosition                                    = wft.AuthPosition,
                AuthPosName                                     = role == null?HrContext.TrlsName(apos.Name, culture) : role.Name,
                                                    BranchId    = wft.BranchId,
                                                    CourseTitle = c.CourseTitle,
                                                    Attachement = HrContext.GetDoc("EmployeePic", p.Id),
                                                    Gender      = p.Gender,
                                                    EmpStatus   = HrContext.GetEmpStatus(p.Id)

コード例 #4
        public IQueryable <WorkFlowViewModel> GetAllRequests(int companyId, string culture)
            var result = from wft in context.WF_TRANS
                         where wft.CompanyId == companyId
                         join p in context.People on wft.EmpId equals p.Id
                         join d in context.CompanyStructures on wft.DeptId equals d.Id
                         join b in context.CompanyStructures on wft.BranchId equals b.Id into g
                         from b in g.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         join ap in context.People on wft.AuthEmp equals ap.Id into g1
                         from ap in g1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         join apos in context.Positions on wft.AuthPosition equals apos.Id into g2
                         from apos in g2.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         join dep in context.CompanyStructures on wft.AuthDept equals dep.Id into g3
                         from dep in g3.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         join role in context.Roles on wft.RoleId equals role.Id into g4
                         from role in g4.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         join postion in context.Positions on wft.PositionId equals postion.Id into g5
                         from postion in g5.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         select new WorkFlowViewModel
                Id             = wft.DocumentId,
                Source         = wft.Source,
                ApprovalStatus = wft.ApprovalStatus,
                Employee       = HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture),
                Department     = HrContext.TrlsName(d.Name, culture),
                Branch         = HrContext.TrlsName(b.Name, culture),
                AuthEmpName    = HrContext.TrlsName(ap.Title + " " + ap.FirstName + " " + ap.Familyname, culture),
                AuthDeptName   = HrContext.TrlsName(dep.Name, culture),
                AuthPosName    = role == null?HrContext.TrlsName(apos.Name, culture) : role.Name,
                                     CreatedTime   = wft.CreatedTime,
                                     CreatedUser   = wft.CreatedUser,
                                     HasImage      = p.HasImage,
                                     CompanyId     = companyId,
                                     EmpId         = wft.EmpId,
                                     RoleId        = wft.RoleId.ToString(),
                                     DeptId        = wft.DeptId,
                                     PositionId    = wft.PositionId,
                                     AuthBranch    = wft.AuthBranch,
                                     AuthDept      = wft.AuthDept,
                                     AuthEmp       = wft.AuthEmp,
                                     AuthPosition  = wft.AuthPosition,
                                     BranchId      = wft.BranchId,
                                     EmpStatus     = HrContext.GetEmpStatus(p.Id),
                                     PositionName  = HrContext.TrlsName(postion.Name, culture),
                                     LocalRoleName = HrContext.TrlsName(role.Name, culture),

コード例 #5
        public IQueryable <FormList> GetActiveMangersByMangerId(int companyId, string culture, int MangerId)
            var today  = DateTime.Today.Date;
            var query1 = (from a in context.Assignments
                          where a.CompanyId == companyId && a.AssignDate <= today && a.EndDate >= today && a.EmpId == MangerId
                          select new FormList
                id = a.EmpId,
                name = HrContext.TrlsName(a.Employee.Title + " " + a.Employee.FirstName + " " + a.Employee.Familyname, culture),
                PicUrl = HrContext.GetDoc("EmployeePic", a.EmpId),
                Gender = a.Employee.Gender,
                Icon = HrContext.GetEmpStatus(a.Employee.Id)

コード例 #6
        public IEnumerable <FormList> GetEmployeeById(int companyId, string culture, int EmpId)
            var today = DateTime.Today.Date;

            return((from a in context.Assignments
                    where a.EmpId == EmpId && a.AssignDate <= today && a.EndDate >= today
                    join p in context.People on a.EmpId equals p.Id
                    select new FormList
                id = p.Id,
                name = HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture),
                PicUrl = HrContext.GetDoc("EmployeePic", p.Id),
                Gender = p.Gender,
                Icon = HrContext.GetEmpStatus(p.Id)
コード例 #7
        public IQueryable <PeoplesViewModel> GetPeople(string culture)
            var q = from p in context.People
                    join e in context.Employements on p.Id equals e.EmpId
                    where e.Status == 1
                    select new PeoplesViewModel
                Id        = e.EmpId,
                Title     = HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture),
                PicUrl    = HrContext.GetDoc("EmployeePic", p.Id),
                Gender    = p.Gender,
                EmpStatus = HrContext.GetEmpStatus(p.Id)

コード例 #8
        public IQueryable <FormList> GetEmployeeManagedByManagerId(int companyId, string culture, int MangId)
            var today = DateTime.Today.Date;

