protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Use EF to conect to the server
            using (GameTracker db = new GameTracker())
                // save a new record

                Hockey12 newHockey12 = new Hockey12();

                int HockeyID = 0;

                if (Request.QueryString.Count > 0) // our URL has a STUDENTID in it
                    // get the id from the URL
                    HockeyID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["HockeyID"]);

                    // get the current student from EF db
                    newHockey12 = (from student in db.Hockey12
                                   where student.Spectators1 == HockeyID
                                   select student).FirstOrDefault();

                // add form data to the new student record
                newHockey12.TeamName1   = TeamaTextBox.Text;
                newHockey12.TeamScore1  = Convert.ToInt32(TeambTextBox.Text);
                newHockey12.Spectators1 = Convert.ToInt32(SpectatorsTextBox.Text);

                // use LINQ to ADO.NET to add / insert new student into the db

                if (HockeyID == 0)

                // save our changes - also updates and inserts

                // Redirect back to the updated students page
        protected void Gethockey()
            // populate the form with existing data from db
            int HockeyID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString[" HockeyID"]);

            // connect to the EF DB
            using (GameTracker db = new GameTracker())
                // populate game object instance with the FootballID from
                // the URL parameter
                Hockey12 updatedStudent = (from student in db.Hockey12
                                           where student.Spectators1 == HockeyID
                                           select student).FirstOrDefault();

                // map the game properties to the form control
                if (updatedStudent != null)
                    TeamaTextBox.Text      = updatedStudent.TeamName1;
                    TeambTextBox.Text      = updatedStudent.TeamScore1.ToString();
                    SpectatorsTextBox.Text = updatedStudent.Spectators1.ToString();