public HexCell GetNextPlayer(HexCell[] cells) { List <HexCell> playerCells = new List <HexCell> (); foreach (HexCell cell in cells) { if (cell.GetPlayer() == player && (cell.GetInfo().actions > 0 || cell.GetInfo().attacks > 0)) { playerCells.Add(cell); } } for (int i = 0; i < playerCells.Count; i++) { HexCell[] path = HexAI.aStar(cells, playerCells[i]); if (path.Length > 0) { return(playerCells [i]); } else if (i == playerCells.Count - 1) { return(playerCells [i]); } } // // // foreach(HexCell cell in cells){ // if (cell.GetPlayer() == player && (cell.GetInfo().actions > 0 || cell.GetInfo().attacks > 0)) { // return cell; // } // } return(null); }
void calcDistance(HexCell[] cells) { foreach (QuestInfo quest in game.quests) { HexCell start = cells [0]; HexCell finish = cells [0]; foreach (HexCell tCell in cells) { if (tCell.GetInfo().human) { start = tCell; } if (quest.completed) { if (tCell.coordinates.Equals(quest.startIdx)) { finish = tCell; } } else { if (tCell.coordinates.Equals(quest.endIdx)) { finish = tCell; } } // if (tCell.coordinates.Equals(quest.startIdx)) { // print ("Found start"); // start = tCell; // } // if (tCell.coordinates.Equals(quest.endIdx)){ // print ("Found finish"); // finish = tCell; // } } HexCell[] path = HexAI.aStar(cells, start, finish); if (path != null) { print("Proximity Length: " + path.Length.ToString()); if (path.Length < 5) { quest.distance = QuestInfo.DistanceType.Burning; } else if (path.Length < 8) { quest.distance = QuestInfo.DistanceType.Warmer; } else { quest.distance = QuestInfo.DistanceType.Cold; } BaseSaver.putGame(game); } else { print("No path found to goal"); } } }
/* * Need the distance in numbers between two points here */ private static void addCastle(HexCell[] cells, HexCell start, HexCell end) { HexCell[] road = HexAI.aStar(cells, start, end); start.setType(TileInfo.tileType.Road); foreach (HexCell cell in road) { cell.setType(TileInfo.tileType.Road); } }
private static HexCell[] addRoad(HexCell[] cells, HexCell start, HexCell end) { HexCell[] road = HexAI.aStar(cells, start, end); start.setType(TileInfo.tileType.Road); foreach (HexCell cell in road) { cell.setType(TileInfo.tileType.Road); } return(road); }
private IEnumerator WaitAndContinue(HexAI ai, float waitTime) { HexCell player = ai.GetNextPlayer(cells); if (player) { locked = true; bool moved = false; bool attacked = false; if (!attacked && (player.GetInfo().type != UnitInfo.unitType.Knight && player.GetInfo().actions > 0) || (player.GetInfo().type == UnitInfo.unitType.Knight && player.GetInfo().actions > 1)) { HexCell[] path = HexAI.aStar(cells, player); if (path.Length > 0) { for (int i = path.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (path [i].GetPlayer() == -1 && player.GetNeighborDir(path [i]) != HexDirection.None) { moveCell(player, path [i]); moved = true; break; } } } } if (!moved && player.getActiveEnemyAttack() != HexDirection.None && player.GetInfo().attacks > 0) { HexDirection enemyDir = player.getActiveEnemyAttack(); attackCell(player, player.GetNeighbor(enemyDir)); if (player.checkRanged() && player.GetNeighbor(enemyDir).GetNeighbor(enemyDir)) { attackCell(player, player.GetNeighbor(enemyDir).GetNeighbor(enemyDir)); } attacked = true; player.GetInfo().attacks--; } if (!moved && !attacked) { if (player.GetInfo().type != UnitInfo.unitType.Swordsman && player.GetInfo().actions > 0 && player.getActiveEnemy() != HexDirection.None) { foreach (HexDirection dir in player.dirs) { HexCell neigh = player.GetNeighbor(dir); if (neigh) { if (neigh.GetPlayer() == -1 && neigh.getActiveEnemy(player.GetPlayer()) == HexDirection.None) { moveCell(player, neigh); neigh.StripTurn(); break; } } } } player.StripTurn(); } hexMesh.Triangulate(cells); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(waitTime)); PlayAI(); } else { locked = false; EndTurn(); } }
