// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (timeRemaining > 0) { // keeps track of time remaining in this game timeRemaining -= Time.deltaTime; int curTimeLeft = (int)Math.Round(timeRemaining, 0); // different ways to display the time if (curTimeLeft >= 10) { textTimer.text = "0:" + curTimeLeft.ToString(); } else { textTimer.text = "0:0" + curTimeLeft.ToString(); } } else { // update high score using a static function HighScoreHandler.updateScore(GameManager.instance.points); // reset time and states of UI elements timeRemaining = 30; ButtonHandler.isStart = false; ButtonHandler.b.gameObject.SetActive(true); textTimer.gameObject.SetActive(false); GameManager.instance.SetScoreActiveToggle(); GameManager.instance.points = 0; } }
IEnumerator checkScores(HighScoreHandler h) { while (!h.ReadHighScoresFinished) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); } setScores(h.Result); }
// click the button to start the game void ButtonClicked() { isStart = true; HighScoreHandler.DisableGameOver(); b.gameObject.SetActive(false); TimerHandler.upStart(); GameManager.instance.SetScoreActiveToggle(); TimerHandler.textTimer.gameObject.SetActive(true); }
// Awake is called before Start() void Awake() { // set the reference to the current instance if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; } else if (Instance != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } }
void Start() { values = new List <float>(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { values.Add(0f); } headline.text = "Statistics for " + PlayerPrefs.GetString("TspName"); HighScoreHandler hsh = new HighScoreHandler(); #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN List <HighScoreEntry> scores = hsh.GetScores(PlayerPrefs.GetString("TspName"), HighScoreHandler.ORDER_TYPE_ASC, AntAlgorithmManager.GameName, -1); HandleScores(scores); MakeGraph(); #endif #if UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_IPHONE StartCoroutine(hsh.ScoresWebGL()); StartCoroutine(checkScores(hsh)); #endif }
void Update() { GameObject timer = GameObject.Find("Timer"); float timeFloat = timer.GetComponent <TimerDisplayController>().Time; GameObject countdown = GameObject.Find("Countdown"); if (timeFloat < 1.0f && !timeSet) { countdown.GetComponent <Text>().text = 3 + ""; return; } else if (timeFloat < 2.0f && !timeSet) { countdown.GetComponent <Text>().text = 2 + ""; return; } else if (timeFloat < 3.0f && !timeSet) { countdown.GetComponent <Text>().text = 1 + ""; return; } else if (timeFloat > 3.0f && !timeSet) { timer.GetComponent <TimerDisplayController>().Time = 0; timeSet = true; return; } countdown.GetComponent <Text>().text = ""; //don't rotate main camera Camera.main.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; if (AntAlgorithmManager.Instance.IsGameFinished) { Speed = 0; if (!written) { written = true; //double userDistance = AntAlgorithmManager.Instance.CalcOverallUserDistance(); double bestAlgorithmDistance = AntAlgorithmManager.Instance.BestAlgorithmLength; int bestAlgorithIteration = AntAlgorithmManager.Instance.BestAlgorithmIteration; string bestAlgoritmTour = AntAlgorithmManager.Instance.BestAlgorithmTour; double bestUserDistance = AntAlgorithmManager.Instance.BestTourLength; int bestUserIteration = AntAlgorithmManager.Instance.BestItertation; string bestUserTour = AntAlgorithmManager.Instance.TourToString(AntAlgorithmManager.Instance.BestTour); //Debug.Log("[user distance: " + userDistance); //AntAlgorithmManager.Instance.PrintBestTour("user best tour: "); GameObject time = GameObject.Find("Timer"); int timeInMillis = StringOperations.GetTimeFromString(time.GetComponent <Text>().text); GameObject score = GameObject.Find("ScoreValueText"); score.GetComponent <Text>().text = StringOperations.GetStringFromTime(timeInMillis); GameObject gameEndedCanvas = GameObject.Find("GameEndedCanvas"); gameEndedCanvas.GetComponent <Canvas>().enabled = true; GameObject gameCanvas = GameObject.Find("Canvas"); gameCanvas.GetComponent <Canvas>().enabled = false; Guid gid = Guid.NewGuid(); foreach (PheromoneEntry pheromoneHistoryEntry in AntAlgorithmManager.Instance.PheromoneHistory) { StartCoroutine(HighScoreHandler.PostPheromonesAsync(gid, pheromoneHistoryEntry.Pheromones, pheromoneHistoryEntry.Iteration, pheromoneHistoryEntry.HighestValueIndex, pheromoneHistoryEntry.PreviousChosenValueIndex)); } StartCoroutine(HighScoreHandler.PostScoresAsync(gid, PlayerPrefs.GetString("PlayerName"), PlayerPrefs.GetString("TspName"), bestAlgorithmDistance, bestAlgorithIteration, bestAlgoritmTour, bestUserDistance, bestUserIteration, bestUserTour, timeInMillis, "webglnear")); } if (showLine) { lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, transform.position); // snakehead position } return; } if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape)) { if (escPressed) { ResumeSpeed(); escPressed = false; } else { escPressed = true; tmpTime = timer.GetComponent <TimerDisplayController>().Time; Speed = 0; GameObject gameEndedCanvas = GameObject.Find("QuitGameCanvas"); gameEndedCanvas.GetComponent <Canvas>().enabled = true; GameObject gameCanvas = GameObject.Find("Canvas"); gameCanvas.GetComponent <Canvas>().enabled = false; GameObject resumeGameButton = GameObject.Find("ResumeGameButton"); resumeGameButton.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(ResumeSpeed); } } if (showLine) { // set Positions of line lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, transform.position); // snakehead position lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, AntAlgorithmManager.Instance.GetNextPosition()); // "optimal" next position } }