private void TutorialSplitViewToggleButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { helpPopup.Hide(); mainPage.SplitViewToggleButton.Click -= TutorialSplitViewToggleButtonClick; mainPage.NoticeMe.Stop(); helpPopup.Title = "Finished"; helpPopup.SubtitleVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed; helpPopup.Text = "This concludes \"Add Decks & Notes\" tutorial. You can try out other note types to see how they work.\n" + "When you are ready (and in a good mood), please view \"Note Types & Templates\" tutorial."; helpPopup.ShowWithClose(); AllHelps.Tutorial = AllHelps.TutorialState.NotShow; MainPage.UserPrefs.SetHelpShown(AllHelps.HELP_DECK_NOTE, true); }
private void TutorialNewDeckCreatedEvent(long deckId) { mainPage.AddButton.Click -= TutorialAddButtonClickHandler; NewDeckCreatedEvent -= TutorialNewDeckCreatedEvent; AllHelps.Tutorial = AllHelps.TutorialState.AddNote; helpPopup.Title = "Add a Note"; helpPopup.SubTitle = "(Start adding contents to your cards.)"; helpPopup.Text = "To add a note please right-click (or touch & hold) on your deck then choose \"Add Notes\"."; helpPopup.ShowWithClose(); }
private void CardViewTutorialSetup() { helpPopup = new HelpPopup(); UIHelper.AddToGridInFull(mainGrid, helpPopup); helpPopup.Title = "View your card"; helpPopup.SubTitle = "(or \"learning\" for short)"; helpPopup.Text = "Please press on your deck to start viewing your cards."; helpPopup.SetOffSet(0, DEFAULT_HELP_POPUP_VERTICAL_OFFSET); helpPopup.ShowWithClose(); }
private void TutorialAddTemplateEvent() { helpPopup.BackEvent -= SixthHelpPopupNext; templateInformationView.AddTemplateEvent -= TutorialAddTemplateEvent; templateInformationView.FlipCardEvent += TutorialReverseFrontBackEvent; templateInformationView.SetAnimationOnEdit(); templateInformationView.BeginAnimation(); helpPopup.Title = "Reverse Front and Back"; helpPopup.Text = "You can manually reverse contents of FRONTSIDE and BACKSIDE or press on the \"Edit\" icon then choose \"Switch Front and Back\""; templateInformationView.BeginAnimation(); helpPopup.ShowWithClose(); }
private void SharedDeckTutorialSetup() { helpPopup = new HelpPopup(); UIHelper.AddToGridInFull(mainGrid, helpPopup); helpPopup.Title = "Shared Decks"; helpPopup.SubtitleVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed; helpPopup.Text = "To download and import decks created by others, please press on the button at the top-left corner.\n" + "(we are not responsible for these contents.)"; helpPopup.SetOffSet(0, DEFAULT_HELP_POPUP_VERTICAL_OFFSET); mainPage.NoticeMe.Stop(); helpPopup.ShowWithClose(); AllHelps.Tutorial = AllHelps.TutorialState.NotShow; MainPage.UserPrefs.SetHelpShown(AllHelps.HELP_DECK_NOTE, true); }
private void EnterTutorialModeIfNeeded() { if (AllHelps.Tutorial == AllHelps.TutorialState.AddNote) { AddNewNoteEvent += TutorialAddNewNoteEventHandler; helpPopup = new HelpPopup(); UIHelper.AddToGridInFull(mainGrid, helpPopup); helpPopup.Title = "Note Fields"; helpPopup.SubtitleVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed; helpPopup.Text = "Try put some texts into both fields \"Front\" and \"Back\" " + "(you will understand their meaning when viewing cards.) " + "Then press on the \"Save\" icon (or Ctrl + S) to add note."; helpPopup.ShowWithClose(); mainPage.NoticeMe.Stop(); UIHelper.SetStoryBoardTarget(mainPage.BlinkingBlue, mainPage.SaveButton.Name); mainPage.NoticeMe.Begin(); } }