コード例 #1
    //V 1.0.0
    public string insert_HisRegistration(HisRegistrationData dataInsert, string degree_char)
        string        tableName = getHisRegistrationTable(degree_char);
        string        response  = "";
        int           i         = 0;
        ConnectDB     db        = new ConnectDB();
        SqlDataSource oracleObj = db.ConnectionOracle();

        string sql = "Insert Into " + tableName + "(DATE_TIME,ACADEMIC_YEAR,SEMESTER,STUDENT_ID,NATION_ID,PASSPORT_ID,REG_TYPE,COURSE_CODE,COURSE_TYPE,SEC,SUBSEC,CREDIT,FEE,PAYMENT_ID,OLD_SEC,OLD_SUBSEC) Values('" + dataInsert.date_time + "','" + dataInsert.academic_year + "','" + dataInsert.semester + "','" + dataInsert.student_id + "','" + dataInsert.nation_id + "','" + dataInsert.passport_id + "','" + dataInsert.reg_type + "','" + dataInsert.course_code + "','" + dataInsert.course_type + "'," + dataInsert.sec + "," + dataInsert.subsec + "," + dataInsert.credit + "," + dataInsert.fee + ",'" + dataInsert.payment_id + "'," + dataInsert.old_sec + "," + dataInsert.old_subsec + ")";

        oracleObj.InsertCommand = sql;

            if (oracleObj.Insert() == 1)
                response = "OK";
        catch (Exception e)
            response = e.Message.ToString();

コード例 #2
    // V 1.0.0
    public List <HisRegistrationData> get_HisRegistration2(string academic_year, string semester, string student_id, string degree_char)
        string tableName = getHisRegistrationTable(degree_char);

        List <HisRegistrationData> HisData = new List <HisRegistrationData>();

        ConnectDB     db        = new ConnectDB();
        SqlDataSource oracleObj = db.ConnectionOracle();

        // oracleObj.SelectCommand = "Select * From " + tableName + " Where ACADEMIC_YEAR='" + academic_year + "' And SEMESTER='" + semester + "' And  STUDENT_ID='" + student_id + "' And DATE_TIME='" + datetime + "' And REG_TYPE='" + regtype + "' Order By COURSE_CODE,SEC,SUBSEC";

        // oracleObj.SelectCommand = "Select ACADEMIC_YEAR,SEMESTER,DATE_TIME,REG_TYPE,STUDENT_ID,Payment_ID From " + tableName + " Where STUDENT_ID='" + student_id + "' And ACADEMIC_YEAR='" + academic_year + "' AND SEMESTER='" + semester + "' Group By ACADEMIC_YEAR,SEMESTER,DATE_TIME,REG_TYPE,STUDENT_ID,Payment_ID Order By DATE_TIME";

        //oracleObj.SelectCommand = "Select ACADEMIC_YEAR,SEMESTER,DATE_TIME,REG_TYPE,STUDENT_ID From " + tableName + " Where STUDENT_ID='" + student_id + "' And ACADEMIC_YEAR='" + academic_year + "' AND SEMESTER='" + semester + "' Group By ACADEMIC_YEAR,SEMESTER,DATE_TIME,REG_TYPE,STUDENT_ID Order By DATE_TIME";

        oracleObj.SelectCommand = "Select ACADEMIC_YEAR,SEMESTER,DATE_TIME,REG_TYPE,STUDENT_ID From " + tableName + " Where STUDENT_ID='" + student_id + "' And ACADEMIC_YEAR='" + academic_year + "' AND SEMESTER='" + semester + "' Group By ACADEMIC_YEAR,SEMESTER,DATE_TIME,REG_TYPE,STUDENT_ID Order By to_date(DATE_TIME,'MM-DD-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') ASC";

