コード例 #1
    public void StartBattle()
        if (activationEnabled)
            GameController.Instance.Warrior = null;
            field = Instantiate(GridBattleField, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform).GetComponent <HexField> ();
            GameController.Instance.CurrentField = field;
            List <Vector3> positions = RecalculateHexes();

            field.GenerateCells(positions, cellsCoordinates);

        //not so good
        foreach (BattleWarrior bw in FindObjectsOfType <BattleWarrior>())
            Cell c = field.GetClosestCell(bw.transform.position, true);
            c.cellWarrior = bw;
            NavMeshHit hit;
            NavMesh.SamplePosition(field.CellCoordToWorld(c), out hit, 1, NavMesh.AllAreas);
            bw.GetComponent <FakeController> ().GoTo(hit.position, false);

        GameController.Instance.Mode = GameController.GameMode.Battle;
コード例 #2
     * Obsługuje sytuację gdy trafimy na bombę
    private void ProcessBomb(HexField hex)
        if (data.sound == true)
            AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(findBomb, transform.position);
        List <HexField> listAll = boardManager.GetAllHex();

        foreach (HexField currentHex in listAll)
            Field currentField = (Field)currentHex.hexLogic;

             * po porażce odsłaniamy mapę, jeśli na danym polu była flaga i bomba to dajemy grafikę flag_true, jeśli na danym polu była flaga ale nie było bomby to dajemy flag_false
            if (currentField.flag.enabled)
                if (currentField.type == Field.TypeNames.BOMB)
                    currentField.flag.sprite = flag_true;
                    currentField.flag.sprite = flag_false;
            currentField.top.enabled = false;
コード例 #3
    public void OnHexBoardUp(HexField hex)
        Debug.Log("Hex Up coord:" + hex.GetCoordinates() + " position:" + hex.transform.position);
        List <HexField> list = boardManager.GetNeigbors(hex.GetCoordinates(), 2);

        foreach (HexField hex2 in list)
        boardManager.AnimationGoToHex(hex, 5, false);
コード例 #4
 public void OnCreateHexEnd(HexField hex)
     if (actMineInGroupOfMinePerHexes > hexesPerMine - 1)
         actMineInGroupOfMinePerHexes = 0;
         hexWithBomb = Random.Range(0, hexesPerMine);
     if (actMineInGroupOfMinePerHexes == hexWithBomb)
         Field field = (Field)hex.hexLogic;
         field.type          = Field.TypeNames.BOMB;
         field.bottom.sprite = bomb;
コード例 #5
ファイル: HexMap.cs プロジェクト: z3t4/YEBOIEDITOR
    private static void constructField(HexField.Data data, int xSize, int ySize)
        GameObject obj       = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>("Materials/HexBlockGO"));
        Transform  transform = obj.transform;
        float      delta     = data.y % 2 == 1 ? xratio / 2 : 0;

        transform.SetPositionAndRotation(new Vector3(xratio * data.x - delta - (xSize * xratio / 2), 0,
                                                     data.y * yratio - (ySize * yratio / 2)), new Quaternion());
        hexMap.Add(new Vector2(data.x, data.y), transform);
        HexField field = obj.AddComponent <HexField>();

        field.data = data;
        textureGameObject(obj, data.field);
        transform.parent = GameObject.Find("Map").transform;
コード例 #6
     * przekazujemy hex który jest pusty. wtedy metoda sprawdza sąsiednie, jeśli sąsiedni jest pusty i zakrtyty to rekurencyjnie wywołuje tą metodę jeszcze raz
    private void ProccessEmpty(HexField hex)
        Field field = (Field)hex.hexLogic;

        if (field.top.enabled == true && field.flag.enabled == false)
            field.top.enabled = false;
            List <HexField> listNeigbors = boardManager.GetNeigbors(hex.GetCoordinates());
            foreach (HexField neigborHex in listNeigbors)
                if (field.type == Field.TypeNames.EMPTY)
コード例 #7
    public void OnHexBoardUp(HexField hex)
        if (isHexDownBlock)

