public StatisticsLogger(HomeGenieService hg) { homegenie = hg; dbSizeLimit = hg.SystemConfiguration.HomeGenie.Statistics.MaxDatabaseSizeMBytes * 1024 * 1024; _statisticsTimeResolutionSeconds = hg.SystemConfiguration.HomeGenie.Statistics.StatisticsTimeResolutionSeconds; }
public Config(HomeGenieService hg) { homegenie = hg; tempFolderPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, Utility.GetTmpFolder()); widgetBasePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "html", "pages", "control", "widgets"); groupWallpapersPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "html", "images", "wallpapers"); }
public StatisticsLogger(HomeGenieService hg) { homegenie = hg; dbSizeLimit = hg.SystemConfiguration.HomeGenie.Statistics.MaxDatabaseSizeMBytes * 1024 * 1024; _statisticsTimeResolutionSeconds = hg.SystemConfiguration.HomeGenie.Statistics.StatisticsTimeResolutionSeconds; logInterval = new Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_statisticsTimeResolutionSeconds).TotalMilliseconds); logInterval.Elapsed += logInterval_Elapsed; }
public StatisticsLogger(HomeGenieService hg) { homegenie = hg; logInterval = new Timer(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(STATISTICS_TIME_RESOLUTION_MINUTES).TotalMilliseconds); logInterval.Elapsed += logInterval_Elapsed; }
public ModulesManager(HomeGenieService hg) { homegenie = hg; }
public SchedulerHelper(HomeGenieService hg) { homegenie = hg; }
public PackageManager(HomeGenieService hg) { homegenie = hg; widgetBasePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "html", "pages", "control", "widgets"); }
public UpdateInstaller(HomeGenieService homeGenieService) { _homeGenieService = homeGenieService; }
public List <ProgramError> Compile() { List <ProgramError> errors = new List <ProgramError>(); // check for output directory if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(AssemblyFile))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(AssemblyFile)); } // dispose assembly and interrupt current task (if any) programBlock.IsEnabled = false; // clean up old assembly files try { if (File.Exists(this.AssemblyFile)) { File.Delete(this.AssemblyFile); } if (File.Exists(this.AssemblyFile + ".mdb")) { File.Delete(this.AssemblyFile + ".mdb"); } if (File.Exists(this.AssemblyFile.Replace(".dll", ".mdb"))) { File.Delete(this.AssemblyFile.Replace(".dll", ".mdb")); } if (File.Exists(this.AssemblyFile + ".pdb")) { File.Delete(this.AssemblyFile + ".pdb"); } if (File.Exists(this.AssemblyFile.Replace(".dll", ".pdb"))) { File.Delete(this.AssemblyFile.Replace(".dll", ".pdb")); } } catch (Exception ee) { HomeGenieService.LogError(ee); } // DO NOT CHANGE THE FOLLOWING LINES OF CODE // it is a lil' trick for mono compatibility // since it will be caching the assembly when using the same name // and use the old one instead of the new one string tmpfile = Path.Combine("programs", Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".dll"); System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerResults result = new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerResults(null); try { result = CSharpAppFactory.CompileScript(programBlock.ScriptCondition, programBlock.ScriptSource, tmpfile); } catch (Exception ex) { // report errors during post-compilation process result.Errors.Add(new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError(programBlock.Name, 0, 0, "-1", ex.Message)); } if (result.Errors.Count > 0) { int sourceLines = programBlock.ScriptSource.Split('\n').Length; foreach (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError error in result.Errors) { int errorRow = (error.Line - CSharpAppFactory.PROGRAM_CODE_OFFSET); string blockType = "CR"; if (errorRow >= sourceLines + CSharpAppFactory.CONDITION_CODE_OFFSET) { errorRow -= (sourceLines + CSharpAppFactory.CONDITION_CODE_OFFSET); blockType = "TC"; } if (!error.IsWarning) { errors.Add(new ProgramError() { Line = errorRow, Column = error.Column, ErrorMessage = error.ErrorText, ErrorNumber = error.ErrorNumber, CodeBlock = blockType }); } else { var warning = String.Format("{0},{1},{2}: {3}", blockType, errorRow, error.Column, error.ErrorText); homegenie.ProgramManager.RaiseProgramModuleEvent(programBlock, Properties.CompilerWarning, warning); } } } if (errors.Count == 0) { // move/copy new assembly files // rename temp file to production file appAssembly = result.CompiledAssembly; try { //string tmpfile = new Uri(value.CodeBase).LocalPath; File.Move(tmpfile, this.AssemblyFile); if (File.Exists(tmpfile + ".mdb")) { File.Move(tmpfile + ".mdb", this.AssemblyFile + ".mdb"); } if (File.Exists(tmpfile.Replace(".dll", ".mdb"))) { File.Move(tmpfile.Replace(".dll", ".mdb"), this.AssemblyFile.Replace(".dll", ".mdb")); } if (File.Exists(tmpfile + ".pdb")) { File.Move(tmpfile + ".pdb", this.AssemblyFile + ".pdb"); } if (File.Exists(tmpfile.Replace(".dll", ".pdb"))) { File.Move(tmpfile.Replace(".dll", ".pdb"), this.AssemblyFile.Replace(".dll", ".pdb")); } } catch (Exception ee) { HomeGenieService.LogError(ee); } } return(errors); }
