コード例 #1
ファイル: EDDNSync.cs プロジェクト: vendolis/EDDiscovery
        public static bool SendToEDDN(HistoryEntry he)
            EDDNClass eddn = new EDDNClass();

            JournalEntry je = JournalEntry.Get(he.Journalid);
            JObject msg = null;

            if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump)
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNMessage(je as JournalFSDJump);

            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Docked)
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNMessage(je as JournalDocked, he.System.x, he.System.y, he.System.z);
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Scan)
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNMessage(je as JournalScan, he.System.name, he.System.x, he.System.y, he.System.z);

            if (msg != null)
                if (eddn.PostMessage(msg))
                    return true;

            return false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: frmHistoryTable.cs プロジェクト: habahbah/NIDUC
        public void AddToTable(HistoryEntry historyEntry)
            int premature = 0;
            int idle = 0;
            int working = 0;
            int retired = 0;
            int dead = 0;

            historyEntry.totalCitizenStates.TryGetValue(CitizenState.Premature, out premature);
            historyEntry.totalCitizenStates.TryGetValue(CitizenState.Idle, out idle);
            historyEntry.totalCitizenStates.TryGetValue(CitizenState.Working, out working);
            historyEntry.totalCitizenStates.TryGetValue(CitizenState.Retired, out retired);
            historyEntry.totalCitizenStates.TryGetValue(CitizenState.Dead, out dead);

            ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(new string[]


            Invoke(new Action(() => lvHistoryTable.Items.Add(lvi)));

コード例 #3
        public void Data_age_filter_removes_data_older_than_the_limit_and_keeps_data_more_recent_than_the_limit()
            var now = new HistoryEntry { EventTimeUTC = DateTime.UtcNow };
            var fourDaysAgo = new HistoryEntry { EventTimeUTC = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(4))};
            var input = new HistoryList { fourDaysAgo, now };

コード例 #4
        public void Last_2_items_filter_returns_the_2_most_recent_items_sorted_by_most_recent_and_removes_the_older_items()
            var twentyDaysAgo = new HistoryEntry { EventTimeUTC = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(20)) };
            var tenDaysAgo = new HistoryEntry { EventTimeUTC = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(10)) };
            var thirtyDaysAgo = new HistoryEntry { EventTimeUTC = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(30)) };
            var input = new HistoryList { twentyDaysAgo, tenDaysAgo, thirtyDaysAgo };

            Check.That(TravelHistoryFilter.Last(2).Filter(input)).ContainsExactly(tenDaysAgo, twentyDaysAgo);
コード例 #5
        // when user clicks around..
        public void Display(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl)
            StarScan.SystemNode newnode = (he != null) ? hl.starscan.FindSystem(he.System) : null;

            if (newnode != last_sn)
                last_sn = newnode;
コード例 #6
ファイル: EDDNSync.cs プロジェクト: vendolis/EDDiscovery
        // (verified with EDSM 29/9/2016, seen UTC time being sent, and same UTC time on ESDM).
        public static bool SendEDDNEvent(HistoryEntry he)
            Task taskEDSM = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            {                                                   // LOCAL time, there is a UTC converter inside this call
                if (SendToEDDN(he))

            return true;
コード例 #7
		public static RemotingPackageManifestEntry FromEntry(HistoryEntry entry, string databaseName)
			var manifest = new RemotingPackageManifestEntry();
			manifest.Action = entry.Action;
			manifest.ItemId = entry.ItemId.Guid;
			manifest.ItemPath = entry.ItemPath;
			manifest.Database = databaseName;

			return manifest;
コード例 #8
ファイル: EDSMSync.cs プロジェクト: vendolis/EDDiscovery
        // (verified with EDSM 29/9/2016, seen UTC time being sent, and same UTC time on ESDM).
        public static void SendTravelLog(HistoryEntry he)
            EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass();

            if (!edsm.IsApiKeySet)

            string errmsg;
            Task taskEDSM = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            {                                                   // LOCAL time, there is a UTC converter inside this call
                if (edsm.SendTravelLog(he.System.name, he.EventTimeUTC, he.System.HasCoordinate, he.System.x, he.System.y, he.System.z, out errmsg))
コード例 #9
ファイル: EDSMSync.cs プロジェクト: amatos/EDDiscovery
        // (verified with EDSM 29/9/2016, seen UTC time being sent, and same UTC time on ESDM).
        public static void SendTravelLog(HistoryEntry he)
            if (!EDDConfig.Instance.CheckCommanderEDSMAPI)

            EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass();

            string errmsg;
            Task taskEDSM = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            {                                                   // LOCAL time, there is a UTC converter inside this call
                if (edsm.SendTravelLog(he.System.name, he.EventTimeUTC, he.System.HasCoordinate, he.System.x, he.System.y, he.System.z, out errmsg))
コード例 #10
 internal void Add(string text) {
     var entry = new HistoryEntry { Text = text };
     _live = false;
     if (Length == 0 || Last.Text != text) {
     if (_history[InternalPosition].Text != text) {
         _pos = -1;
     if (Length > MaxLength) {
         if (_pos > 0) {
コード例 #11
 private void AddNewEntry(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl)
コード例 #12
 public void Display(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl)
コード例 #13
        void DrawHistoryEntry(HistoryEntry he, int rowpos, Point3D tpos , Color textcolour , Color backcolour )
            List<string> coldata = new List<string>();                      // First we accumulate the strings
            List<int> tooltipattach = new List<int>();

            if (Config(Configuration.showTime))
                coldata.Add((EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.DisplayUTC ? he.EventTimeUTC : he.EventTimeLocal).ToString("HH:mm.ss"));

            if (Config(Configuration.showDescription))
                coldata.Add(he.EventSummary.Replace("\r\n", " "));

            if (Config(Configuration.showInformation))
                coldata.Add(he.EventDescription.Replace("\r\n", " "));

            if (layoutorder == 0 && Config(Configuration.showNotes))
                SystemNoteClass snc = SystemNoteClass.GetNoteOnJournalEntry(he.Journalid);
                if (snc == null && he.IsFSDJump)
                    snc = SystemNoteClass.GetNoteOnSystem(he.System.name, he.System.id_edsm);

                coldata.Add((snc != null) ? snc.Note.Replace("\r\n", " ") : "");

            bool showdistance = !Config(Configuration.showDistancesOnFSDJumpsOnly) || he.IsFSDJump;

            if (layoutorder == 2 && Config(Configuration.showDistancePerStar))
                coldata.Add(showdistance ? DistToStar(he, tpos) : "");

            if (Config(Configuration.showXYZ))
                coldata.Add((he.System.HasCoordinate && showdistance) ? he.System.x.ToString("0.00") : "");
                coldata.Add((he.System.HasCoordinate && showdistance) ? he.System.y.ToString("0.00") : "");
                coldata.Add((he.System.HasCoordinate && showdistance) ? he.System.z.ToString("0.00") : "");

            if (layoutorder > 0 && Config(Configuration.showNotes))
                SystemNoteClass snc = SystemNoteClass.GetNoteOnJournalEntry(he.Journalid);
                if (snc == null && he.IsFSDJump)
                    snc = SystemNoteClass.GetNoteOnSystem(he.System.name, he.System.id_edsm);

                coldata.Add((snc != null) ? snc.Note.Replace("\r\n", " ") : "");

            if (layoutorder < 2 && Config(Configuration.showDistancePerStar))
                coldata.Add(showdistance ? DistToStar(he, tpos) : "");

            int colnum = 0;

            if (Config(Configuration.showEDSMButton))
                Image edsm = EDDiscovery.Properties.Resources.edsm;
                pictureBox.AddImage(new Rectangle(scanpostextoffset.X+columnpos[colnum++], rowpos, edsm.Width, edsm.Height), edsm, he, "Click to view information on EDSM");

            string tooltip = he.EventSummary + Environment.NewLine + he.EventDescription + Environment.NewLine + he.EventDetailedInfo;

            for (int i = 0; i < coldata.Count; i++)             // then we draw them, allowing them to overfill columns if required
                int nextfull = i+1;
                for (; nextfull < coldata.Count && Config(Configuration.showExpandOverColumns) && coldata[nextfull].Length == 0; nextfull++)
                { }

                AddColText(colnum + i, colnum + nextfull , rowpos, coldata[i], textcolour, backcolour, tooltipattach.Contains(i) ? tooltip : null);
コード例 #14
        private void dataGridViewJournal_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)         // right click on travel map, get in before the context menu
                rightclicksystem = null;
                rightclickrow = -1;
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)         // right click on travel map, get in before the context menu
                leftclicksystem = null;
                leftclickrow = -1;

            if (dataGridViewJournal.SelectedCells.Count < 2 || dataGridViewJournal.SelectedRows.Count == 1)      // if single row completely selected, or 1 cell or less..
                DataGridView.HitTestInfo hti = dataGridViewJournal.HitTest(e.X, e.Y);
                if (hti.Type == DataGridViewHitTestType.Cell)
                    dataGridViewJournal.ClearSelection();                // select row under cursor.
                    dataGridViewJournal.Rows[hti.RowIndex].Selected = true;

                    if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)         // right click on travel map, get in before the context menu
                        rightclickrow = hti.RowIndex;
                        rightclicksystem = (HistoryEntry)dataGridViewJournal.Rows[hti.RowIndex].Cells[JournalHistoryColumns.HistoryTag].Tag;
                    if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)         // right click on travel map, get in before the context menu
                        leftclickrow = hti.RowIndex;
                        leftclicksystem = (HistoryEntry)dataGridViewJournal.Rows[hti.RowIndex].Cells[JournalHistoryColumns.HistoryTag].Tag;
コード例 #15
        private void UpdateSystemRow(int rowindex)
            const int idxVisits  = 5;
            const int idxScans   = 6;
            const int idxPriStar = 7;
            const int idxInfo    = 8;
            const int idxNote    = 9;

            if (hl == null)
                hl = discoveryform.history;

            HistoryEntry last = hl.GetLast;

            if (last == null)