        Debug.Log("Hex Up");
        Field field = (Field)hex.hexLogic;

        if (isFlagMode)
            if (field.top.enabled == true)
                Debug.Log("FLag old:" + field.flag.enabled);
                if (data.sound == true)
                    AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(setFlag, transform.position);
                field.flag.enabled = !field.flag.enabled;
            if (field.top.enabled == true && field.flag.enabled == false)
                if (field.type == Field.TypeNames.EMPTY)
                field.top.enabled = false;
                if (field.type == Field.TypeNames.BOMB)
//		boardManager.AnimationGoToHex (hex, 5, false);
コード例 #8
 public void OnHexBoardDown(HexField hex)
コード例 #9
ファイル: ViewModel.cs プロジェクト: HuntrRose/TGW
        internal static void CreateUnits()
            int    Upperbound = 3;
            int    Lowerbound = 0;
            Random rnd        = new Random();

            for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++)
                _players.Add(new Player("Player" + (x + 1)));
            List <HexField> usedTiles = new List <HexField>();

            foreach (Player player in _players)
                if (player == _players[0])
                    Upperbound = 3;
                    Lowerbound = 0;
                else if (player == _players[1])
                    Upperbound = Board.BoardHeight - 1;
                    Lowerbound = Board.BoardHeight - 4;
                if (_config.UseInfantry)
                    //List<HexField> usedTiles = new List<HexField>();
                    for (int unitnum = 0; unitnum < _config.NumberOfInfantry; unitnum++)
                        bool placed = false;
                        Unit unit   = new InfantryUnit(player);

                        while (!placed)
                            HexField selectedTile = null;
                            int      x            = 0;
                            int      y            = 0;
                            while (selectedTile == null || selectedTile.TerrainType == TerrainTypes.Mountain || usedTiles.Contains(selectedTile))
                                x            = rnd.Next(Lowerbound, Upperbound);
                                y            = rnd.Next(_board.getFirstTile(x), _board.GetRowSize(x) - 1);
                                selectedTile = _board.getTile(x, y);
                            unit.Center = selectedTile.Center;
                            _overLayTiles[x][y].Unit = unit;

                if (_config.UseArmoredCar)
                    for (int unitnum = 0; unitnum < _config.NumberOfArmoredCar; unitnum++)
                        bool placed = false;
                        Unit unit   = new ArmoredCarUnit(player);
                        int  x      = 0;
                        int  y      = 0;
                        while (!placed)
                            HexField selectedTile = null;
                            while (selectedTile == null || selectedTile.TerrainType == TerrainTypes.Mountain || usedTiles.Contains(selectedTile))
                                x            = rnd.Next(Lowerbound, Upperbound);
                                y            = rnd.Next(_board.getFirstTile(x), _board.GetRowSize(x) - 1);
                                selectedTile = _board.getTile(x, y);
                            unit.Center              = selectedTile.Center;
                            unit.Tile                = selectedTile;
                            selectedTile.Unit        = unit;
                            selectedTile.IsOccupied  = true;
                            _overLayTiles[x][y].Unit = unit;

                            UnitControl uc = new UnitControl();
                            uc.DataContext = unit;

                            placed = true;
                if (_config.UseArtillery)
                    for (int unitnum = 0; unitnum < _config.NumberOfArtillery; unitnum++)
                        throw (new NotImplementedException());

