コード例 #1
        internal static DataSet GetFXData_j_g_ye(string yydh, string qymc, string type, string czy_temp, string ls_cond, string czsj, string xxzs)
            DataSet ds = null;

            BLL.Common B_common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            string     url      = common_file.common_app.service_url + "BBfx/BBfx_app.asmx";

            object[] args = new object[7];
            args[0] = common_file.common_app.yydh;
            args[1] = common_file.common_app.qymc;
            args[2] = type;
            args[3] = common_file.common_app.czy;
            args[4] = ls_cond;
            args[5] = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            args[6] = xxzs;

            Hotel_app.Server.BBfx.B_g_j_fx B_g_j_fx_services = new Hotel_app.Server.BBfx.B_g_j_fx();
            string result = B_g_j_fx_services.get_g_j_ye(args[0].ToString(), args[1].ToString(), args[2].ToString(), args[3].ToString(), args[4].ToString(), args[5].ToString(), args[6].ToString());

            //object result = Hotel_app.我的替换DynamicWebServiceCall.InvokeWebService(url, "get_g_j_ye", args);
            if (result != null && result == common_file.common_app.get_suc)
                string select_str = " id>=0    and   czy_temp='" + czy_temp + "'  and  yydh='" + common_file.common_app.yydh + "' ";
                if (ls_cond.Trim() != "")
                    select_str += ls_cond;
                ds = B_common.GetList(" select * from  BBfx_s_g_j_ye_ls  ", select_str);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除时批量添加 到Qskyd_mainrecord_temp表
        /// </summary>
        /// //public static string Pladd(string lsbh_old, string lsbh_new, string ddbh_new, string czy, string czsj)
        public static string Pladd(string yydh, string qymc, string lsbh_old, string lsbh_new, string ddbh_new, string czy, string czsj, string krxm, string sktt)
            string s = common_app.get_failure;

            BLL.Common    B_common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            StringBuilder strSql   = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append("insert into Qskyd_mainrecord(yydh,qymc,lsbh,ddbh,is_top,is_select,hykh,hyrx,krxm,tlkr,krgj,krmz,yxzj,zjhm,krxb,krsr,krdh,krsj,krEmail,krdz,krjg,krdw,krzy,cxmd,qzrx,qzhm,zjyxq,tlyxq,tjrq,lzka,krly,xyh,xydw,xsy,ddrx,ddwz,zyzt,krrx,kr_children,ddsj,lzts,lksj,qtyq,czy,czsj,cznr,shsc,sktt,yddj,ffshys,main_sec,sdcz,syzd,vip_type,tsyq,ddly)");
            strSql.Append(" select yydh,qymc,'" + lsbh_new + "','" + ddbh_new + "',is_top,is_select,hykh,hyrx,krxm,tlkr,krgj,krmz,yxzj,zjhm,krxb,krsr,krdh,krsj,krEmail,krdz,krjg,krdw,krzy,cxmd,qzrx,qzhm,zjyxq,tlyxq,tjrq,lzka,krly,xyh,xydw,xsy,ddrx,ddwz,zyzt,krrx,kr_children,ddsj,lzts,lksj,qtyq,'" + czy + "','" + czsj + "','" + common_app.chinese_add + "','" + "0" + "',sktt,yddj,'" + "0" + "','" + common_app.main_sec_main + "',sdcz,syzd,vip_type,tsyq,ddly from Qskyd_mainrecord");
            strSql.Append(" where lsbh='" + lsbh_old + "'");

            string  krxm0 = ""; string sktt0 = "";
            DataSet DS_temp = B_common.GetList("select sktt,krxm from Qskyd_mainrecord", " lsbh='" + lsbh_old + "'");

            if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                krxm0 = DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["krxm"].ToString();
                sktt0 = DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sktt"].ToString();
            Hotel_app.Server.Qyddj.Q_ff_xyxf Q_ff_xyxf_new = new Hotel_app.Server.Qyddj.Q_ff_xyxf();
            Q_ff_xyxf_new.Qyddj_otherfee_add(yydh, qymc, lsbh_new, krxm0, sktt0, "", czy);

            if (B_common.ExecuteSql(strSql.ToString()) > 0)
                s = common_app.get_suc;
コード例 #3
        //记账,挂账统计分析   //Type是common_bb中的固定值
        public static DataSet GetFXData_j_g(string yydh, string qymc, string cssj, string jssj, string sel_cond, string type, string czy, string czsj, string xxzs)
            DataSet ds = null;

            BLL.Common B_common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            string     url      = common_file.common_app.service_url + "BBfx/BBfx_app.asmx";

            object[] args = new object[9];
            args[0] = common_file.common_app.yydh;
            args[1] = common_file.common_app.qymc;
            args[2] = cssj.ToString();
            args[3] = jssj.ToString();
            args[4] = sel_cond;
            args[5] = type;
            args[6] = czy;
            args[7] = czsj;
            args[8] = xxzs;

            Hotel_app.Server.BBfx.B_g_j_fx B_g_j_fx_services = new Hotel_app.Server.BBfx.B_g_j_fx();
            string result = B_g_j_fx_services.get_g_j_fx_app(args[0].ToString(), args[1].ToString(), args[2].ToString(), args[3].ToString(), args[4].ToString(), args[5].ToString(), args[6].ToString(), args[7].ToString(), args[8].ToString());

            //object result = Hotel_app.我的替换DynamicWebServiceCall.InvokeWebService(url, "get_g_j_fx_app", args);
            if (result != null && result == common_file.common_app.get_suc)
                string select_str = " id>=0  and  type='" + type + "'  and   czy_temp='" + czy + "'  and  yydh='" + common_file.common_app.yydh + "' ";
                if (sel_cond.Trim() != "")
                    select_str += sel_cond;
                ds = B_common.GetList(" select * from  BS_g_j_fx  ", select_str);
コード例 #4
        public static int get_zfs()
            int zfs = 1;

