public void ClearAllBanks() { foreach (var kv in _DicBankLoad) { string bankName = kv.Key; CBankEntry entry = kv.Value; if (entry.InMemoryBankPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { AKRESULT result = AkSoundEngine.UnloadBank(entry.BankID, entry.InMemoryBankPtr); if (result == AKRESULT.AK_Success) { entry.PinnedArray.Free(); } else { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("UnloadBank Failed: {0} {1}", bankName, result); } entry.InMemoryBankPtr = IntPtr.Zero; } else { AkSoundEngine.UnloadBank(entry.BankID, IntPtr.Zero, null, null); } GameObject.Destroy(entry.GameObject); } _DicBankLoad.Clear(); }
private static void AsyncLoadResourceInternal(string assetName, string bundleName, Hoba.Action <UnityObject> onLoadFinish, bool needInstantiate) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bundleName)) { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("Can not load bundle with empty name, {0} - {1}", assetName, bundleName); return; } if (assetName == null) { assetName = ""; } var cb = onLoadFinish; #if DEBUG_DELAY if (ResLoadDelay > 0) { cb = (asset) => { Instance.StartCoroutine(DelayCallOnLoadFinish(ResLoadDelay, onLoadFinish, asset)); }; } #endif //assetName = assetName.ToLower(); bundleName = bundleName.ToLower(); LoadResourceInternalImp(assetName, bundleName, cb, needInstantiate); }
private void FindKeyGameObject() { if (_KeyGameObjectL1 != null || _KeyGameObjectL2 != null || _KeyGameObjectL3 != null) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++) { var child = transform.GetChild(i); if (child != null) { if ("_L0")) { _KeyGameObjectL1 = child.gameObject; _AnimatorArrayL1 = _KeyGameObjectL1.GetComponentsInChildren <Animator>(true); } else if ("_L1")) { _KeyGameObjectL2 = child.gameObject; _AnimatorArrayL2 = _KeyGameObjectL2.GetComponentsInChildren <Animator>(true); } else if ("_L3")) { _KeyGameObjectL3 = child.gameObject; _AnimatorArrayL3 = _KeyGameObjectL3.GetComponentsInChildren <Animator>(true); } } else { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("gfx {0}'s allKeyGameObjects has null child"); } } }
public override void DoLoginCallBack(string param) { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("{0}DoLoginCallBack param: {1}", _LongtuPrefix, param); var result = JsonUtility.FromJson <LTLoginResult>(param); if (result != null) { if (result.code == LTResultCode.LoginSucceed) { OnLoginSucceed(result.loginInfo); } else { LOGIN_STATE state = LOGIN_STATE.LT_LOGIN_UNKOWN_ERROR; if (result.code == LTResultCode.LoginTimeout) { state = LOGIN_STATE.LT_LOGIN_TIME_OUT; } else if (result.code == LTResultCode.LoginCancel) { state = LOGIN_STATE.LT_LOGIN_USER_CANCEL; } if (_LoginCallback != null) { _LoginCallback(state, new USER_INFO()); } } } }
//可以判断本navmesh以外的navmesh public bool IsValidPositionStrict(string strGameResPath, string strNavMeshPath, Vector3 pos, bool adjustHeight = true, float fDistanceLimit = 0.0f) { if (strNavMeshPath == _NavMeshName && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_NavMeshName)) return IsValidPositionStrict(_NavQuery, pos, adjustHeight, fDistanceLimit); string fullName = Path.Combine(strGameResPath, "Maps/") + strNavMeshPath; try { var navmesh_data = File.ReadAllBytes(fullName); Common.SCounters.Instance.Increase(EnumCountType.LoadNavMeshFromMemory); IntPtr navMesh = LuaDLL.NM_LoadNavMeshFromMemory(navmesh_data, navmesh_data.GetLength(0)); if (navMesh == IntPtr.Zero) return false; Common.SCounters.Instance.Increase(EnumCountType.CreateNavQuery); IntPtr navQuery = LuaDLL.NM_CreateNavQuery(navMesh, MAX_NODES); if (navQuery == IntPtr.Zero) return false; bool ret = IsValidPositionStrict(navQuery, pos, adjustHeight, fDistanceLimit); Common.SCounters.Instance.Increase(EnumCountType.ClearNavMesh); Common.SCounters.Instance.Increase(EnumCountType.ClearNavQuery); LuaDLL.NM_ClearNavQuery(navQuery); LuaDLL.NM_ClearNavMesh(navMesh); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { #if !SERVER_USE HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("raise Exception {1} when ReadAllBytes {0}", fullName, e); #endif return false; } }