public ProgramHelper(HomeGenieService hg, int programId) : base(hg) { myProgramId = programId; }
private void logInterval_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs eventArgs) { var end = DateTime.UtcNow; var modules = (TsList <Module>)homegenie.Modules; //.DeepClone(); for (int m = 0; m < modules.Count; m++) { var module = modules[m]; for (int p = 0; p < module.Properties.Count; p++) { var parameter = module.Properties[p]; if (parameter.Statistics.Values.Count > 0) { var values = parameter.Statistics.Values.FindAll(sv => (sv.Timestamp.Ticks <= end.Ticks && sv.Timestamp.Ticks > parameter.Statistics.LastProcessedTimestamp.Ticks)); if (values.Count > 0) { double average = (values.Sum(d => d.Value) / values.Count); try { string dbName = GetStatisticsDatabaseName(); var fileInfo = new FileInfo(dbName); if (fileInfo.Length > dbSizeLimit) { // Delete old data (1 day data slot) var dateRange = GetDateRange(); var removeOldestData = dbConnection.CreateCommand(); removeOldestData.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@deleteBefore", DateTimeToSQLite(dateRange.TimeStart.AddHours(24)))); removeOldestData.CommandText = "DELETE FROM ValuesHist WHERE TimeStart < @deleteBefore"; removeOldestData.ExecuteNonQuery(); removeOldestData.CommandText = "VACUUM"; removeOldestData.ExecuteNonQuery(); } var dbCommand = dbConnection.CreateCommand(); // "TimeStart","TimeEnd","Domain","Address","Parameter","AverageValue", "CustomData" dbCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@timestart", DateTimeToSQLite(parameter.Statistics.LastProcessedTimestamp))); dbCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@timeend", DateTimeToSQLite(end))); dbCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@domain", module.Domain)); dbCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@address", module.Address)); dbCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@parameter", parameter.Name)); dbCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@avgvalue", average.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); dbCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@data", module.Name)); dbCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO ValuesHist VALUES (@timestart, @timeend, @domain, @address, @parameter, @avgvalue, @data)"; dbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { HomeGenieService.LogError( Domains.HomeAutomation_HomeGenie, "Service.StatisticsLogger", "Database Error", "Exception.StackTrace", String.Format("{0}: {1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace) ); // try close/reopen (perhaps some locking issue) CloseStatisticsDatabase(); OpenStatisticsDatabase(); } // // reset statistics history sample // parameter.Statistics.LastProcessedTimestamp = end; parameter.Statistics.Values.Clear(); } } } } }
public StatisticsLogger(HomeGenieService hg) { _homegenie = hg; _loginterval = new Timer(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(STATISTICS_TIME_RESOLUTION_MINUTES).TotalMilliseconds); _loginterval.Elapsed += _loginterval_Elapsed; }
public void SetHost(HomeGenieService hg) { (this as IProgramEngine).Unload(); Homegenie = hg; (this as IProgramEngine).Load(); }
public Config(HomeGenieService hg) { homegenie = hg; }