            ISystem currentSystem = last.System;

            if (rowindex < dataGridViewExplore.Rows.Count && dataGridViewExplore[0, rowindex].Value != null)
                string  sysname = dataGridViewExplore[0, rowindex].Value.ToString();
                ISystem sys     = (ISystem)dataGridViewExplore[0, rowindex].Tag;

                if (sys == null)
                    sys = GetSystem(sysname);

                if (sys != null && currentSystem != null)
                    double dist    = sys.Distance(currentSystem);
                    string strdist = dist >= 0 ? ((double)dist).ToString("0.00") : "";
                    dataGridViewExplore[1, rowindex].Value = strdist;

                dataGridViewExplore[0, rowindex].Tag = sys;
                dataGridViewExplore.Rows[rowindex].DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = (sys != null && sys.HasCoordinate) ? discoveryform.theme.VisitedSystemColor : discoveryform.theme.NonVisitedSystemColor;

                if (sys != null)
                    if (sys.HasCoordinate)
                        dataGridViewExplore[2, rowindex].Value = sys.X.ToString("0.00");
                        dataGridViewExplore[3, rowindex].Value = sys.Y.ToString("0.00");
                        dataGridViewExplore[4, rowindex].Value = sys.Z.ToString("0.00");

                    dataGridViewExplore[idxVisits, rowindex].Value = hl.GetVisitsCount(sysname).ToString();

                    List <JournalScan> scans = hl.GetScans(sysname);
                    dataGridViewExplore[idxScans, rowindex].Value = scans.Count.ToString();

                    string pristar = "";
                    // Search for primary star
                    foreach (var scan in scans)
                        if (scan.IsStar && scan.DistanceFromArrivalLS == 0.0)
                            pristar = scan.StarType;
                    dataGridViewExplore[idxPriStar, rowindex].Value = pristar;

                    string info = "";

                    foreach (var scan in scans)
                        if (scan.IsStar)
                            if (scan.StarTypeID == EDStar.AeBe)
                                info = info + " " + "AeBe";
                            if (scan.StarTypeID == EDStar.N)
                                info = info + " " + "NS";
                            if (scan.StarTypeID == EDStar.H)
                                info = info + " " + "BH";
                            if (scan.PlanetTypeID == EDPlanet.Earthlike_body)
                                info = info + " " + "ELW";
                            if (scan.PlanetTypeID == EDPlanet.Water_world)
                                info = info + " " + "WW";

                    dataGridViewExplore[idxInfo, rowindex].Value = info.Trim();

                    string          note = "";
                    SystemNoteClass sn   = SystemNoteClass.GetNoteOnSystem(sys.Name, sys.EDSMID);
                    if (sn != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sn.Note))
                        note = sn.Note;
                        BookmarkClass bkmark = BookmarkClass.bookmarks.Find(x => x.StarName != null && x.StarName.Equals(sys.Name));
                        if (bkmark != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bkmark.Note))
                            note = bkmark.Note;
                            var gmo = discoveryform.galacticMapping.Find(sys.Name);
                            if (gmo != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gmo.description))
                                note = gmo.description;
                    dataGridViewExplore[idxNote, rowindex].Value = note.WordWrap(60);

                if (sys == null && sysname != "")
                    dataGridViewExplore.Rows[rowindex].ErrorText = "System not known";
                    dataGridViewExplore.Rows[rowindex].ErrorText = "";
コード例 #16
ファイル: EDSMSync.cs プロジェクト: wokket/EDDiscovery
        private void Sync(EDSMClass edsm, HistoryList hl)
                // Make sure the EDSM class has this history's commander set
                int         cmdrid = hl.CommanderId;
                EDCommander cmdr   = EDCommander.GetCommander(cmdrid);
                if (cmdr != null)
                    edsm.commanderName = cmdr.EdsmName ?? cmdr.Name;
                    edsm.apiKey        = cmdr.APIKey;

                logout("EDSM sync begin");

                List <HistoryEntry> hlfsdunsyncedlist = hl.FilterByNotEDSMSyncedAndFSD; // first entry is oldest

                if (_syncTo && hlfsdunsyncedlist.Count > 0)                             // send systems to edsm (verified with dates, 29/9/2016, utc throughout)
                    DateTime logstarttime = DateTime.MinValue;
                    DateTime logendtime   = DateTime.MinValue;

                    logout("EDSM: Sending " + hlfsdunsyncedlist.Count.ToString() + " flightlog entries");

                    List <HistoryEntry> edsmsystemlog = null;

                    int edsmsystemssent = 0;

                    foreach (var he in hlfsdunsyncedlist)
                        if (Exit)
                            running = false;

                        if (edsmsystemlog == null || he.EventTimeUTC >= logendtime.AddDays(-1))
                            edsm.GetLogs(he.EventTimeUTC.AddDays(-1), null, out edsmsystemlog, out logstarttime, out logendtime);        // always returns a log, time is in UTC as per HistoryEntry and JournalEntry

                        if (logendtime < logstarttime)
                            running = false;

                        if (edsmsystemlog == null)
                            running = false;

                        HistoryEntry ps2 = (from c in edsmsystemlog where c.System.name == he.System.name && c.EventTimeUTC.Ticks == he.EventTimeUTC.Ticks select c).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (ps2 != null)                // it did, just make sure EDSM sync flag is set..
                            string errmsg;              // (verified with EDSM 29/9/2016)
                            int    errno;
                            bool   firstdiscover;
                            int    edsmid;

                            if (edsm.SendTravelLog(he.System.name, he.EventTimeUTC, he.System.HasCoordinate && !he.IsStarPosFromEDSM, he.System.x, he.System.y, he.System.z, out errmsg, out errno, out firstdiscover, out edsmid))
                                if (edsmid != 0 && he.System.id_edsm <= 0)
                                    he.System.id_edsm = edsmid;
                                    JournalEntry.UpdateEDSMIDPosJump(he.Journalid, he.System, false, -1);

                                if (firstdiscover)


                            if (errmsg.Length > 0)

                                if (errno != 303 && errno != 304) // Skip the system if EDSM rejects the system

                    logout(string.Format("EDSM Systems sent {0}", edsmsystemssent));

                // TBD Comments to edsm?

                if (_syncFrom)                                                              // Verified ok with time 29/9/2016
                    var json = edsm.GetComments(new DateTime(2011, 1, 1));

                    if (json != null)
                        JObject msg   = JObject.Parse(json);
                        int     msgnr = msg["msgnum"].Value <int>();

                        JArray comments = (JArray)msg["comments"];
                        if (comments != null)
                            int commentsadded = 0;

                            foreach (JObject jo in comments)
                                string name    = jo["system"].Value <string>();
                                string note    = jo["comment"].Value <string>();
                                string utctime = jo["lastUpdate"].Value <string>();
                                int    edsmid  = 0;

                                if (!Int32.TryParse(jo["systemId"].Str("0"), out edsmid))
                                    edsmid = 0;

                                DateTime localtime = DateTime.ParseExact(utctime, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
                                                                         CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal).ToLocalTime();

                                SystemNoteClass curnote = SystemNoteClass.GetNoteOnSystem(name, edsmid);

                                if (curnote != null)                          // curnote uses local time to store
                                    if (localtime.Ticks > curnote.Time.Ticks) // if newer, add on (verified with EDSM 29/9/2016)
                                        curnote.UpdateNote(curnote.Note + ". EDSM: " + note, true, localtime, edsmid, true);
                                    SystemNoteClass.MakeSystemNote(note, localtime, name, 0, edsmid, true);   // new one!  its an FSD one as well

                            logout(string.Format("EDSM Comments downloaded/updated {0}", commentsadded));

                logout("EDSM sync Done");
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Exception ex:" + ex.Message);
                logout("EDSM sync Exception " + ex.Message);
コード例 #17
 private void Uctg_OnTravelSelectionChanged(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl, bool selectedEntry)
コード例 #18
ファイル: EDDNSync.cs プロジェクト: phwoelfel/EDDiscovery
        private static void SyncThread()
            running = 1;
            //mainForm.LogLine("Starting EDDN sync thread");

            while (hlscanunsyncedlist.Count != 0)
                HistoryEntry he = null;

                int eventcount = 0;

                while (hlscanunsyncedlist.TryDequeue(out he))

                        TimeSpan age = he.AgeOfEntry();

                        if (age.Days >= 1 && he.EntryType != EliteDangerousCore.JournalTypeEnum.Scan)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("EDDN: Ignoring entry due to age");
                            bool?res = EDDNSync.SendToEDDN(he);

                            if (res != null)    // if attempted to send
                                if (res.Value == true)
                                    logger?.Invoke($"Sent {he.EntryType.ToString()} event to EDDN ({he.EventSummary})");
                                    logger?.Invoke($"Failed sending {he.EntryType.ToString()} event to EDDN ({he.EventSummary})");
                                continue; // skip the 1 second delay if nothing was sent
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Exception ex:" + ex.Message);
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Exception ex:" + ex.StackTrace);
                        logger?.Invoke("EDDN sync Exception " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace);

                    if (Exit)
                        running = 0;

                    Thread.Sleep(1000);   // Throttling to 1 per second to not kill EDDN network

                SentEvents?.Invoke(eventcount);     // tell the system..

                if (hlscanunsyncedlist.IsEmpty)     // if nothing there..
                    hlscanevent.WaitOne(60000);     // Wait up to 60 seconds for another EDDN event to come in
                if (Exit)

            running = 0;
コード例 #19
ファイル: EDDNSync.cs プロジェクト: phwoelfel/EDDiscovery
        static public Action <int> SentEvents;       // called in thread when sync thread has finished and is terminating

        public static bool SendEDDNEvent(Action <string> logger, HistoryEntry helist)
            return(SendEDDNEvents(logger, new[] { helist }));
コード例 #20
ファイル: EDDNSync.cs プロジェクト: phwoelfel/EDDiscovery
        static public bool?SendToEDDN(HistoryEntry he)
            EDDNClass eddn = new EDDNClass();

            if (he.Commander != null)
                eddn.commanderName = he.Commander.EdsmName;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(eddn.commanderName))
                    eddn.commanderName = he.Commander.Name;

                if (he.Commander.Name.StartsWith("[BETA]", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    eddn.isBeta = true;

            if (he.IsBetaMessage)
                eddn.isBeta = true;

            JournalEntry je = he.journalEntry;

            if (je == null)
                je = JournalEntry.Get(he.Journalid);