            BLL.Common B_Common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            DataSet    DS_temp  = B_Common.GetList("select id from Ffjzt", "id>=0");

            if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                zfs = DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
            DS_temp = B_Common.GetList("select tjkffs from Qcounter", "id>=0");
            if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                if (int.Parse(DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["tjkffs"].ToString()) > 0)
                    zfs = zfs - int.Parse(DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["tjkffs"].ToString());
            if (zfs < 1)
                zfs = 1;
コード例 #5
        public void add_hy_info_01(string hykh_bz_input, bool shdk, ref TextBox TB_hykh_bz, ref TextBox TB_hyrx, ref TextBox TB_krxm, ref TextBox TB_hyjf)
            string hykh_bz = "";

            if (shdk == true)
                hykh_bz = get_hykh();
                hykh_bz = hykh_bz_input;
            if (hykh_bz != "")
                BLL.Common B_Common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
                DataSet    DS_temp  = B_Common.GetList("select * from Hhygl", "hykh_bz='" + hykh_bz + "'");
                if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    TB_hykh_bz.Text = DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["hykh_bz"].ToString();
                    TB_krxm.Text    = DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["krxm"].ToString();
                    TB_hyrx.Text    = DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["hyrx"].ToString();
                    TB_hyjf.Text    = common_file.common_hy.SumJF(DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["hykh"].ToString()).ToString();
コード例 #6
        private void b_exportToExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BLL.Common B_common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            DataSet    ds_0     = null;

            if (DS_ttyd_qx.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                ds_0 = DS_ttyd_cy.Clone();
                for (int i = 0; i < DS_ttyd_qx.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    string  ddbh = DS_ttyd_qx.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ddbh"].ToString();
                    DataRow dr   = ds_0.Tables[0].NewRow();
                    dr["lsbh"] = DS_ttyd_qx.Tables[0].Rows[i]["lsbh"].ToString();
                    dr["ddbh"] = DS_ttyd_qx.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ddbh"].ToString();
                    dr["krxm"] = DS_ttyd_qx.Tables[0].Rows[i]["krxm"].ToString();
                    dr["hykh"] = DS_ttyd_qx.Tables[0].Rows[i]["krbh"].ToString();
                    dr["yddj"] = DS_ttyd_qx.Tables[0].Rows[i]["yddj"].ToString();
                    dr["sktt"] = "团体主单";
                    dr["krly"] = DS_ttyd_qx.Tables[0].Rows[i]["krly"].ToString();
                    dr["xyh"]  = DS_ttyd_qx.Tables[0].Rows[i]["xyh"].ToString();
                    dr["xydw"] = DS_ttyd_qx.Tables[0].Rows[i]["xydw"].ToString();
                    dr["krdh"] = DS_ttyd_qx.Tables[0].Rows[i]["krdh"].ToString();
                    dr["krsj"] = DS_ttyd_qx.Tables[0].Rows[i]["krsj"].ToString();
                    dr["tlkr"] = "预订人姓名:" + DS_ttyd_qx.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ydrxm"].ToString();
                    dr["ddsj"] = DS_ttyd_qx.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ddsj"].ToString();
                    dr["lksj"] = DS_ttyd_qx.Tables[0].Rows[i]["lksj"].ToString();
                if (ds_0 != null && ds_0.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    common_file.common_DataSetToExcel.ExportMX(ds_0, "skyd_qx", "团队未到内容导出");
コード例 #7
        //用于记录夜审时库存生成的日期  renew_tj_kc指示是否重新重计出库
        public string kc_fx(string yydh, string qymc, string czsj, string _renew_tj_kc, string czy_temp, string xxzs)
            string s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;

            BLL.Common B_Common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            int        i        = 0;
            DataSet ds = B_Common.GetList(" select  *  from  sqs_ck_tj_date   ", " czsj   between '" + DateTime.Parse(czsj).ToShortDateString() + "' and '" + DateTime.Parse(czsj).ToShortDateString() + " 23:59:59" + "'");

            if ((ds == null || (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0)))
                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(" insert into  sqs_ck_tj_date(yydh,qymc,tj_rq,czsj,bz)  values('" + yydh + "','" + qymc + "','" + DateTime.Parse(czsj).Date.AddDays(-1) + "','" + czsj + "','新增出库统计成功')");
                i = 1;
                B_Common.ExecuteSql("  update  sqs_ck_tj_date  set  czsj='" + czsj + "',bz='" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["bz"].ToString() + "|由于重做夜审,更新当天的统计时间'  where  id='" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString() + "'  ");
                i = 1;
            if (i == 1)
                Record_kc_tj_mx(yydh, qymc, czsj, czy_temp);
            s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;

            //Gen_r_kc_bb(yydh, qymc, czsj, "", czy_temp, xxzs);

コード例 #8
        private DataSet Get_zdylData(string cssj, string jssj, string sel_cond)
            //qymc, yydh, cssj, jssj, czy_temp, czsj, xxzs
            DataSet ds = null;

            BLL.Common B_common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            string     url      = common_file.common_app.service_url + "BBfx/BBfx_app.asmx";

            object[] args = new object[7];
            args[0] = common_file.common_app.qymc;
            args[1] = common_file.common_app.yydh;
            args[2] = cssj.ToString();
            args[3] = jssj.ToString();
            args[4] = common_file.common_app.czy;
            args[5] = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            args[6] = common_file.common_app.xxzs;
            //object result = Hotel_app.DynamicWebServiceCall.InvokeWebService(url, "get_zzkr_ylfx_app", args);
            Server.BBfx.B_zdkr_ylfx B_zdkr_ylfx_new = new Hotel_app.Server.BBfx.B_zdkr_ylfx();
            string result = B_zdkr_ylfx_new.Get_zdkr_ylData(args[0].ToString(), args[1].ToString(),
                                                            args[2].ToString(), args[3].ToString(), args[4].ToString(), args[5].ToString(), args[6].ToString());