            // Get employees direct managed by manager Id
            // or get employees in the manager tree
            var query1 = from a in context.Assignments
                         where a.CompanyId == companyId && a.AssignDate <= today && a.EndDate >= today && a.SysAssignStatus == 1 &&
                         a.EmpId != MangId &&
                         (a.ManagerId == MangId || (a.Department.Sort.StartsWith(context.Assignments.Where(b => b.EmpId == MangId && b.AssignDate <= today && b.EndDate >= today && b.SysAssignStatus == 1 && b.IsDepManager).Select(b => b.Department.Sort).FirstOrDefault())))
                         select new FormList
                id     = a.EmpId,
                name   = HrContext.TrlsName(a.Employee.Title + " " + a.Employee.FirstName + " " + a.Employee.Familyname, culture),
                PicUrl = HrContext.GetDoc("EmployeePic", a.EmpId),
                Gender = a.Employee.Gender,
                Icon   = HrContext.GetEmpStatus(a.Employee.Id)

コード例 #9
        public IQueryable <EmpDisciplineViewModel> ReadEmpDiscipline(string culture, int CompanuId)
            var EmpDisplin = from c in context.EmpDisciplines
                             join e in context.People on c.EmpId equals e.Id
                             join a in context.Assignments on e.Id equals a.EmpId
                             where (a.CompanyId == CompanuId && a.AssignDate <= DateTime.Today.Date && a.EndDate >= DateTime.Today.Date)
                             select new EmpDisciplineViewModel
                Id            = c.Id,
                ActDispline   = c.ActDispline.Value,
                ActualNofDays = c.ActualNofDays,
                ActualPeriod  = c.ActualPeriod,
                DeductPoint   = c.DeductPoint,
                DescionDate   = c.DescionDate,
                DescionNo     = c.DescionNo,
                SuggPeriod    = c.SuggPeriod,
                Defense       = c.Defense,
                Description   = c.Description,
                EmpId         = HrContext.TrlsName(e.Title + " " + e.FirstName + " " + e.Familyname, culture),
                DiscplinId    = c.DiscplinId,
                ViolDate      = c.ViolDate,
                Summary       = c.Summary,
                SuggDispline  = c.SuggDispline,
                EffectEDate   = c.EffectEDate,
                Manager       = c.Manager,
                SuggNofDays   = c.SuggNofDays,
                DeptId        = a.DepartmentId,
                BranchId      = a.BranchId,
                PositionId    = a.PositionId,
                Image         = HrContext.GetDoc("EmployeePic", c.EmpId),
                Gender        = e.Gender,
                EmpStatus     = HrContext.GetEmpStatus(e.Id),
                empId         = c.EmpId

コード例 #10
        public PeoplesViewModel ReadPerson(int id, string culture)
            var person = (from p in context.People
                          where p.Id == id
                          select new PeoplesViewModel
                Id = p.Id,
                BloodClass = p.BloodClass,
                BirthCity = p.BirthCity,
                BirthCountry = p.BirthCountry,
                WorkTel = p.WorkTel,
                ProviderId = p.ProviderId,
                EmergencyTel = p.EmergencyTel,
                BirthDate = p.BirthDate,
                ExpiryDate = p.ExpiryDate,
                Familyname = p.Familyname,
                Gender = p.Gender,
                localName = HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture),
                Attachments = HrContext.GetAttachments("People", p.Id),
                BirthDstrct = p.BirthDstrct,
                Fathername = p.Fathername,
                FirstName = p.FirstName,
                HomeTel = p.HomeTel,
                GFathername = p.GFathername,
                IssueDate = p.IssueDate,
                JoinDate = p.JoinDate,
                IssuePlace = p.IssuePlace,
                KafeelId = p.KafeelId,
                InspectDate = p.InspectDate,
                MaritalStat = p.MaritalStat,
                MedStatDate = p.MedStatDate,
                Mobile = p.Mobile,
                MedicalStat = p.MedicalStat,
                Rank = p.Rank,
                MilResDate = p.MilResDate,
                MilCertGrade = p.MilCertGrade,
                MilitaryNo = p.MilitaryNo,
                MilStatDate = p.MilStatDate,
                NationalId = p.NationalId,
                MilitaryStat = p.MilitaryStat,
                Nationality = p.Nationality,
                PassportNo = p.PassportNo,
                Profession = p.Profession,
                RecommenReson = p.RecommenReson,
                Recommend = p.Recommend,
                Religion = p.Religion,
                OtherEmail = p.OtherEmail,
                Ssn = p.Ssn,
                QualificationId = p.QualificationId,
                Title = p.Title,
                WorkEmail = p.WorkEmail,
                TaxFamlyCnt = p.TaxFamlyCnt,
                BnftFamlyCnt = p.BnftFamlyCnt,
                StartExpDate = p.StartExpDate,
                EmpStatus = HrContext.GetEmpStatus(p.Id),
                CreatedTime = p.CreatedTime,
                ModifiedTime = p.ModifiedTime,
                ModifiedUser = p.ModifiedUser,
                CreatedUser = p.CreatedUser,
                PicUrl = HrContext.GetDocument("EmployeePic", p.Id),
                HasImage = p.HasImage,
                IdIssueDate = p.IdIssueDate,
                VisaNo = p.VisaNo,
                VarSubAmt = p.VarSubAmt,
                BasicSubAmt = p.BasicSubAmt,
                SubscripDate = p.SubscripDate,
                Address1 = p.Address1,
                CityId = p.CityId,
                CountryId = p.CountryId,
                DistrictId = p.DistrictId,
                HoAddress = p.HoAddress,
                Latitude = p.Latitude,
                Longitude = p.Longitude,
                TreatCardNo = p.TreatCardNo,
                Status = p.Status,
                PaperStatus = p.PaperStatus