public void UnloadBank(string inBankFilename) { CBankEntry entry; if (!_DicBankLoad.TryGetValue(inBankFilename.ToLower(), out entry)) { return; } if (entry.InMemoryBankPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { AKRESULT result = AkSoundEngine.UnloadBank(entry.BankID, entry.InMemoryBankPtr); if (result == AKRESULT.AK_Success) { entry.PinnedArray.Free(); } else { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("UnloadBank Failed: {0} {1}", inBankFilename, result); } entry.InMemoryBankPtr = IntPtr.Zero; } else { AkSoundEngine.UnloadBank(entry.BankID, IntPtr.Zero, null, null); } if (entry.GameObject != null) { GameObject.Destroy(entry.GameObject); } _DicBankLoad.Remove(inBankFilename.ToLower()); }
private static int GetUnicodeStrLength(IntPtr L) { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); const int nRet = 1; if (count == 1 && LuaScriptMgr.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(string))) { string str = LuaScriptMgr.GetString(L, 1); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("GetUnicodeStrLength string is null or empty"); LuaScriptMgr.Push(L, 0); return(CheckReturnNum(L, count, nRet)); } int length = str.Length; LuaScriptMgr.Push(L, length); return(CheckReturnNum(L, count, nRet)); } else { LogParamError("GetUnicodeStrLength", count); LuaScriptMgr.Push(L, 0); return(CheckReturnNum(L, count, nRet)); } }
private bool UpdateFashionInfo(SkinnedMeshRenderer smr, OutwardPart part, GameObject prefab, string assetPath) { var fashionOutInfo = prefab.GetComponent <FashionOutwardInfo>(); if (fashionOutInfo == null) { return(false); } CleanupExtraInfo(part); string partName = PartNames[(int)part]; var info1 = GetFashionOutward(partName, fashionOutInfo.FashionOutwardArray); if (null == info1) { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("fashion info is null"); return(true); } SaveDefaultOutward(part, smr); SetSmrPropertyByFashionInfo(part, smr, info1); // body时装可能用到两套材质球 if (part == OutwardPart.Body) { var bodyRoot = smr.gameObject; var extraInfo = GetFashionOutward(ExtraBodyNames, fashionOutInfo.FashionOutwardArray); if (null != extraInfo) { var extrabodyTrans = transform.Find(ExtraBodyNames); if (extrabodyTrans == null) { var extrabody = GameObject.Instantiate(bodyRoot, transform); = ExtraBodyNames; extrabodyTrans = extrabody.transform; _ExtraTransDic[(int)part].Add(extrabodyTrans); } var extraSmr = extrabodyTrans.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); if (null != extraSmr) { extraSmr.rootBone = transform.Find(extraInfo.RootBonesPath); SetSmrPropertyByFashionInfo(part, extraSmr, extraInfo); } } } //加载特效信息 var outwardSfx = prefab.GetComponent <OutwardSfx>(); if (null != outwardSfx) { LoadOutwardGfx(part, outwardSfx, assetPath); } //UpdateDynamicBoneInfo(part, prefab); UpdateDynamicBoneInfo(part, fashionOutInfo.DynamicBoneInfoArray); return(true); }
public void ChangeArmorEmbroidery(string path) { if (!_EmbroiderySetting.IsValid) { HobaDebuger.LogWarning("Current Armor does not support ChangeEmbroidery"); return; } var bodyRender = GetSkinnedMeshRenderer(OutwardPart.Body); if (bodyRender == null) { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("Current Armor named {0} has no Body Render",; return; } Material mat = new Material(bodyRender.sharedMaterial); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { ChangeArmorEmbroidery(mat, false, null, null, null,; bodyRender.sharedMaterial = mat; var man = transform.GetComponent <EntityEffectComponent>(); if (null != man) { man.OnMaterialChanged(bodyRender); } } else { Vector4 rect = new Vector4(_EmbroiderySetting.XMin, _EmbroiderySetting.YMin, _EmbroiderySetting.XMax, _EmbroiderySetting.YMax); Action <UnityEngine.Object> callback = (asset) => { GameObject go = asset as GameObject; if (go != null) { var imgset = go.GetComponent <EmbroideryImg>(); if (imgset != null) { ChangeArmorEmbroidery(mat, true, imgset.DiffuseTex as Texture2D, imgset.NormalTex as Texture2D, imgset.SpecularTex as Texture2D, rect); bodyRender.sharedMaterial = mat; var man = transform.GetComponent <EntityEffectComponent>(); if (null != man) { man.OnMaterialChanged(bodyRender); } } } else { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("Resource named {0} is null", path); } }; CAssetBundleManager.AsyncLoadResource(path, callback, false, "outward"); } }
public override void Exit() { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("{0}Exit Start", _LongtuPrefix); AndroidJavaClass LongtuSDK = new AndroidJavaClass(_ClassName); LongtuSDK.CallStatic("PlatformExitGame"); }
public override bool IsPlatformExitGame() { AndroidJavaClass LongtuSDK = new AndroidJavaClass(_ClassName); bool isExit = LongtuSDK.CallStatic <bool>("IsPlatformExitGame"); HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("{0}IsPlatformExitGame isExit: {1}", _LongtuPrefix, isExit.ToString()); return(isExit); }
public static T SyncLoadAssetFromBundle <T>(string assetName, string bundleName = null, bool addToCache = false) where T : UnityObject { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetName)) { return(null); } if (addToCache) { LoadedAsset cache; if (_LoadedAssetsCache.TryGetValue(assetName, out cache)) { cache.BornTime = Time.time; T result = cache.Asset as T; return(result); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bundleName)) { bundleName = Instance.GetBundleName(assetName); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bundleName)) { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("{0} cant be load,because it cant find bundle name", assetName); return(null); } var error = String.Empty; var bundle = GetLoadedAssetBundle(bundleName, out error); if (null == bundle) { var url = IsUpdateFileExist(bundleName) ? Path.Combine(_UpdateAssetBundleURL, bundleName) : Path.Combine(_BaseAssetBundleURL, bundleName); var ab = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(url); if (ab == null) { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("AssetBundle {0} has not been loaded first", bundleName); return(null); } bundle = new LoadedAssetBundle(ab, bundleName); _LoadedAssetBundles.Add(bundleName, bundle); } var asset = bundle.Bundle.LoadAsset <T>(assetName); if (addToCache && asset != null) { if (!_LoadedAssetsCache.ContainsKey(assetName)) { _LoadedAssetsCache.Add(assetName, new LoadedAsset(asset)); } } return(asset); }
public override void Logout(bool bCleanAutoLogin = false) { if (_IsLogined) { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("{0}Logout Start", _LongtuPrefix); AndroidJavaClass LongtuSDK = new AndroidJavaClass(_ClassName); LongtuSDK.CallStatic("PlatformLogout"); } }
public override void LogoutDirectly() { if (_IsLogined) { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("{0}LogoutDirectly Start", _LongtuPrefix); AndroidJavaClass LongtuSDK = new AndroidJavaClass(_ClassName); LongtuSDK.CallStatic("PlatformLogout"); } }
public CFxOne RequestUncachedFx(string fxName, bool isSingleton = true) { CFxOne fxone = null; if (!isSingleton || !_UncachedFxs.TryGetValue(fxName, out fxone) || fxone == null || fxone.gameObject == null) //被清理 { fxone = new GameObject("UncachedFx").AddComponent <CFxOne>(); fxone.Priority = -1; fxone.IsCached = false; Action <UnityEngine.Object> callback = (asset) => { if (asset != null && fxone != null && fxone.gameObject != null) { GameObject fx = GameObject.Instantiate(asset) as GameObject; if (fx != null) { Transform fxTrans = fx.transform; fxTrans.parent = fxone.transform; fxTrans.localPosition =; fxTrans.