コード例 #1
    void HighlightHex(Vector3 worldPos)
        // We get mouse position
        Vector3 hexCoords = HexCoordsUtils.WorldToHex(_world, worldPos);
        Vector3 rounded   = Vector3.zero;

        rounded = HexCoordsUtils.RoundHex(hexCoords);

        int       x      = (int)rounded.x;
        int       y      = (int)rounded.y;
        Transform newHex = null;

        if ((x >= 0) && (x < GridWidth) &&
            (y >= 0) && (y < GridHeight))
            newHex = _grid[GridWidth * y + x];
            SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = newHex.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
            spriteRenderer.color = Color.red;

        if (_currentHex != newHex)
            if (_currentHex != null)
                SpriteRenderer currentRenderer = _currentHex.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
                currentRenderer.color = Color.white;
            _currentHex = newHex;
コード例 #2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // We start the game instance
        _map = new Map(GridWidth, GridHeight, 2);

        // We obtain the hex -> world transformation
        SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = HexagonPrefab.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
        Bounds         spriteBounds   = spriteRenderer.sprite.bounds;
        Vector3        hexagonExtents = spriteBounds.extents;

        _world = new HexWorld(hexagonExtents.x);

        // We instance the main object
        _gridObject = new GameObject("Grid");
        _gridObject.transform.parent = WorldPrefab;
        Transform mainTransform = _gridObject.transform;

        _grid = new Transform[GridWidth * GridHeight];

        // We instantiate the prefabs
        Vector3 hexCoords = Vector3.zero;

        for (int hY = 0; hY < GridHeight; ++hY)
            for (int hX = 0; hX < GridWidth; ++hX)
                if (_map.GetHexagon(hX, hY) == null)

                hexCoords.x = hX;
                hexCoords.y = hY;
                Vector3   hexPosition = HexCoordsUtils.HexToWorld(_world, hexCoords);
                Transform t           = (Transform)Instantiate(HexagonPrefab,
                t.parent = mainTransform;

                // We store it in the array
                _grid[GridWidth * hY + hX] = t;

        // We instantiate the characters
        _entitiesObject = new GameObject("Entities");
        _entitiesObject.transform.parent = WorldPrefab;
        List <Entity> entities = _map.GetEntities();

        // We recycle hexCoords
        hexCoords = Vector3.zero;
        foreach (Entity entity in entities)
            hexCoords.x = entity.Hexagon.X;
            hexCoords.y = entity.Hexagon.Y;
            Vector3 entityPos = HexCoordsUtils.HexToWorld(_world, hexCoords);
            entityPos.z = -1f;
            Transform t = (Transform)Instantiate(CharacterPrefab,
            t.parent = _entitiesObject.transform;
            EntityScript entityScriptInstance = t.GetComponent <EntityScript>();
            entityScriptInstance.Entity = entity;