コード例 #1
 public void GetTest_1()
     HelpDictionary help = new HelpDictionary
                               {"WIDTH", ""},
                               {"HEIGHT", Properties.Help.Height}
コード例 #2
        public void GetTest_1()
            HelpDictionary help = new HelpDictionary
                { "WIDTH", "" },
                { "HEIGHT", Properties.Help.Height }

コード例 #3
        public void GetTest_0()
            HelpDictionary help = new HelpDictionary
                                      {"WIDTH", Properties.Help.Width},
                                      {"HEIGHT", Properties.Help.Height}

            Assert.AreEqual(Properties.Help.Width, help.Get("width"));
            Assert.AreEqual(Properties.Help.Height, help.Get("Height"));
コード例 #4
        public void GetTest_0()
            HelpDictionary help = new HelpDictionary
                { "WIDTH", Properties.Help.Width },
                { "HEIGHT", Properties.Help.Height }

            Assert.AreEqual(Properties.Help.Width, help.Get("width"));
            Assert.AreEqual(Properties.Help.Height, help.Get("Height"));
コード例 #5
ファイル: Help.cs プロジェクト: NatashaSchutte/Warewolf-ESB
        // POST: Service/Help/GetDictionary
        public HelpDictionary GetDictionary(string dictionaryID, Guid workspaceID, Guid dataListID)
            var result = new HelpDictionary();

                // TODO: Read from file based on dictionaryID
                    case "Server":
                        result.Add("default", "<h4>New Server Details</h4><p>This creates a connection to an existing server.</p>");
                        result.Add("address", "Enter the <b>server url</b> e.g.<p>http://server:<b>3142</b><br/>https://server:<b>3143</b> (secure)</p>3142 &amp; 3143 are the default ports used for unsecured and secured communication respectively.");
                        result.Add("authenticationType", "Determines how to authenticate with the server: "
                            + "<p><b>Windows</b> - the current user's windows account will be used.</p>"
                            + "<p><b>User</b> - the given user account will be used.</p>");
                        result.Add("userName", "Enter your <b>user name</b>.");
                        result.Add("password", "Enter the <b>password</b> for the server.");
                    //07.03.2013: Ashley Lewis - PBI 8720:
                    case "dbSource":
                        result.Add("default", "<h4>New Database Source Details</h4><p>This creates a connection to an existing database server.</p>");
                        result.Add("dbSourceServerType", "Enter the database <b>type</b> e.g. Microsoft SQL");
                        result.Add("dbSourceServer", "Enter the database <b>server url</b> e.g. IP address or computer name");
                        result.Add("dbSourceUserID", "Enter either your database <b>user name</b> or a Windows domain username e.g. 'Domainname\\Username'");
                        result.Add("dbSourcePassword", "Enter the <b>password</b> for the server.");
                        result.Add("dbSourceDatabase", "Select one of the <b>databases</b> hosted by the server");
                    //16.04.2013: Ashley Lewis - PBI 8721:
                    case "pluginSource":
                        result.Add("default", "<h4>Plugin File</h4><p>Select a Dll file to connect to</p>");
                        result.Add("pluginAssemblyFileLocation", "Enter the plugin <b>file address.</b> e.g. 'C:\\Warewolf\\Plugins\\email.plugin.dll'");
                        result.Add("pluginAssemblyGACLocation", "Enter the plugin <b>assembly name</b> starting with '" + GlobalConstants.GACPrefix + "' and followed by the verion number e.g. '" + GlobalConstants.GACPrefix + "Microsoft.Email.Client.Library'");
                        result.Add("tab 0", "<h4>Plugin File</h4><p>Select a Dll file to connect to</p>");
                        result.Add("tab 1", "<h4>Global Cache</h4><p>Select an assembly from the <b>Global Assemblies Cache</b></p>");
                        result.Add("GACList", "<h4>Global Cache</h4><p>Select an assembly from the <b>Global Assemblies Cache</b></p>");
                        result.Add("gacSearchTerm", "<h4>Global Cache</h4><p>You are viewing all assemblies</p>");

                    // PBI 953 - 2013.05.16 - TWR - Added
                    case "EmailSource":
                        result.Add("default", "<h4>New Email Source Details</h4><p>This creates a connection to a SMTP server.</p>");
                        result.Add("host", "Enter the <b>name or IP address</b> of the computer to use for sending SMTP email. e.g.<br/>" + GetSmtpExamples());
                        result.Add("userName", "Enter the <b>user name</b> used to authenticate the sender.");
                        result.Add("password", "Enter the <b>password</b> used to authenticate the sender.");
                        result.Add("enableSsl", "Specifies whether the SMTP client uses <b>Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)</b> to encrypt the connection. e.g.<br/>" + GetSmtpExamples());
                        result.Add("port", "Enter the <b>port number</b> on the SMTP host. The default value is 25. e.g.<br/>" + GetSmtpExamples());
                        result.Add("timeout", "Enter the amount of <b>time in seconds</b> after which a send operation times out. The default value is 100 seconds.");