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; fxTrans.localScale =; Util.SetLayerRecursively(fx, fxone.gameObject.layer); fxone.SetFxGameObject(fx); fxone.Active(true); fxone.SetScale(fxone.RealScale); } else { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("RequestUncachedFx asset is not GameObject!: {0}", fxName); } } }; CAssetBundleManager.AsyncLoadResource(fxName, callback, false, "sfx"); if (isSingleton) { fxone.transform.parent = _UncachedFxsRootTrans; if (!_UncachedFxs.ContainsKey(fxName)) { _UncachedFxs.Add(fxName, fxone); } else { _UncachedFxs[fxName] = fxone; } } } else { fxone.Active(true); fxone.SetScale(fxone.RealScale); } return(fxone); }
public override void UploadRoleInfo(ROLE_INFO roleInfo) { if (_IsLogined && roleInfo != null) { string roleInfoJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(roleInfo); HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("{0}UploadRoleInfo Start, RoleInfo Json:{1}", _LongtuPrefix, roleInfoJson); AndroidJavaClass LongtuSDK = new AndroidJavaClass(_ClassName); LongtuSDK.CallStatic("UploadRoleInfo", roleInfoJson); } }
private void TestLoadResource(string assetname) { Action <UnityEngine.Object> callback = (asset) => { var obj = GameObject.Instantiate(asset) as GameObject; HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("GameObject Loaded! name: {0}",; GameObject.DestroyImmediate(obj); }; CAssetBundleManager.AsyncLoadResource(assetname, callback, false); }
// ´òµã²¿·ÖÔÝʱдËÀ public override void UploadRoleInfo(ROLE_INFO roleInfo) { if (roleInfo == null) { return; } if (roleInfo.roleLevel == 1 || roleInfo.roleLevel == 5 || roleInfo.roleLevel == 10) { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("{0}UploadRoleInfo level:{1}", _KakaoPrefix, roleInfo.roleLevel.ToString()); SingularSDK.Event("Level", "level", roleInfo.roleLevel.ToString()); } }
private void ReadWwiseBankConfigParams() { _WwiseBankConfigParams.DefaultValue(); try { string path = Path.Combine(_ConfigPath, "WwiseBankConfig.xml"); byte[] bytes = Util.ReadFile(path); if (bytes != null) { _WwiseBankConfigParams.ParseFromXmlString(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes)); } } catch (Exception e) { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("ReadWwiseBankConfigParams raise an Exception, {0}", e); } }
public static int warn(IntPtr L) { if (HobaDebuger.GameLogLevel < LogLevel.Warning) { return(0); } int n = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); string s = String.Empty; LuaDLL.lua_getglobal(L, "tostring"); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { LuaDLL.lua_pushvalue(L, -1); /* function to be called */ LuaDLL.lua_pushvalue(L, i); /* value to print */ LuaDLL.lua_call(L, 1, 1); string ret = LuaDLL.lua_tostring(L, -1); if (ret == null) { HobaDebuger.LogError("!!!! lua warn return null*"); } else { s += ret; } if (i < n) { s += "\t"; } LuaDLL.lua_pop(L, 1); /* pop result */ } #if !SERVER_USE if (!EntryPoint.Instance.IsInited) { LuaDLL.HOBA_LogString(HobaText.Format("warn LUA: {0}", s)); } #endif HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("LUA: {0}", s); return(0); }
public void Release(GameObject element) { if (_Stack.Count >= _MaxCacheCount) { Destroy(element); return; } if (_Stack.Contains(element)) { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("Can not release one element two times: {0}",; //LuaScriptMgr.Instance.CallOnTraceBack(); return; } element.transform.SetParent(_Parent); _Stack.Push(element); }
private static int PrintCurrentTime(IntPtr L) { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); const int nRet = 0; if ((count == 1 && LuaScriptMgr.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(string)))) { var msg = LuaDLL.lua_tostring(L, 1); HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat(msg, System.DateTime.Now.Ticks); } else { LogParamError("PrintCurrentTime", count); } return(CheckReturnNum(L, count, nRet)); }