            JObject msg = null;

            if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump)
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNMessage(je as JournalFSDJump);
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Location)
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNMessage(je as JournalLocation);
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Docked)
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNMessage(je as JournalDocked, he.System);
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Scan)
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNMessage(je as JournalScan, he.System);
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.SAASignalsFound)
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNMessage(je as JournalSAASignalsFound, he.System);
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Outfitting)
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNOutfittingMessage(je as JournalOutfitting, he.System);
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Shipyard)
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNShipyardMessage(je as JournalShipyard, he.System);
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Market)
                JournalMarket jm = je as JournalMarket;
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNCommodityMessage(jm.Commodities, jm.StarSystem, jm.Station, jm.MarketID, jm.EventTimeUTC);      // if its devoid of data, null returned

            if (msg != null)
                if (eddn.PostMessage(msg))
コード例 #21
        public static void PaintEventColumn(DataGridView grid, DataGridViewRowPostPaintEventArgs e,
                                            int totalentries, HistoryEntry he,
                                            int hpos, int colwidth, bool showfsdmapcolour)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(he != null);    // Trip for debug builds if something is wrong,
            if (he == null)                                 // otherwise, ignore it and return.

            string rowIdx;

            if (EDDConfig.Instance.OrderRowsInverted)
                rowIdx = he.Indexno.ToString();            // oldest has the highest index
                rowIdx = (totalentries - he.Indexno + 1).ToString();

            var headerBounds = new Rectangle(e.RowBounds.Left, e.RowBounds.Top, grid.RowHeadersWidth, e.RowBounds.Height);

            // right alignment might actually make more sense for numbers
            using (var centerFormat = new StringFormat()
                Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
                using (Brush br = new SolidBrush(grid.RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle.ForeColor))
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(rowIdx, grid.RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Font, br, headerBounds, centerFormat);

            int noicons = (he.IsFSDJump && showfsdmapcolour) ? 2 : 1;

            if (he.StartMarker || he.StopMarker)

            int padding = 4;
            int size    = 24;

            if (size * noicons > (colwidth - 2))
                size = (colwidth - 2) / noicons;

            int hstart = (hpos + colwidth / 2) - size / 2 * noicons - padding / 2 * (noicons - 1);

            int top = (e.RowBounds.Top + e.RowBounds.Bottom) / 2 - size / 2;

            e.Graphics.DrawImage(he.GetIcon, new Rectangle(hstart, top, size, size));
            hstart += size + padding;

            if (he.IsFSDJump && showfsdmapcolour)
                using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(he.MapColour)))
                    e.Graphics.FillEllipse(b, new Rectangle(hstart + 2, top + 2, size - 6, size - 6));

                hstart += size + padding;

            if (he.StartMarker)
                e.Graphics.DrawImage(Icons.Controls.TravelGrid_FlagStart, new Rectangle(hstart, top, size, size));
            else if (he.StopMarker)
                e.Graphics.DrawImage(Icons.Controls.TravelGrid_FlagStop, new Rectangle(hstart, top, size, size));
コード例 #22
 public bool WouldAddEntry(HistoryEntry he)                  // do we filter? if its not in the journal event filter, or it is in the field filter
     return(he.IsJournalEventInEventFilter(SQLiteDBClass.GetSettingString(DbFilterSave, "All")) && FilterHelpers.FilterHistory(he, fieldfilter, discoveryform.Globals));
コード例 #23
        private void buttonExtExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Forms.ExportForm frm = new Forms.ExportForm();
            frm.Init(new string[] { "View", "FSD Jumps only", "With Notes only", "With Notes, no repeat" });

            if (frm.ShowDialog(FindForm()) == DialogResult.OK)
                BaseUtils.CSVWriteGrid grd = new BaseUtils.CSVWriteGrid();

                List <SystemNoteClass> sysnotecache = new List <SystemNoteClass>();
                string[] colh = null;

                grd.GetLineStatus += delegate(int r)
                    if (r < dataGridViewTravel.Rows.Count)
                        HistoryEntry he = (HistoryEntry)dataGridViewTravel.Rows[r].Cells[TravelHistoryColumns.HistoryTag].Tag;
                        return((dataGridViewTravel.Rows[r].Visible &&
                                he.EventTimeLocal.CompareTo(frm.StartTime) >= 0 &&
                                he.EventTimeLocal.CompareTo(frm.EndTime) <= 0) ? BaseUtils.CSVWriteGrid.LineStatus.OK : BaseUtils.CSVWriteGrid.LineStatus.Skip);

                if (frm.SelectedIndex == 1)     // export fsd jumps
                    colh = new string[] { "Time", "Name", "X", "Y", "Z", "Distance", "Fuel Used", "Fuel Left", "Boost", "Note" };

                    grd.VerifyLine += delegate(int r)       // addition qualifier for FSD jump
                        HistoryEntry he = (HistoryEntry)dataGridViewTravel.Rows[r].Cells[TravelHistoryColumns.HistoryTag].Tag;
                        return(he.EntryType == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump);

                    grd.GetLine += delegate(int r)
                        HistoryEntry he = (HistoryEntry)dataGridViewTravel.Rows[r].Cells[TravelHistoryColumns.HistoryTag].Tag;
                        EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump fsd = he.journalEntry as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump;

                        return(new Object[] {
                            he.snc != null ? he.snc.Note : "",
                    colh = new string[] { "Time", "Event", "System", "Body",                    //0
                                          "Ship", "Summary", "Description", "Detailed Info",    //4
                                          "Note", "Travel Dist", "Travel Time", "Travel Jumps", //8
                                          "Travelled MisJumps", "X", "Y", "Z",                  //12
                                          "JID", "EDSMID", "EDDBID" };                          //16

                    grd.GetLine += delegate(int r)
                        HistoryEntry he = (HistoryEntry)dataGridViewTravel.Rows[r].Cells[TravelHistoryColumns.HistoryTag].Tag;
                        return(new Object[] {
                            (he.System != null) ? he.System.Name : "Unknown",    // paranoia
                            he.ShipInformation != null ? he.ShipInformation.Name : "Unknown",
                            he.isTravelling ? he.TravelledDistance.ToString("0.0") : "",
                            he.isTravelling ? he.TravelledSeconds.ToString() : "",
                            he.isTravelling ? he.Travelledjumps.ToStringInvariant() : "",
                            he.isTravelling ? he.TravelledMissingjump.ToStringInvariant() : "",

                    if (frm.SelectedIndex == 2 || frm.SelectedIndex == 3) // export notes
                        grd.VerifyLine += delegate(int r)                 // second hook to reject line
                            HistoryEntry he = (HistoryEntry)dataGridViewTravel.Rows[r].Cells[TravelHistoryColumns.HistoryTag].Tag;
                            if (he.snc != null)
                                if (sysnotecache.Contains(he.snc))
                                    if (frm.SelectedIndex == 3)

                grd.GetHeader += delegate(int c)
                    return((c < colh.Length && frm.IncludeHeader) ? colh[c] : null);

                if (grd.WriteCSV(frm.Path))
                    if (frm.AutoOpen)
                    ExtendedControls.MessageBoxTheme.Show(FindForm(), "Failed to write to " + frm.Path, "Export Failed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
コード例 #24
ファイル: EDSMClass.cs プロジェクト: iainross/EDDiscovery
        public int GetLogs(DateTime starttimeutc, out List<HistoryEntry> log)
            log = new List<HistoryEntry>();

            if (!IsApiKeySet)
                return 0;

            string query = "get-logs?showId=1&startdatetime=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(starttimeutc.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) + "&apiKey=" + apiKey + "&commanderName=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(commanderName);
            //string query = "get-logs?apiKey=" + apiKey + "&commanderName=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(commanderName);

            var response = RequestGet("api-logs-v1/" + query, handleException: true);

            if (response.Error)
                return 0;

            var json = response.Body;

            if (json == null)
                return 0;

            JObject msg = JObject.Parse(json);
            int msgnr = msg["msgnum"].Value<int>();

            JArray logs = (JArray)msg["logs"];

            if (logs != null)
                using (SQLiteConnectionSystem cn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem())
                    foreach (JObject jo in logs)
                        string name = jo["system"].Value<string>();
                        string ts = jo["date"].Value<string>();
                        long id = jo["systemId"].Value<long>();
                        DateTime etutc = DateTime.ParseExact(ts, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal|DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal); // UTC time

                        SystemClass sc = SystemClass.GetSystem(id, cn, SystemClass.SystemIDType.EdsmId);
                        if (sc == null)
                            sc = new SystemClass(name)
                                id_edsm = id

                        HistoryEntry he = new HistoryEntry();
                        he.MakeVSEntry(sc, etutc, EDDConfig.Instance.DefaultMapColour, "", "");       // FSD jump entry

            return msgnr;
コード例 #25
 public override void InitialDisplay()       // on start up, this will have an empty history
     last_he = discoveryform.history.GetLast;
コード例 #26
        // called thru CalLWithConverter in UI main class.. that pases a ImageConverter to us
        // sysname and or ss can be null if it was picked up by a watcher not the new journal screenshot entry

        private void ProcessScreenshot(string filename, string sysname, JournalScreenshot ss, int cmdrid, ImageConverter cp)
            System.Threading.Timer timer = null;

            if (sysname == null)
                if (LastJournalLoc != null)
                    sysname = LastJournalLoc.StarSystem;
                else if (cmdrid >= 0)
                    LastJournalLoc = JournalEntry.GetLast <JournalLocOrJump>(cmdrid, DateTime.UtcNow);
                    if (LastJournalLoc != null)
                        sysname = LastJournalLoc.StarSystem;

            if (sysname == null)
                HistoryEntry he = _discoveryForm.history.GetLastFSD;
                sysname = (he != null) ? he.System.name : "Unknown System";

                cp.InputFilename     = filename;
                cp.SystemName        = sysname;
                cp.JournalScreenShot = ss;
                cp.CommanderID       = cmdrid;

                bool converted = false;

                using (Bitmap bmp = cp.GetScreenshot(ref filename))
                    // Don't run if OnScreenshot has already run for this image
                    if ((ScreenshotTimers.TryGetValue(filename, out timer) && timer == null) || (!ScreenshotTimers.TryAdd(filename, null) && !ScreenshotTimers.TryUpdate(filename, null, timer)))

                    if (timer != null)

                    converted = cp.Convert(bmp);

                if (converted && cp.RemoveInputFile)         // if remove, delete original picture
                    ScreenshotTimers.TryRemove(filename, out timer);