コード例 #11
        public IEnumerable GetManagerEmpList(int managerId, int?positionId, int companyId, string culture)
            var EmpTasks = context.Assignments.Where(a => a.CompanyId == companyId && (a.AssignDate <= DateTime.Today && a.EndDate >= DateTime.Today) && a.EmpId == managerId).Select(a => a.EmpTasks).FirstOrDefault();

            if (EmpTasks == 2) //2-Use eligibility criteria
                string sql = "SELECT P.Id, dbo.fn_TrlsName(ISNULL(P.Title, '') + ' ' + P.FirstName +' ' + P.Familyname , '" + culture + "') Name , [dbo].[fn_GetDoc]('EmployeePic', P.Id) PicUrl, P.Gender, dbo.fn_GetEmpStatus(P.Id) Icon FROM Assignments M, Assignments A, Employements E, People P WHERE M.EmpId = " + managerId + " AND M.CompanyId = " + companyId + " And (GETDATE() Between M.AssignDate And M.EndDate) And A.EmpId = E.EmpId And A.EmpId = P.Id AND A.CompanyId = " + companyId + " AND (GETDATE() Between A.AssignDate And A.EndDate) AND E.Status = 1 AND (CASE WHEN LEN(M.Employments) > 0 THEN ISNULL((SELECT VALUE FROM STRING_SPLIT(M.Employments, ',') WHERE VALUE = E.PersonType), 0) ELSE E.PersonType END) = E.PersonType AND (CASE WHEN LEN(M.Jobs) > 0 THEN ISNULL((SELECT VALUE FROM STRING_SPLIT(M.Jobs, ',') WHERE VALUE = A.JobId), 0) ELSE A.JobId END) = A.JobId AND (CASE WHEN LEN(M.CompanyStuctures) > 0 THEN ISNULL((SELECT VALUE FROM STRING_SPLIT(M.CompanyStuctures, ',') WHERE VALUE = A.DepartmentId), 0) ELSE A.DepartmentId END) = A.DepartmentId AND (CASE WHEN LEN(M.Branches) > 0 THEN ISNULL((SELECT VALUE FROM STRING_SPLIT(M.Branches, ',') WHERE VALUE = ISNULL(A.BranchId, 0)), -1) ELSE ISNULL(A.BranchId, 0) END) = ISNULL(A.BranchId, 0) AND (CASE WHEN LEN(M.Positions) > 0 THEN ISNULL((SELECT VALUE FROM STRING_SPLIT(M.Positions, ',') WHERE VALUE = ISNULL(A.PositionId, 0)), -1) ELSE ISNULL(A.PositionId, 0) END) = ISNULL(A.PositionId, 0) AND (CASE WHEN LEN(M.PeopleGroups) > 0 THEN ISNULL((SELECT VALUE FROM STRING_SPLIT(M.PeopleGroups, ',') WHERE VALUE = ISNULL(A.GroupId, 0)), -1) ELSE ISNULL(A.GroupId, 0) END) = ISNULL(A.GroupId, 0) AND (CASE WHEN LEN(M.Payrolls) > 0 THEN ISNULL((SELECT VALUE FROM STRING_SPLIT(M.Payrolls, ',') WHERE VALUE = ISNULL(A.PayrollId, 0)), -1) ELSE ISNULL(A.PayrollId, 0) END) = ISNULL(A.PayrollId, 0) AND (CASE WHEN LEN(M.PayrollGrades) > 0 THEN ISNULL((SELECT VALUE FROM STRING_SPLIT(M.PayrollGrades, ',') WHERE VALUE = ISNULL(A.PayGradeId, 0)), -1) ELSE ISNULL(A.PayGradeId, 0) END) = ISNULL(A.PayGradeId, 0)";
                return(context.Database.SqlQuery <DropDownList>(sql).Select(a => new { id = a.Id, name = a.Name, a.PicUrl, a.Icon }).ToList());
            else //1-Employee whose direct managed
                var emps = context.Assignments
                           .Where(a => a.CompanyId == companyId && (a.AssignDate <= DateTime.Today && a.EndDate >= DateTime.Today) &&
                                  a.ManagerId == managerId)
                                  .Where(a => a.CompanyId == companyId && (a.AssignDate <= DateTime.Today && a.EndDate >= DateTime.Today) &&
                                         positionId != null && a.Position.Supervisor == positionId))
                           .Select(a => new { id = a.EmpId, name = HrContext.TrlsName(a.Employee.Title + " " + a.Employee.FirstName + " " + a.Employee.Familyname, culture), PicUrl = HrContext.GetDoc("EmployeePic", a.EmpId), Gender = a.Employee.Gender, Icon = HrContext.GetEmpStatus(a.EmpId) });