            if (result != null && result.ToString() == common_file.common_app.get_suc)
                string select_str = " id>=0  and yydh='" + common_file.common_app.yydh + "'  and  lksj>='" + cssj + "'  and  lksj<='" + jssj + "'  and main_sec='" + common_file.common_app.main_sec_main + "'    and  czy_temp='" + common_file.common_app.czy + "'";
                if (sel_cond != "")
                    select_str += sel_cond;
                ds = B_common.GetList(" select * from  View_zdkr_ylfx_temp  ", select_str);
コード例 #9
        public static string TT_plAdd(string lsbh_old, string lsbh_new, string krxm, string czy, string czsj, string xxzs)
            string        s      = common_app.get_failure;
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append("insert into Qskyd_mainrecord(yydh,qymc,lsbh,ddbh,is_top,is_select,krxm,krgj,krEmail,krdz,krly,xyh,xydw,xsy,ddrx,ddwz,zyzt,ddsj,lzts,lksj,qtyq,czy,czsj,cznr,shsc,sktt,yddj,ffshys,main_sec,sdcz,ddly,tsyq,syzd)");
            strSql.Append(" select yydh,qymc,'" + lsbh_new + "',ddbh,is_top,is_select,'" + krxm + "',krgj,krEmail,krdz,krly,xyh,xydw,xsy,ddrx,ddwz,zyzt,ddsj,'1',lksj,qtyq,'" + czy + "','" + czsj + "','" + common_app.chinese_add + "','" + "0" + "',sktt,yddj,ffshys,'" + common_app.main_sec_main + "',sdcz,ddly,tsyq,syzd from Qttyd_mainrecord");
            strSql.Append(" where lsbh='" + lsbh_old + "'");
            BLL.Common B_common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            if (B_common.ExecuteSql(strSql.ToString()) > 0)
                string  lfbh_News = common_file.common_ddbh.ddbh("lf", "lfdate", "lfcounter", 6);
                DataSet DS_temp   = B_common.GetList("select * from Flfsz", "lsbh in (select lsbh from Qskyd_mainrecord where ddbh in(select ddbh from Qttyd_mainrecord where lsbh='" + lsbh_old + "'))");
                if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    lfbh_News = DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["lfbh"].ToString();
                    lfbh_News = common_file.common_ddbh.ddbh("lf", "lfdate", "lfcounter", 6);
                DS_temp = B_common.GetList("select * from Qskyd_fjrb", "lsbh='" + lsbh_new + "'");
                if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    Hotel_app.Server.Ffjzt.Flfsz_add_edit Flfsz_add_edit_new = new Hotel_app.Server.Ffjzt.Flfsz_add_edit();
                    Flfsz_add_edit_new.Flfsz_add_edit_delete("", DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["yydh"].ToString(), DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["qymc"].ToString(), lfbh_News, DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["lsbh"].ToString(), DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["fjbh"].ToString(), DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["krxm"].ToString(), DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sktt"].ToString(), DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["yddj"].ToString(), czy, czsj, false, common_app.get_add, xxzs);
                    //(string id, string yydh, string qymc, string lfbh, string lsbh, string fjbh, string krxm, string sktt, string yddj, string czy, string czsj, bool shlz, string add_edit_delete, string xxzs)
                s = common_app.get_suc;
コード例 #10
        public void get_gj(string fjrb)
            string krly_0 = ""; string xyh_0 = ""; DateTime ddsj_0 = DateTime.Parse(common_file.common_app.cssj); DateTime lksj_0 = DateTime.Parse(common_file.common_app.cssj);
            string hykh = ""; string hyrx = "";

            BLL.Common B_Common  = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            DataSet    DS_temp_0 = B_Common.GetList("select krly,xyh,ddsj,lksj,hykh,hyrx from Qskyd_mainrecord", "lsbh='" + lsbh + "'");

            if (DS_temp_0 != null && DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                xyh_0  = DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[0]["xyh"].ToString();
                krly_0 = DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[0]["krly"].ToString();
                ddsj_0 = DateTime.Parse(DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ddsj"].ToString());
                lksj_0 = DateTime.Parse(DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[0]["lksj"].ToString());
                hykh   = DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[0]["hykh"].ToString();
                hyrx   = DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[0]["hyrx"].ToString();
                DS_temp_0 = B_Common.GetList("select krly,xyh,ddsj,lksj from Qttyd_mainrecord", "lsbh='" + lsbh + "'");
                if (DS_temp_0 != null && DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    xyh_0  = DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[0]["xyh"].ToString();
                    krly_0 = DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[0]["krly"].ToString();
                    ddsj_0 = DateTime.Parse(DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ddsj"].ToString());
                    lksj_0 = DateTime.Parse(DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[0]["lksj"].ToString());

            tB_fjjg.Text = common_file.common_get_fjjg.get_fjjg(fjrb, krly_0, xyh_0, ddsj_0, lksj_0, hykh, hyrx);
コード例 #11
        public static bool get_judge_void(TextBox TB_ls, string judge_type, string massage_content)
            BLL.Common B_Common_temp = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();

            DataSet DS_temp_0 = B_Common_temp.GetList("select id from X_judge_void", "judge_type='" + judge_type + "' and judge_value=1 and yydh='" + common_file.common_app.yydh + "'");

            if (DS_temp_0 != null && DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                if (TB_ls.Text.Trim() != "")
                    common_file.common_app.Message_box_show(common_file.common_app.message_title, massage_content);
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table_name">表名</param>
        /// <param name="object_name">字段名</param>
        /// <param name="massage_content">提示信息</param>
        /// <param name="input_content">输入框内容</param>
        /// <param name="judge_add_edit">新增或修改</param>
        /// <param name="id_temp">所选择字段的ID</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int get_judge_repeat(string table_name, string object_name, string massage_content, string input_content, string judge_add_edit, string id_temp)
            int judge_save = 3;

            BLL.Common B_Common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            DataSet    DS_temp  = B_Common.GetList("select count(id) as sl from " + table_name, object_name + "='" + input_content + "'" + common_file.common_app.yydh_select + "");

            if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                if (Convert.ToDecimal(DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sl"].ToString()) > 0)
                    judge_save = 4;
                    if (judge_add_edit == common_file.common_app.get_edit)
                        DS_temp = B_Common.GetList("select id from " + table_name, object_name + "='" + input_content + "'" + common_file.common_app.yydh_select + "");
                        if (DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString() == id_temp)
                            judge_save = 3;
                    if (judge_save == 4)
                        common_file.common_app.Message_box_show(common_file.common_app.message_title, massage_content);
            //if (judge_save == 3) return true;
            //else return false;
コード例 #13
        public static void sub_menu_ddi_is_visible(ToolStripItem item, string user_type)
            BLL.Common        B_Common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            DataSet           DS_temp;
            ToolStripMenuItem pItem = (ToolStripMenuItem)item;