                    // PBI 953 - 2013.05.16 - TWR - Added
                    case "WebSource":
                        result.Add("default", "<h4>New Web Source Details</h4><p>This creates a connection to a web service.</p>");
                        result.Add("address", "Enter the <b>url</b> of the web service. e.g. <span style=\"word-wrap:break-word\">http://www.webservicex.net/globalweather.asmx</span>");
                        result.Add("authenticationType", "Determines how to authenticate with the server: "
                                                         + "<p><b>Anonymous</b> - no account will be used.</p>"
                                                         + "<p><b>User</b> - the given user account will be used.</p>");
                        result.Add("userName", "Enter the <b>user name</b> used to authenticate with the server.");
                        result.Add("password", "Enter the <b>password</b> used to authenticate with the server.");
                        result.Add("defaultQuery", "Enter the default <b>service query</b>. This will be used for <b>Test Connection</b> and as the default <b>Request URL</b> when creating a new web service. e.g. <span style=\"word-wrap:break-word\">/GetCitiesByCountry?CountryName=US</span>");
                    //2013.06.20: Ashley Lewis for bug 9786 - save validation help text
                    case "SaveDialog":
                        result.Add("default", "Name cannot be blank.");
                        result.Add("DuplicateFound", "Name already exists.");
            catch(Exception ex)
            return result;
コード例 #6
        // POST: Service/Help/GetDictionary
        public HelpDictionary GetDictionary(string dictionaryID, Guid workspaceID, Guid dataListID)
            var result = new HelpDictionary();

                // TODO: Read from file based on dictionaryID
                switch (dictionaryID)
                case "Server":
                    result.Add("default", "<h4>New Server Details</h4><p>This creates a connection to an existing server.</p>");
                    result.Add("address", "Enter the <b>server url</b> e.g.<p>http://server:<b>3142</b><br/>https://server:<b>3143</b> (secure)</p>3142 &amp; 3143 are the default ports used for unsecured and secured communication respectively.");
                    result.Add("authenticationType", "Determines how to authenticate with the server: "
                               + "<p><b>Windows</b> - the current user's windows account will be used.</p>"
                               + "<p><b>User</b> - the given user account will be used.</p>");
                    result.Add("userName", "Enter your <b>user name</b>.");
                    result.Add("password", "Enter the <b>password</b> for the server.");

                //07.03.2013: Ashley Lewis - PBI 8720:
                case "dbSource":
                    result.Add("default", "<h4>New Database Source Details</h4><p>This creates a connection to an existing database server.</p>");
                    result.Add("dbSourceServerType", "Enter the database <b>type</b> e.g. Microsoft SQL");
                    result.Add("dbSourceServer", "Enter the database <b>server url</b> e.g. IP address or computer name");
                    result.Add("dbSourceUserID", "Enter either your database <b>user name</b> or a Windows domain username e.g. 'Domainname\\Username'");
                    result.Add("dbSourcePassword", "Enter the <b>password</b> for the server.");
                    result.Add("dbSourceDatabase", "Select one of the <b>databases</b> hosted by the server");

                //16.04.2013: Ashley Lewis - PBI 8721:
                case "pluginSource":
                    result.Add("default", "<h4>Plugin File</h4><p>Select a Dll file to connect to</p>");
                    result.Add("pluginAssemblyFileLocation", "Enter the plugin <b>file address.</b> e.g. 'C:\\Warewolf\\Plugins\\email.plugin.dll'");
                    result.Add("pluginAssemblyGACLocation", "Enter the plugin <b>assembly name</b> starting with '" + GlobalConstants.GACPrefix + "' and followed by the verion number e.g. '" + GlobalConstants.GACPrefix + "Microsoft.Email.Client.Library'");
                    result.Add("tab 0", "<h4>Plugin File</h4><p>Select a Dll file to connect to</p>");
                    result.Add("tab 1", "<h4>Global Cache</h4><p>Select an assembly from the <b>Global Assemblies Cache</b></p>");
                    result.Add("GACList", "<h4>Global Cache</h4><p>Select an assembly from the <b>Global Assemblies Cache</b></p>");
                    result.Add("gacSearchTerm", "<h4>Global Cache</h4><p>You are viewing all assemblies</p>");

                // PBI 953 - 2013.05.16 - TWR - Added
                case "EmailSource":
                    result.Add("default", "<h4>New Email Source Details</h4><p>This creates a connection to a SMTP server.</p>");
                    result.Add("host", "Enter the <b>name or IP address</b> of the computer to use for sending SMTP email. e.g.<br/>" + GetSmtpExamples());
                    result.Add("userName", "Enter the <b>user name</b> used to authenticate the sender.");
                    result.Add("password", "Enter the <b>password</b> used to authenticate the sender.");
                    result.Add("enableSsl", "Specifies whether the SMTP client uses <b>Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)</b> to encrypt the connection. e.g.<br/>" + GetSmtpExamples());
                    result.Add("port", "Enter the <b>port number</b> on the SMTP host. The default value is 25. e.g.<br/>" + GetSmtpExamples());
                    result.Add("timeout", "Enter the amount of <b>time in seconds</b> after which a send operation times out. The default value is 100 seconds.");

                // PBI 953 - 2013.05.16 - TWR - Added
                case "WebSource":
                    result.Add("default", "<h4>New Web Source Details</h4><p>This creates a connection to a web service.</p>");
                    result.Add("address", "Enter the <b>url</b> of the web service. e.g. <span style=\"word-wrap:break-word\">http://www.webservicex.net/globalweather.asmx</span>");
                    result.Add("authenticationType", "Determines how to authenticate with the server: "
                               + "<p><b>Anonymous</b> - no account will be used.</p>"
                               + "<p><b>User</b> - the given user account will be used.</p>");
                    result.Add("userName", "Enter the <b>user name</b> used to authenticate with the server.");
                    result.Add("password", "Enter the <b>password</b> used to authenticate with the server.");
                    result.Add("defaultQuery", "Enter the default <b>service query</b>. This will be used for <b>Test Connection</b> and as the default <b>Request URL</b> when creating a new web service. e.g. <span style=\"word-wrap:break-word\">/GetCitiesByCountry?CountryName=US</span>");

                //2013.06.20: Ashley Lewis for bug 9786 - save validation help text
                case "SaveDialog":
                    result.Add("default", "Name cannot be blank.");
                    result.Add("DuplicateFound", "Name already exists.");
            catch (Exception ex)