                         * bool placed = false;
                         * Unit unit = new ArtileryUnit();
                         * while (!placed)
                         * {
                         *  HexField selectedTile = null;
                         *  while (selectedTile == null || selectedTile.TerrainType == TerrainTypes.Mountain || selectedTile.CurrentUnit != null)
                         *  {
                         *      int x = rnd.Next(player1Lowerbound, player1Upperbound);
                         *      int y = rnd.Next(_board.getFirstTile(x), _board.GetRowSize(x) - 1);
                         *      selectedTile = _board.getTile(x, y);
                         *  }
                         *  unit.Center = selectedTile.Center;
                         *  selectedTile.CurrentUnit = unit;
                         *  _units.Add(unit);
                         * }*/
                //player.Units = _units;
コード例 #10
 public void OnBuildStart(HexField patternHex, int colNumber, int rowNumber, Vector2 hexSize, bool isEven, bool symmetricHorizontal)
コード例 #11
 // highlight enemy node as possible attack target or own node as possible target for movement. determined by given bool.
 private void highlightMilitaryNode(HexField hex, bool ownNode)
     if (ownNode && hex != sendOrigin.GetComponent<HexField>())
         Vector3 pos = hex.transform.position;
         pos.y = 0.65f;
         GameObject highlighter = Resources.Load("moveHighlighter", typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;
         Instantiate(highlighter, pos, new Quaternion(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
     else if(!ownNode &&  hex != sendOrigin.GetComponent<HexField>())
         Vector3 pos = hex.transform.position;
         pos.y = 0.65f;
         GameObject highlighter = Resources.Load("attackHighlighter", typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;
         Instantiate(highlighter, pos, new Quaternion(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
コード例 #12
ファイル: HexGrid.cs プロジェクト: RelicViper/UnityHexGrid
 public static Cube OddQToCube(HexField hex)
     int x = hex.q, z = hex.r - ((hex.q - (hex.q & 1)) >> 1);
     return new Cube(x, -x - z, z);
コード例 #13
 public FieldAndStructure(HexVM structure, HexField field)
     Structure = structure ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(structure));
     Field     = field ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(field));
コード例 #14
 public void OnCreateHexEnd(HexField hex)
コード例 #15
ファイル: MapController.cs プロジェクト: uhlryk/hexmine
  * Obsługuje sytuację gdy trafimy na bombę
 private void ProcessBomb(HexField hex)
     if (data.sound == true) {
         AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint (findBomb, transform.position);
     List<HexField> listAll = boardManager.GetAllHex ();
     foreach (HexField currentHex in listAll) {
         Field currentField = (Field)currentHex.hexLogic;
          * po porażce odsłaniamy mapę, jeśli na danym polu była flaga i bomba to dajemy grafikę flag_true, jeśli na danym polu była flaga ale nie było bomby to dajemy flag_false
             if(currentField.type == Field.TypeNames.BOMB){
                 currentField.flag.sprite = flag_true;
             } else {
                 currentField.flag.sprite = flag_false;
         currentField.top.enabled = false;
     StateManager.SendEvent ("GameFailure");
コード例 #16
ファイル: MapController.cs プロジェクト: uhlryk/hexmine
  * przekazujemy hex który jest pusty. wtedy metoda sprawdza sąsiednie, jeśli sąsiedni jest pusty i zakrtyty to rekurencyjnie wywołuje tą metodę jeszcze raz
 private void ProccessEmpty(HexField hex)
     Field field = (Field)hex.hexLogic;
     if(field.top.enabled == true && field.flag.enabled == false){
         field.top.enabled = false;
         List<HexField> listNeigbors = boardManager.GetNeigbors(hex.GetCoordinates());
         foreach (HexField neigborHex in listNeigbors) {
             if(field.type == Field.TypeNames.EMPTY){
コード例 #17
ファイル: MapController.cs プロジェクト: uhlryk/hexmine
    public void OnHexBoardUp(HexField hex)
        if (isHexDownBlock) {

        Debug.Log ("Hex Up");
        Field field = (Field)hex.hexLogic;
        if (isFlagMode) {
            if(field.top.enabled == true){
                Debug.Log ("FLag old:" + field.flag.enabled);
                if(data.sound == true){
                    AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(setFlag, transform.position);
                field.flag.enabled = !field.flag.enabled;
        } else {
            if(field.top.enabled == true && field.flag.enabled == false){
                if(field.type == Field.TypeNames.EMPTY){
                field.top.enabled = false;
                if(field.type == Field.TypeNames.BOMB){

