protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.WelcomeHome); homesView = FindViewById <ListView>(Resource.Id.homeListView); string retriedData = Intent.GetStringExtra("HomeDataService"); var homeDateService = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <HomeDataService>(retriedData); var homeRepository = homeDateService.GetHomeRepository(); = homeRepository.GetHome(); HomeListAdapter homeListAdapter = new HomeListAdapter(this,; homesView.Adapter = homeListAdapter; homesView.ItemClick += HomeListView_ItemClick; }
private async void LoadData(View v, Controller ctrl) { play = v.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.Home_Play); pause = v.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.Home_Pause); var taskComplete = v.FindViewById <CheckBox>(Resource.Id.Home_TaskComplete); var recentTask = v.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.Home_RecentTask); var recentProject = v.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.Home_CurrentProject); var expandableList = v.FindViewById <ExpandableListView>(Android.Resource.Id.List); var pb = new ProgressDialog(_mActivity) { Indeterminate = true }; pb.SetTitle("Loading"); //TODO: This is under the assumption that whatever task is on the top of the recent task list // is the currently logged timer task. Check whether this assumption is valid or not. if (TimeLoggingController.GetInstance().IsTimerRunning()) { ModifyPlayPauseState(true); } play.Click += (sender, args) => { Debug.WriteLine("Play Clicked"); //var timerServiceIntent = new Intent("com.tumasolutions.processdashboard.TimerService"); //var timerServiceConnection = new TimerServiceConnection((MainActivity)this.Activity); //Activity.ApplicationContext.BindService(timerServiceIntent, timerServiceConnection, Bind.AutoCreate); if (TimeLoggingController.GetInstance().WasNetworkAvailable) { Intent intent = new Intent(Activity, typeof(TimerService)); intent.PutExtra("taskId", _currenttaskid); Activity.StartService(intent); } else { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(Activity); builder.SetTitle("Previous changes not saved") .SetMessage("An earlier time log entry has not yet been synchronized with the server. Please try again later.") .SetNeutralButton("Okay", (sender2, args2) => { builder.Dispose(); }) .SetCancelable(false); AlertDialog alert = builder.Create(); alert.Show(); } }; pause.Click += (sender, args) => { Debug.WriteLine("Pause Clicked"); Activity.StopService(new Intent(Activity, typeof(TimerService))); Toast.MakeText(this.Activity, "Time Log Entry Saved", ToastLength.Short).Show(); }; taskComplete.CheckedChange += (sender, args) => { string text = ""; if (args.IsChecked) { // Mark a task as complete DateTime convertedTime = Util.GetInstance().GetServerTime(DateTime.UtcNow); //taskDetail.CompletionDate = convertedTime; try { ((MainActivity)(Activity)).Ctrl.UpdateATask(AccountStorage.DataSet, _currenttaskid, null, convertedTime, false); text = "Task Marked Complete"; } catch (CannotReachServerException) { if (pb.IsShowing) { pb.Dismiss(); } Debug.WriteLine("We could not reach the server"); taskComplete.Checked = false; text = "Please check your internet connection and try again."; Toast.MakeText(this.Activity, text, ToastLength.Short).Show(); } catch (StatusNotOkayException) { pb.Dismiss(); taskComplete.Checked = false; //TODO: Should we report this ? text = "An error has occured. Please try again."; Toast.MakeText(this.Activity, text, ToastLength.Short).Show(); } catch (Exception e) { // For any other weird exceptions pb.Dismiss(); taskComplete.Checked = false; // Sending to HockeyApp ExceptionHandler.SaveException(Java.Lang.Throwable.FromException(e), null, null); text = "Unable to make the change. Please try again."; Toast.MakeText(this.Activity, text, ToastLength.Short).Show(); } } else { // Unmark the task try { ((MainActivity)(Activity)).Ctrl.UpdateATask(AccountStorage.DataSet, _currenttaskid, null, null, true); text = "Task Marked Incomplete"; } catch (CannotReachServerException) { if (pb.IsShowing) { pb.Dismiss(); } Debug.WriteLine("We could not reach the server"); taskComplete.Checked = true; text = "Please check your internet connection and try again."; Toast.MakeText(this.Activity, text, ToastLength.Short).Show(); } //TODO: Should we handle this ? catch (StatusNotOkayException) { pb.Dismiss(); taskComplete.Checked = true; text = "An error has occured. Please try again."; Toast.MakeText(this.Activity, text, ToastLength.Short).Show(); } catch (Exception e) { // For any other weird exceptions taskComplete.Checked = true; ExceptionHandler.SaveException(Java.Lang.Throwable.FromException(e), null, null); text = "Unable to make the change. Please try again."; Toast.MakeText(this.Activity, text, ToastLength.Short).Show(); } } Debug.WriteLine("We have changed content "); Toast.MakeText(Activity, text, ToastLength.Short).Show(); }; recentTask.Text = "Loading.."; recentProject.Text = "Loading.."; pb.SetCanceledOnTouchOutside(false); pb.Show(); try { var output = await ctrl.GetRecentTasks(AccountStorage.DataSet); pb.Dismiss(); var recent = output[0]; recentTask.Text = recent.FullName; recentProject.Text = recent.Project.Name; _currenttaskid = recent.Id; _headings.Add(recent.Project.Name, new List <Task>()); output.RemoveAt(0); foreach (Task t in output) { if (_headings.ContainsKey(t.Project.Name)) { List <Task> tt = _headings[t.Project.Name]; tt.Add(t); _headings[t.Project.Name] = tt; } else { List <Task> tt = new List <Task>(); tt.Add(t); _headings[t.Project.Name] = tt; } } //var listAdapter = new TaskAdapter(_mActivity, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, output.ToArray()); var