public String ChangeProfile(int houseId, String dir) { House h = houseService.FindById(houseId); if (h == null) { return("error"); } else { h.ProfileImage = dir; } houseService.Update(h); return("success"); }
public ActionResult AddNewResident(UserInfoViewModel user) { MessageViewModels response = new MessageViewModels(); if (null != user.HouseId) { try { House house = _houseServices.FindById(user.HouseId); if (null != house) { User u = new User(); if (house.Status == SLIM_CONFIG.HOUSE_STATUS_ENABLE && house.OwnerID == null && user.IsHouseOwner == SLIM_CONFIG.USER_ROLE_RESIDENT) { response.StatusCode = 2; response.Msg = "Nhà này vẫn chưa có chủ hộ !"; return(Json(response)); } u.Fullname = user.Name; u.HouseId = house.Id; u.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; u.LastModified = DateTime.Now; u.IDNumber = user.Idenity; u.Status = SLIM_CONFIG.USER_STATUS_ENABLE; u.Gender = user.Gender; u.DateOfBirth = DateTime.ParseExact(user.Dob, AmsConstants.DateFormat, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); if (user.IdCreateDate != null) { u.IDCreatedDate = DateTime.ParseExact(user.IdCreateDate, AmsConstants.DateFormat, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } u.Username = user.UserAccountName; u.Creator = Int32.Parse(User.Identity.GetUserId()); u.RoleId = user.IsHouseOwner; u.FamilyLevel = user.RelationLevel; if (user.IsHouseOwner == SLIM_CONFIG.USER_ROLE_HOUSEHOLDER) { u.FamilyLevel = 0; // At the center row in house } u.Password = CommonUtil.GetUniqueKey(8); u.SendPasswordTo = user.CellNumb; _userServices.Add(u); if (user.IsHouseOwner == SLIM_CONFIG.USER_ROLE_HOUSEHOLDER) { house.OwnerID = u.Id; _houseServices.Update(house); foreach (var userInHouse in house.Users.Where(usr => usr.Id != u.Id && u.RoleId == SLIM_CONFIG.USER_ROLE_HOUSEHOLDER) ) { User usr = _userServices.FindById(userInHouse.Id); usr.RoleId = SLIM_CONFIG.USER_ROLE_RESIDENT; usr.LastModified = DateTime.Now; _userServices.Update(usr); } } StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); message.Append("Chung cu AMS. Tai khoan duoc tao thanh cong! Ten đang nhap: ") .Append(u.Username) .Append(". Mat khau: ") .Append(u.Password); CommonUtil.SentSms(u.SendPasswordTo, message.ToString()); // var accountSid = "AC10ae7ed64035004a9f1ed772747b94dc"; // Your Account SID from // var authToken = "c867c6dadb271752b1fa0bb988f1c284"; // Your Auth Token from // // var twilio = new TwilioRestClient(accountSid, authToken); // var message = twilio.SendMessage( // "+12057198424", // From (Replace with your Twilio number) // "+84934876200", // To (Replace with your phone number) // "One time password: chào bạn" // ); // // Console.WriteLine(message.Sid); // Console.Write("Press any key to continue."); // Console.ReadKey(); } else { response.StatusCode = -1; } } catch (Exception) { response.StatusCode = -1; return(Json(response)); } } else { response.StatusCode = -1; } return(Json(response)); }