            for (int j_0 = 0; j_0 < pItem.DropDownItems.Count; j_0++)
                DS_temp = B_Common.GetList("select * from YH_RolePermission", " p_lsbh='" + pItem.DropDownItems[j_0].Name.ToString() + "' and p_value=1 and R_lsbh='" + user_type + "'");
                if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    pItem.DropDownItems[j_0].Enabled = true;
                    pItem.DropDownItems[j_0].Enabled = false;
                if (pItem.DropDownItems[j_0].GetType().ToString() == "System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem")
                    sub_menu_ddi_is_visible(pItem.DropDownItems[j_0], user_type);
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
コード例 #14
        private void Getlskr(string time_start, string time_end, string jfsx, string krxm)
            DataSet ds_lskr   = null;
            string  sql_con   = "";
            float   costTotal = 0;

            if (jfsx.Trim() == "")
                costTotal = 0;
                costTotal = float.Parse(tb_jfsx.Text.Trim());
            sql_con = " id>=0   and  yydh='" + common_file.common_app.yydh + "'  and  xfdr='" + Szwgl.common_zw.dr_ff + "'  and zjhm!='' and  xfsj>='" + time_start + "'  and  xfsj<='" + time_end + "'  and krxm like '%" + krxm + "%'    group by  krxm,yxzj,zjhm  having sum(sjxfje)>=" + costTotal;

            BLL.Common B_common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            ds_lskr = B_common.GetList("select krxm,yxzj,zjhm,sum(sjxfje) as totalCost  from View_ssyxfmx_lskr_mx ", sql_con);
            if (ds_lskr != null && ds_lskr.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                Q_lskr_xf Q_lskr_xf_new = new Q_lskr_xf(ds_lskr, time_start, time_end);
                Q_lskr_xf_new.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
                Q_lskr_xf_new.MdiParent     = common_file.common_form.Fmain_new;
                common_file.common_app.Message_box_show(common_file.common_app.message_title, "对不起,没有任何会员的历史消费额达到当前的设置的消费上限值!");
コード例 #15
        //当日出库(库存--出库   在表Ssyxfmx中jjje和sjxfje表示的都为总价,在表Xxfmx中都按单价处理)

        private void Get_kc_ck(string qymc, string yydh, string mxbh, string czsj, string czy_temp, decimal dj_qc, ref decimal sl_r_ck)
            decimal xf_Today_sl = 0, xf_Today_cb = 0, xf_Today_yye = 0; DataSet ds; sl_r_ck = 0;
            string  tj_rq = (DateTime.Parse(czsj).AddDays(-1)).ToShortDateString();//出库的日期

            BLL.Common B_common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();

            string sel_s = " yydh='" + yydh + "' and xfsj>='" + tj_rq + "'  and  xfsj<'" + DateTime.Parse(czsj).ToShortDateString() + "'  and   ischecked='1'  and mxbh='" + mxbh + "'";

            ds = B_common.GetList(" select  *  from  Ssyxfmx_kc_sh_temp ", sel_s);
            if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    xf_Today_sl  += decimal.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["xfsl"].ToString());
                    xf_Today_yye += decimal.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["xfje"].ToString());
                xf_Today_cb = xf_Today_sl * dj_qc;
                sl_r_ck     = xf_Today_sl;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append(" insert into BB_kc_mx(yydh,qymc,xfdr,drbh,xfxr,xrbh,xfxm,mxbh,sl,rq,xftm,jjdj,xsdj,yhbl,sjxsdj,Total_cb,Total_yye,rx,xfsj) ");
            sb.Append("  select  yydh,qymc,xfdr,drbh,xfxr,xrbh,xfmx,mxbh,'" + xf_Today_sl + "','" + tj_rq + "',xftm,'" + dj_qc + "',xfje,1,xfje,'" + xf_Today_cb + "','" + xf_Today_yye + "','" + Xxtsz.common_kc.kc_rx_ck_r + "','" + tj_rq + "'  from   Xxfmx     ");
            sb.Append("  where   yydh='" + yydh + "'  and   mxbh='" + mxbh + "'");
            common_file.common_czjl.add_czjl(yydh, qymc, czy_temp, Xxtsz.common_kc.kc_rx_ck_r, DateTime.Parse(czsj).AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString(), "新增", DateTime.Parse(czsj));
コード例 #16
 public dgvprint_app(string lsbh, string sel_con, string _loadType, DataSet _ds_print)
     loadType      = _loadType;
     this.ds_print = _ds_print;
     this.lsbh     = lsbh;
     this.sel_con  = sel_con;
     if (lsbh.Trim() != "" && loadType == "single")
         if (sel_con.Trim() != "")
             sel_con = " and  " + sel_con + " ";
         BLL.Common B_common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
         ds_print = B_common.GetList(" select * from Szw_temp ", "id>=0  " + common_file.common_app.yydh_select + " and  lsbh='" + lsbh + "'  and  czy_temp='" + common_file.common_app.czy + "' " + sel_con + "  order by  xfsj  desc");
     if (lsbh.Trim() == "" && loadType == "multi" && ds_print != null && ds_print.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
     if (lsbh.Trim() != "" && loadType == "jbmx" && ds_print != null && ds_print.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
     if (lsbh.Trim() != "" && loadType == "jkmx" && ds_print != null && ds_print.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
コード例 #17
        string zz_lsbh = "";//common_file.common_ddbh.ddbh("zwzz","jzdate","jzcounter",6)+DateTime.Now.ToString();

        //jzbh = common_file.common_ddbh.ddbh("szcz", "jzdate", "jzcounter", 6)

        public string GetjzOrgzOrZaizToZzResult(string lsbh_old, string jzbh_old, string lsbh_new, string sk_tt, string Zz_Type, string yydh, string czy, string czy_bc, string czsj, string syzd, string xxzs, string qymc, string czy_GUID)
            //Zz_Type  是指转的类型 (从帐务转进来有:jz-tt,jz-sk;gz-tt,gz-sk  sk-sk,sk-tt,tt-sk,tt-tt(后面四种是针对在住转在住的)
            //sk_tt   是指转帐的主体是散客还是团体(lsbh_old类型,sk  or  tt)

            string s = common_file.common_app.get_failure;