                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Unable to remove file {filename}");

            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Exception watcher: " + ex.Message);
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Trace: " + ex.StackTrace);

                _discoveryForm.LogLineHighlight("Error in executing image conversion, try another screenshot, check output path settings. (Exception " + ex.Message + ")");
コード例 #27
ファイル: JSONFilter.cs プロジェクト: vendolis/EDDiscovery
 // true if it should be included
 public bool FilterHistory(HistoryEntry he)
     List<FilterEvent> list = null;    // don't want it
     return CheckFilterTrueOut(he.journalEntry.EventDataString, he.journalEntry.EventTypeStr, ref list);     // true it should be included
コード例 #28
 private void Display(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl) =>
 Display(he, hl, true);
コード例 #29
 // add if in event filter, and not in field filter..
 private void AddNewEntry(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl)
     if (he.IsJournalEventInEventFilter(SQLiteDBClass.GetSettingString(DbFilterSave, "All")) && fieldfilter.FilterHistory(he) )
         AddNewJournalRow(true, he);
コード例 #30
 private void AddNewEntry(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl)
     Stats(he, hl);
コード例 #31
        static public bool?SendToEDDN(HistoryEntry he, bool debugonly = false)
            EDDNClass eddn = new EDDNClass();

            if (he.Commander != null)
                eddn.commanderName = he.Commander.EdsmName;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(eddn.commanderName))
                    eddn.commanderName = he.Commander.Name;

                if (he.Commander.Name.StartsWith("[BETA]", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    eddn.isBeta = true;

            if (he.journalEntry.IsBeta)
                eddn.isBeta = true;

            JournalEntry je = he.journalEntry;

            if (je == null)
                je = JournalEntry.Get(he.Journalid);

            BaseUtils.JSON.JObject msg = null;

            if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump)
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNMessage(je as JournalFSDJump);
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Location)
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNMessage(je as JournalLocation);
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.CarrierJump)
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNMessage(je as JournalCarrierJump);
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Docked)
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNMessage(je as JournalDocked, he.System);
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Scan)
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNMessage(je as JournalScan, he.System);
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.SAASignalsFound)
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNMessage(je as JournalSAASignalsFound, he.System);
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Outfitting)
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNOutfittingMessage(je as JournalOutfitting);
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Shipyard)
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNShipyardMessage(je as JournalShipyard);
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Market)
                JournalMarket jm = je as JournalMarket;
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNCommodityMessage(jm.Commodities, jm.IsOdyssey, jm.IsHorizons, jm.StarSystem, jm.Station, jm.MarketID, jm.EventTimeUTC);      // if its devoid of data, null returned
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.EDDCommodityPrices)
                JournalEDDCommodityPrices jm = je as JournalEDDCommodityPrices;
                msg = eddn.CreateEDDNCommodityMessage(jm.Commodities, jm.IsOdyssey, jm.IsHorizons, jm.StarSystem, jm.Station, jm.MarketID, jm.EventTimeUTC);      // if its devoid of data, null returned

            if (msg != null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Send to EDDN " + msg.ToString(true));

                if (!debugonly && eddn.PostMessage(msg))
コード例 #32
 public void SelectionChanged(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl)
     Stats(he, hl);
コード例 #33
 // DEBUGGING ONLY.. click on a scan and it will trigger it
 private void Travelhistorycontrol_OnTravelSelectionChanged(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl)
     if (he.journalEntry.EventTypeID == EliteDangerous.JournalTypeEnum.Scan)       // if scan, see if it needs to be displayed
         ShowScanData(he.journalEntry as EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalScan);
コード例 #34
        private void Stats(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl)

            if (he != null)
                StatToDGV("Visits", hl.GetVisitsCount(he.System.name, he.System.id_edsm) + " to system " + he.System.name);
                StatToDGV("Jumps Before System", hl.GetFSDJumpsBeforeUTC(he.EventTimeUTC));

            int totaljumps = hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(10000, 0, 0, 0));

            StatToDGV("Total No of jumps: ", totaljumps);
            if (totaljumps > 0)
                StatToDGV("Jump History", "24 Hours: " + hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0)) +
                          ", One Week: " + hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0)) +
                          ", 30 Days: " + hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(30, 0, 0, 0)) +
                          ", One Year: " + hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(365, 0, 0, 0))

                HistoryEntry north = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MinValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                                                         { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.z > l; if (v)
                                                               l = s.System.z;
                                                           return(v); });

                HistoryEntry south = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MaxValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                                                         { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.z < l; if (v)
                                                               l = s.System.z;
                                                           return(v); });

                HistoryEntry east = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MinValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                                                        { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.x > l; if (v)
                                                              l = s.System.x;
                                                          return(v); });

                HistoryEntry west = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MaxValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                                                        { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.x < l; if (v)
                                                              l = s.System.x;
                                                          return(v); });

                HistoryEntry up = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MinValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                                                      { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.y > l; if (v)
                                                            l = s.System.y;
                                                        return(v); });

                HistoryEntry down = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MaxValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                                                        { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.y < l; if (v)
                                                              l = s.System.y;
                                                          return(v); });

                StatToDGV("Most North", north.System.name + " @ " + north.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "," + north.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "," + north.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most South", south.System.name + " @ " + south.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "," + south.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "," + south.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most East", east.System.name + " @ " + east.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "," + east.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "," + east.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most West", west.System.name + " @ " + west.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "," + west.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "," + west.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most Highest", up.System.name + " @ " + up.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "," + up.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "," + up.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most Lowest", down.System.name + " @ " + down.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "," + down.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "," + down.System.z.ToString("0.0"));

                var groupeddata = from data in hl.OrderByDate
                                  where data.IsFSDJump
                                  group data by data.System.name
                                  into grouped
                                  select new
                    Title = grouped.Key,
                    Count = grouped.Count()

                mostVisited.Visible = true;

                Color GridC = discoveryform.theme.GridCellText;
                Color TextC = discoveryform.theme.VisitedSystemColor;
                mostVisited.Titles.Add(new Title("Most Visited", Docking.Top, discoveryform.theme.GetFont, TextC));

                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.LabelStyle.ForeColor = TextC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.LabelStyle.ForeColor = TextC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.MajorGrid.LineColor  = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.MinorGrid.LineColor  = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.LineColor  = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MinorGrid.LineColor  = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].BorderColor     = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].BorderWidth     = 2;

                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].BackColor = Color.Transparent;
                mostVisited.Series[0].Color         = GridC;
                mostVisited.BorderlineColor         = Color.Transparent;

                int i = 0;
                foreach (var data in from a in groupeddata orderby a.Count descending select a)
                    if (data.Count <= 1 || i == 10)

                    mostVisited.Series[0].Points.Add(new DataPoint(i, data.Count));
                    mostVisited.Series[0].Points[i].AxisLabel      = data.Title;
                    mostVisited.Series[0].Points[i].LabelForeColor = TextC;
                mostVisited.Visible = false;

コード例 #35
 public void SelectionChanged(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl)
     Stats(he, hl);
コード例 #36
 private void Uctg_OnTravelSelectionChanged(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl, bool selectedEntry)
コード例 #37
        private void Stats(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl)

            if (he != null)
                StatToDGV("Visits", hl.GetVisitsCount(he.System.name, he.System.id_edsm) + " to system " + he.System.name);
                StatToDGV("Jumps Before System", hl.GetFSDJumpsBeforeUTC(he.EventTimeUTC));

            int totaljumps = hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(10000, 0, 0, 0));
            StatToDGV("Total No of jumps: ", totaljumps);
            if (totaljumps > 0)
                StatToDGV("Jump History", "24 Hours: " + hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0)) +
                                      ", One Week: " + hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0)) +
                                      ", 30 Days: " + hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(30, 0, 0, 0)) +
                                      ", One Year: " + hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(365, 0, 0, 0))

                HistoryEntry north = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MinValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.z > l; if (v) l = s.System.z; return v; });

                HistoryEntry south = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MaxValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.z < l; if (v) l = s.System.z; return v; });

                HistoryEntry east = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MinValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.x > l; if (v) l = s.System.x; return v; });

                HistoryEntry west = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MaxValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.x < l; if (v) l = s.System.x; return v; });

                HistoryEntry up = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MinValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.y > l; if (v) l = s.System.y; return v; });

                HistoryEntry down = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MaxValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.y < l; if (v) l = s.System.y; return v; });

                StatToDGV("Most North", north.System.name + " @ " + north.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "," + north.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "," + north.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most South", south.System.name + " @ " + south.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "," + south.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "," + south.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most East", east.System.name + " @ " + east.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "," + east.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "," + east.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most West", west.System.name + " @ " + west.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "," + west.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "," + west.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most Highest", up.System.name + " @ " + up.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "," + up.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "," + up.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most Lowest", down.System.name + " @ " + down.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "," + down.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "," + down.System.z.ToString("0.0"));

                var groupeddata = from data in hl.OrderByDate
                                  where data.IsFSDJump
                                  group data by data.System.name
                                      into grouped
                                  select new
                                      Title = grouped.Key,
                                      Count = grouped.Count()

                mostVisited.Visible = true;

                Color GridC = discoveryform.theme.GridCellText;
                Color TextC = discoveryform.theme.VisitedSystemColor;
                mostVisited.Titles.Add(new Title("Most Visited", Docking.Top, discoveryform.theme.GetFont, TextC));

                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.LabelStyle.ForeColor = TextC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.LabelStyle.ForeColor = TextC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.MajorGrid.LineColor = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.MinorGrid.LineColor = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.LineColor = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MinorGrid.LineColor = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].BorderColor = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].BorderWidth = 2;

                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].BackColor = Color.Transparent;
                mostVisited.Series[0].Color = GridC;
                mostVisited.BorderlineColor = Color.Transparent;

                int i = 0;
                foreach (var data in from a in groupeddata orderby a.Count descending select a)
                    if (data.Count <= 1 || i == 10)

                    mostVisited.Series[0].Points.Add(new DataPoint(i, data.Count));
                    mostVisited.Series[0].Points[i].AxisLabel = data.Title;
                    mostVisited.Series[0].Points[i].LabelForeColor = TextC;
                mostVisited.Visible = false;