public List <ProgramError> Compile() { var errors = new List <ProgramError>(); // check for output directory if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(AssemblyFile))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(AssemblyFile)); } // dispose assembly and interrupt current task (if any) ProgramBlock.IsEnabled = false; // clean up old assembly files try { // If the file to be deleted does not exist, no exception is thrown. File.Delete(AssemblyFile); File.Delete(AssemblyFile + ".mdb"); File.Delete(AssemblyFile.Replace(".dll", ".mdb")); File.Delete(AssemblyFile + ".pdb"); File.Delete(AssemblyFile.Replace(".dll", ".pdb")); } catch (Exception ex) { HomeGenieService.LogError(ex); } // DO NOT CHANGE THE FOLLOWING LINES OF CODE // it is a lil' trick for mono compatibility // since it will be caching the assembly when using the same name // and use the old one instead of the new one var tmpFile = Path.Combine(FilePaths.ProgramsFolder, Guid.NewGuid() + ".dll"); var result = new CompilerResults(null); try { result = CSharpAppFactory.CompileScript(ProgramBlock.ScriptCondition, ProgramBlock.ScriptSource, tmpFile); } catch (Exception ex) { // report errors during post-compilation process result.Errors.Add(new CompilerError(ProgramBlock.Name, 0, 0, "-1", ex.Message)); } if (result.Errors.Count > 0) { var sourceLines = ProgramBlock.ScriptSource.Split('\n').Length; foreach (CompilerError error in result.Errors) { var errorRow = (error.Line - CSharpAppFactory.ProgramCodeOffset); var blockType = CodeBlockEnum.CR; if (errorRow >= sourceLines + CSharpAppFactory.ConditionCodeOffset) { errorRow -= (sourceLines + CSharpAppFactory.ConditionCodeOffset); blockType = CodeBlockEnum.TC; } if (!error.IsWarning) { errors.Add(new ProgramError { Line = errorRow, Column = error.Column, ErrorMessage = error.ErrorText, ErrorNumber = error.ErrorNumber, CodeBlock = blockType }); } else { var warning = string.Format("{0},{1},{2}: {3}", blockType, errorRow, error.Column, error.ErrorText); Homegenie.ProgramManager.RaiseProgramModuleEvent(ProgramBlock, Properties.CompilerWarning, warning); } } } if (errors.Count != 0) { return(errors); } // move/copy new assembly files // rename temp file to production file _scriptAssembly = result.CompiledAssembly; try { //string tmpfile = new Uri(value.CodeBase).LocalPath; File.Move(tmpFile, AssemblyFile); if (File.Exists(tmpFile + ".mdb")) { File.Move(tmpFile + ".mdb", AssemblyFile + ".mdb"); } if (File.Exists(tmpFile.Replace(".dll", ".mdb"))) { File.Move(tmpFile.Replace(".dll", ".mdb"), AssemblyFile.Replace(".dll", ".mdb")); } if (File.Exists(tmpFile + ".pdb")) { File.Move(tmpFile + ".pdb", AssemblyFile + ".pdb"); } if (File.Exists(tmpFile.Replace(".dll", ".pdb"))) { File.Move(tmpFile.Replace(".dll", ".pdb"), AssemblyFile.Replace(".dll", ".pdb")); } } catch (Exception ee) { HomeGenieService.LogError(ee); } return(errors); }
/// <summary> /// Sends an E-Mail. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if message was sent, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="from">Message sender.</param> /// <param name="recipients">Message recipients.</param> /// <param name="subject">Message subject.</param> /// <param name="messageText">Message text.</param> public bool SendMessage(string from, string recipients, string subject, string messageText) { this.mailFrom = from; //this.mailTo = recipients; this.mailSubject = subject; this.mailBody = messageText; // lock (smtpSyncLock) using (var message = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage()) { string[] mailRecipients = recipients.Split(';'); for (int e = 0; e < mailRecipients.Length; e++) { message.To.Add(mailRecipients[e]); } message.Subject = this.mailSubject; message.From = new MailAddress(this.mailFrom); message.Body = this.mailBody; // for (int a = 0; a < attachments.Count; a++) { var attachment = new Attachment( new MemoryStream(attachments.ElementAt(a).Value), attachments.ElementAt(a).Key ); message.Attachments.Add(attachment); } // if (this.mailService == "") { // this is a System Parameter var spSmtpServer = homegenie.Parameters.Find(delegate(ModuleParameter mp) { return(mp.Name == "Messaging.Email.SmtpServer"); }); if (spSmtpServer != null) { this.mailService = spSmtpServer.Value; } } if (this.mailPort == -1) { // this is a System Parameter var spSmtpPort = homegenie.Parameters.Find(delegate(ModuleParameter mp) { return(mp.Name == "Messaging.Email.SmtpPort"); }); if (spSmtpPort != null && spSmtpPort.DecimalValue > 0) { this.mailPort = (int)spSmtpPort.DecimalValue; } } if (this.mailSsl == -1) { // this is a System Parameter var spSmtpUseSsl = homegenie.Parameters.Find(delegate(ModuleParameter mp) { return(mp.Name == "Messaging.Email.SmtpUseSsl"); }); if (spSmtpUseSsl != null && spSmtpUseSsl.Value.ToLower() == "true") { this.mailSsl = 1; } } var credentials = this.networkCredential; if (credentials == null) { var username = ""; // this is a