void Start() { checkEndGame(); TileInfo[] bTiles = BaseSaver.getTiles(); UnitInfo[] bUnits = BaseSaver.getUnits(); HexCell hPos = cells [0]; if (bTiles != null && bUnits != null) { game = BaseSaver.getGame(); for (int i = 0; i < cells.Length; i++) { cells [i].SetInfo(bUnits[i]); cells [i].SetTile(bTiles[i]); if (bUnits[i].human) { int mv = game.movement - game.fatigue; cells [i].GetInfo().actions = mv < 0 ? 0 : mv; hPos = cells [i]; focusOnCell(cells [i]); } } GameObject.Find("TurnImg").GetComponent <Image>().color = playerColors [0]; setPTurn(0); /* * Here is where the new quests need to be calculated if there are any */ foreach (QuestInfo quest in game.quests) { if (!quest.placed) { quest.startIdx = hPos.coordinates; List <HexCell> dests = new List <HexCell> (); for (int i = 0; i < cells.Length; i++) { if (cells[i].GetTile().type == quest.locType && !cells[i].GetTile().interaction) { HexCell[] path = HexAI.aStar(cells, hPos, cells[i]); if (path != null && path.Length < 10) { dests.Add(cells[i]); } } } if (dests.Count > 0) { HexCell[] theseDests = dests.ToArray(); HexUtilities.ShuffleArray(theseDests); theseDests [0].GetTile().interaction = true; quest.endIdx = theseDests [0].coordinates; quest.placed = true; Debug.Log("Destination Set: " + quest.endIdx.ToString()); Debug.Log("Tiles saved"); BaseSaver.putBoard(cells, BaseSaver.getBoardInfo().name, BaseSaver.getBoardInfo().height, BaseSaver.getBoardInfo().width); BaseSaver.putGame(game); } else { Debug.Log("No destinations! Quest invalid..."); } } } ResetCells(); hexMesh.Triangulate(cells); // BaseSaver.resetBoard (); } else { Debug.Log("Maps: "); foreach (MapInfo mp in BaseSaver.getMaps()) { Debug.Log(; } // foreach(HexCell cell in cells) { // cell.GetTile ().fog = true; // } // MapInfo map = BaseSaver.getMap("Basic Level"); // MapInfo map = BaseSaver.getMap(MAP_NAME); Debug.Log("Next Map: " + BaseSaver.getNextMap()); MapInfo map = BaseSaver.getMap(BaseSaver.getNextMap()); List <int> playerPos = new List <int> (); List <int> enemyPos = new List <int> (); for (int i = 0; i < cells.Length; i++) { if (map.tiles[i].type == TileInfo.tileType.pSpawn) { cells[i].setType(TileInfo.tileType.Road); playerPos.Add(i); } else if (map.tiles[i].type == TileInfo.tileType.eSpawn) { cells[i].setType(TileInfo.tileType.Road); enemyPos.Add(i); } else { cells[i].setType(map.tiles[i].type); if (cells[i].GetTile().type == TileInfo.tileType.Castle || cells[i].GetTile().type == TileInfo.tileType.City) { cells [i].GetTile().meta = StaticNames.getTownName(); Debug.Log("Town Name: " + cells [i].GetTile().meta); } } } int[] pArr = playerPos.ToArray(); int[] eArr = enemyPos.ToArray(); HexUtilities.ShuffleArray(pArr); HexUtilities.ShuffleArray(eArr); placePlayer(cells[pArr[0]], 0, false, UnitInfo.unitType.Adventure, true); cells [pArr[0]].removeFog(); placePlayer(cells[eArr[0]], 1, false, UnitInfo.unitType.Adventure, false); // if (players > 2) { // placePlayer(cells[cells.Length - width], 2, false, UnitInfo.unitType.Adventure, false); // } // // if (players > 3) { // placePlayer (cells [width - 1], 3, false, UnitInfo.unitType.Adventure, false); // } // foreach (HexCell cell in cells) { // // cell.setType((TileInfo.tileType) Random.Range(0, 7)); // cell.setType(TileInfo.tileType.Grass); // } // HexCell[] road = HexAI.aStar (cells, cells[0], cells[cells.Length - 1]); // foreach (HexCell cell in road) { // cell.setType(TileInfo.tileType.Road); // } // // HexAdventureGenerator.generateMap (cells, height, width); // // int mountain = Random.Range (3, cells.Length - 3); // cells [mountain].setType (TileInfo.tileType.Mountain); // foreach(HexDirection dir in cells [mountain].dirs) { // if (cells [mountain].GetNeighbor(dir) && TileInfo.tileType.Grass == cells [mountain].GetNeighbor(dir).GetTile().type) { // cells [mountain].GetNeighbor (dir).setType (TileInfo.tileType.Forest); // } // } // foreach (HexCell cell in cells){ // if (cell.GetPlayer() == -1) { // int chp = Random.Range(0, 4); // if (chp == 0) { // cell.GetTile ().interaction = true; //// cell.setLabel ("I"); // } // } // } hexMesh.Triangulate(cells); setPTurn(players - 1); EndTurn(); ResetCells(); } }