public async Task <IActionResult> Detail(HelperTipsTypes type, [FromQuery] Guid id, [FromQuery] bool testable = false) { var modalTitle = ""; var modalContent = ""; var examStartPath = ""; if (type == HelperTipsTypes.Exam) { var exam = (await _ExamCategoryServices.GetAsync(id)).Data; modalTitle = String.Format(L["{0} tips"], exam.Name); modalContent = exam.Tips; } else if (type == HelperTipsTypes.SkillCategory) { var sCat = (await _SkillCategoryServices.GetAsync(id)).Data; var exam = (await _ExamCategoryServices.GetAsync(sCat.ExamCategoryId)).Data; modalTitle = String.Format(L["{0}:{1} tips"], exam.Name, sCat.Name); modalContent = sCat.Tips; } else if (type == HelperTipsTypes.SkillPart) { var sPart = (await _SkillPartServices.GetAsync(id)).Data; var sCat = (await _SkillCategoryServices.GetAsync(sPart.ExamSkillCategoryId)).Data; var exam = (await _ExamCategoryServices.GetAsync(sCat.ExamCategoryId)).Data; modalTitle = String.Format(L["{0}:{1} {2} tips"], exam.Name, sCat.Name, sPart.Name); modalContent = sPart.Tips; } ViewBag.ModalTitle = modalTitle; ViewBag.ModalContent = modalContent; ViewBag.ExamStartPath = examStartPath; return(PartialView("~/Pages/_Common/Partials/Tips.cshtml")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Detail(HelperTipsTypes type, Guid id, [FromQuery(Name = "ex")] string ex, [FromQuery(Name = "sc")] string sc, [FromQuery(Name = "instructor")] Guid?instructor) { // Mã của dối tượng hiện tại ViewBag.Id = id; // Cho biết có hiển thị nút cập nhật dữ liệu hay không ViewBag.ShowManagerButton = type == HelperTipsTypes.SkillPart; var renderType = -1; if (type == HelperTipsTypes.Exam) { var exam = (await _ExamCategoryServices.GetAsync(id)).Data; ViewBag.ModalName = $"{exam.Name} Exam's tips"; ViewBag.ModalContent = exam.Tips; renderType = (int)RenderExamTypes.Synthetic; } else if (type == HelperTipsTypes.SkillCategory) { var sCat = (await _SkillCategoryServices.GetAsync(id)).Data; var skPs = _SkillPartServices.GetBase(sCat.Id).Data; if (skPs.Count <= 1) { ViewBag.ShowManagerButton = true; ViewBag.Id = skPs.FirstOrDefault()?.Id ?? Guid.Empty; } ViewBag.ModalName = $"{sCat.Name} of {ex} Exam's tips"; ViewBag.ModalContent = sCat.Tips; renderType = (int)RenderExamTypes.SkillCategory; } else if (type == HelperTipsTypes.SkillPart) { var sPart = (await _SkillPartServices.GetAsync(id)).Data; ViewBag.ModalName = $"{sc} {sPart.Name} of {ex} Exam's tips"; ViewBag.ModalContent = sPart.Tips; renderType = (int)RenderExamTypes.SkillPart; } ViewBag.StartExamUrl = $"/exams/{renderType}/exam/{id}?instructor={instructor}"; return(PartialView("~/Pages/Exams/Partials/Detail.cshtml")); }