コード例 #38
        public override bool ExecuteAction(ActionProgramRun ap)
            string res;

            if (ap.Functions.ExpandString(UserData, out res) != Functions.ExpandResult.Failed)
                HistoryList  hl     = (ap.ActionController as ActionController).HistoryList;
                StringParser sp     = new StringParser(res);
                string       prefix = "EC_";

                string cmdname = sp.NextWordLCInvariant(" ");

                if (cmdname != null && cmdname.Equals("prefix"))
                    prefix = sp.NextWord();

                    if (prefix == null)
                        ap.ReportError("Missing name after Prefix in Event");

                    cmdname = sp.NextWordLCInvariant(" ");

                int jidindex = -1;

                if (cmdname != null && (cmdname.Equals("from") || cmdname.Equals("thpos")))

                    if (cmdname.Equals("thpos"))
                        HistoryEntry he = (ap.ActionController as ActionController).DiscoveryForm.PrimaryCursor.GetCurrentHistoryEntry;

                        if (he == null)
                            ReportEntry(ap, null, 0, prefix);

                        jid = he.Journalid;
                        jid = sp.NextWord().InvariantParseLongNull();
                        if (!jid.HasValue)
                            ap.ReportError("Non integer JID after FROM in Event");

                    jidindex = hl.GetIndex(jid.Value);

                    if (jidindex == -1)
                        ReportEntry(ap, null, 0, prefix);

                    cmdname = sp.NextWordLCInvariant(" ");

                if (cmdname == null)
                    if (jidindex != -1)
                        ReportEntry(ap, hl.EntryOrder(), jidindex, prefix);
                        ap.ReportError("No commands in Event");


                bool fwd  = cmdname.Equals("forward") || cmdname.Equals("first");
                bool back = cmdname.Equals("backward") || cmdname.Equals("last");

                if (fwd || back)
                    List <string> eventnames = sp.NextOptionallyBracketedList();                                                  // single entry, list of events

                    bool not = eventnames.Count == 1 && eventnames[0].Equals("NOT", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); // if it goes NOT

                    if (not)
                        eventnames = sp.NextOptionallyBracketedList();     // then get another list
                    // is it "WHERE"
                    bool whereasfirst = eventnames.Count == 1 && eventnames[0].Equals("WHERE", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

                    ConditionLists cond = new ConditionLists();
                    string         nextword;

                    // if WHERE cond, or eventname WHERE cond
                    if (whereasfirst || ((nextword = sp.NextWord()) != null && nextword.Equals("WHERE", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                        if (whereasfirst)       // clear out event names if it was WHERE cond..

                        string resc = cond.Read(sp.LineLeft);       // rest of it is the condition..
                        if (resc != null)
                            ap.ReportError(resc + " in Where of Event");

                    List <HistoryEntry> hltest;

                    if (jidindex == -1)           // if no JID given..
                        hltest = hl.EntryOrder(); // the whole list
                    else if (fwd)
                        hltest = hl.EntryOrder().GetRange(jidindex + 1, hl.Count - (jidindex + 1));       // cut down list, excluding this entry
                        hltest = hl.EntryOrder().GetRange(0, jidindex);

                    if (eventnames.Count > 0)       // screen out event names
                        hltest = (from h in hltest where eventnames.Contains(h.journalEntry.EventTypeStr, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == !not select h).ToList();

                    if (cond.Count > 0)                                                                     // if we have filters, apply, filter out, true only stays
                        hltest = UserControls.FilterHelpers.CheckFilterTrue(hltest, cond, new Variables()); // apply filter..
                    if (fwd)
                        ReportEntry(ap, hltest, 0, prefix);
                        ReportEntry(ap, hltest, hltest.Count - 1, prefix);

                    if (jidindex == -1)
                        ap.ReportError("Valid JID must be given for command " + cmdname + " in Event");
                        HistoryEntry he = hl.EntryOrder()[jidindex];
                        ap[prefix + "JID"] = jidindex.ToStringInvariant();

                        if (cmdname.Equals("action"))
                            int count = (ap.ActionController as ActionController).ActionRunOnEntry(he, Actions.ActionEventEDList.EventCmd(he), now: true);
                            ap[prefix + "Count"] = count.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        else if (cmdname.Equals("edsm"))
                            EliteDangerousCore.EDSM.EDSMClass edsm = new EliteDangerousCore.EDSM.EDSMClass();
                            string url = edsm.GetUrlCheckSystemExists(he.System.Name);

                            ap[prefix + "URL"] = url;

                            if (url.Length > 0)         // may pass back empty string if not known, this solves another exception
                        else if (cmdname.Equals("ross"))
                            ap.ReportError("Not implemented");
                        else if (cmdname.Equals("eddb"))
                            string url = Properties.Resources.URLEDDBSystemName + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(he.System.Name);
                            ap[prefix + "URL"] = url;
                        else if (cmdname.Equals("info"))
                            ActionVars.SystemVarsFurtherInfo(ap, hl, he.System, prefix);
                            ActionVars.ShipModuleInformation(ap, he.ShipInformation, prefix);
                        else if (cmdname.Equals("missions"))
                            ActionVars.MissionInformation(ap, hl.MissionListAccumulator.GetMissionList(he.MissionList), prefix);
                        else if (cmdname.Equals("setstartmarker"))
                        else if (cmdname.Equals("setstopmarker"))
                        else if (cmdname.Equals("clearstartstopmarker"))
                        else if (cmdname.Equals("note"))
                            string note = sp.NextQuotedWord();
                            if (note != null && sp.IsEOL)
                                he.SetJournalSystemNoteText(note, true, EDCommander.Current.SyncToEdsm);
                                (ap.ActionController as ActionController).DiscoveryForm.NoteChanged(this, he, true);
                                ap.ReportError("Missing note text or unquoted text in Event NOTE");
                            ap.ReportError("Unknown command " + cmdname + " in Event");

コード例 #39
 public void AddNewEntry(HistoryEntry he)
     AddNewJournalRow(true, he);
コード例 #40
 private void Display(HistoryList hl)            // when user clicks around..  HE may be null here
     currentHE = hl.GetLastFSD;
コード例 #41
        // called when a new entry is made.. check to see if its a scan update
        public void NewEntry(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl)
            // affecting our system
            StarScan.SystemNode newnode = (he != null) ? hl.starscan.FindSystem(he.System) : null;  // find node..

            if ( newnode == last_sn && he.EntryType == EliteDangerous.JournalTypeEnum.Scan )  // if on same star system, and its a scan, it may have been updated..
コード例 #42
 private void NewEntry(HistoryEntry l, HistoryList hl)
     currentHE = hl.GetLastFSD;
コード例 #43
 private void Display(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl, bool selectedEntry)            // when user clicks around..
コード例 #44
 private void NewEntry(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl)
     DrawSystem(he, he.EntryType == JournalTypeEnum.Scan);
コード例 #45
 /// <summary>
 /// The add entry.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entry">
 /// The entry.
 /// </param>
 public override void AddEntry(HistoryEntry entry)
コード例 #46
ファイル: History.cs プロジェクト: TerabyteX/main
 internal void Add(string text)
     var entry = new HistoryEntry { Text = text };
     _live = false;
     if (Length == 0 || Last.Text != text) {
         var handler = ItemAdded;
         if (handler != null) {
             handler(this, new HistoryEventArgs(entry));
     if (_history[InternalPosition].Text != text) {
         _pos = -1;
     if (Length > MaxLength) {
         if (_pos > 0) {
コード例 #47
        public void No_filter_does_not_filter_anything()
            var veryOldData = new HistoryEntry { EventTimeUTC = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(500000)) };
            var input = new HistoryList { veryOldData };

コード例 #48
ファイル: MapHistory.cs プロジェクト: umby24/Hypercube
        /// <summary>
        ///     Saves all history entries in the Entries list to file.
        /// </summary>
        public void SaveEntries()
            if (FileCompressed()) // -- Need to make sure the file is decompressed just as a sanity check before editing any data.
                GZip.DecompressFile(_baseName + ".hch");

            var indexTableSize = (_thisMap.CWMap.SizeX*_thisMap.CWMap.SizeY*_thisMap.CWMap.SizeZ)*4;

            using (var fs = new FileStream(_baseName + ".hch", FileMode.Open)) {
                lock (_eLock) {
                    foreach (var h in Entries) {
                        var temp = new byte[4];
                        var index = (h.Y*_thisMap.CWMap.SizeZ + h.Z)*_thisMap.CWMap.SizeX + h.X;

                        fs.Seek(index*4, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        fs.Read(temp, 0, 4);

                        var entryIndex = BitConverter.ToInt32(temp, 0);

                        if (entryIndex == 0) {
                            // -- There are no entries for this block yet.
                            fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); // -- Seek to the end of the file.
                            var endLocation = ((int) fs.Position - indexTableSize); // -- Store the index for this entry

                            fs.WriteByte(1); // -- There is now 1 entry
                            fs.Write(h.ToByteArray(), 0, 10); // -- And this is the data.

                            fs.Seek(index*4, SeekOrigin.Begin); // -- Seek back to the Int for this block.
                            fs.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(endLocation), 0, 4);
                            // -- Write in the location for that block's entries.
                            continue; // -- Move on to the next HistoryEntry.

                        // -- There is already one or more entries for this block.
                        fs.Seek(indexTableSize + entryIndex, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        // -- Seek to the position for this block
                        var numEntries = fs.ReadByte(); // -- And get the number of entries.

                        // -- Before adding anything, we'll check to see if this user already has an entry.
                        var tempArray = new HistoryEntry[numEntries];
                        var shift = false;

                        for (var i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) // -- Modify the timestamp and block if so..
                            // -- Load the entries for checking.
                            var thisEntry = new byte[10];

                            fs.Read(thisEntry, 0, 10);
                            tempArray[i] = HistoryEntry.FromByteArray(thisEntry, h.X, h.Y, h.Z);

                            if (tempArray[i].Player == h.Player) {
                                // -- If there is a player, update the new block, and the change time.
                                tempArray[i].Timestamp = h.Timestamp;
                                tempArray[i].NewBlock = h.NewBlock;
                                shift = true; // -- This entry now needs to be shifted.


