public async Task <ActionResult> _HospitalForm(string FormType, int ID) { tbHospital hospital = new tbHospital(); if (FormType == "Add") { return(PartialView("_hospitalForm", hospital)); } else { tbHospital result = await HospitalApiRequestHelper.GetHospitalById(ID); return(PartialView("_hospitalForm", result)); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> UpsertPatient(tbPatient patient, int doctorid = 0, string doctorname = null, DateTime?appdate = null, DateTime?fromtime = null, DateTime?totime = null, int scheduleid = 0, int hospitalID = 0) { PatientAppointmentViewModel shvm = new PatientAppointmentViewModel(); shvm.appointment = new tbAppointment(); shvm.appointment.DoctorId = doctorid; shvm.appointment.DoctorName = doctorname; string date = appdate.Value.ToShortDateString(); string fromtimedate = fromtime.Value.ToShortTimeString(); string appointmentdate = date + " " + fromtimedate; shvm.appointment.ScheduleDataID = scheduleid; shvm.appointment.AppointmentDateTime = DateTime.Parse(appointmentdate); shvm.appointment.HospitalId = hospitalID; //CareMeClient.Helper.CookieHelper.getstaffHospitalID(); // shvm.appointment.HospitalName = CareMeClient.Helper.CookieHelper.getstaffHospitalName(); shvm.patient = patient; PatientAppointmentViewModel result = await BookingApiRequestHelper.UpsertPatient(shvm); if (result != null) { BookingSuccessModel bsm = new BookingSuccessModel(); = await DoctorApiRequestHelper.GetDoctorById(result.appointment.DoctorId ?? 0); = await HospitalApiRequestHelper.GetHospitalById(result.appointment.HospitalId ?? 0); bsm.scheduleData = await ScheduleApiRequestHelper.getScheduleDetail(result.appointment.ScheduleDataID ?? 0); bsm.pavm = result; return(PartialView("_bookingSuccess", bsm)); } else { return(Json("Fail", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
private async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <object> result) { var msg = await result as Activity; if (msg.Text.isStart_words()) { var obj = await HospitalApiRequestHelper.GetHospitalById(ResourceHelper.hospitalId); var reply = msg.CreateReply($"Welcome to {obj.Name}. This is testing bot and I am here to help you."); reply.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel; reply.Attachments.Add(new HeroCard { Title = obj.Name, Text = obj.Description, Images = new List <CardImage> { new CardImage(obj.WelcomePhotoUrl) }, Buttons = new List <CardAction> { new CardAction(ActionTypes.ImBack, "Health Tip", value: "Health Tip"), new CardAction(ActionTypes.OpenUrl, "Book a doctor", value: "Book a doctor"), //new CardAction(ActionTypes.ImBack, "ခရီးသြားရေအာင္", value:"ခရီးသြားရေအာင္"), new CardAction(ActionTypes.ImBack, "About us", value: "About us"), } }.ToAttachment()); await context.PostAsync(reply); } else if (msg.Text.isBookDoctor_words()) { var reply = msg.CreateReply($"Let's get started with your preferred choice for booking a doctor"); reply.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel; reply.Attachments = new List <HeroCard> { new HeroCard { Title = "Find a doctor", Text = "Tap here to find a doctor", Images = new List <CardImage> { new CardImage(ResourceHelper.doctor_img_url) }, Buttons = new List <CardAction> { new CardAction(ActionTypes.OpenUrl, "Find a doctor", value: $""), } }, new HeroCard { Title = "Find a doctor with specialty", Text = "Tap here to find a doctor with your preferred speciality", Images = new List <CardImage> { new CardImage(ResourceHelper.specialty_img_url) }, Buttons = new List <CardAction> { new CardAction(ActionTypes.OpenUrl, "Start with specialty", value: $""), } }, new HeroCard { Title = "Find a doctor by hospital", Text = "Tap here to find a doctor with your preferred hospital", Images = new List <CardImage> { new CardImage(ResourceHelper.hospital_img_url) }, Buttons = new List <CardAction> { new CardAction(ActionTypes.OpenUrl, "Start with hospital", value: $""), } }, new HeroCard { Title = "Recommend a doctor", Text = "Let us know your problem and we will suggest you.", Images = new List <CardImage> { new CardImage(ResourceHelper.specialty_img_url) }, Buttons = new List <CardAction> { new CardAction(ActionTypes.ImBack, "Suggest me", value: "Suggest me"), } }, }.Select(a => a.ToAttachment()).ToList(); await context.PostAsync(reply); context.Wait(MessageReceivedAsync); } else if (msg.Text.ToLower().Equals("about us")) { var objs = await DomainApiRequestHelper.Get(hospitalid : 1, tags : "About us"); if (objs != null && objs.Count > 0) { var reply = msg.CreateReply($"Welcome to . This is beta release bot for testing purpose to learn user insight better."); reply.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel; reply.Attachments = objs.Select(a => new HeroCard { Title = a.Name, Text = a.Description, Images = new List <CardImage> { new CardImage(a.ImageUrl) }, Buttons = new List <CardAction> { new CardAction(ActionTypes.OpenUrl, a.Action, value: $"{a.ID}&airlineid={1}"), } }).ToList().Select(a => a.ToAttachment()).ToList(); await context.PostAsync(reply); } } else if (msg.Text.ToLower().Equals("services")) { var objs = await ServiceApiRequestHelper.Get(hospitalid : 1); var reply = msg.CreateReply($"You are welcome. Learn about our services."); reply.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel; var attachments = new List <Attachment>() { new HeroCard { Title = "Book doctor", Text = "Check and make booking", Images = new List <CardImage> { new CardImage(ResourceHelper.buy_ticket_img_url) }, Buttons = new List <CardAction> { new CardAction(ActionTypes.OpenUrl, "Book now", value: ""), } }.ToAttachment(), new HeroCard { Title = "Suggest me", Text = "Let us know your pain and get suggestion", Images = new List <CardImage> { new CardImage(ResourceHelper.ticket_chat_img_url) }, Buttons = new List <CardAction> { new CardAction(ActionTypes.ImBack, "Suggest me", value: "Suggest me"), } }.ToAttachment(), }; if (objs != null && objs.Count > 0) { attachments.AddRange(objs.Select(a => new HeroCard { Title = a.Title, Text = a.Description, Images = new List <CardImage> { new CardImage(a.ImageUrl) }, Buttons = new List <CardAction> { new CardAction(ActionTypes.OpenUrl, "Learn more", value: $"{a.ID}&airlineid={1}"), new CardAction(ActionTypes.OpenUrl, "Contact now", value: $"tel:{a.Phone}") } }).ToList().Select(a => a.ToAttachment()).ToList()); } reply.Attachments = attachments; await context.PostAsync(reply); } else if (msg.Text.ToLower().Equals("suggest me")) { var hospitals = await HospitalApiRequestHelper.Get(pagesize : 0); var bodyparts = await BodyPartApiRequestHelper.Get(pagesize : 0); var form = new FormDialog <EngFormFlowDialog>(new EngFormFlowDialog(bodyparts, hospitals), EngFormFlowDialog.BuildForm, FormOptions.None, null); await context.Forward(form, ResumeAfterEngFFDialog, msg, CancellationToken.None); return; } context.Wait(MessageReceivedAsync); }