                } else {

        //		boardManager.AnimationGoToHex (hex, 5, false);
コード例 #18
ファイル: MapController.cs プロジェクト: uhlryk/hexmine
 public void OnHexBoardDown(HexField hex)
コード例 #19
ファイル: MapController.cs プロジェクト: uhlryk/hexmine
 public void OnCreateHexEnd(HexField hex)
     if (actMineInGroupOfMinePerHexes > hexesPerMine - 1) {
         actMineInGroupOfMinePerHexes = 0;
         hexWithBomb = Random.Range(0, hexesPerMine);
     if(actMineInGroupOfMinePerHexes == hexWithBomb){
         Field field = (Field)hex.hexLogic;
         field.type = Field.TypeNames.BOMB;
         field.bottom.sprite = bomb;
     actMineInGroupOfMinePerHexes ++;
コード例 #20
ファイル: MapController.cs プロジェクト: uhlryk/hexmine
 public void OnBuildStart(HexField patternHex, int colNumber, int rowNumber, Vector2 hexSize, bool isEven, bool symmetricHorizontal)
コード例 #21
    public static Cube EvenQToCube(HexField hex)
        int x = hex.q, z = hex.r - ((hex.q + (hex.q & 1)) >> 1);

        return(new Cube(x, -x - z, z));
コード例 #22
ファイル: ViewModel.cs プロジェクト: HuntrRose/TGW
        public static void FieldClicked(HexField clickedTile)
            if (clickedTile.IsOccupied)
                if (SelectedUnit == null)
                    if ((clickedTile.Unit as Unit).Owner as Player == _currentPlayer && !(clickedTile.Unit as Unit).HasMoved)
                        SelectedUnit = clickedTile.Unit as Unit;
                        List <HexField> tmp = new List <HexField>();

                        _potentialMoves = Board.getPossibleMoves(clickedTile, SelectedUnit.MovementSpeed);

                        for (var x = 0; x < _potentialMoves.Count(); x++)
                            if (_potentialMoves[x].IsOccupied)

                        foreach (HexField hex in tmp)

                        tmp = Board.markPotential(clickedTile, SelectedUnit.AttackRange);
                        foreach (HexField inRange in tmp)
                            if (inRange.IsOccupied)
                        foreach (HexField tile in _potentialMoves)
                            _overLayTiles[tile.XCoord][tile.YCoord].State = OverlayStates.possible;
                        foreach (HexField tile in _potentialTargets)
                            _overLayTiles[tile.XCoord][tile.YCoord].State = OverlayStates.possible;
                        _overLayTiles[clickedTile.XCoord][clickedTile.YCoord].State = OverlayStates.selected;
                    if ((clickedTile.Unit as Unit).Owner as Player != _currentPlayer)
                        //Perform attack
                        int damage = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)(SelectedUnit.AttackStrength / (clickedTile.Unit as Unit).DefenceStrengt));
                        (clickedTile.Unit as Unit).Health = (clickedTile.Unit as Unit).Health - damage;
                        if ((clickedTile.Unit as Unit).Health <= 0)
                            /*for (int x = 0; x < _unitControls.Count(); x++)
                             * {
                             *  /*if ((_unitControls[x].DataContext as Unit) == (clickedTile.Unit as Unit))
                             *  {
                             * //      MainWindow.RemoveUnit(_unitControls[x]);
                             *      //_unitControls.Remove(_unitControls[x]);
                             *  }
                             * }*/