            BLL.Common B_common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            if (Zz_Type == common_zw.zwzz_gz_sk || Zz_Type == common_zw.zwzz_gz_tt || Zz_Type == common_zw.zwzz_jz_sk || Zz_Type == common_zw.zwzz_jz_tt)
            //if (Zz_Type == common_zw.zwzz_sk_sk || Zz_Type == common_zw.zwzz_sk_tt || Zz_Type == common_zw.zwzz_tt_sk || Zz_Type == common_zw.zwzz_tt_tt)
            //    ////先备份Szwmx到BAK中,
            //    //strsql = new StringBuilder();
            //    //strsql.Append("insert into  Szwmx_bak(yydh,qymc,is_top,is_select,id_app,jzbh,lsbh,krxm,fjrb,fjbh,sktt,xfrq,xfsj,czy,xfdr,xfrb,xfxm,xfbz,xfzy,xfje,yh,sjxfje,xfsl,shsc,czy_bc,czzt,czsj,syzd,is_visible,mxbh)");
            //    //strsql.Append(" select yydh,qymc,is_top,is_select,id_app,jzbh,lsbh,krxm,fjrb,fjbh,sktt,xfrq,xfsj,czy,xfdr,xfrb,xfxm,xfbz,xfzy,xfje,yh,sjxfje,xfsl,shsc,czy_bc,'" + Zz_Type + "',czsj,syzd,is_visible,mxbh  from Szwmx");
            //    //strsql.Append("  where  lsbh='" + lsbh_old + "'  and yydh='" + yydh + "'  and  id_app  in (select  id_app  from Szw_zz_fj_temp where lsbh='" + lsbh_old + "'  and czy='" + czy + "') ");
            //    //B_common.ExecuteSql(strsql.ToString());//备份在Szw_zz_fj_temp这个表里面出现的Szwmx的记录,要转到lsbh_new的
            if (GetjzOrgzOrZaiZToZz_helper(lsbh_old, jzbh_old, lsbh_new, sk_tt, Zz_Type, yydh, czy, czy_bc, czsj, syzd, xxzs, czy_GUID) == common_file.common_app.get_suc)
                s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
            common_file.common_czjl.add_czjl(yydh, qymc, czy, "当前帐务由:" + lsbh_old + "转到:" + lsbh_new + "名下", Zz_Type, Zz_Type + "转帐结果为:" + s, Convert.ToDateTime(czsj));
コード例 #18
        public static DataSet GetFXData_j_g_Mx_xx(string yydh, string qymc, string cssj, string jssj, string sel_cond, string type, string czy, string jzzt, string czsj, string xxzs)
            //yydh, qymc, cssj, jssj, other_cond, type, jzzt, czy_temp, czsj, xxzs
            DataSet ds = null;

            BLL.Common B_common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            string     url      = common_file.common_app.service_url + "BBfx/BBfx_app.asmx";

            object[] args = new object[10];
            args[0] = common_file.common_app.yydh;
            args[1] = common_file.common_app.qymc;
            args[2] = cssj.ToString();
            args[3] = jssj.ToString();
            args[4] = sel_cond;
            args[5] = type;
            args[6] = jzzt;
            args[7] = common_file.common_app.czy;
            args[8] = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            args[9] = common_file.common_app.xxzs;

            Hotel_app.Server.BBfx.B_g_j_fx B_g_j_fx_services = new Hotel_app.Server.BBfx.B_g_j_fx();
            string result = B_g_j_fx_services.get_g_j_mxfxData(args[0].ToString(), args[1].ToString(), args[2].ToString(), args[3].ToString(), args[4].ToString(), args[5].ToString(), args[6].ToString(), args[7].ToString(), args[8].ToString(), args[9].ToString());

            //object result = Hotel_app.我的替换DynamicWebServiceCall.InvokeWebService(url, "get_g_j_mxfx_app", args);
            if (result == common_file.common_app.get_suc)
                string select_str = " id>=0  and  jzzt!=''   and   czy_temp='" + czy + "'  and  yydh='" + common_file.common_app.yydh + "'  order by  jzzt  desc,xfsj  desc ";
                //if (sel_cond.Trim() != "")
                //    select_str += sel_cond;
                ds = B_common.GetList(" select * from  BB_g_j_mxfx_ls  ", select_str);
コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// 向这张表插入临时数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="yydh"></param>
        /// <param name="qymc"></param>
        /// <param name="czy"></param>
        /// <param name="cssj"></param>
        /// <param name="jssj"></param>
        /// <param name="add_type"></param>///销售员xsy,协议单位xydw;客人来源krly
        /// <param name="xxzs"></param>
        public string Ssyxfmx_hy_ls_add_app(string yydh, string qymc, string czy, string cssj, string jssj, string add_type, string xxzs)
            string get_result = common_file.common_app.get_failure;

            BLL.Common B_Common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            string     sql_s    = "";

            //if (add_type == common_bb.xsy_krly_xydw_krly || add_type == common_bb.xsy_krly_xydw_xydw || add_type == common_bb.xsy_krly_xydw_pq || add_type == common_bb.xsy_krly_xydw_krgj || add_type == common_bb.xsy_krly_xydw_gj_sf || add_type == common_bb.xsy_krly_xydw_gj_cs)
            sql_s = "delete from BQ_syxfmx_hy_ls where yydh='" + yydh + "' and czy_temp='" + czy + "'";
            sql_s = "insert into BQ_syxfmx_hy_ls(yydh,qymc,id_app,jzbh,lsbh,krxm,fjrb,fjbh,xfsj,xfdr,xfrb,xfxm,sjxfje,xfsl,xsy,hykh,hykh_bz,czy_temp)";
            sql_s = sql_s + "select yydh,qymc,id_app,jzbh,lsbh,krxm,fjrb,fjbh,xfsj,xfdr,xfrb,xfxm,sjxfje,xfsl,xsy,hykh,hykh_bz,'" + czy + "' from VS_syxfmx_hyxsy where yydh='" + yydh + "' and  xfsj between '" + cssj + "' and '" + jssj + "'";