                        if (shift) {
                            tempArray = tempArray.OrderBy(o => o.Timestamp).ToArray();
                            // -- If there was an entry, order the array...
                            fs.Seek((indexTableSize + entryIndex) + 1, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            // -- Seek to the beginning of the entries..

                            foreach (var z in tempArray) // -- Write the newly ordered entries
                                fs.Write(z.ToByteArray(), 0, 10);

                            continue; // -- Move to the next iteration.

                        // -- If the user did not have any previous entries...
                        // -- Now We'll handle the easy case first, if we've already reached the maximum.

                        if (numEntries == ServerCore.MaxHistoryEntries) {
                            tempArray[0] = h; // -- Overwrite the old entry with the newest one.
                            tempArray = tempArray.OrderBy(o => o.Timestamp).ToArray();
                            // -- Order the array by timestamp, so that our new entry is at the end.

                            fs.Seek((indexTableSize + entryIndex) + 1, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            // -- Seek to the beginning of the entries..

                            foreach (var z in tempArray) // -- Write the newly ordered entries
                                fs.Write(z.ToByteArray(), 0, 10);

                            continue; // -- Move on to the next iteration.

                        // -- And finally, the condition that causes fragmentation :( Actually creating an entry.

                        fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
                        var endPosition = ((int) fs.Position - indexTableSize);
                        fs.WriteByte((byte) (numEntries + 1));

                        foreach (var z in tempArray)
                            fs.Write(z.ToByteArray(), 0, 10);

                        fs.Write(h.ToByteArray(), 0, 10);

                        fs.Seek(index*4, SeekOrigin.Begin); // -- Seek back to the Int for this block.
                        fs.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(endPosition), 0, 4);
                        // -- Write in the location for that block's entries.

                        _fragmented = true;
                        // -- Annnd that's all folks!
コード例 #49
ファイル: ANSIEventDictionary.cs プロジェクト: lenloe1/Stuff
        /// <summary>
        /// TranslateEventData - Takes the Event Data and translates it to something human readable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="HistoryEvent">The Event whose argument data is being translated</param>
        /// <param name="ArgumentReader">The raw data we are translating</param>
        /// <returns>The Human Readable text</returns>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY who Version   Issue#       Description
        // -------- --- -------   ------       ---------------------------------------
        // 05/01/08 KRC 1.50.20	               Created
        // 07/02/09 AF  2.20.11                Corrected the naming of SITESCAN_OR_PENDING_TABLE_CLEAR.
        //                                          This is a standard event and does not refer to SiteScan
        // 03/15/12 jrf 2.53.50   TREQ5571     Switched to pass as argument a HistoryEntry instead of just
        //                                          the history code.
        // 10/12/12 MSC 2.70.28   TQ6684       Translating the Power Up and Power Down events.
        // 12/17/12 MSC 2.70.51   241238       Code Review Changes.
        // 02/23/15 jrf 4.10.04   566291       The power outage and restored event data was modified to
        //                                          only show the power outage count if the first event argument is 1.
        //                                          Anything higher than 1 is reseved.
        // 12/17/15 AF  4.23.00   559019       Adding the event argument data to the CLOCK_RESET event
        // 01/28/16 AF  4.50.224  RTT586620    Extending the event argument for the power restored event to support power up threshold
        // 04/18/16 CFB 4.50.248  WR625383     Changed fields "Power outage count" and "Power restored count" to "Outage ID" and "Power Restored ID" respectively
        // 04/20/16 CFB 4.50.248  WR625383     Changed fields "Outage ID" and "Power Restored ID" to "Outage "Id"
        // 07/12/16 MP  4.70.7    WR688986     Changed POWER_OUTAGE and POWER_RESTORED to PRIMARY_POWER_DOWN and PRIMARY_POWER_UP
        public virtual string TranslatedEventData(HistoryEntry HistoryEvent, PSEMBinaryReader ArgumentReader)
            String strData = "";

            switch (HistoryEvent.HistoryCode)
            case (ushort)(CANSIDevice.HistoryEvents.CLOCK_RESET):
                // The time format must be set before this method is called
                DateTime dtCurrentTime = ArgumentReader.ReadLTIME((PSEMBinaryReader.TM_FORMAT)TimeFormat);
                strData = "Current Time: " + dtCurrentTime.ToShortDateString() + " " + dtCurrentTime.ToLongTimeString();

            case (ushort)(CANSIDevice.HistoryEvents.PENDING_TABLE_ACTIVATION):
            case (ushort)(CANSIDevice.HistoryEvents.PENDING_TABLE_CLEAR):
                strData  = "Table: ";
                strData += ArgumentReader.ReadInt16().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            case (ushort)(CANSIDevice.HistoryEvents.LOSS_OF_PHASE):
            case (ushort)(CANSIDevice.HistoryEvents.REVERSE_POWER_FLOW):
                byte byArg = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();

                strData = "Phase(s): ";
                if (0 != (byArg & PHASE_A_MASK))
                    strData += " (A)";
                if (0 != (byArg & PHASE_B_MASK))
                    strData += " (B)";
                if (0 != (byArg & PHASE_C_MASK))
                    strData += " (C)";

            case (ushort)(CANSIDevice.HistoryEvents.RATE_CHANGE):
                byte byArg = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();

                if (byArg == RATE_A_MASK)
                    strData += " (Rate A)";
                else if (byArg == RATE_B_MASK)
                    strData += " (Rate B)";
                else if (byArg == RATE_C_MASK)
                    strData += " (Rate C)";
                else if (byArg == RATE_D_MASK)
                    strData += " (Rate D)";
                else if (byArg == RATE_E_MASK)
                    strData += " (Rate E)";
                else if (byArg == RATE_F_MASK)
                    strData += " (Rate F)";
                else if (byArg == RATE_G_MASK)
                    strData += " (Rate G)";

            case (ushort)(CANSIDevice.HistoryEvents.PRIMARY_POWER_DOWN):
                byte Enabled = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                if (Enabled == 1)
                    byte Counter = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                    strData += "Outage Id: " + Counter;

            case (ushort)(CANSIDevice.HistoryEvents.PRIMARY_POWER_UP):
                byte Enabled = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                if (Enabled == 1)
                    byte Counter = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                    strData += "Outage Id: " + Counter;
                else if (Enabled == 2)
                    byte   reserved            = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                    ushort NumberOfPowerCycles = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt16();
                    strData += "Number of Power Cycles: " + NumberOfPowerCycles.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            // KRC:TODO - Add other Events here that have data to interpret.
                strData = "";

コード例 #50
        private void buttonExtExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Forms.ExportForm frm = new Forms.ExportForm();
            frm.Init(new string[] { "Export Current View" }, allowRawJournalExport: true);

            if (frm.ShowDialog(this.FindForm()) == DialogResult.OK)
                if (frm.ExportAsJournals)
                        using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(frm.Path))
                            foreach (DataGridViewRow dgvr in dataGridViewJournal.Rows)
                                HistoryEntry he = dgvr.Cells[JournalHistoryColumns.HistoryTag].Tag as HistoryEntry;
                                if (dgvr.Visible && he.EventTimeLocal.CompareTo(frm.StartTime) >= 0 && he.EventTimeLocal.CompareTo(frm.EndTime) <= 0)
                                    string forExport = he.journalEntry.GetJson()?.ToString().Replace("\r\n", "");
                                    forExport = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(forExport, "(\"(?:[^\"\\\\]|\\\\.)*\")|\\s+", "$1");
                        if (frm.AutoOpen)
                        ExtendedControls.MessageBoxTheme.Show(this.FindForm(), "Failed to write to " + frm.Path, "Export Failed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                    if (frm.SelectedIndex == 0)
                        BaseUtils.CSVWriteGrid grd = new BaseUtils.CSVWriteGrid();
                        grd.GetLineStatus += delegate(int r)
                            if (r < dataGridViewJournal.Rows.Count)
                                HistoryEntry he = dataGridViewJournal.Rows[r].Cells[JournalHistoryColumns.HistoryTag].Tag as HistoryEntry;
                                return((dataGridViewJournal.Rows[r].Visible &&
                                        he.EventTimeLocal.CompareTo(frm.StartTime) >= 0 &&
                                        he.EventTimeLocal.CompareTo(frm.EndTime) <= 0) ? BaseUtils.CSVWriteGrid.LineStatus.OK : BaseUtils.CSVWriteGrid.LineStatus.Skip);

                        grd.GetLine += delegate(int r)
                            DataGridViewRow rw = dataGridViewJournal.Rows[r];
                            return(new Object[] { rw.Cells[0].Value, rw.Cells[2].Value, rw.Cells[3].Value });

                        grd.GetHeader += delegate(int c)
                            return((c < 3 && frm.IncludeHeader) ? dataGridViewJournal.Columns[c + ((c > 0) ? 1 : 0)].HeaderText : null);

                        if (grd.WriteCSV(frm.Path))
                            if (frm.AutoOpen)
                            ExtendedControls.MessageBoxTheme.Show(this.FindForm(), "Failed to write to " + frm.Path, "Export Failed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
コード例 #51
        // second part of add history row, adds item to view.
        private void AddNewJournalRow(bool insert, HistoryEntry item)
            string detail = "";
            if (item.EventDescription.Length > 0)
                detail = item.EventDescription;
            if (item.EventDetailedInfo.Length > 0)
                detail += ((detail.Length > 0) ? Environment.NewLine : "") + item.EventDetailedInfo;

            object[] rowobj = { EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.DisplayUTC ? item.EventTimeUTC : item.EventTimeLocal, "", item.EventSummary, detail };

            int rownr;

            if (insert)
                dataGridViewJournal.Rows.Insert(0, rowobj);
                rownr = 0;
                rownr = dataGridViewJournal.Rows.Count - 1;

            dataGridViewJournal.Rows[rownr].Cells[JournalHistoryColumns.HistoryTag].Tag = item;
コード例 #52
        private async void OnNewEntry(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl)
            last_he = he;
            if (last_he != null)
                if (bodyRadius == null || lastradiusbody != he.WhereAmI)                                                  // try and get radius, this is cleared on target selection
                    StarScan.SystemNode last_sn = await discoveryform.history.StarScan.FindSystemAsync(he.System, false); // find scan if we have one

