public static void Main() { HomeworkAssignment course1 = new HomeworkAssignment(); HomeworkAssignment course2 = new HomeworkAssignment(); string entryString; int exercises; // Get info for first class Console.Write("What class do you have homework for? "); entryString = Console.ReadLine(); course1.ClassName = entryString Console.Write("How many exercises must you complete? "); entryString = Console.ReadLine(); exercises = Convert.ToInt32(entryString) course1.NumberOfExercises = eercises; // Get info for another class Console.Write("What class do you have homework for? "); entryString = ConsoleReadLine(); course2.ClassName = entryString; Console.Write("How many exercises must you complete? ); entryString = Console.ReadLine(); exercises = Convert.ToInt32(entrystring); course2.NumberOfExercises = exercises; Console.WriteLine("You have {0} minutes of homework for {1}", course1.TimeToComplete, course1.ClassName); Console.WriteLine("and {0} more minutes for {1}", course2.TimeToComplete,course2.ClassName); }
public static void NineOne() { HomeworkAssignment course1 = new HomeworkAssignment(); HomeworkAssignment course2 = new HomeworkAssignment(); string entryString; int exercises; // Get info for first class Write("What class do you have homework for? "); entryString = ReadLine(); course1.ClassName = entryString; Write("How many exercises must you complete? "); entryString = ReadLine(); int.TryParse(entryString, out exercises); course1.NumberOfExercises = exercises; // Get info for another class Write("What class do you have homework for? "); entryString = ReadLine(); course2.ClassName = entryString; Write("How many exercises must you complete? "); entryString = ReadLine(); int.TryParse(entryString, out exercises); course2.NumberOfExercises = exercises; WriteLine("You have {0} minutes of homework for {1}", course1.TimeToComplete, course1.ClassName); WriteLine("and {0} more minutes for {1}", course2.TimeToComplete, course2.ClassName); }
public static void NineOne() { HomeworkAssignment course1 = new HomeworkAssignment(); HomeworkAssignment course2 = new HomeworkAssignment(); string entryString; int exercises; // Get info for first class Write("What class do you have homework for? "); entryString = ReadLine(); //ch to entrystring course1.ClassName = entryString; //ch lower c to upper C Write("How many exercises must you complete? "); entryString = ReadLine(); int.TryParse(entryString, out exercises); //added out keyword course1.NumberOfExercises = exercises; //reversed exer & c1.numOfEx // Get info for another class Write("What class do you have homework for? "); entryString = ReadLine(); course2.ClassName = entryString; //ch lower c to upper+ corr name for entryString..MUST CHANGE TO COURSE1.CLASSNAME!!! Write("How many exercises must you complete? "); entryString = ReadLine(); int.TryParse(entryString, out exercises);//ch to Int.tryparse course2.NumberOfExercises = exercises; WriteLine("You have {0} minutes of homework for {1}", course1.TimeToComplete, course1.ClassName); //ch lower t to upper T WriteLine("and {0} more minutes for {1}", course2.TimeToComplete, course2.ClassName); //ch lower t to upper T ReadLine(); }
public void Homework_HasRequiredProperties() { Type type = typeof(HomeworkAssignment); HomeworkAssignment assignment = (HomeworkAssignment)Activator.CreateInstance(type, 100); PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties(); PropertyInfo prop = FindPropertyByName(properties, "TotalMarks"); Assert.IsNotNull(prop, "You do not have the TotalMarks property"); Assert.IsTrue(prop.CanWrite, "TotalMarks property needs a set accessor."); Assert.IsTrue(prop.CanRead, "TotalMarks property needs a get accessor."); prop = FindPropertyByName(properties, "PossibleMarks"); Assert.IsNotNull(prop, "You do not have the PossibleMarks property"); Assert.IsFalse(prop.CanWrite, "PossibleMarks property should not have a set accessor."); Assert.IsTrue(prop.CanRead, "PossibleMarks property needs a get accessor."); prop = FindPropertyByName(properties, "SubmitterName"); Assert.IsNotNull(prop, "You do not have the SubmitterName property"); Assert.IsTrue(prop.CanWrite, "SubmitterName property needs a set accessor."); Assert.IsTrue(prop.CanRead, "SubmitterName property needs a get accessor."); prop = FindPropertyByName(properties, "LetterGrade"); Assert.IsNotNull(prop, "You do not have the LetterGrade property"); Assert.IsFalse(prop.CanWrite, "LetterGrade property should not have a set accessor."); Assert.IsTrue(prop.CanRead, "LetterGrade property needs a get accessor."); }