            //if (add_type == common_bb.xsy_krly_xydw_xsy)
            //    sql_s = "delete from BQ_syxfmx_hy_ls where czy_temp='" + czy + "'";
            //    B_Common.ExecuteSql(sql_s);
            //    sql_s = "insert into BQ_syxfmx_hy_ls(yydh,qymc,id_app,jzbh,lsbh,krxm,fjrb,fjbh,sktt,xfsj,xfdr,xfrb,xfxm,sjxfje,xfsl,xsy,krly,xydw,czy_temp)";
            //    sql_s = sql_s + "select yydh,qymc,id_app,jzbh,lsbh,krxm,fjrb,fjbh,sktt,xfsj,xfdr,xfrb,xfxm,sjxfje,xfsl,xsy,krly,xydw,'" + czy + "' from VS_syxfmx_xsy where yydh='" + yydh + "' and  xfsj between '" + cssj + "' and '" + jssj + "'";
            //    B_Common.ExecuteSql(sql_s);
            get_result = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
コード例 #20
        public static void Getmxbh(string mxbh, string xftm, out string drbh, out string xfdr, out string xrbh, out string xfxr, out string xfmx, out string xftm_temp, out string mxbh_temp)
            string s_0 = "";

            drbh = ""; xfdr = ""; xrbh = ""; xfxr = ""; xfmx = ""; xftm_temp = ""; mxbh_temp = "";
            BLL.Common B_Common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            if (xftm.Trim() != "")
                s_0 = " xftm='" + xftm + "'";
                s_0 = " mxbh='" + mxbh + "'";
            DataSet DS_temp = B_Common.GetList("select * from Xxfmx", s_0);

            if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                drbh      = DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["drbh"].ToString();
                xfdr      = DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["xfdr"].ToString();
                xrbh      = DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["xrbh"].ToString();
                xfxr      = DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["xfxr"].ToString();
                xfmx      = DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["xfmx"].ToString();
                xftm_temp = DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["xftm"].ToString();
                mxbh_temp = DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["mxbh"].ToString();
コード例 #21
        public string Sjzmx_or_bak_ls_add_app(string yydh, string qymc, string czy, string cssj, string jssj, string czzt, string xxzs)
            string get_result = common_file.common_app.get_failure;

            BLL.Common B_Common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            string     sql_s    = "";

            sql_s = "delete from BS_jzmx_ls where yydh='" + yydh + "' and czy_temp='" + czy + "'";
            sql_s = "delete from BS_jzmx_bak_ls where yydh='" + yydh + "' and czy_temp='" + czy + "'";
                sql_s = "insert into BS_jzmx_ls(yydh,qymc,id_app,jzbh,lsbh,krxm,fjrb,fjbh,sktt,xfrq,xfsj,xfdr,xfrb,xfxm,xfbz,xfzy,sjxfje,xfsl,czzt,tfsj,czsj,jzzt,fkfs,czy_temp)";
                sql_s = sql_s + "select yydh,qymc,id_app,jzbh,lsbh,krxm,fjrb,fjbh,sktt,xfrq,xfsj,xfdr,xfrb,xfxm,xfbz,xfzy,sjxfje,xfsl,czzt,tfsj,czsj,jzzt,fkfs,'" + czy + "' from Sjzmx where yydh='" + yydh + "' and (tfsj between '" + cssj + "' and '" + jssj + "' or czsj between '" + cssj + "' and '" + jssj + "')" + czzt;
                sql_s = "insert into BS_jzmx_bak_ls(yydh,qymc,id_app,jzbh,lsbh,krxm,fjrb,fjbh,sktt,xfrq,xfsj,xfdr,xfrb,xfxm,xfbz,xfzy,sjxfje,xfsl,czzt,tfsj,czsj,jzzt,fkfs,czy_temp)";
                sql_s = sql_s + "select yydh,qymc,id_app,jzbh,lsbh,krxm,fjrb,fjbh,sktt,xfrq,xfsj,xfdr,xfrb,xfxm,xfbz,xfzy,sjxfje,xfsl,czzt,tfsj,czsj,jzzt,fkfs,'" + czy + "' from Sjzmx_bak where yydh='" + yydh + "'  and (tfsj between '" + cssj + "' and '" + jssj + "' or czsj between '" + cssj + "' and '" + jssj + "')" + czzt + common_file_server.common_jzzt.czzt_bak_not_like_tf;
                common_file.common_czjl.add_errorlog(sql_s, "", DateTime.Now.ToString());

            get_result = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
コード例 #22
        //当日 sktt 分析
        public string dr_yd_yl_sktt_app(string yydh, string qymc, string czy, DateTime czsj, string xxzs)
            string get_result = common_file.common_app.get_failure;

            BLL.Common B_Common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            B_Common.ExecuteSql("delete from " + "F_ftfx_sktt_ddlk where czy='" + czy + "'");

            DataSet DS_temp = B_Common.GetList("select sktt,sum(lzfs) as lzfs from Qskyd_fjrb", "yddj='" + common_file.common_yddj.yddj_yd + "' and ddsj between '" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "' and '" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " 23:59:59" + "' group by sktt");

            dr_yd_yl_sktt_yd_add(yydh, qymc, common_file.common_sktt.sktt_sk, B_Common, DS_temp, "F_ftfx_sktt_ddlk", czy);
            dr_yd_yl_sktt_yd_add(yydh, qymc, common_file.common_sktt.sktt_cz, B_Common, DS_temp, "F_ftfx_sktt_ddlk", czy);
            dr_yd_yl_sktt_yd_add(yydh, qymc, common_file.common_sktt.sktt_zd, B_Common, DS_temp, "F_ftfx_sktt_ddlk", czy);
            dr_yd_yl_sktt_yd_add(yydh, qymc, common_file.common_sktt.sktt_tt, B_Common, DS_temp, "F_ftfx_sktt_ddlk", czy);
            dr_yd_yl_sktt_yd_add(yydh, qymc, common_file.common_sktt.sktt_hy, B_Common, DS_temp, "F_ftfx_sktt_ddlk", czy);

            dr_yd_yl_zz_update(yydh, qymc, B_Common, "F_ftfx_sktt_ddlk", "yddj='" + common_file.common_yddj.yddj_dj + "' and lksj not between '" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "' and '" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " 23:59:59" + "'", "zdfs", "zdrs");

            dr_yd_yl_zz_update(yydh, qymc, B_Common, "F_ftfx_sktt_ddlk", "yddj='" + common_file.common_yddj.yddj_dj + "' and lksj  between '" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "' and '" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " 23:59:59" + "'", "ylfs", "ylrs");