                            foreach (Player player in _players)
                                if (player != _currentPlayer)
                                    player.Units.Remove((clickedTile.Unit as Unit));
                                    _destroyedUnits.Add((clickedTile.Unit as Unit));
                                    (clickedTile.Unit as Unit).IsAlive = false;
                                    clickedTile.Unit       = null;
                                    clickedTile.IsOccupied = false;
                        _overLayTiles[clickedTile.XCoord][clickedTile.YCoord].State = OverlayStates.normal;
                        foreach (HexField tile in _potentialMoves)
                            _overLayTiles[tile.XCoord][tile.YCoord].State = OverlayStates.normal;
                        foreach (HexField tile in _potentialTargets)
                            _overLayTiles[tile.XCoord][tile.YCoord].State = OverlayStates.normal;
                        SelectedUnit = null;
                    else if (SelectedUnit == clickedTile.Unit as Unit)
                        SelectedUnit = null;
                        //clickedTile.State = TileState.Potential;
                        _overLayTiles[clickedTile.XCoord][clickedTile.YCoord].State = OverlayStates.normal;
                        foreach (HexField tile in _potentialMoves)
                            _overLayTiles[tile.XCoord][tile.YCoord].State = OverlayStates.normal;
                        foreach (HexField tile in _potentialTargets)
                            _overLayTiles[tile.XCoord][tile.YCoord].State = OverlayStates.normal;
                if (SelectedUnit != null)
                    if (_potentialMoves.Contains(clickedTile))
                        //perform move
                        HexField oldTile = SelectedUnit.Tile as HexField;
                        oldTile.IsOccupied     = false;
                        clickedTile.IsOccupied = true;
                        oldTile.Unit           = null;
                        clickedTile.Unit       = SelectedUnit;
                        SelectedUnit.Center    = clickedTile.Center;
                        SelectedUnit.Tile      = clickedTile;
                        _overLayTiles[oldTile.XCoord][oldTile.YCoord].State = OverlayStates.normal;
                        SelectedUnit.HasMoved = true;
                        SelectedUnit          = null;
                        foreach (HexField tile in _potentialMoves)
                            _overLayTiles[tile.XCoord][tile.YCoord].State = OverlayStates.normal;
                        foreach (HexField tile in _potentialTargets)
                            _overLayTiles[tile.XCoord][tile.YCoord].State = OverlayStates.normal;
コード例 #23
    public static Cube EvenRToCube(HexField hex)
        int z = hex.r, x = hex.q - ((hex.r + (hex.r & 1)) >> 1);

        return(new Cube(x, -x - z, z));
コード例 #24
ファイル: HexGrid.cs プロジェクト: RelicViper/UnityHexGrid
 public static Cube HexToCube(HexField hex)
     return new Cube(hex.q, -hex.r - hex.q, hex.r);
コード例 #25
 public static Cube HexToCube(HexField hex)
     return(new Cube(hex.q, -hex.r - hex.q, hex.r));
コード例 #26
ファイル: HexGrid.cs プロジェクト: RelicViper/UnityHexGrid
 public static Cube OddRToCube(HexField hex)
     int z = hex.r, x = hex.q - ((hex.r - (hex.r & 1)) >> 1);
     return new Cube(x, -x - z, z);
コード例 #27
        public static void LoadHexFields(HexField[,] hexFields, ICollection <LineObject> lineObject, ICollection <Settlement> settlements, ContentManager content)
            //10, 7
            hexFields[4, 1] = new HexField(DataGenerator.GenerateHexTerrain(), content, 285, 120, 70, 80,
                                           new List <NodeObject> {
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(7, 1),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(8, 1),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(9, 1),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(7, 2),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(8, 2),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(9, 2)
                                           new List <LineObject> {
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(7, 1, 8, 1),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(8, 1, 9, 1),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(9, 1, 9, 2),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(7, 1, 7, 2),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(7, 2, 8, 2),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(8, 2, 9, 2)
            hexFields[5, 1] = new HexField(DataGenerator.GenerateHexTerrain(), content, 365, 120, 70, 80,
                                           new List <NodeObject> {
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(9, 1),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(10, 1),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(11, 1),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(9, 2),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(10, 2),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(11, 2)
                                           new List <LineObject> {
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(9, 1, 10, 1),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(10, 1, 11, 1),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(11, 1, 11, 2),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(9, 1, 9, 2),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(9, 2, 10, 2),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(10, 2, 11, 2)
            hexFields[6, 1] = new HexField(DataGenerator.GenerateHexTerrain(), content, 445, 120, 70, 80,
                                           new List <NodeObject> {
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(11, 1),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(12, 1),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(13, 1),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(11, 2),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(12, 2),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(13, 2)
                                           new List <LineObject> {
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(11, 1, 12, 1),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(12, 1, 13, 1),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(13, 1, 13, 2),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(11, 1, 11, 2),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(11, 2, 12, 2),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(12, 2, 13, 2)