public bool LoadBank(string inBankFileName, bool localized = false) { if (_DicBankLoad.ContainsKey(inBankFileName.ToLower())) { return(true); } /* * string bankPath; * * if (!localized) * bankPath = HobaText.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}", EntryPoint.Instance.ResPath, AkInitializer.GetBasePath(), AkBasePathGetter.GetPlatformName(), in_bankFileName); * else * bankPath = HobaText.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/{4}", EntryPoint.Instance.ResPath, AkInitializer.GetBasePath(), AkBasePathGetter.GetPlatformName(), AkInitializer.GetCurrentLanguage(), in_bankFileName); * * SBankEntry entry = new SBankEntry(); * if (DoLoadBankFromImage(bankPath, entry)) * { * string name = localized ? HobaText.Format("{0}/{1}", AkInitializer.GetCurrentLanguage(), in_bankFileName.ToLower()) : in_bankFileName.ToLower(); * entry.gameObject = new GameObject(name); * entry.gameObject.transform.parent = WwiseSoundMan.Instance.BanksLoaded.transform; * _DicBankLoad.Add(in_bankFileName.ToLower(), entry); * return true; * } * * HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("LoadBank Failed: {0}", bankPath); * return false; */ CBankEntry entry = new CBankEntry(); string name = localized ? HobaText.Format("{0}/{1}", AkInitializer.GetCurrentLanguage(), inBankFileName) : inBankFileName; AKRESULT ret = AkSoundEngine.LoadBank(name, AkSoundEngine.AK_DEFAULT_POOL_ID, out entry.BankID); if (ret == AKRESULT.AK_Success) { entry.GameObject = new GameObject(name); entry.GameObject.transform.parent = WwiseSoundMan.Instance.BanksLoaded.transform; _DicBankLoad.Add(inBankFileName.ToLower(), entry); return(true); } HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("LoadBank Failed: {0}", name); return(false); }
public bool ReadPlayerNearCameraConfig(int prof) { _PlayerNearCameraConfig.DefaultValue(prof); try { string path = Path.Combine(_ConfigPath, "PlayerNearCameraConfig.xml"); byte[] bytes = Util.ReadFile(path); if (bytes != null) { _PlayerNearCameraConfig.ParseFromXmlString(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes), prof); return(true); } } catch (Exception e) { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("ReadPlayerNearCameraConfig raise an Exception, {0}", e); } return(false); }
public bool Load(string strFileRegionPath) { Clear(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strFileRegionPath))) { return(true); } _IsInited = false; string fullName = HobaText.Format("{0}/Maps/{1}", EntryPoint.Instance.ResPath, strFileRegionPath); byte[] file_data = Util.ReadFile(fullName); if (file_data == null) { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("{0} not exist", fullName); return(false); } return(LoadFromMemory(file_data)); }
public void Apply(bool show, GameObject target, float distance, float targetId) { if (show) { if (target == null) { return; } FollowTarget = target; Distance = distance; _TargetId = targetId; var capsuleCollider = target.GetComponentInChildren <CapsuleCollider>(); if (capsuleCollider != null) { var height = capsuleCollider.height / 2; _Radius = capsuleCollider.radius; _Offset.y = height; } else { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("EffectiveModel does not have CapsuleCollider: {0}",; var height = 1; _Offset.y = height; } if (_FxOneComp != null) { _FxOneComp.Play(-1); } } else { if (_FxOneComp != null) { _FxOneComp.Stop(); } FollowTarget = null; Distance = 0; } }
public void EnableOutwardPart(OutwardPart part, bool enable) { if (part == OutwardPart.Face) { var trans = transform.Find(PartNames[1]); if (trans != null && trans.gameObject.activeSelf != enable) { trans.gameObject.SetActive(enable); } } else if (part == OutwardPart.Hair) { var trans = transform.Find(PartNames[2]); if (trans != null && trans.gameObject.activeSelf != enable) { trans.gameObject.SetActive(enable); } } else { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("EnableOutwarPart only work on part face or hair"); } }