            B_Common.ExecuteSql("insert into " + "F_ftfx_sktt_ddlk" + "(yydh,qymc,zyzt,ydfs,ydrs,zdfs,zdrs,ylfs,ylrs,czy) select '" + yydh + "','" + qymc + "','" + "合计" + "',sum(ydfs),sum(ydrs),sum(zdfs),sum(zdrs),sum(ylfs),sum(ylrs),'" + czy + "' from " + "F_ftfx_sktt_ddlk");

            get_result = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
コード例 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// 团体账务提醒
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lsbh"></param>
        public static void Qttzw_remind(string lsbh)
            BLL.Common B_Common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();

            DataSet DS_temp = B_Common.GetList("select * from X_judge_remind", "judge_ym='Syd'  and judge_type='fjbm' and judge_value=1");

                if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)

            DS_temp = B_Common.GetList("select * from X_judge_remind", "judge_ym='Syd'  and judge_type='tsyq' and judge_value=1");
                if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            DS_temp = B_Common.GetList("select * from X_judge_remind", "judge_ym='Syd'  and judge_type='qtyq' and judge_value=1");
                if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
コード例 #24
        private void button9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BLL.Common B_Common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            DataSet    DS_temp  = B_Common.GetList("select * from Qskyd_mainrecord", "id>=0");

コード例 #25
        private void Insert_Qc_Row(string yydh, string qymc, string xfdr, string xfxr, string xfxm, string mxbh, string xftm, string jjdj_qc, string sl_qc, string rx, string czy_temp, string rq)
            BLL.Common    B_common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            StringBuilder sb       = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("  insert into  BB_kc_y_r_cbtj(yydh,qymc,xfdr,xfxr,xfmx,mxbh,xftm,jjdj_qc,sl_qc,jjdj_rk,sl_rk,jjdj_ck,sl_ck,jjdj_tz,sl_tz,jjdj_qm,sl_qm,rx,czy_temp,rq )");
            sb.Append("  values('" + yydh + "','" + qymc + "','" + xfdr + "','" + xfxr + "','" + xfxm + "','" + mxbh + "','" + xftm + "','" + jjdj_qc + "','" + sl_qc + "','0','0','" + jjdj_qc + "','0','0','0','0','0','" + rx + "','" + czy_temp + "','" + rq + "')");
コード例 #26
        public static void add_lo_ex_re_current(string yydh, string qymc, string syzd, string yhbh, string yhxm, string lo_ex, DateTime login_time, DateTime login_time_yl)
            BLL.Common B_Common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            string     sql_s    = "delete from YH_lo_ex_trace_current where yydh='" + yydh + "' and yhbh='" + yhbh + "' and login_time='" + login_time_yl.ToString() + "'";

            sql_s = "insert into YH_lo_ex_trace_current(yydh,qymc,syzd,yhbh,yhxm,lo_ex,login_time) values ('" + yydh + "','" + qymc + "','" + syzd + "','" + yhbh + "','" + yhxm + "','" + lo_ex + "','" + login_time.ToString() + "')";
コード例 #27
        public static void add_wx_yd()
            string cssj  = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
            string jssj  = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " 23:59:59";
            string shlf  = "0";
            string shts  = "0";
            string shvip = "0";
            string fjbm  = "0";

            BLL.Common B_Common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            DataSet    DS_temp  = B_Common.GetList("select * from Fwx_other", " (ddsj between '" + cssj + "' and '" + jssj + "') and fjbh<>''");

            if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i_0 = 0; i_0 < DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i_0++)
                    B_Common.ExecuteSql("update Ffjzt set zyzt='" + DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["zyzt"].ToString() + "',ddsj='" + DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["ddsj"].ToString() + "',lksj='" + DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["lksj"].ToString() + "',czsj='" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "' where fjbh='" + DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["fjbh"].ToString() + "' and zyzt <>'" + common_file.common_fjzt.zzf + "' and zyzt<>'" + DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["zyzt"].ToString() + "'");
            DataSet DS_temp_0 = B_Common.GetList("select * from Qskyd_fjrb", " (ddsj between '" + cssj + "' and '" + jssj + "') and fjbh<>'' and yddj='" + common_file.common_yddj.yddj_yd + "'");

            if (DS_temp_0 != null && DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i_0 = 0; i_0 < DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i_0++)
                    shvip = "0"; shlf = "0"; shvip = "0";
                    if (B_Common.ExecuteSql("update Ffjzt set zyzt_second='" + common_file.common_fjzt.ydf + "',yd_ddsj='" + DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["ddsj"].ToString() + "',yd_lksj='" + DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["lksj"].ToString() + "',czsj='" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "' where fjbh='" + DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["fjbh"].ToString() + "' and zyzt='" + common_file.common_fjzt.zzf + "' and (zyzt_second<>'" + common_file.common_fjzt.ydf + "' and yd_ddsj<>'" + DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["ddsj"].ToString() + "' and yd_lksj<>'" + DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["lksj"].ToString() + "' ) and   fjbh in (select fjbh from Qskyd_fjrb where id='" + DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["id"].ToString() + "' and yddj='" + common_file.common_yddj.yddj_yd + "')") < 1)
                        DS_temp = B_Common.GetList("select id from Ffjzt", "fjbh='" + DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["fjbh"].ToString() + "' and zyzt<>'" + common_file.common_fjzt.zzf + "' and zyzt_second<>'" + common_file.common_fjzt.ydf + "' ");
                        if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            if (common_file.common_fjzt.IsVIP(DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["lsbh"].ToString()) == true)
                                shvip = "1";
                            if (common_file.common_fjzt.Islf(DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["lsbh"].ToString()) == true)
                                shlf = "1";
                            if (common_file.common_fjzt.Ists(DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["lsbh"].ToString()) == true)
                                shts = "1";
                            if (common_file.common_fjzt.Isbm(DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["lsbh"].ToString()) == true)
                                fjbm = "1";
                            B_Common.ExecuteSql("update Ffjzt set zyzt_second='" + common_file.common_fjzt.ydf + "',yd_ddsj='" + DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["ddsj"].ToString() + "',yd_lksj='" + DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["lksj"].ToString() + "',krxm='" + DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["krxm"].ToString() + "',lsbh='" + DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["lsbh"].ToString() + "',sktt='" + DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["sktt"].ToString() + "',shts='" + shts + "',shvip='" + shvip + "',shlf='" + shlf + "',fjbm='" + fjbm + "',czsj='" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "' where id='" + DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString() + "' and (zyzt_second<>'" + common_file.common_fjzt.ydf + "' and yd_ddsj<>'" + DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["ddsj"].ToString() + "' and yd_lksj<>'" + DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["lksj"].ToString() + "' ) and   fjbh in (select fjbh from Qskyd_fjrb where id='" + DS_temp_0.Tables[0].Rows[i_0]["id"].ToString() + "' and yddj='" + common_file.common_yddj.yddj_yd + "')");
コード例 #28
        public static bool get_user_qx(string yh_qx, string user_type, bool showMsg)
            int    i_0        = 1;
            bool   get_result = false;
            string sql_s      = "";