            hexFields[3, 2] = new HexField(DataGenerator.GenerateHexTerrain(), content, 245, 190, 70, 80,
                                           new List <NodeObject> {
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(6, 2),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(7, 2),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(8, 2),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(6, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(7, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(8, 3)
                                           new List <LineObject> {
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(6, 2, 7, 2),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(7, 2, 8, 2),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(8, 2, 8, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(6, 2, 6, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(6, 3, 7, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(7, 3, 8, 3)
            hexFields[4, 2] = new HexField(DataGenerator.GenerateHexTerrain(), content, 325, 190, 70, 80,
                                           new List <NodeObject> {
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(8, 2),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(9, 2),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(10, 2),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(8, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(9, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(10, 3)
                                           new List <LineObject> {
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(8, 2, 9, 2),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(9, 2, 10, 2),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(10, 2, 10, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(8, 2, 8, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(8, 3, 9, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(9, 3, 10, 3)
            hexFields[5, 2] = new HexField(DataGenerator.GenerateHexTerrain(), content, 405, 190, 70, 80,
                                           new List <NodeObject> {
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(10, 2),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(11, 2),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(12, 2),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(10, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(11, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(12, 3)
                                           new List <LineObject> {
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(10, 2, 11, 2),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(11, 2, 12, 2),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(12, 2, 12, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(10, 2, 10, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(10, 3, 11, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(11, 3, 12, 3)
            hexFields[6, 2] = new HexField(DataGenerator.GenerateHexTerrain(), content, 485, 190, 70, 80,
                                           new List <NodeObject> {
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(12, 2),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(13, 2),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(14, 2),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(12, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(13, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(14, 3)
                                           new List <LineObject> {
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(12, 2, 13, 2),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(13, 2, 14, 2),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(14, 2, 14, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(12, 2, 12, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(12, 3, 13, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(13, 3, 14, 3)

            hexFields[3, 3] = new HexField(DataGenerator.GenerateHexTerrain(), content, 205, 260, 70, 80,
                                           new List <NodeObject> {
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(5, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(6, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(7, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(5, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(6, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(7, 4)
                                           new List <LineObject> {
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(5, 3, 6, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(6, 3, 7, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(7, 3, 7, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(5, 3, 5, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(5, 4, 6, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(6, 4, 7, 4)
            hexFields[4, 3] = new HexField(DataGenerator.GenerateHexTerrain(), content, 285, 260, 70, 80,
                                           new List <NodeObject> {
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(7, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(8, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(9, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(7, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(8, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(9, 4)
                                           new List <LineObject> {
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(7, 3, 8, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(8, 3, 9, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(9, 3, 9, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(7, 3, 7, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(7, 4, 8, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(8, 4, 9, 4)
            hexFields[5, 3] = new HexField(TerrainType.Desert, content, 365, 260, 70, 80,
                                           new List <NodeObject> {
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(9, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(10, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(11, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(9, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(10, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(11, 4)
                                           new List <LineObject> {
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(9, 3, 10, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(10, 3, 11, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(11, 3, 11, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(9, 3, 9, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(9, 4, 10, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(10, 4, 11, 4)
            hexFields[6, 3] = new HexField(DataGenerator.GenerateHexTerrain(), content, 445, 260, 70, 80,
                                           new List <NodeObject> {
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(11, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(12, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(13, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(11, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(12, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(13, 4)
                                           new List <LineObject> {
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(11, 3, 12, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(12, 3, 13, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(13, 3, 13, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(11, 3, 11, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(11, 4, 12, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(12, 4, 13, 4)
            hexFields[7, 3] = new HexField(DataGenerator.GenerateHexTerrain(), content, 525, 260, 70, 80,
                                           new List <NodeObject> {
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(13, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(14, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(15, 3),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(13, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(14, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(15, 4)
                                           new List <LineObject> {
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(13, 3, 14, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(14, 3, 15, 3),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(15, 3, 15, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(13, 3, 13, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(13, 4, 14, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(14, 4, 15, 4)

