static void Main() { #region Single Responsability Principle var homework = new Homework(); homework.AddEntry(new Task(Discipline.Math, new DateTime(2019, 1, 1), "Solve the equation: x^2 + 2x + 8")); homework.AddEntry(new Task(Discipline.History, new DateTime(2019, 1, 3), "Research of the World War II")); homework.AddEntry(new Task(Discipline.English, new DateTime(2019, 2, 3), "An essay about the film industry")); Console.WriteLine(homework.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); homework.RemoveEntry(1); Console.WriteLine(homework.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); FileSaver.SaveToFile("Homeworks", "homework.txt", homework); Console.WriteLine("Homework saved to file!"); Console.WriteLine(); var schedule = new Schedule(); schedule.AddEntry(new Appointment(new DateTime(2019, 2, 1), new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0), "Hospital", "Medical Check up")); schedule.AddEntry(new Appointment(new DateTime(2019, 2, 5), new TimeSpan(2, 15, 0), "Sports Club", "Soccer Match")); Console.WriteLine(schedule.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); FileSaver.SaveToFile("Schedules", "schedule.txt", schedule); Console.WriteLine("Schedule saved to file!"); Console.WriteLine(); #endregion }