            BLL.Common B_Common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            DataSet    DS_temp  = B_Common.GetList("select * from YH_lo_ex_trace_current", " yydh='" + common_app.yydh + "' and yhbh='" + common_app.userNo + "'");

            //if (DS_temp != null)
            //    if (DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 1)
            //    {
            //        if (common_app.message_box_show_select(common_app.message_title, "出现重复登录的用户,如果不把原来的用户注销掉将不能继续操作,是否确定要注销原来的用户?") == true)
            //        {

            //            sql_s = "delete from YH_lo_ex_trace_current where yydh='" + common_app.yydh + "' and yhbh='" + common_app.userNo + "' and login_time<>'" + common_app.login_time.ToString() + "'";
            //            B_Common.ExecuteSql(sql_s);

            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            i_0 = 2;
            //        }

            //    }
            //DS_temp = B_Common.GetList("select * from YH_lo_ex_trace_current", " yydh='" + common_app.yydh + "' and yhbh='" + common_app.userNo + "'    and login_time='" + common_app.login_time.ToString() + "'");
            //if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            //{ }
            //    if (showMsg == true)
            //    {
            //        common_app.Message_box_show(common_app.message_title, "对不起,目前用户已经被最新的同工号的用户重新登录了,已经不能再继续操作了!请重新登录用户!");
            //    }
            //    i_0 = 2;
            if (i_0 == 1)
                DS_temp = B_Common.GetList("select * from YH_RolePermission", " p_lsbh='" + yh_qx + "' and p_value=1 and R_lsbh='" + user_type + "'");
                if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    get_result = true;
                    if (showMsg == true)
                        common_app.Message_box_show(common_app.message_title, "对不起,您没有此操作权限!");

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
コード例 #29
        public bool CheckSelectAll(string jzbh)
            bool result = false;

            if (!jzbh.Equals(""))
                DataTable  dt_xf    = null;
                DataTable  dt_fk    = null;
                DataTable  dt_total = null;
                DataSet    ds       = null;
                BLL.Common bll      = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
                ds = bll.GetList("select  id_app  from  Szwmx", " jzbh='" + jzbh + "'");
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    dt_xf = ds.Tables[0];
                ds = bll.GetList("select  id_app  from  Syjcz", " jzbh='" + jzbh + "'");
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    dt_fk = ds.Tables[0];
                if (dt_xf != null)
                    if (dt_fk != null)
                        dt_total = dt_xf;
                        dt_total = dt_xf;
                    if (dt_fk != null)
                        dt_total = dt_fk;
                if (dt_total != null && dt_total.Rows.Count > 0)
                    DataSet ds_ls = bll.GetList(" select id_app  from Szw_temp", " jzbh='" + jzbh + "' and czy_temp='" + common_app.czy_GUID + "'");
                    if (ds_ls != null && ds_ls.Tables.Count > 0 && ds_ls.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        if (dt_total.Rows.Count == ds_ls.Tables[0].Rows.Count)
                            result = true;
コード例 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// 用来删除主单或退房时单据的删除和修改房态及备份相应记录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="czzt"></param>两个值,一个是删除“sc”,一个是结账"jz"
        /// <param name="czbz"></param>主要是两个值,一个是“取消”,一个“未到”到common_yddj里去找
        /// <param name="qxyy"></param>取消原因
        /// <param name="jzbh"></param>
        /// <param name="czy"></param>
        /// <param name="czsj"></param>
        /// <param name="xxzs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string delete_sz_ttyd(string id, string czzt, string czbz, string qxyy, string jzbh, string czy, string czsj, string xxzs)
            int    i_temp = 8;//用来M_Qskyd_mainrecord =NULL时判断
            string s      = common_file.common_app.get_failure;

            BLL.Qttyd_mainrecord        B_Qttyd_mainrecord        = new Hotel_app.BLL.Qttyd_mainrecord();
            Model.Qttyd_mainrecord      M_Qttyd_mainrecord        = new Hotel_app.Model.Qttyd_mainrecord();
            BLL.Qttyd_mainrecord_new    B_Qttyd_mainrecord_new    = new Hotel_app.BLL.Qttyd_mainrecord_new();
            Qyddj.Qyddj_add_edit_delete Qyddj_add_edit_delete_new = new Qyddj_add_edit_delete();
            BLL.Common B_Common = new Hotel_app.BLL.Common();
            if (id != "")
                DataSet DS_temp;
                M_Qttyd_mainrecord = B_Qttyd_mainrecord.GetModel(int.Parse(id));
                if (M_Qttyd_mainrecord == null)
                    i_temp = 9;
                    s       = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
                    DS_temp = B_Common.GetList("select * from Qskyd_mainrecord", "ddbh='" + M_Qttyd_mainrecord.ddbh + "'");
                    if (DS_temp != null && DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        s = common_file.common_app.get_failure;
                        for (int i_temp_0 = 0; i_temp_0 < DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i_temp_0++)
                            s = Qyddj_add_edit_delete_new.delete_sz_xgft(DS_temp.Tables[0].Rows[i_temp_0]["id"].ToString(), czzt, czbz, qxyy, jzbh, czy, czsj, xxzs);
                    if (s == common_file.common_app.get_suc)
                        s = common_file.common_app.get_failure;
                        int strid = int.Parse(id);
                        //common_file.common_Qskyd_mainrecord.PlInter(int.Parse(id), "删除");
                        B_Qttyd_mainrecord_new.Pladd(strid, czbz, qxyy, czy, czsj, czzt, jzbh);//删除前批量添加到备份表里
                        if (B_Qttyd_mainrecord.Delete(strid) == true)
                            //s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;
                if (i_temp == 9)
                    //s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;

            s = common_file.common_app.get_suc;