        DataView allData2 = (DataView)oracleObj.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);

        foreach (DataRowView rowData2 in allData2)
            HisRegistrationData his_data = new HisRegistrationData();

            his_data.date_time     = rowData2["DATE_TIME"].ToString();
            his_data.academic_year = rowData2["ACADEMIC_YEAR"].ToString();
            his_data.semester      = rowData2["SEMESTER"].ToString();
            his_data.reg_type      = rowData2["REG_TYPE"].ToString();
            his_data.student_id    = rowData2["STUDENT_ID"].ToString();
            //his_data.nation_id = rowData2["NATION_ID"].ToString();
            //his_data.passport_id = rowData2["PASSPORT_ID"].ToString();
            //his_data.course_type = rowData2["COURSE_TYPE"].ToString();
            //his_data.sec = Convert.ToInt16(rowData2["SEC"].ToString());
            //his_data.subsec = Convert.ToInt16(rowData2["SUBSEC"].ToString());
            //his_data.credit = Convert.ToInt16(rowData2["CREDIT"].ToString());
            //his_data.fee = Convert.ToInt16(rowData2["FEE"].ToString());
            //his_data.course_code = rowData2["COURSE_CODE"].ToString();
            //his_data.payment_id = rowData2["PAYMENT_ID"].ToString();

コード例 #3
    public List <HisRegistrationData> get_HisRegistrationByPayment(string payment_id, string reg_type, string reg_datetime, string degree_char)
        string tableName = getHisRegistrationTable(degree_char);

        List <HisRegistrationData> HisData = new List <HisRegistrationData>();

        ConnectDB     db        = new ConnectDB();
        SqlDataSource oracleObj = db.ConnectionOracle();

        oracleObj.SelectCommand = "Select * From " + tableName + " Where PAYMENT_ID='" + payment_id + "' AND REG_TYPE='" + reg_type + "' AND DATE_TIME='" + reg_datetime + "'";

        DataView allData2 = (DataView)oracleObj.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);

        foreach (DataRowView rowData2 in allData2)
            HisRegistrationData his_data = new HisRegistrationData();

            his_data.date_time     = rowData2["DATE_TIME"].ToString();
            his_data.academic_year = rowData2["ACADEMIC_YEAR"].ToString();
            his_data.semester      = rowData2["SEMESTER"].ToString();
            his_data.reg_type      = rowData2["REG_TYPE"].ToString();
            his_data.student_id    = rowData2["STUDENT_ID"].ToString();
            his_data.nation_id     = rowData2["NATION_ID"].ToString();
            his_data.passport_id   = rowData2["PASSPORT_ID"].ToString();
            his_data.course_type   = rowData2["COURSE_TYPE"].ToString();
            his_data.sec           = Convert.ToInt16(rowData2["SEC"].ToString());
            his_data.subsec        = Convert.ToInt16(rowData2["SUBSEC"].ToString());
            his_data.old_sec       = Convert.ToInt16(rowData2["OLD_SEC"].ToString());
            his_data.old_subsec    = Convert.ToInt16(rowData2["OLD_SUBSEC"].ToString());
            his_data.credit        = Convert.ToInt16(rowData2["CREDIT"].ToString());
            his_data.fee           = Convert.ToInt16(rowData2["FEE"].ToString());
            his_data.course_code   = rowData2["COURSE_CODE"].ToString();
            his_data.payment_id    = rowData2["PAYMENT_ID"].ToString();

コード例 #4
    // V. 1.0.0
    public string[] insertRegistration(List <RegistrationData> DataInsert, string degree_char)
        // ฟิวส์ PAYMENT_ID จะต้องเพิ่มภายหลังจากเพิ่มข้อมูลในตาราง Payment
        string TableName = getTableName(degree_char);

        string[] response = new string[DataInsert.Count];
        int      i        = 0;

        UserLoginData loginData = new UserLoginData();

        loginData = (UserLoginData)HttpContext.Current.Session["login_data"];
        LogData log_data = new LogData();

        log_data.ModuleCode = new LogData().Module_Registration;
        log_data.Username   = loginData.User_ID;
        log_data.Message    = "";

        ConnectDB db = new ConnectDB();

        foreach (RegistrationData dataInsert in DataInsert)
            log_data.Message += "Insert Qualified_Student_Registration With:" + dataInsert.Academic_Year + "','" + dataInsert.Semester + "','" + dataInsert.Course_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Student_ID + "','" + dataInsert.Nation_ID + "','" + dataInsert.Passport_ID + "','" + dataInsert.First_Thainame + "','" + dataInsert.Family_Thainame + "','" + dataInsert.First_Engname + "','" + dataInsert.Family_Engname + "','" + dataInsert.Faculty_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Department_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Major_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Spec_Field_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Reg_Type + "'," + dataInsert.Credit + "," + dataInsert.Sec_No + ",'" + dataInsert.Sec_Comment + "'," + dataInsert.Theory_Fee + "," + dataInsert.Practice_Fee + "," + dataInsert.Thesis_Project_Fee + ",'" + dataInsert.Registration_Date + "','" + dataInsert.Status + "','" + dataInsert.Curr_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Project_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Course_Type + "'" + "," + dataInsert.SubSec_No + ",'" + dataInsert.Payment_ID + "'," + dataInsert.Trainee_Fee + Environment.NewLine;

