コード例 #1
        public ActionResult GetHourHistogram(Area?area)
            if (CurrentUser.UserRole == UserRole.Rackaz)
                area = CurrentUser.Area;
            var result = _reportService.GetHourHistogram(area);

            if (result.Success)
                foreach (var serie in result.Data)
                    serie.data = RemoveLastsZeros(serie.data.ToList()).ToArray();
                var highChart = new HighChartJDModel
                    chart = new Chart1
                        type = "column"
                    title = new Title2
                        text = (area.HasValue ? string.Format("התפלגות שעות לפי חונכויות באיזור {0}", area.Value.ToDescription()) : "התפלגות  שעות לפני חונכויות"),

                        //text = "דוח סטטיסטיקת התרעות",
                        //useHTML = false
                    xAxis = new Xaxis1
                        // we will take the years from the dictionary

                        categories = new string[]

                        crosshair = true
                    yAxis = new Yaxis1
                        min   = new int { },
                        title = new Title2()
                            text = "מספר חונכויות",
                            //useHTML = false
                    series = result.Data.ToArray(),

                    tooltip = new Tooltip1()
                        headerFormat = "<span style='font-size:10px'>{point.key}</span><table>",
                        pointFormat  = "<tr><td style='color:{series.color};padding:0'>{series.name}: </td><td style='padding:0'><b>{point.y}</b></td></tr>",
                        footerFormat = "</table>",
                        shared       = true,
                        useHTML      = true
                    plotOptions = new Plotoptions1()
                        column = new Column2()
                            pointPadding = new float(),
                            borderWidth  = new int()
                    exporting = new Exporting1
                        enabled = true

コード例 #2
        public ActionResult GetJoinDropStatistics(Area?area)
            if (CurrentUser.UserRole == UserRole.Rackaz)
                area = CurrentUser.Area;
            var result = _reportService.GetJoinDropStatistics(area);

            if (result.Success)
                foreach (var serie in result.Data.Series)
                    serie.data = RemoveLastsZeros(serie.data.ToList()).ToArray();

                var chartModel1 = new HighChartJDModel
                    chart = new Chart1
                        type = "column"
                    title = new Title2
                        text = (area.HasValue ? string.Format(" סטטיסטיקת הצטרפות ונשירת חניכים באיזור {0}", area.Value.ToDescription()) : " סטטיסטיקת הצטרפות ונשירת חניכים"),
                        //text = "דוח סטטיסטיקה הצטרפות ונשירת חניכים",
                    xAxis = new Xaxis1
                        // we will take the years from the dictionary

                        categories = result.Data.YearList.ToArray(),

                        crosshair = true
                    yAxis = new Yaxis1
                        min   = new int {},
                        title = new Title2()
                            text = "כמות מצטרפים ונושרים",
                            //useHTML = false
                    series  = result.Data.Series.ToArray(),
                    tooltip = new Tooltip1()
                        headerFormat = "<span style='font-size:10px'>{point.key}</span><table>",
                        pointFormat  = "<tr><td style='color:{series.color};padding:0'>{series.name}: </td><td style='padding:0'><b>{point.y}</b></td></tr>",
                        footerFormat = "</table>",
                        shared       = true,
                        useHTML      = true
                    plotOptions = new Plotoptions1()
                        column = new Column2()
                            pointPadding = new float(),
                            borderWidth  = new int()
                    exporting = new Exporting1
                        enabled = true

            //return null;