System Parameter var spSmtpUserName = homegenie.Parameters.Find(delegate(ModuleParameter mp) { return(mp.Name == "Messaging.Email.SmtpUserName"); }); if (spSmtpUserName != null) { username = spSmtpUserName.Value; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username)) { var password = ""; // this is a System Parameter var spSmtpPassword = homegenie.Parameters.Find(delegate(ModuleParameter mp) { return(mp.Name == "Messaging.Email.SmtpPassword"); }); if (spSmtpPassword != null) { password = spSmtpPassword.Value; } credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password); } } // using (var smtpClient = new SmtpClient(this.mailService)) { try { smtpClient.Credentials = credentials; smtpClient.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; if (this.mailPort > 0) { smtpClient.Port = this.mailPort; } if (this.mailSsl > 0) { smtpClient.EnableSsl = (this.mailSsl == 1); } smtpClient.Send(message); attachments.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { HomeGenieService.LogError( Domains.HomeAutomation_HomeGenie_Automation, this.GetType().Name, ex.Message, "Exception.StackTrace", ex.StackTrace ); return(false); } finally { smtpClient.Dispose(); } } } return(true); }
public NetHelper(HomeGenieService hg) { _homegenie = hg; }
public Statistics(HomeGenieService hg) { homegenie = hg; }
public StatisticsLogger(HomeGenieService hg) { homegenie = hg; dbSizeLimit = hg.SystemConfiguration.HomeGenie.Statistics.MaxDatabaseSizeMBytes * 1024 * 1024; statsTimeResolutionSeconds = hg.SystemConfiguration.HomeGenie.Statistics.StatisticsTimeResolutionSeconds; }
public Automation(HomeGenieService hg) { _hg = hg; }
public ProgramManager(HomeGenieService hg) { homegenie = hg; macroRecorder = new MacroRecorder(this); schedulerService = new SchedulerService(this); }
public Logging(HomeGenieService hg) { _hg = hg; }
public Automation(HomeGenieService hg) { homegenie = hg; }
public VirtualMeter(HomeGenieService hg) { homegenie = hg; Start(); }
public Interconnection(HomeGenieService hg) { homegenie = hg; }
public void SetHost(HomeGenieService hg) { homegenie = hg; // force ScriptingHost assignment this.Type = codeType; }
public EventsHelper(HomeGenieService hg, int programId) { homegenie = hg; myProgramId = programId; }
public ModuleHelper(HomeGenieService hg, Module module) : base(hg) { this.module = module; }
public SettingsHelper(HomeGenieService hg) { homegenie = hg; }
internal static ProgramBlock ProgramImport(HomeGenieService homegenie, int newPid, string archiveName, string groupName) { ProgramBlock newProgram; var reader = new StreamReader(archiveName); char[] signature = new char[2]; reader.Read(signature, 0, 2); reader.Close(); if (signature[0] == 'P' && signature[1] == 'K') { // Read and uncompress zip file content (arduino program bundle) string zipFileName = archiveName.Replace(".hgx", ".zip"); if (File.Exists(zipFileName)) File.Delete(zipFileName); File.Move(archiveName, zipFileName); string destFolder = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, Utility.GetTmpFolder(), "import"); if (Directory.Exists(destFolder)) Directory.Delete(destFolder, true); Utility.UncompressZip(zipFileName, destFolder); string bundleFolder = Path.Combine("programs", "arduino", newPid.ToString()); if (Directory.Exists(bundleFolder)) Directory.Delete(bundleFolder, true); if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine("programs", "arduino"))) Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine("programs", "arduino")); Directory.Move(Path.Combine(destFolder, "src"), bundleFolder); reader = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(destFolder, "program.hgx")); } else { reader = new StreamReader(archiveName); } var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ProgramBlock)); newProgram = (ProgramBlock)serializer.Deserialize(reader); reader.Close(); newProgram.Address = newPid; newProgram.Group = groupName; homegenie.ProgramManager.ProgramAdd(newProgram); newProgram.IsEnabled = false; newProgram.ScriptErrors = ""; newProgram.Engine.SetHost(homegenie); if (newProgram.Type.ToLower() != "arduino") { homegenie.ProgramManager.CompileScript(newProgram); } return newProgram; }