            hexFields[3, 4] = new HexField(DataGenerator.GenerateHexTerrain(), content, 245, 330, 70, 80,
                                           new List <NodeObject> {
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(6, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(7, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(8, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(6, 5),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(7, 5),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(8, 5)
                                           new List <LineObject> {
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(6, 4, 7, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(7, 4, 8, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(8, 4, 8, 5),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(6, 4, 6, 5),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(6, 5, 7, 5),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(7, 5, 8, 5)
            hexFields[4, 4] = new HexField(DataGenerator.GenerateHexTerrain(), content, 325, 330, 70, 80,
                                           new List <NodeObject> {
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(8, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(9, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(10, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(8, 5),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(9, 5),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(10, 5)
                                           new List <LineObject> {
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(8, 4, 9, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(9, 4, 10, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(10, 4, 10, 5),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(8, 4, 8, 5),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(8, 5, 9, 5),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(9, 5, 10, 5)
            hexFields[5, 4] = new HexField(DataGenerator.GenerateHexTerrain(), content, 405, 330, 70, 80,
                                           new List <NodeObject> {
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(10, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(11, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(12, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(10, 5),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(11, 5),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(12, 5)
                                           new List <LineObject> {
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(10, 4, 11, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(11, 4, 12, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(12, 4, 12, 5),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(10, 4, 10, 5),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(10, 5, 11, 5),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(11, 5, 12, 5)
            hexFields[6, 4] = new HexField(DataGenerator.GenerateHexTerrain(), content, 485, 330, 70, 80,
                                           new List <NodeObject> {
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(12, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(13, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(14, 4),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(12, 5),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(13, 5),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(14, 5)
                                           new List <LineObject> {
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(12, 4, 13, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(13, 4, 14, 4),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(14, 4, 14, 5),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(12, 4, 12, 5),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(12, 5, 13, 5),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(13, 5, 14, 5)

            hexFields[4, 5] = new HexField(DataGenerator.GenerateHexTerrain(), content, 285, 400, 70, 80,
                                           new List <NodeObject> {
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(7, 5),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(8, 5),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(9, 5),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(7, 6),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(8, 6),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(9, 6)
                                           new List <LineObject> {
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(7, 5, 8, 5),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(8, 5, 9, 5),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(9, 5, 9, 6),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(7, 5, 7, 6),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(7, 6, 8, 6),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(8, 6, 9, 6)
            hexFields[5, 5] = new HexField(DataGenerator.GenerateHexTerrain(), content, 365, 400, 70, 80,
                                           new List <NodeObject> {
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(8, 5),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(9, 5),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(10, 5),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(8, 6),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(9, 6),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(10, 6)
                                           new List <LineObject> {
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(8, 5, 9, 5),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(9, 5, 10, 5),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(10, 5, 10, 6),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(8, 5, 8, 6),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(8, 6, 9, 6),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(9, 6, 10, 6)
            hexFields[6, 5] = new HexField(DataGenerator.GenerateHexTerrain(), content, 445, 400, 70, 80,
                                           new List <NodeObject> {
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(10, 5),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(11, 5),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(12, 5),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(10, 6),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(11, 6),
                GameClass.GetSettlementByPosition(12, 6)
                                           new List <LineObject> {
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(10, 5, 11, 5),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(11, 5, 12, 5),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(12, 5, 12, 6),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(10, 5, 10, 6),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(10, 6, 11, 6),
                GameClass.GetRoadByBothEnds(11, 6, 12, 6)