public override void DoLogoutCallBack(string param) { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("{0}DoLogoutCallBack param: {1}", _LongtuPrefix, param); var result = JsonUtility.FromJson <LTCallbackResult>(param); if (result != null) { if (result.code == LTResultCode.LogoutSucceed) { _IsLogined = false; if (_LogoutCallback != null) { _LogoutCallback(LOGOUT_STATE.LT_LOGOUT_SUCCEED); } } else if (result.code == LTResultCode.LogoutFailed) { if (_LogoutCallback != null) { _LogoutCallback(LOGOUT_STATE.LT_LOGOUT_FAIL); } } } }
public static int ShowGameInfo(IntPtr L) { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); const int nRet = 0; if (count == 1 && LuaScriptMgr.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(string))) { var infotype = LuaScriptMgr.GetString(L, 1); if (infotype == "fog") { string formate = @"RenderSettings.fog = {0} RenderSettings.fogColor = {1} RenderSettings.fogMode = {2} RenderSettings.fogStartDistance = {3} RenderSettings.fogEndDistance = {4} RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor = {5} RenderSettings.ambientEquatorColor = {6} RenderSettings.ambientGroundColor = {7} RenderSettings.ambientIntensity = {8} "; string content = HobaText.Format(formate, RenderSettings.fog, RenderSettings.fogColor, RenderSettings.fogMode, RenderSettings.fogStartDistance, RenderSettings.fogEndDistance, RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor, RenderSettings.ambientEquatorColor, RenderSettings.ambientGroundColor, RenderSettings.ambientIntensity); HobaDebuger.LogWarning(content); } else { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("Undefined Info type - {0}", infotype); } } else { LogParamError("ShowGameInfo", count); } return(CheckReturnNum(L, count, nRet)); }
IEnumerable InitGameCoroutine() { DeviceLogger.Instance.WriteLogFormat("EntryPoint InitGameCoroutine Start..."); foreach (var item in PreInitGameCoroutine()) { yield return(item); } SetupPath(); HobaDebuger.GameLogLevel = WriteLogLevel; //IOS Application.persistentDataPath /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/app sandbox/Documents //Android /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/package name/files #if UNITY_IOS _DocPath = Application.persistentDataPath; _LibPath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "UpdateRes"); _TmpPath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "Tmp"); #elif UNITY_ANDROID _DocPath = Application.persistentDataPath; _LibPath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "UpdateRes"); _TmpPath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "Tmp"); #else _DocPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory; _LibPath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "UpdateRes"); _TmpPath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Tmp"); #endif yield return(null); #if UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_IOS //初始化异常上报SDK CLogReport.Init(); yield return(null); #endif //初始化基础目录 { string path = EntryPoint.Instance.ResPath; path = path.Replace("file://", ""); LuaDLL.HOBA_Init(path, _DocPath, _LibPath, _TmpPath); } _VoiceDir = Path.Combine(_TmpPath, "Voice"); _CustomPicDir = Path.Combine(_TmpPath, "CustomPic"); _UserLanguageFile = Path.Combine(_DocPath, "userlanguage.txt"); _UserBillingFile = Path.Combine(_DocPath, "userbilling.bin"); _UserDataDir = Path.Combine(_DocPath, "UserData"); string strOSLanguage = OSUtility.GetSystemLanguageCode(); string strUserLanguage = GetUserLanguageCode(); if (!Directory.Exists(_LibPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_LibPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(_VoiceDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_VoiceDir); } if (!Directory.Exists(_CustomPicDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_CustomPicDir); } if (!Directory.Exists(_UserDataDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_UserDataDir); } LuaDLL.HOBA_DeleteFilesInDirectory(_VoiceDir); //清空Tmp目录 LuaDLL.HOBA_DeleteFilesInDirectory(_CustomPicDir); //清空Tmp目录 yield return(null); if (!File.Exists(_UserLanguageFile)) //创建语言配置文件 { WriteUserLanguageCode(strOSLanguage); } yield return(null); //目录信息 //#if (UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN) // var pType = LTPlatformBase.ShareInstance().GetPlatformType(); // HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("LTPlatformType: {0}", pType.ToString()); // HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("AssetBundlePath: {0}", _AssetBundlePath); // HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("ResPath: {0}", ResPath); // HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("DocPath: {0}", _DocPath); // HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("LibPath: {0}", _LibPath); // HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("TmpPath: {0}", _TmpPath); // HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("ConfigPath: {0}", _ConfigPath); // HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("LuaPath: {0}", _LuaPath); // HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("VoiceDir: {0}", _VoiceDir); // HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("CustomPickDir: {0}", _CustomPicDir); // HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("OSLanguage: {0}, UserLanguage: {1}", strOSLanguage, strUserLanguage); // yield return null; //#endif //根据语言设置更新语言 ReadUpdateStringXmlFromResources(strUserLanguage); yield return(null); #if (UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN) //只在windows下起作用 bool bDebugSetting = ReadDebugSettingXml(); // HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("DebugSetting: {0}", bDebugSetting); // HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("DebugSetting SkipUpdate: {0}, Shortcut: {1}, LocalData: {2}, LocalLua: {3}, Is1080P: {4}, FullScreen: {5}", // _DebugSetting.SkipUpdate, // _DebugSetting.ShortCut, // _DebugSetting.LocalData, // _DebugSetting.LocalLua, // _DebugSetting.Is1080P, // _DebugSetting.FullScreen); _SkipUpdate = _DebugSetting.SkipUpdate || File.Exists(Path.Combine(_DocPath, "skip.txt")); //HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("SkipUpdate: {0}", _SkipUpdate); #endif #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN if (_DebugSetting.Is1080P) { Screen.SetResolution(1920, 1080, _DebugSetting.FullScreen); } if (_DebugSetting.FPSLimit > 0) { Application.targetFrameRate = _DebugSetting.FPSLimit; } #endif //初始化平台SDK { GameUpdateMan.Instance.InitUpdateUI(); //显示更新界面 bool isFinish = false; int code = -1; LTPlatformBase.ShareInstance().InitSDK((_, resultCode) => { code = resultCode; isFinish = true; }); LTPlatformBase.ShareInstance().SetBreakPoint(SDK.POINT_STATE.Game_Start); //平台SDK打点:开始游戏 while (!isFinish) { yield return(null); } bool isInited = LTPlatformBase.ShareInstance().IsInited; var pType = LTPlatformBase.ShareInstance().GetPlatformType(); DeviceLogger.Instance.WriteLogFormat("LTPlatform InitSDK result:{0}, return code:{1}, platform type:{2}", isInited.ToString(), code.ToString(), pType.ToString()); if (!isInited) { // 初始化失败,弹窗提示,退出游戏 GameUpdateMan.Instance.HotUpdateViewer.SetCircle(false); string errStr = LTPlatformBase.ShareInstance().GetErrStr(code); yield return(new WaitForUserClick(MessageBoxStyle.MB_OK, errStr, _UpdateStringConfigParams.PlatformSDKString_InitFailedTitle)); ExitGame(); yield break; } } { // copy base res #if UNITY_ANDROID string srcDir = "res_base"; string destDir = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "res_base"); if (!Directory.Exists(destDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(destDir); } IsInstallFinished = File.Exists(destDir + "/.lock"); if (!IsInstallFinished) { DeviceLogger.Instance.WriteLog(string.Format("Begin RunInstallStage... from {0} to {1}", srcDir, destDir)); foreach (var item in GameUpdateMan.Instance.RunInstallStage(srcDir, destDir)) { yield return(item); } DeviceLogger.Instance.WriteLog("End RunInstallStage..."); } if (IsInstallFinished) { string lockFile = Path.Combine(destDir, ".lock"); StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(lockFile); writer.Write(TotalSizeToCopy); writer.Close(); DeviceLogger.Instance.WriteLog("EntryPoint InitGameCoroutine EntryPoint.Instance.RunInstallStage() Success..."); } else { DeviceLogger.Instance.WriteLog("EntryPoint InitGameCoroutine EntryPoint.Instance.RunInstallStage() Failed!"); } yield return(null); #endif //在更新开始前,获取ServerConfig.xml #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN { string configsDir = Path.Combine(_ResPath, "Configs"); string path = Path.Combine(configsDir, "ServerConfig.xml"); if (!ReadServerConfigXml(path)) { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("Read ServerConfig Failed: {0}", path); } } #else { string url = EntryPoint.Instance.GetClientServerUrl().NormalizeDir() + "ServerConfig.xml"; string tmpPath = Path.Combine(EntryPoint.Instance.TmpPath, "ServerConfig.xml"); string errMsg; var code = Patcher.FetchByUrl(url, tmpPath, Downloader.DownloadMan.reqTimeOut, out errMsg); if (code == Downloader.DownloadTaskErrorCode.Success) { if (!ReadServerConfigXml(tmpPath)) { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("Read ServerConfig Failed: {0}", url); } } else { HobaDebuger.LogWarningFormat("Download ServerConfig Failed: {0}, {1}", url, code); } } #endif yield return(null); DeviceLogger.Instance.WriteLogFormat("EntryPoint InitGameCoroutine UpdateRoutine Start..."); //IAP Verify url init and check receipt cache. LTPlatformBase.ShareInstance().InitPurchaseVerifyUrl(_ServerConfigParams.GetPurchaseVerifyUrl()); LTPlatformBase.ShareInstance().ProcessPurchaseCache(); LTPlatformBase.ShareInstance().SetBreakPoint(SDK.POINT_STATE.Game_Start_Update); //平台SDK打点:开始更新 // App & 资源更新 foreach (var item in GameUpdateMan.Instance.UpdateRoutine()) { yield return(item); } LTPlatformBase.ShareInstance().SetBreakPoint(SDK.POINT_STATE.Game_End_Update); //平台SDK打点:结束更新 DeviceLogger.Instance.WriteLogFormat("EntryPoint InitGameCoroutine UpdateRoutine End..."); } //初始化pck包, 编辑器模式下不使用pck,策划编辑器模式下使用 #if !UNITY_EDITOR { string path = _ResPath; path = path.Replace("file://", ""); LuaDLL.HOBA_InitPackages(path); } #endif //FIX ME:: 加载不等待2帧 Windows崩溃 待查 yield return(null); //等待一帧,否则部分 Android 设置闪烁 yield return(null); //等待一帧,否则部分 Android 设置闪烁 ReadGameCustomConfigParams(); yield return(null); ReadWwiseBankConfigParams(); yield return(null); ReadWwiseSoundConfigParams(); yield return(null); ReadPlayerFollowCameraConfig(); yield return(null); CLogFile.Init(); yield return(null); CGameSession.Instance().PingInterval = GameCustomConfigParams.PingInterval; CGameSession.Instance().MaxProcessProtocol = GameCustomConfigParams.MaxProcessProtocol; CGameSession.Instance().MaxProcessSpecialProtocol = GameCustomConfigParams.MaxProcessSpecialProtocol; foreach (var item in InitGameInternal()) { yield return(item); } CleanupUpdateResources(); if (PanelLogo != null) { PanelLogo.SetActive(true); yield return(null); } string videoPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "TERA_BackgroundStory.mp4"); VideoManager.PlayVideo(videoPath, null, null, null, true); yield return(null); GFXConfig.Instance.Init(); foreach (var item in DoStartGame()) { yield return(item); } //DeviceLogger.Instance.WriteLogFormat("EntryPoint InitGameCoroutine DoStartGame End..."); DeviceLogger.Instance.WriteLogFormat("EntryPoint InitGameCoroutine End..."); //TestLoadResource("Assets/Outputs/Sfx/Scene/scene_chuansong_chuanzou01.prefab"); }