コード例 #1
        private void buttonGenerateAdjacents_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (radioBtnDPPt.Checked)
                ColumnFlipSequence.Visible = true;
                ColumnElmResponse.Visible  = false;
                ColumnRoamers.Visible      = false;
                ColumnGen5IVs.Visible      = false;
            else if (radioBtnHgSs.Checked)
                ColumnFlipSequence.Visible = false;
                ColumnElmResponse.Visible  = true;
                ColumnRoamers.Visible      = true;
                ColumnGen5IVs.Visible      = false;
                ColumnFlipSequence.Visible = false;
                ColumnElmResponse.Visible  = false;
                ColumnRoamers.Visible      = false;
                ColumnGen5IVs.Visible      = true;
                ColumnCGearAdjust.Visible  = sekrit;

            if (maskedTextBoxMDelay.Text == "")

            if (maskedTextBoxPDelay.Text == "")

            if (maskedTextBoxMSecond.Text == "")

            if (maskedTextBoxPSecond.Text == "")

            //  Make sure that something is selected in the main
            //  times grid and then go ahead and get that item
            if (dataGridViewValues.SelectedRows.Count == 0)

            //  Load all of our +/- so we can use them to generate
            //  or list of adjacent frames.
            int mDelay  = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxMDelay.Text);
            int pDelay  = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxPDelay.Text);
            int mSecond = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxMSecond.Text);
            int pSecond = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxPSecond.Text);

            var timeAndDelay = (TimeAndDelay)dataGridViewValues.SelectedRows[0].DataBoundItem;

            //  From the actual time we need to build a start
            //  time and an end time so that we can iterate
            DateTime startTime = timeAndDelay.Date - new TimeSpan(0, 0, mSecond);
            DateTime endTime   = timeAndDelay.Date + new TimeSpan(0, 0, pSecond);

            //  Figure out how many seconds there are between the times
            //  as this is going to be the number of times that we are
            //  going to loop, plus 1.
            TimeSpan span = endTime - startTime;

            int startDelay = timeAndDelay.Delay - mDelay;
            int endDelay   = timeAndDelay.Delay + pDelay;

            // Grab our roamer information so we only have to do it one
            // time and can just run the code and pass the results into
            // the adjacents.
            uint rRoute = 0;
            uint eRoute = 0;
            uint lRoute = 0;

            // need to tryparse out all of the route values
            if (maskedTextBoxRRoute.Text != "")
                rRoute = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxRRoute.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxERoute.Text != "")
                eRoute = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxERoute.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxLRoute.Text != "")
                lRoute = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxLRoute.Text);

            var adjacents = new List <Adjacent>();

            int oddEven = timeAndDelay.Delay & 1;

            int minFrame;
            int maxFrame;

            int.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMinFrame.Text, out minFrame);
            int.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMaxFrame.Text, out maxFrame);

            if (minFrame == 0)
                minFrame = 1;

            if (maxFrame == 0)
                maxFrame = 10;

            if (checkBoxRoamer.Checked)

            for (int cnt = 0; cnt <= (int)span.TotalSeconds; cnt++)
                DateTime seedTime = startTime + new TimeSpan(0, 0, cnt);

                //  Now we need to loop through all of our delay range
                //  so that we have all of the information to create
                //  a seed.
                for (int delayCnt = startDelay; delayCnt <= endDelay; delayCnt++)
                    if (!checkBoxOddEven.Checked || (delayCnt & 1) == oddEven)
                        //  Create the seed an add to the collection

                        var adjacent = new Adjacent
                            Delay    = delayCnt,
                            Date     = seedTime,
                            MinFrame = minFrame,
                            MaxFrame = maxFrame + 6,
                            Seed     = ((((uint)seedTime.Month *
                                          (uint)seedTime.Day +
                                          (uint)seedTime.Minute +
                                          (uint)seedTime.Second) % 0x100) * 0x1000000) +
                                       ((uint)seedTime.Hour * 0x10000) +
                                       ((uint)seedTime.Year - 2000 + (uint)delayCnt) +
                                       // only part of the MAC Address is used
                                       ((uint)MAC_Address & 0xFFFFFF)

                        adjacent.RoamerInformtion = HgSsRoamers.GetHgSsRoamerInformation(


            //  Bind to the collection
            dataGridViewAdjacents.DataSource = adjacents;