                    JournalScan sd = last_sn?.Find(he.WhereAmI)?.ScanData;                                                // find body scan data if present, null if not
                    bodyRadius = sd?.nRadius;
                    if (bodyRadius.HasValue)
                        lastradiusbody = he.WhereAmI;
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Compass Radius Set " + lastradiusbody + " " + bodyRadius.Value);

                switch (he.journalEntry.EventTypeID)
                case JournalTypeEnum.Screenshot:
                    JournalScreenshot js = he.journalEntry as JournalScreenshot;
                    latitude  = js.nLatitude;
                    longitude = js.nLongitude;
                    altitude  = js.nAltitude;

                case JournalTypeEnum.Touchdown:
                    JournalTouchdown jt = he.journalEntry as JournalTouchdown;
                    if (jt.PlayerControlled.HasValue && jt.PlayerControlled.Value)
                        latitude  = jt.Latitude;
                        longitude = jt.Longitude;
                        altitude  = 0;

                case JournalTypeEnum.Location:
                    JournalLocation jl = he.journalEntry as JournalLocation;
                    latitude  = jl.Latitude;
                    longitude = jl.Longitude;
                    altitude  = null;

                case JournalTypeEnum.Liftoff:
                    JournalLiftoff jlo = he.journalEntry as JournalLiftoff;
                    if (jlo.PlayerControlled.HasValue && jlo.PlayerControlled.Value)
                        latitude  = jlo.Latitude;
                        longitude = jlo.Longitude;
                        altitude  = 0;

                case JournalTypeEnum.LeaveBody:
                    latitude  = null;
                    longitude = null;
                    altitude  = null;

                case JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump:           // to allow us to do PopulateBookmark..
                case JournalTypeEnum.CarrierJump:


コード例 #53
 private void Display(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl, bool selectedEntry)
     DrawSystem(he, false);
コード例 #54
        void Process(List <JournalFSDJump> edsmlogs, DateTime logstarttime, DateTime logendtime)
            // Get all of the local entries now that we have the entries from EDSM
            // Moved here to avoid the race that could have been causing duplicate entries
            // EDSM only returns FSD entries, so only look for them.  Tested 27/4/2018 after the HE optimisations

            List <HistoryEntry> hlfsdlist = JournalEntry.GetAll(Commander.Id, logstarttime.AddDays(-1), logendtime.AddDays(1)).
                                            OfType <JournalLocOrJump>().OrderBy(je => je.EventTimeUTC).
                                            Select(je => HistoryEntry.FromJournalEntry(je, null)).ToList();

            List <JournalFSDJump> toadd = new List <JournalFSDJump>();

            int previdx = -1;

            foreach (JournalFSDJump jfsd in edsmlogs)      // find out list of ones not present
                int index = hlfsdlist.FindIndex(x => x.System.Name.Equals(jfsd.StarSystem, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && x.EventTimeUTC.Ticks == jfsd.EventTimeUTC.Ticks);

                if (index < 0)      // not found, see if its around that date..
                    // Look for any entries where DST may have thrown off the time
                    foreach (var vi in hlfsdlist.Select((v, i) => new { v = v, i = i }).Where(vi => vi.v.System.Name.Equals(jfsd.StarSystem, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                        if (vi.i > previdx)
                            double hdiff = vi.v.EventTimeUTC.Subtract(jfsd.EventTimeUTC).TotalHours;
                            if (hdiff >= -2 && hdiff <= 2 && hdiff == Math.Floor(hdiff))
                                index = vi.i;       // same system, nearly same time.. TBD check

                if (index < 0)      // its not a duplicate, add to db
                {                   // it is a duplicate, check if the first discovery flag is set right
                    JournalFSDJump existingfsd = hlfsdlist[index].journalEntry as JournalFSDJump;

                    if (existingfsd != null && existingfsd.EDSMFirstDiscover != jfsd.EDSMFirstDiscover)    // if we have a FSD one, and first discover is different

                    previdx = index;

            if (toadd.Count > 0)  // if we have any, we can add
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Adding EDSM logs count {toadd.Count}");

                TravelLogUnit tlu = new TravelLogUnit("EDSM\\EDSM-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); // need a tlu for it
                tlu.Type        = TravelLogUnit.EDSMType;                                                                                          // EDSM
                tlu.CommanderId = EDCommander.CurrentCmdrID;
                tlu.Add();                                                                                                                         // Add to Database

                UserDatabase.Instance.ExecuteWithDatabase(cn =>
                    foreach (JournalFSDJump jfsd in toadd)
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Add {0} {1}", jfsd.EventTimeUTC, jfsd.StarSystem));
                        jfsd.SetTLUCommander(tlu.ID, tlu.CommanderId.Value);        // update its TLU id to the TLU made above
                        jfsd.Add(jfsd.CreateFSDJournalEntryJson(), cn.Connection);  // add it to the db with the JSON created

                LogLine($"Retrieved {toadd.Count} log entries from EDSM, from {logstarttime.ToLocalTime().ToString()} to {logendtime.ToLocalTime().ToString()}");

コード例 #55
 protected void AddEntry(HistoryEntry entry)
       if (!_validEntries.Contains(entry.ItemId))
          Log.Info("HistoryCollector. ProcessEntry. Entry '{0}' was already added. Skipping.".FormatWith(entry.ItemId), this);
    catch (Exception exception)
       Log.Error("HistoryCollector. Could not process entry. Action: '{0}', Item: '{1}'.".FormatWith(entry.Action, entry.ItemPath), exception);
コード例 #56
        private async void DrawSystem(HistoryEntry he, bool force)
            StarScan.SystemNode scannode = null;

            var samesys = last_he?.System != null && he?.System != null && he.System.Name == last_he.System.Name;

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Scan grid " + samesys + " F:" + force);

            if (he == null)     //  no he, no display
                last_he = he;
                SetControlText("No Scan".T(EDTx.NoScan));
                scannode = await discoveryform.history.StarScan.FindSystemAsync(he.System, true); // get data with EDSM

                if (scannode == null)                                                             // no data, clear display, clear any last_he so samesys is false next time
                    last_he = null;
                    SetControlText("No Scan".T(EDTx.NoScan));

                if (samesys && !force)      // same system, no force, no redisplay

            last_he = he;

            // only record first row if same system
            var firstdisplayedrow = (dataGridViewScangrid.RowCount > 0 && samesys) ? dataGridViewScangrid.SafeFirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex() : -1;

            dataGridViewScangrid.RowTemplate.MinimumHeight = Font.ScalePixels(64);        // based on icon size
            bodysize = dataGridViewScangrid.RowTemplate.MinimumHeight;
            iconsize = bodysize / 4;


            var all_nodes = scannode.Bodies.ToList(); // flatten tree of scan nodes to prepare for listing

            var stars       = 0;
            var planets     = 0;
            var terrestrial = 0;
            var gasgiants   = 0;
            var moons       = 0;

            foreach (StarScan.ScanNode sn in all_nodes)
                // define strings to be populated
                var bdClass   = new StringBuilder();
                var bdDist    = new StringBuilder();
                var bdDetails = new StringBuilder();

                if (sn.NodeType == StarScan.ScanNodeType.ring)
                    // do nothing, by now
                else if (sn.NodeType == StarScan.ScanNodeType.beltcluster)
                    if (showStructures && sn.ScanData?.BodyName != null)
                        if (showBelts)
                            bdClass.Append("Belt Cluster");

                            if (sn.ScanData.ScanType == "Detailed")
                                bdDetails.Append("No scan data available");

                            if (Math.Abs(sn.ScanData.DistanceFromArrivalLS) > 0)
                                bdDist.AppendFormat("{0:0.00}AU ({1:0.0}ls)", sn.ScanData.DistanceFromArrivalLS / JournalScan.oneAU_LS, sn.ScanData.DistanceFromArrivalLS);

                            var img = global::EDDiscovery.Icons.Controls.ScanGrid_Belt;

                            dataGridViewScangrid.Rows.Add(new object[] { null, sn.ScanData.BodyDesignationOrName, bdClass, bdDist, bdDetails });

                            var cur = dataGridViewScangrid.Rows[dataGridViewScangrid.Rows.Count - 1];

                            cur.Tag          = img;
                            cur.Cells[0].Tag = null;
                            cur.Cells[4].Tag = cur.Cells[0].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[1].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[2].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[3].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[4].ToolTipText =
                                sn.ScanData.DisplayString(historicmatlist: last_he.MaterialCommodity, currentmatlist: discoveryform.history.GetLast?.MaterialCommodity);
                    var overlays = new Overlays();
                    // check for null data

                    if (sn.ScanData?.BodyName != null)
                        // check for body class
                        if (sn.ScanData.IsStar)
                            // is a star, so populate its information field with relevant data

                            // star class
                            if (sn.ScanData.StarTypeText != null)

                            // is the main star?
                            if (sn.ScanData.BodyName.EndsWith(" A", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                bdDist.AppendFormat("Main Star".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_MainStar));
                            // if not, then tell us its hierarchy leveland distance from main star
                            else if (sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.HasValue)
                                if (sn.ScanData.IsStar || sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value > JournalScan.oneAU_m / 10)
                                    bdDist.AppendFormat("{0:0.00}AU ({1:0.00}ls)", (sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value / JournalScan.oneAU_m), sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value / JournalScan.oneLS_m);
                                    bdDist.AppendFormat("{0}km", (sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value / 1000).ToString("N1"));

                            // display stellar bodies mass, in sols
                            if (sn.ScanData.nStellarMass.HasValue)
                                bdDetails.Append("Mass".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Mass)).Append(": ").Append(sn.ScanData.nStellarMass.Value.ToString("N2")).Append(", ");

                            // display stellar bodies radius in sols
                            if (sn.ScanData.nRadius.HasValue)
                                bdDetails.Append("Radius".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Radius)).Append(": ").Append((sn.ScanData.nRadius.Value / JournalScan.oneSolRadius_m).ToString("N2")).Append(", ");