listAdapter = new HomeListAdapter(this.Activity, _headings); expandableList.SetAdapter(listAdapter); //ListAdapter = listAdapter; var refresher = v.FindViewById <SwipeRefreshLayout>(Resource.Id.refresher); refresher.Refresh += async delegate { try { output = await ctrl.GetRecentTasks(AccountStorage.DataSet); recent = output[0]; _headings = new Dictionary <string, List <Task> >(); recentTask.Text = recent.FullName; recentProject.Text = recent.Project.Name; _headings.Add(recent.Project.Name, new List <Task>()); output.RemoveAt(0); foreach (Task t in output) { if (_headings.ContainsKey(t.Project.Name)) { List <Task> tt = _headings[t.Project.Name]; tt.Add(t); _headings[t.Project.Name] = tt; } else { List <Task> tt = new List <Task>(); tt.Add(t); _headings[t.Project.Name] = tt; } } listAdapter = new HomeListAdapter(this.Activity, _headings); expandableList.SetAdapter(listAdapter); refresher.Refreshing = false; } catch (CannotReachServerException) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(Activity); builder.SetTitle("Unable to Connect") .SetMessage("Please check your network connection and try again") .SetNeutralButton("Okay", (sender, args) => { builder.Dispose(); }) .SetCancelable(false); AlertDialog alert = builder.Create(); refresher.Refreshing = false; alert.Show(); } catch (StatusNotOkayException se) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(Activity); builder.SetTitle("An Error has occured") .SetMessage("Error :" + se.GetMessage()) .SetNeutralButton("Okay", (sender, args) => { builder.Dispose(); }) .SetCancelable(false); AlertDialog alert = builder.Create(); refresher.Refreshing = false; alert.Show(); } catch (Exception e) { // For any other weird exceptions AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(Activity); builder.SetTitle("An Error has occured") .SetNeutralButton("Okay", (sender, args) => { builder.Dispose(); }) .SetMessage("Error :" + e.Message) .SetCancelable(false); AlertDialog alert = builder.Create(); refresher.Refreshing = false; alert.Show(); } }; recentProject.Click += (sender, args) => { ((MainActivity)Activity).ListOfProjectsCallback(recent.Project.Id, recent.Project.Name); }; recentTask.Click += (sender, args) => { ((MainActivity)Activity).PassTaskDetailsInfo(recent.Id, recent.FullName, recent.Project.Name, recent.CompletionDate, recent.EstimatedTime, recent.ActualTime); }; } catch (CannotReachServerException) { pb.Dismiss(); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(Activity); builder.SetTitle("Unable to Connect") .SetMessage("Please check your network connection and try again") .SetNeutralButton("Okay", (sender, args) => { builder.Dispose(); }) .SetCancelable(false); AlertDialog alert = builder.Create(); alert.Show(); } catch (StatusNotOkayException se) { pb.Dismiss(); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(Activity); builder.SetTitle("An Error has occured") .SetMessage("Error :" + se.GetMessage()) .SetNeutralButton("Okay", (sender, args) => { builder.Dispose(); }) .SetCancelable(false); AlertDialog alert = builder.Create(); alert.Show(); } catch (WebException we) { if (we.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError) { var response = we.Response as HttpWebResponse; if (response != null) { Console.WriteLine("HTTP Status Code: " + (int)response.StatusCode); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden) { try { Toast.MakeText(this.Activity, "Username and password error.", ToastLength.Long).Show(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("We are about to logout"); AccountStorage.ClearStorage(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Main Activity is :" + Activity == null); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Items in the backstack :" + Activity.FragmentManager.BackStackEntryCount); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Main Activity is :" + Activity == null); Activity.FragmentManager.PopBackStack(null, PopBackStackFlags.Inclusive); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Items in the backstack 2 :" + Activity.FragmentManager.BackStackEntryCount); ((MainActivity)(Activity)).SetDrawerState(false); ((MainActivity)(Activity)).SwitchToFragment(MainActivity.FragmentTypes.Login); } catch (System.Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("We encountered an error :" + e.Message); } } } else { // no http status code available Toast.MakeText(Activity, "Unable to load the data. Please restart the application.", ToastLength.Short).Show(); } } else { // no http status code available Toast.MakeText(Activity, "Unable to load the data. Please restart the application.", ToastLength.Short).Show(); } } catch (Exception e) { // For any other weird exceptions pb.Dismiss(); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(Activity); builder.SetTitle("An Error has occured") .SetNeutralButton("Okay", (sender, args) => { builder.Dispose(); }) .SetMessage("Error :" + e.Message) .SetCancelable(false); AlertDialog alert = builder.Create(); alert.Show(); } /* * private void LoadDummyData(View v) * { * * ListView lv = v.FindViewById<ListView>(Android.Resource.Id.List); * var items = new[] { "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Flower Buds", "Legumes", "Bulbs", "Tubers" }; * ArrayAdapter listAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(_mActivity, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, items); * ListAdapter = listAdapter; * * TextView recentTask = v.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.Home_RecentTask); * recentTask.Text = "Project / Mobile App l1 / Iteration 1 / View Skeletons / Create Android Skeletons / Home Screen "; * * } */ }