            SqlDataSource oracleObj = db.ConnectionOracle();
            oracleObj.InsertCommand = "Insert Into " + TableName + "(ACADEMIC_YEAR,SEMESTER,COURSE_CODE,STUDENT_ID,NATION_ID,PASSPORT_ID,FIRST_THAINAME,FAMILY_THAINAME,FIRST_ENGNAME,FAMILY_ENGNAME,FACULITY_CODE,DEPARTMENT_CODE,MAJOR_CODE,SPEC_FIELD_CODE,REG_TYPE,CREDIT,SEC_NO,SEC_COMMENT,THEORY_FEE,PRACTICE_FEE,THESIS_PROJ_FEE,REGISTRATION_DATE,REG_STATUS,CURR_CODE,PROJECT_CODE,COURSE_TYPE,SUBSEC_NO,PAYMENT_ID,TRAINEE_FEE) Values('" + dataInsert.Academic_Year + "','" + dataInsert.Semester + "','" + dataInsert.Course_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Student_ID + "','" + dataInsert.Nation_ID + "','" + dataInsert.Passport_ID + "','" + dataInsert.First_Thainame + "','" + dataInsert.Family_Thainame + "','" + dataInsert.First_Engname + "','" + dataInsert.Family_Engname + "','" + dataInsert.Faculty_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Department_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Major_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Spec_Field_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Reg_Type + "'," + dataInsert.Credit + "," + dataInsert.Sec_No + ",'" + dataInsert.Sec_Comment + "'," + dataInsert.Theory_Fee + "," + dataInsert.Practice_Fee + "," + dataInsert.Thesis_Project_Fee + ",'" + dataInsert.Registration_Date + "','" + dataInsert.Status + "','" + dataInsert.Curr_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Project_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Course_Type + "'" + "," + dataInsert.SubSec_No + ",'" + dataInsert.Payment_ID + "'," + dataInsert.Trainee_Fee + " )";

                if (oracleObj.Insert() == 1)
                    log_data.StatusCode = log_data.LogStatus_SUCCESS;

                    response[i] = "OK";

                    HisRegistrationData his_data = new HisRegistrationData();

                    his_data.date_time     = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                    his_data.academic_year = dataInsert.Academic_Year;
                    his_data.semester      = dataInsert.Semester;
                    his_data.student_id    = dataInsert.Student_ID;
                    his_data.nation_id     = dataInsert.Nation_ID;
                    his_data.passport_id   = dataInsert.Passport_ID;
                    his_data.reg_type      = dataInsert.Reg_Type;
                    his_data.course_code   = dataInsert.Course_Code;
                    his_data.course_type   = dataInsert.Course_Type;
                    his_data.sec           = dataInsert.Sec_No;
                    his_data.subsec        = dataInsert.SubSec_No;
                    his_data.payment_id    = dataInsert.Payment_ID;
                    his_data.credit        = dataInsert.Credit;

                    if (dataInsert.Course_Type == "1")
                        his_data.fee = dataInsert.Theory_Fee;
                    else if (dataInsert.Course_Type == "2")
                        his_data.fee = dataInsert.Practice_Fee;
                    else if (dataInsert.Course_Type == "4" || dataInsert.Course_Type == "5" || dataInsert.Course_Type == "7")
                        his_data.fee = dataInsert.Thesis_Project_Fee;
                        his_data.fee = dataInsert.Thesis_Project_Fee;

                    new HistoryUpdate().insert_HisRegistration(his_data, degree_char);
                    log_data.StatusCode = log_data.LogStatus_FAILED;
            catch (Exception e)
                response[i]         = e.Message.ToString();
                log_data.StatusCode = log_data.LogStatus_ERROR;
                log_data.Message   += " [" + e.ToString() + "]";

        new Log().WriteLog(log_data);
コード例 #5
    // V. 1.0.0
    public List <ResponseRegisData> addRegistration(List <RegistrationData> DataInsert, string degree_char)
        string TableName = getTableName(degree_char);
        List <ResponseRegisData> Response_Data = new List <ResponseRegisData>();