public void HomeworkAssignment_Constructor() { Type type = typeof(HomeworkAssignment); HomeworkAssignment assignment = (HomeworkAssignment)Activator.CreateInstance(type, 100, "Default Name"); PropertyInfo prop = FindPropertyByName(type.GetProperties(), "PossibleMarks"); Assert.AreEqual(100, prop.GetValue(assignment), "Passed 100 into constructor and expected PossibleMarks property to return 100"); }
public void ScoringAssignment(int scoreReceived, string expectedGrade) { // Assert HomeworkAssignment ha = new HomeworkAssignment(100, "Henry Edwards"); // Act ha.TotalMarks = scoreReceived; // Assert Assert.AreEqual(expectedGrade, ha.LetterGrade); }
public void WhenCreatingNewAssignment_ShouldSaveConstructorProperties() { // Arrange // No arrangment necessary // Act // Create a HomeworkAssignment object HomeworkAssignment hw = new HomeworkAssignment(80, "Mike"); // Assert Assert.AreEqual("Mike", hw.SubmitterName, "The submitter name was not properly set in the HomeworkAssignment constructor"); Assert.AreEqual(80, hw.PossibleMarks, "The possible marks property was not properly set in the HomeworkAssignment constructor"); }
public void WhenTotalMarksGreaterThanPossibleMarks_ShouldGiveAnA() { // Arrange // Create a new homework assignment HomeworkAssignment hw = new HomeworkAssignment(100, "Mike"); // Act // Set the total marks > possible marks hw.TotalMarks = 102; // Assert // Verify that > 100% gives an A Assert.AreEqual("A", hw.LetterGrade, "Did not properly assign letter grade A when total marks is greater than possible marks"); }
public void LetterGradeTest(int possibleMarks, int totalMarks, string expectedLetterGrade) { // Arrange // Create a new homework assignment with the proper possible marks HomeworkAssignment hw = new HomeworkAssignment(possibleMarks, "TEST"); // Act // Set the total marks hw.TotalMarks = totalMarks; // Assert // Compare the letter grade to the expected letter grade passed in Assert.AreEqual(expectedLetterGrade, hw.LetterGrade, $"Did not properly set the letter grade to {expectedLetterGrade} for a score of {totalMarks} / {possibleMarks}." ); }
static void Main(string[] args) { HomeworkAssignment hw; // Make sure the constructor works properly to set Properties hw = new HomeworkAssignment(200, "Mike"); Console.WriteLine($"Expected property SubmitterName to be 'Mike', actual value was '{hw.SubmitterName}'"); Console.WriteLine($"Expected property PossibleMarks to be 200, actual value was '{hw.PossibleMarks}'"); // Test the 90% is an A hw = new HomeworkAssignment(100, "Mike"); hw.TotalMarks = 90; Console.WriteLine($"Expected 90% to be an 'A', actual grade was '{hw.LetterGrade}'"); // Console.ReadKey(); }
public void Homework_HasRequiredProperties() { Type type = typeof(HomeworkAssignment); HomeworkAssignment assignment = (HomeworkAssignment)Activator.CreateInstance(type, 100, "Default Name"); PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties(); PropertyInfo prop = FindPropertyByName(properties, "TotalMarks"); PropertyValidator.ValidateReadWrite(prop, "TotalMarks", typeof(int)); prop = FindPropertyByName(properties, "PossibleMarks"); PropertyValidator.ValidateReadOnly(prop, "PossibleMarks", typeof(int)); prop = FindPropertyByName(properties, "SubmitterName"); PropertyValidator.ValidateReadOnly(prop, "SubmitterName", typeof(string)); prop = FindPropertyByName(properties, "LetterGrade"); PropertyValidator.ValidateReadOnly(prop, "LetterGrade", typeof(string)); }
public void HomeworkAssignment_LetterGradeTests() { Type type = typeof(HomeworkAssignment); HomeworkAssignment assignment = (HomeworkAssignment)Activator.CreateInstance(type, 100, "Default Name"); PropertyInfo letterProp = FindPropertyByName(type.GetProperties(), "LetterGrade"); PropertyInfo prop = FindPropertyByName(type.GetProperties(), "EarnedMarks"); prop.SetValue(assignment, 91); Assert.AreEqual("A", letterProp.GetValue(assignment), "Expected A for score of 91%"); prop.SetValue(assignment, 81); Assert.AreEqual("B", letterProp.GetValue(assignment), "Expected B for score of 81%"); prop.SetValue(assignment, 71); Assert.AreEqual("C", letterProp.GetValue(assignment), "Expected C for score of 71%"); prop.SetValue(assignment, 61); Assert.AreEqual("D", letterProp.GetValue(assignment), "Expected C for score of 61%"); prop.SetValue(assignment, 51); Assert.AreEqual("F", letterProp.GetValue(assignment), "Expected C for score of 51%"); }
public void Insert(HomeworkAssignment homeworkAssignment) { this.homeworkAssignmentRepository.Insert(homeworkAssignment); }
public void Edit(HomeworkAssignment homeworkAssignment) { this.homeworkAssignmentRepository.Update(homeworkAssignment); }