// // 10.25.17 das what is RAY doing here? Why are we adding only two of the building types? // void SetupCommunityModel() { BuildList = DWDM.BuildTypeList; { BuildingType BT = BuildList.FindByCode("LSF"); if (BT != null) { DenverHouseholdData DHD = new DenverHouseholdData("LSF2.5_50", "LSF", "Low Single Family 2.5 Persons per Household 50 gallons Indoor GPCCD", "LSF", 2.5, 350, 50, BT.GallonsPerSqFtPervious, BT.DwellinUnitsPerAcre); HouseHoldWaterDemand HHWD = DHD.NewHousehold(); //double units = 350 / 2.5; //HouseHoldWaterDemand HHWD = new HouseHoldWaterDemand(BT, 2.5, units, 50); DWDM.WaterDemandAgents.Add(HHWD); BT = BuildList.FindByCode("HMF"); //units = 350 / 2.0; if (BT != null) { DHD = new DenverHouseholdData("HMF2.0_50", "HMF", "High Density2.0 Persons per Household 50 gallons Indoor GPCCD", "HMF", 2.0, 350, 50, BT.GallonsPerSqFtPervious, BT.DwellinUnitsPerAcre); HHWD = DHD.NewHousehold(); //HHWD = new HouseHoldWaterDemand(BT, 2.0, units, 50); DWDM.WaterDemandAgents.Add(HHWD); } } } DWDM.Run(); listBox1.Items.Clear(); listBox1.Items.Add(DWDM.WaterDemandAgents.ToFieldHeaderString("CSV")); listBox1.Items.Add(DWDM.WaterDemandAgents.ToString("CSV")); }
void displayValues() { AcresDevelopment.Text = DM.TotalAcres().ToString(); PerviousAcres.Text = DM.TotalEstimatedPerviousAcres().ToString(); IndoorDemand.Text = DM.TotalAnnualIndoorDemand().ToString(); SeasonalDemand.Text = DM.TotalAnnualSeasonalDemand().ToString(); TotalDemand.Text = DM.TotalAnnualDemand().ToString(); GPCD.Text = DM.AverageGPCD().ToString(); DwellingUnits.Text = DM.TotalUnits().ToString(); GallonsUnit.Text = DM.AverageAnnualGallonsPerUnit().ToString(); GallonsAcre.Text = DM.AverageAnnualAcreFeetPerAcre().ToString(); double count = 0; double people = 0; double DA = 0.0; double PA = 0.0; double Units = 0.0; double GU = 0.0; double GA = 0.0; foreach (WaterDemandAgent WDA in Community) { if (WDA is HouseHoldWaterDemand) { HouseHoldWaterDemand HHWD = (WDA as HouseHoldWaterDemand); DA += HHWD.DevelopedAcres; PA += HHWD.PerviousSqFt; Units += HHWD.NumberOfHouseholds; //GU += HHWD.TotalDemand; //GA += HHWD.TotalDemand; people += HHWD.HouseHoldSize * HHWD.NumberOfHouseholds; count++; } } PA = PA / 43560; //GU = GU / Units; //GA = GA / DA / 325851; double AllDemand = Community.TotalAllDemand(); labelAD.Text = DA.ToString(); labelPA.Text = PA.ToString();; labelID.Text = (Community.TotalIndoorDemand() / 325851).ToString(); labelOD.Text = (Community.TotalOutdoorDemand() / 325851).ToString(); labelTD.Text = (AllDemand / 325851).ToString();; labelGPCD.Text = (AllDemand / people / 365).ToString(); labelDU.Text = Units.ToString(); labelGU.Text = (AllDemand / Units).ToString(); labelGA.Text = (AllDemand / 325851 / DA).ToString(); }
void DisplayValues() { if (DWDM != null) { double count = 0; double people = 0; double DA = 0.0; double PA = 0.0; double Units = 0.0; // double GU = 0.0; //double GA = 0.0; foreach (WaterDemandAgent WDA in DWDM.WaterDemandAgents) { if (WDA is HouseHoldWaterDemand) { HouseHoldWaterDemand HHWD = (WDA as HouseHoldWaterDemand); DA += HHWD.DevelopedAcres; PA += HHWD.PerviousSqFt; Units += HHWD.NumberOfHouseholds; //GU += HHWD.TotalDemand; //GA += HHWD.TotalDemand; people += HHWD.HouseHoldSize * HHWD.NumberOfHouseholds; count++; } } PA = PA / 43560; //GU = GU / Units; //GA = GA / DA / 325851; double AllDemand = DWDM.WaterDemandAgents.TotalAllDemand(); labelAD.Text = DA.ToString(); labelPA.Text = PA.ToString();; labelID.Text = (DWDM.WaterDemandAgents.TotalIndoorDemand() / 325851).ToString(); labelOD.Text = (DWDM.WaterDemandAgents.TotalOutdoorDemand() / 325851).ToString(); labelTD.Text = (AllDemand / 325851).ToString();; labelGPCD.Text = (AllDemand / people / 365).ToString(); labelDU.Text = Units.ToString(); labelGU.Text = (AllDemand / Units).ToString(); labelGA.Text = (AllDemand / 325851 / DA).ToString(); } }
void SetupCommunityModel() { if (BuildList != null) { BuildingType BT = BuildList.FindByCode("LSF"); if (BT != null) { double units = 700 / 2.5; HouseHoldWaterDemand HHWD = new HouseHoldWaterDemand(BT, 2.5, units, 50); Community.Add(HHWD); //BT = BuildList.FindByCode("TSF"); //if (BT != null) //{ // BT = BuildList.FindByCode("TSF"); // HHWD = new HouseHoldWaterDemand(BT, 2.5, units, 50); // Community.Add(HHWD); //} } } Community.Run(); }