        ConnectDB db = new ConnectDB();

        foreach (RegistrationData dataInsert in DataInsert)
            int RegistedStudent   = 0;
            int numStudent        = 0;
            int TotalRegisStudent = 0;

            ResponseRegisData response   = new ResponseRegisData();
            RegistrationData  checkRegis = new RegistrationData();
            checkRegis = getRegistration(dataInsert.Student_ID, dataInsert.Course_Code, dataInsert.Course_Type, degree_char);

            response.Student_ID       = dataInsert.Student_ID;
            response.Student_ThaiName = dataInsert.First_Thainame + " " + dataInsert.Family_Thainame;
            response.Student_EngName  = dataInsert.First_Engname + " " + dataInsert.Family_Engname;
            response.Course_Code      = dataInsert.Course_Code;
            response.Course_Type      = dataInsert.Course_Type;
            response.Sec_No           = dataInsert.Sec_No;
            response.SubSec_No        = dataInsert.SubSec_No;

            // ตรวจสอบการลงทะเบียนซ้ำซ้อน
            if (checkRegis.Course_Code != dataInsert.Course_Code)
                TotalRegisStudent = dataInsert.TotalStdRegis;

                RegistedStudent = new Qualified_Student_Registration().getNumStudent(dataInsert.Academic_Year, dataInsert.Semester, dataInsert.Course_Code, dataInsert.Sec_No, dataInsert.SubSec_No, degree_char);
                // ตรวจสอบการลงทะเบียนเกินจำนวนที่เปิดรับ
                if (RegistedStudent < TotalRegisStudent)
                    SqlDataSource oracleObj = db.ConnectionOracle();
                    oracleObj.InsertCommand = "Insert Into " + TableName + "(ACADEMIC_YEAR,SEMESTER,COURSE_CODE,STUDENT_ID,NATION_ID,PASSPORT_ID,FIRST_THAINAME,FAMILY_THAINAME,FIRST_ENGNAME,FAMILY_ENGNAME,FACULITY_CODE,DEPARTMENT_CODE,MAJOR_CODE,SPEC_FIELD_CODE,REG_TYPE,CREDIT,SEC_NO,SEC_COMMENT,THEORY_FEE,PRACTICE_FEE,THESIS_PROJ_FEE,REGISTRATION_DATE,REG_STATUS,CURR_CODE,PROJECT_CODE,COURSE_TYPE,SUBSEC_NO,PAYMENT_ID) Values('" + dataInsert.Academic_Year + "','" + dataInsert.Semester + "','" + dataInsert.Course_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Student_ID + "','" + dataInsert.Nation_ID + "','" + dataInsert.Passport_ID + "','" + dataInsert.First_Thainame + "','" + dataInsert.Family_Thainame + "','" + dataInsert.First_Engname + "','" + dataInsert.Family_Engname + "','" + dataInsert.Faculty_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Department_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Major_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Spec_Field_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Reg_Type + "'," + dataInsert.Credit + "," + dataInsert.Sec_No + ",'" + dataInsert.Sec_Comment + "'," + dataInsert.Theory_Fee + "," + dataInsert.Practice_Fee + "," + dataInsert.Thesis_Project_Fee + ",'" + dataInsert.Registration_Date + "','" + dataInsert.Status + "','" + dataInsert.Curr_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Project_Code + "','" + dataInsert.Course_Type + "'" + "," + dataInsert.SubSec_No + ",'" + dataInsert.Payment_ID + "' )";

                        if (oracleObj.Insert() == 1)
                            response.Resgis_Status = "OK";

                            HisRegistrationData his_data = new HisRegistrationData();

                            his_data.date_time     = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                            his_data.academic_year = dataInsert.Academic_Year;
                            his_data.semester      = dataInsert.Semester;
                            his_data.student_id    = dataInsert.Student_ID;
                            his_data.nation_id     = dataInsert.Nation_ID;
                            his_data.passport_id   = dataInsert.Passport_ID;
                            his_data.reg_type      = dataInsert.Reg_Type;
                            his_data.course_code   = dataInsert.Course_Code;
                            his_data.course_type   = dataInsert.Course_Type;
                            his_data.sec           = dataInsert.Sec_No;
                            his_data.subsec        = dataInsert.SubSec_No;
                            his_data.payment_id    = dataInsert.Payment_ID;
                            his_data.credit        = dataInsert.Credit;