                            // show the temperature
                            if (sn.ScanData.nSurfaceTemperature.HasValue)
                                bdDetails.Append("Temperature".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Temperature)).Append(": ").Append((sn.ScanData.nSurfaceTemperature.Value)).Append("K.");

                            // habitable zone for stars - do not display for black holes.
                            if (showStellarZones && sn.ScanData.IsStar && sn.ScanData.StarTypeID != EDStar.H)
                                if (showHabitable)
                                    string hz = sn.ScanData.CircumstellarZonesString(false, JournalScan.CZPrint.CZHab);
                                    bdDetails.AppendFormat(Environment.NewLine + hz);
                                if (showMetalRich)
                                    string hz = sn.ScanData.CircumstellarZonesString(false, JournalScan.CZPrint.CZMR);
                                    bdDetails.AppendFormat(Environment.NewLine + hz);
                                if (showWaterWorlds)
                                    string hz = sn.ScanData.CircumstellarZonesString(false, JournalScan.CZPrint.CZWW);
                                    bdDetails.AppendFormat(Environment.NewLine + hz);
                                if (showEarthLike)
                                    string hz = sn.ScanData.CircumstellarZonesString(false, JournalScan.CZPrint.CZEL);
                                    bdDetails.AppendFormat(Environment.NewLine + hz);
                                if (showAmmonia)
                                    string hz = sn.ScanData.CircumstellarZonesString(false, JournalScan.CZPrint.CZAW);
                                    bdDetails.AppendFormat(Environment.NewLine + hz);
                                if (showIcyBodies)
                                    string hz = sn.ScanData.CircumstellarZonesString(false, JournalScan.CZPrint.CZIP);
                                    bdDetails.AppendFormat(Environment.NewLine + hz);
                            // is a non-stellar body

                            // is terraformable? If so, prepend it to the body class
                            if (sn.ScanData.Terraformable)
                                bdClass.Append("Terraformable".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Terraformable)).Append(", ");

                            // is a planet?...
                            if (sn.ScanData.PlanetTypeText.HasChars())


                            // tell us the distance from the arrivals in both AU and LS
                            if (sn.Level <= 1 && sn.NodeType == StarScan.ScanNodeType.body)
                                bdDist.AppendFormat("{0:0.00}AU ({1:0.0}ls)", sn.ScanData.DistanceFromArrivalLS / JournalScan.oneAU_LS, sn.ScanData.DistanceFromArrivalLS);

                            // ...or a moon?
                            if (sn.Level >= 2 && sn.NodeType == StarScan.ScanNodeType.body)
                                if (sn.ScanData.IsPlanet)

                                bdClass.Append(" ").Append("Moon".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Moon));

                                // moon distances from center body are measured from in SemiMajorAxis
                                if (sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.HasValue)
                                    bdDist.AppendFormat("{0:0.0}ls ({1:0}km)", sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value / JournalScan.oneLS_m, sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value / 1000);

                            if (sn.ScanData.GasWorld)

                            // Details

                            // display non-stellar bodies radius in earth radiuses
                            if (sn.ScanData.nRadius.HasValue)
                                bdDetails.Append("Radius".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Radius)).Append(": ").Append((sn.ScanData.nRadius.Value / JournalScan.oneEarthRadius_m).ToString("N2")).Append(", ");

                            // show the temperature, both in K and C degrees
                            if (sn.ScanData.nSurfaceTemperature.HasValue)
                                bdDetails.Append("Temperature".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Temperature)).Append(": ").Append((sn.ScanData.nSurfaceTemperature.Value).ToString("N2")).Append("K, (").Append((sn.ScanData.nSurfaceTemperature.Value - 273).ToString("N2")).Append("C).");

                            // print the main atmospheric composition and pressure, if presents
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sn.ScanData.Atmosphere) && sn.ScanData.Atmosphere != "None")
                                if (sn.ScanData.nSurfacePressure.HasValue)
                                    bdDetails.Append(", ").Append((sn.ScanData.nSurfacePressure.Value / JournalScan.oneAtmosphere_Pa).ToString("N3")).Append("Pa.");

                            // tell us that a bodie is landable, and shows its gravity
                            if (sn.ScanData.IsLandable)
                                var Gg = "";

                                if (sn.ScanData.nSurfaceGravity.HasValue)
                                    var g = sn.ScanData.nSurfaceGravity / JournalScan.oneGee_m_s2;
                                    Gg = " (G: " + g.Value.ToString("N1") + ")";

                                bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("Landable".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Landable)).Append(Gg).Append(". ");
                                overlays.landable = true;

                            // tell us that there is some volcanic activity
                            if (sn.ScanData.Volcanism != null)
                                bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("Geological activity".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Geologicalactivity)).Append(": ").Append(sn.ScanData.Volcanism).Append(". ");
                                overlays.volcanism = true;

                            if (sn.ScanData.Mapped)
                                bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("Surface mapped".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Surfacemapped)).Append(". ");
                                overlays.mapped = true;

                            // materials
                            if (sn.ScanData.HasMaterials)
                                toolStripProgressBar.Visible = true;

                                var ret = "";
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> mat in sn.ScanData.Materials)
                                    var mc = MaterialCommodityData.GetByFDName(mat.Key);
                                    if (mc?.IsJumponium == true)
                                        ret = ret.AppendPrePad(mc.Name, ", ");
                                        overlays.materials = true;

                                if (ret.Length > 0 && showMaterials)
                                    bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("This body contains: ".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_BC)).Append(ret);


                        // have some belt, ring or other special structure?
                        if (showStructures)
                            if (sn.ScanData.HasRings)
                                for (int r = 0; r < sn.ScanData.Rings.Length; r++)
                                    if (sn.ScanData.Rings[r].Name.EndsWith("Belt", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                        if (showBelts)
                                            // is a belt
                                            bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("Belt: ".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Belt));
                                            var RingName = sn.ScanData.Rings[r].Name;
                                            bdDetails.Append(JournalScan.StarPlanetRing.DisplayStringFromRingClass(sn.ScanData.Rings[r].RingClass)).Append(" ");
                                            bdDetails.Append((sn.ScanData.Rings[r].InnerRad / JournalScan.oneLS_m).ToString("N2")).Append("ls to ").Append((sn.ScanData.Rings[r].OuterRad / JournalScan.oneLS_m).ToString("N2")).Append("ls. ");
                                        if (showRings)
                                            // is a ring
                                            bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("Ring: ".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Ring));
                                            var RingName = sn.ScanData.Rings[r].Name;
                                            bdDetails.Append(JournalScan.StarPlanetRing.DisplayStringFromRingClass(sn.ScanData.Rings[r].RingClass)).Append(" ");
                                            bdDetails.Append((sn.ScanData.Rings[r].InnerRad / JournalScan.oneLS_m).ToString("N2")).Append("ls to ").Append((sn.ScanData.Rings[r].OuterRad / JournalScan.oneLS_m).ToString("N2")).Append("ls. ");

                        //! for all relevant bodies:

                        // give estimated value
                        if (showValues)
                            var value = sn.ScanData.EstimatedValue;
                            bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("Value".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Value)).Append(" ").Append(value.ToString("N0"));

                        // pick an image
                        var img = sn.ScanData.IsStar ? sn.ScanData.GetStarTypeImage() : sn.ScanData.GetPlanetClassImage();

                        dataGridViewScangrid.Rows.Add(new object[] { null, sn.ScanData.BodyDesignationOrName, bdClass, bdDist, bdDetails });

                        var cur = dataGridViewScangrid.Rows[dataGridViewScangrid.Rows.Count - 1];

                        cur.Tag = img;

                        cur.Cells[0].Tag = overlays;
                        cur.Cells[4].Tag = cur.Cells[0].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[1].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[2].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[3].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[4].ToolTipText =
                            sn.ScanData.DisplayString(historicmatlist: last_he.MaterialCommodity, currentmatlist: discoveryform.history.GetLast?.MaterialCommodity);

                // check if it's a green system
                isGreenSystem |= (hasArsenic && hasCadmium && hasCarbon && hasGermanium && hasNiobium && hasPopolonium && hasVanadium && hasYttrium);

                if (isGreenSystem)
                    toolStripProgressBar.ToolTipText = "This is a green system, as it has all existing jumponium materials available!".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_GS);
                    toolStripStatusGreen.Visible     = true;
                else if (!isGreenSystem)
                    toolStripProgressBar.ToolTipText = toolStripProgressBar.Value + " jumponium materials found in system.".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_JS);

                // set a meaningful title for the controller
                SetControlText(string.Format("Scan Summary for {0}: {1} stars; {2} planets ({3} terrestrial, {4} gas giants), {5} moons".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_ScanSummaryfor), scannode.System.Name, stars, planets, terrestrial, gasgiants, moons));
                if (firstdisplayedrow >= 0 && firstdisplayedrow < dataGridViewScangrid.RowCount)

                toolStripStatusTotalValue.Text = "~" + scannode.ScanValue(true).ToString() + " cr";
コード例 #57
ファイル: History.cs プロジェクト: TerabyteX/main
 internal HistoryEventArgs(HistoryEntry entry)
     _historyEntry = entry;
コード例 #58
 public int ActionRunOnEntry(HistoryEntry he, ActionEvent ev, string flagstart = null, bool now = false)       //set flagstart to be the first flag of the actiondata..
     return(ActionRun(ev, he, null, flagstart, now));
コード例 #59
ファイル: MapHistory.cs プロジェクト: umby24/Hypercube
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates an entry into the History System. Will not be saved until SaveEntries() is called.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        /// <param name="z"></param>
        /// <param name="player"></param>
        /// <param name="lastPlayer"></param>
        /// <param name="newBlock"></param>
        /// <param name="lastBlock"></param>
        public void AddEntry(short x, short y, short z, ushort player, ushort lastPlayer, byte newBlock, byte lastBlock)
            var he = new HistoryEntry
                LastBlock = lastBlock,
                NewBlock = newBlock,
                Player = player,
                LastPlayer = lastPlayer,
                X = x,
                Y = y,
                Z = z,
                Timestamp = (int) ServerCore.GetCurrentUnixTime()

            lock (_eLock) {

            if (Entries.Count > 55000)
コード例 #60
 private void OnTravelChange(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl, bool selectedEntry)