/// <summary> /// Sends an E-Mail. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if message was sent, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="from">Message sender.</param> /// <param name="recipients">Message recipients.</param> /// <param name="subject">Message subject.</param> /// <param name="messageText">Message text.</param> public bool SendMessage(string from, string recipients, string subject, string messageText) { Log.Trace("SendMessage: called for recipients {0}", recipients); var mailFrom = from; var mailSubject = subject; var mailBody = messageText; // Log.Trace("SendMessage: getting smtpSyncLock"); lock (_smtpSyncLock) { Log.Trace("SendMessage: got smtpSyncLock"); using (var message = new MailMessage()) { var mailRecipients = recipients.Split(new[] { ';', ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var recipient in mailRecipients) { message.To.Add(recipient); } message.Subject = mailSubject; message.From = new MailAddress(mailFrom); message.Body = mailBody; // for (var a = 0; a < _attachments.Count; a++) { var attachment = new Attachment(new MemoryStream(_attachments.ElementAt(a).Value), _attachments.ElementAt(a).Key); message.Attachments.Add(attachment); } // if (_mailService == "") { // this is a System Parameter var spSmtpServer = _homegenie.Parameters.Find(mp => mp.Name == "Messaging.Email.SmtpServer"); if (spSmtpServer != null) { _mailService = spSmtpServer.Value; } } if (_mailPort == -1) { // this is a System Parameter var spSmtpPort = _homegenie.Parameters.Find(mp => mp.Name == "Messaging.Email.SmtpPort"); if (spSmtpPort != null && spSmtpPort.DecimalValue > 0) { _mailPort = (int)spSmtpPort.DecimalValue; } } if (!_mailSsl.HasValue) { // this is a System Parameter var spSmtpUseSsl = _homegenie.Parameters.Find(mp => mp.Name == "Messaging.Email.SmtpUseSsl"); if (spSmtpUseSsl != null && (spSmtpUseSsl.Value.ToLower() == "true" || spSmtpUseSsl.Value.ToLower() == "on" || spSmtpUseSsl.DecimalValue == 1)) { _mailSsl = true; } } var credentials = _networkCredential; if (credentials == null) { var username = ""; // this is a System Parameter var spSmtpUserName = _homegenie.Parameters.Find(mp => mp.Name == "Messaging.Email.SmtpUserName"); if (spSmtpUserName != null) { username = spSmtpUserName.Value; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username)) { var password = ""; // this is a System Parameter var spSmtpPassword = _homegenie.Parameters.Find(mp => mp.Name == "Messaging.Email.SmtpPassword"); if (spSmtpPassword != null) { password = spSmtpPassword.Value; } credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password); } } // using (var smtpClient = new SmtpClient(_mailService)) { try { smtpClient.Credentials = credentials; smtpClient.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; if (_mailPort > 0) { smtpClient.Port = _mailPort; } smtpClient.EnableSsl = _mailSsl == true; Log.Trace("SendMessage: going to send email {0} using mailService '{1}', port '{2}', credentials {3}, using SSL = {4}", message.ToString(), _mailService, _mailPort, credentials.ToString(), smtpClient.EnableSsl); smtpClient.Send(message); Log.Trace("Email sent"); _attachments.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Trace(ex, "SendMessage: error sending email {0}"); Log.Error(ex); HomeGenieService.LogError(Domains.HomeAutomation_HomeGenie_Automation, GetType().Name, ex.Message, "Exception.StackTrace", ex.StackTrace); return(false); } finally { Log.Trace("SendMessage: disposing smtpClient"); smtpClient.Dispose(); } } } } return(true); }
public Logging(HomeGenieService hg) { homegenie = hg; }
public BackupManager(HomeGenieService hg) { homegenie = hg; }
static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += UnhandledExceptionTrapper; Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; /* Change current culture * CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"); * System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture; * System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = culture; */ var os = Environment.OSVersion; var platform = os.Platform; // TODO: run "uname" to determine OS type if (platform == PlatformID.Unix) { var libusblink = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, ""); // RaspBerry Pi armel dependency check and needed symlink // TODO: check for armhf version if (File.Exists("/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/") && !File.Exists(libusblink)) { ShellCommand("ln", " -s \"/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/\" \"" + libusblink + "\""); } // Debian/Ubuntu 64bit dependency and needed symlink check if (File.Exists("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/") && !File.Exists(libusblink)) { ShellCommand("ln", " -s \"/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/\" \"" + libusblink + "\""); } // lirc var liblirclink = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, ""); if (File.Exists("/usr/lib/") && !File.Exists(liblirclink)) { ShellCommand("ln", " -s \"/usr/lib/\" \"" + liblirclink + "\""); } else if (File.Exists("/usr/lib/") && !File.Exists(liblirclink)) { ShellCommand("ln", " -s \"/usr/lib/\" \"" + liblirclink + "\""); } // video 4 linux interop if (Raspberry.Board.Current.IsRaspberryPi) { ShellCommand("cp", " -f \"" + Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "v4l/") + "\" \"" + Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "") + "\""); // //if (File.Exists("/usr/lib/") && !File.Exists("/usr/local/lib/")) //{ // ShellCommand("ln", " -s \"/usr/lib/\" \"/usr/local/lib/\""); //} } else // fallback (ubuntu and other 64bit debians) { string v4lfile = "v4l/"; if (!File.Exists("/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/")) { v4lfile = "v4l/"; } ShellCommand( "cp", " -f \"" + Path.Combine( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, v4lfile ) + "\" \"" + Path.Combine( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "" ) + "\"" ); } // if (!File.Exists("~/.lircrc")) { var lircrc = "begin\n" + " prog = homegenie\n" + " button = KEY_1\n" + " repeat = 3\n" + " config = KEY_1\n" + "end\n"; try { File.WriteAllText("~/.lircrc", lircrc); } catch { } } } // Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler(Console_CancelKeyPress); // AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ShadowCopyFiles = "true"; // _homegenie = new HomeGenieService(); // do { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); } while (_isrunning); // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); // ShutDown(); }
public ProgramHelperBase(HomeGenieService hg) { homegenie = hg; }
private void logInterval_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs eventArgs) { var end = DateTime.UtcNow; var modules = (TsList <Module>)homegenie.Modules; //.DeepClone(); for (int m = 0; m < modules.Count; m++) { var module = modules[m]; for (int p = 0; p < module.Properties.Count; p++) { var parameter = module.Properties[p]; if (parameter.Statistics.Values.Count > 0) { var values = parameter.Statistics.Values.FindAll(sv => (sv.Timestamp.Ticks <= end.Ticks && sv.Timestamp.Ticks > parameter.Statistics.LastProcessedTimestap.Ticks)); if (values.Count > 0) { double average = (values.Sum(d => d.Value) / values.Count); // //TODO: improve db file age/size check for archiving old data // try { string dbName = GetStatisticsDatabaseName(); var fileInfo = new FileInfo(dbName); if (fileInfo.Length > dbSizeLimit) { ResetStatisticsDatabase(); // TODO: Test method below, then use that instead of rsetting whole database. //CleanOldValuesFromStatisticsDatabase(); } // var dbCommand = dbConnection.CreateCommand(); // "TimeStart","TimeEnd","Domain","Address","Parameter","AverageValue", "CustomData" dbCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@timestart", DateTimeToSQLite(parameter.Statistics.LastProcessedTimestap))); dbCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@timeend", DateTimeToSQLite(end))); dbCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@domain", module.Domain)); dbCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@address", module.Address)); dbCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@parameter", parameter.Name)); dbCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@avgvalue", average.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); dbCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@data", module.Name)); dbCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO ValuesHist VALUES (@timestart, @timeend, @domain, @address, @parameter, @avgvalue, @data)"; dbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { HomeGenieService.LogError( Domains.HomeAutomation_HomeGenie, "Service.StatisticsLogger", "Database Error", "Exception.StackTrace", String.Format("{0}: {1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace) ); // try close/reopen (perhaps some locking issue) CloseStatisticsDatabase(); OpenStatisticsDatabase(); } // // reset statistics history sample // parameter.Statistics.LastProcessedTimestap = end; parameter.Statistics.Values.Clear(); } } } } }