                            if (dataInsert.Course_Type == "1")
                                his_data.fee = dataInsert.Theory_Fee;
                            else if (dataInsert.Course_Type == "2")
                                his_data.fee = dataInsert.Practice_Fee;
                            else if (dataInsert.Course_Type == "4" || dataInsert.Course_Type == "5" || dataInsert.Course_Type == "7")
                                his_data.fee = dataInsert.Thesis_Project_Fee;
                                his_data.fee = 0;

                            new HistoryUpdate().insert_HisRegistration(his_data, degree_char);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        response.Resgis_Status = e.Message.ToString();
                    response.Resgis_Status = "ตอนเรียนนี้ มีผู้เรียนครบตามจำนวนแล้ว";
            // เคยลงทะเบียนแล้ว
                response.Resgis_Status = "ตรวจสอบพบการลงทะเบียนวิชานี้แล้ว";


コード例 #6
    // V 1.0.0
    public List <HisRegistrationData> get_HisRegistration(string academic_year, string semester, string student_id, string degree_char)
        string tableName = getHisRegistrationTable(degree_char);

        List <HisRegistrationData> HisData = new List <HisRegistrationData>();

        ConnectDB     db        = new ConnectDB();
        SqlDataSource oracleObj = db.ConnectionOracle();

        oracleObj.SelectCommand = "Select DATE_TIME,REG_TYPE From " + tableName + " Where ACADEMIC_YEAR='" + academic_year + "' And SEMESTER='" + semester + "' And  STUDENT_ID='" + student_id + "' Group By DATE_TIME, REG_TYPE Order By to_date(DATE_TIME,'DD-MM-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') ASC";

        DataView allData = (DataView)oracleObj.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);

        foreach (DataRowView rowData in allData)
            HisRegistrationData his_data = new HisRegistrationData();

            string datetime = rowData["DATE_TIME"].ToString();
            string regtype  = rowData["REG_TYPE"].ToString();

            his_data.date_time = datetime;
            his_data.reg_type  = regtype;

            oracleObj.SelectCommand = "Select * From " + tableName + " Where ACADEMIC_YEAR='" + academic_year + "' And SEMESTER='" + semester + "' And  STUDENT_ID='" + student_id + "' And DATE_TIME='" + datetime + "' And REG_TYPE='" + regtype + "' Order By COURSE_CODE,SEC,SUBSEC";

            DataView allData2 = (DataView)oracleObj.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);
            foreach (DataRowView rowData2 in allData2)
                his_data.academic_year = rowData2["ACADEMIC_YEAR"].ToString();
                his_data.semester      = rowData2["SEMESTER"].ToString();
                his_data.student_id    = rowData2["STUDENT_ID"].ToString();
                his_data.nation_id     = rowData2["NATION_ID"].ToString();
                his_data.passport_id   = rowData2["PASSPORT_ID"].ToString();
                his_data.course_type   = rowData2["COURSE_TYPE"].ToString();
                his_data.sec           = Convert.ToInt16(rowData2["SEC"].ToString());
                his_data.subsec        = Convert.ToInt16(rowData2["SUBSEC"].ToString());
                his_data.old_sec       = Convert.ToInt16(rowData2["OLD_SEC"].ToString());
                his_data.old_subsec    = Convert.ToInt16(rowData2["OLD_SUBSEC"].ToString());
                his_data.credit        = Convert.ToInt16(rowData2["CREDIT"].ToString());
                his_data.fee           = Convert.ToInt16(rowData2["FEE"].ToString());

                string course_type = "";

                if (his_data.course_type == "1")
                    course_type = "S.";
                else if (his_data.course_type == "2")
                    course_type = "L.";
                else if (his_data.course_type == "4")
                    course_type = "T.";
                else if (his_data.course_type == "5")
                    course_type = "M.";
                else if (his_data.course_type == "6")
                    course_type = "SP.";
                else if (his_data.course_type == "7")
                    course_type = "D.";

                if (his_data.subsec != 0)
                    course_type = course_type + his_data.subsec;
                    course_type = course_type + his_data.sec;

                his_data.course_code += ", " + rowData2["COURSE_CODE"].ToString() + "(" + course_type + ")";
                his_data.payment_id   = rowData2["PAYMENT_ID"].ToString();

            his_data.course_code = his_data.course_code.Substring(2);
