コード例 #1
    private Vector2 GetNextPositionAlong(Vector2 objPos, int direction)
    {                                                       //this method is completely changed to accomodate thedifferent way neighbours are found in hexagonal logic
        objPos = HexHelperHorizontal.offsetToAxial(objPos); //convert from offset to axial
        List <Vector2> neighbours = HexHelperHorizontal.getNeighbors(objPos);

        objPos = neighbours[direction];                     //the neighbour list follows the same order sequence
        objPos = HexHelperHorizontal.axialToOffset(objPos); //convert back from axial to offset
コード例 #2
    Vector2 GetScreenPointFromLevelIndices(int row, int col)
        //converting indices to position values, col determines x & row determine y
        Vector2 tempPt = new Vector2(row, col);

        tempPt = HexHelperHorizontal.offsetToAxial(tempPt);      //convert from offset to axial
        //convert axial point to screen point
        tempPt    = HexHelperHorizontal.axialToScreen(tempPt, sideLength);
        tempPt.x -= middleOffset.x - Screen.width / 2; //add offsets for middle align
        tempPt.y *= -1;                                //unity y axis correction
        tempPt.y += middleOffset.y - Screen.height / 2;