            //highlight the target
            int target = adjacents.FindIndex(IsTarget);

            dataGridViewAdjacents.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = target;
コード例 #2
        private void Generate()
            if (maskedTextBoxYear.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("You must enter a year.", "Please Enter a Year", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            int lockedSecond = 0;

            if (maskedTextBoxSeconds.Text == "" && checkBoxLockSeconds.Checked)
                MessageBox.Show("You must enter a seconds value.", "Please Enter Seconds", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            if (checkBoxLockSeconds.Checked)
                lockedSecond = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxSeconds.Text);

            if (textBoxSeed.Text != "")
                Seed = uint.Parse(textBoxSeed.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber);

            if (radioBtnDPPt.Checked)
                labelVerificationType.Text = "Coin Flips for Seed:";
                labelFlipsElmsForSeed.Text = CoinFlips.GetFlips(Seed, 15);
                labelRoamerRoutes.Text     = "";
            else if (radioBtnHgSs.Checked)
                labelVerificationType.Text = "Elm Responses for Seed:";
                //labelFlipsElmsForSeed.Text = ElmResponse.GetResponses(seed, 10, 0);

                // Handle all of the roaming Pokemon here
                uint rRoute = 0;
                uint eRoute = 0;
                uint lRoute = 0;

                // need to tryparse out all of the route values
                if (maskedTextBoxRRoute.Text != "")
                    rRoute = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxRRoute.Text);

                if (maskedTextBoxERoute.Text != "")
                    eRoute = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxERoute.Text);

                if (maskedTextBoxLRoute.Text != "")
                    lRoute = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxLRoute.Text);

                //  We need to know two things, forced advancement and the
                //  starting route of each of the roamers the user has
                //  shown interest in --
                HgSsRoamerInformation information = HgSsRoamers.GetHgSsRoamerInformation(

                //  Build our roaming monster string
                //labelRoamerRoutes.Text = "";

                string labelRoamerRoutesText = "";

                bool firstDisplay = true;

                if (checkBoxRPresent.Checked)
                    labelRoamerRoutesText += "R: " + information.RCurrentRoute;
                    firstDisplay           = false;

                if (checkBoxEPresent.Checked)
                    if (!firstDisplay)
                        labelRoamerRoutesText += "  ";

                    labelRoamerRoutesText += "E: " + information.ECurrentRoute;
                    firstDisplay           = false;

                if (checkBoxLPresent.Checked)
                    if (!firstDisplay)
                        labelRoamerRoutesText += "  ";

                    labelRoamerRoutesText += "L: " + information.LCurrentRoute;
                    firstDisplay           = false;

                if (!firstDisplay)
                    labelRoamerRoutesText += "  ---  ";
                    labelRoamerRoutesText += "Frame(s) Advanced: " + information.RngCalls;

                labelRoamerRoutes.Text = labelRoamerRoutesText;

                //  Handle elm here, letting it know the foced advancement
                labelFlipsElmsForSeed.Text = Responses.ElmResponses(Seed, 15, information.RngCalls);
                labelVerificationType.Text = "First 10 IVs in Seed:";
                labelFlipsElmsForSeed.Text = Gen5IVs.GetIVs(Seed, 1, 10);
                labelRoamerRoutes.Text     = "";

            //  Break seed out into parts
            if (!radioBtnBW.Checked)
                MAC_Address = 0;
            uint partialmac = (uint)MAC_Address & 0xFFFFFF;
            uint ab         = (Seed - partialmac) >> 24;
            uint cd         = ((Seed - partialmac) & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
            uint efgh       = (Seed - partialmac) & 0x0000FFFF;

            //  Get the year and the seed from the dialog
            //  we need to get the year because we let the
            //  user change this in the dialog

            // wfy this can fail if nothing entred
            int generateYear = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxYear.Text);

            //  Get Delay
            int delay = (int)efgh + (2000 - generateYear);

            //  Get Hour
            var hour = (int)cd;

            //  We need to check here, as a user could have entered a seed
            //  that is not possible (invalid hour) to lets warn and exit
            //  on it.
            if (hour > 23)
                MessageBox.Show("This seed is invalid, please verify that you have entered it correctly and try again.",
                                "Invalid Seed", MessageBoxButtons.OK);


            var timeAndDeleays = new List <TimeAndDelay>();

            //  Loop through all months
            for (int month = 1; month <= 12; month++)
                int daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(generateYear, month);

                //  Loop through all days
                for (int day = 1; day <= daysInMonth; day++)
                    //  Loop through all minutes
                    for (int minute = 0; minute <= 59; minute++)
                        //  Loop through all seconds
                        for (int second = 0; second <= 59; second++)
                            if (ab == ((month * day + minute + second) % 0x100))
                                if (!checkBoxLockSeconds.Checked || second == lockedSecond)
                                    //  Create Date/Time and add item to collection
                                    var timeAndDelay = new TimeAndDelay();

                                    //  Build DateTime
                                    var dateTime = new DateTime(generateYear, month, day, hour, minute, second);

                                    timeAndDelay.Date  = dateTime;
                                    timeAndDelay.Delay = delay;

                                    //  Add to collection

            //  Do our databind to the grid here so the user
            //  can get the time listing.
            dataGridViewValues.DataSource = timeAndDeleays;