コード例 #1
        private string GetBiomeArea(Heightmap.BiomeArea biomeArea)
            StringBuilder biomeAreas = new StringBuilder("<ul>");

            foreach (Heightmap.BiomeArea area in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Heightmap.BiomeArea)))
                if (area == Heightmap.BiomeArea.Everything || (biomeArea & area) == 0)


コード例 #2
        static bool FindNewSpawnPoint(Heightmap.Biome requestedBiome, Heightmap.BiomeArea requestedBiomeArea, float minXDistance, float maxXDistance, float minZDistance, float maxZDistance, bool ignoreWaterDepthCheck, bool IgnoreWorldGeneratorConstraints, int MaxSpawnPointChecks, out Vector3 point)
            Vector3 tempNewSpawnPosition = Vector3.zero;
            bool    found = false;

            int     x            = 0;
            float   y            = 0;
            int     z            = 0;
            Vector3 tempLocation = new Vector3(x, y, z);

            // for maxDistance to the worldSize value...
            float maxDistance = WorldGenerator.worldSize;
            float minDistance = 0;

            // if not ignoring WorldGenerator constraints on biomes, then enforce them
            if (IgnoreWorldGeneratorConstraints)
                Plugin.Log("Ignoring WorldGenerator Min/Max Constraints");
                switch (requestedBiome)
                case Heightmap.Biome.AshLands:
                    minDistance = WorldGenerator.ashlandsMinDistance;

                case Heightmap.Biome.BlackForest:
                    maxDistance = WorldGenerator.maxDeepForestDistance;
                    minDistance = WorldGenerator.minDeepForestDistance;

                case Heightmap.Biome.DeepNorth:
                    minDistance = WorldGenerator.deepNorthMinDistance;

                case Heightmap.Biome.Meadows:
                    maxDistance = WorldGenerator.meadowsMaxDistance;

                case Heightmap.Biome.Mountain:
                    minDistance = WorldGenerator.m_instance.m_minMountainDistance;

                case Heightmap.Biome.Swamp:
                    maxDistance = WorldGenerator.maxMarshDistance;
                    minDistance = WorldGenerator.minMarshDistance;

            // make sure max is less than max distance and more than minX
            float maxX = UtilityClass.Clamp(maxXDistance, minXDistance, maxDistance);
            float maxZ = UtilityClass.Clamp(maxZDistance, minZDistance, maxDistance);

            // make sure Min#Distance > 0
            float minX = (minXDistance > 0) ? minXDistance : 0;
            float minZ = (minZDistance > 0) ? minZDistance : 0;

            // clamp minDinstance between actual minDistance for biome and maxdistance
            minX = UtilityClass.Clamp(minX, minDistance, maxDistance);
            minZ = UtilityClass.Clamp(minZ, minDistance, maxDistance);

            if (maxXDistance != maxX)
                Plugin.LogVerbose($"Modified MaxXDistance from {maxXDistance} to {maxX}");
            if (maxZDistance != maxZ)
                Plugin.LogVerbose($"Modified MaxZDistance from {maxZDistance} to {maxZ}");
            if (minXDistance != minX)
                Plugin.LogVerbose($"Modified MinXDistance from {minXDistance} to {minX}");
            if (minZDistance != minZ)
                Plugin.LogVerbose($"Modified MinZDistance from {minZDistance} to {minZ}");

            Plugin.Log($"Looking for Biome: {requestedBiome} - Type {requestedBiomeArea}");
            Plugin.Log($"Looking minX Distance: {minX}, maxX Distance:{maxX}");
            Plugin.Log($"Looking minZ Distance: {minZ}, maxZ Distance:{maxZ}");
            int spawnPointCheckCount = 0;

            while (tempNewSpawnPosition == Vector3.zero && spawnPointCheckCount <= MaxSpawnPointChecks)

                // set this as our bounds
                x = UnityEngine.Random.Range((int)Math.Round(minX), (int)Math.Round(maxX));
                z = UnityEngine.Random.Range((int)Math.Round(minZ), (int)Math.Round(maxZ));

                // using the range above, now randomly decide to to switch one to negative or leave positive. This provides a potential range of distance in the spawn away from 0,0
                // Int based Random.Range the max is exclusive (unlike float)
                if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 3) == 1)
                    x = -x;
                if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 3) == 1)
                    z = -z;
                Plugin.LogVerbose($"SpawnCheckCount: {spawnPointCheckCount}, X:{x} , z:{z}");

                // note: In Vector3 X is LEFT to RIGHT on map? Y is HEIGHT and Z is TOP/BOTTOM???
                tempLocation.x = x;
                tempLocation.z = z;

                Heightmap.Biome     foundBiome     = Heightmap.Biome.None;
                Heightmap.BiomeArea foundBiomeArea = Heightmap.BiomeArea.Everything;

                //try to find a valid height line...
                float height = WorldGenerator.instance.GetHeight(tempLocation.x, tempLocation.z);
                Plugin.LogVerbose($"Initial coords: {tempLocation}");

                // only search here if the height is heigher than the water level as it still has a tendency to pull other biomes
                if (height > ZoneSystem.instance.m_waterLevel || ignoreWaterDepthCheck) // && height < WorldGenerator.mountainBaseHeightMin * 85)
                    tempLocation.y = height;

                    //This is less churn
                    foundBiome     = WorldGenerator.instance.GetBiome(tempLocation);
                    foundBiomeArea = WorldGenerator.instance.GetBiomeArea(tempLocation);

                    Plugin.Log($"found {foundBiome}, {foundBiomeArea} @ {tempLocation}");

                    // match on the returned biome type unless the player didn't care and chose Everything
                    // match on biome and biometype but don't match on actual biome of None....
                    // Settings.Biome.Value.None will match on anything, Settings.biome.BiomesMax will match on anything

                    if (foundBiome != Heightmap.Biome.None && (foundBiome == requestedBiome || Settings.Biome.Value == Heightmap.Biome.None || Settings.Biome.Value == Heightmap.Biome.BiomesMax) && (foundBiomeArea == requestedBiomeArea || Settings.BiomeAreaType.Value == Heightmap.BiomeArea.Everything))
                        Plugin.Log($"found new spawnpoint {foundBiome} @ {tempLocation}");
                        tempNewSpawnPosition = tempLocation;
                        found = true;

            point = tempNewSpawnPosition;
コード例 #3
            static bool Prefix(out Vector3 point, out bool usedLogoutPoint, float dt, Game __instance, ref bool __result)

                point           = Vector3.zero;
                usedLogoutPoint = false;

                    UnityEngine.Random.InitState(DateTime.Now.Year + DateTime.Now.Day + DateTime.Now.Month + DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
                    // let the original code run
                    if (!Settings.MMRandomStartPositionEnabled.Value)
                    Plugin.LogVerbose("Does Player HaveLogoutPoint?");
                    if (__instance.m_playerProfile.HaveLogoutPoint())

                    Plugin.LogVerbose("Does Player HaveCustomSpawnPoint?");
                    if (__instance.m_playerProfile.HaveCustomSpawnPoint() && !Settings.RandomSpawnOnDeath.Value)

                    // get the HomePoint for the player. It's Vector3.Zero by default
                    Plugin.LogVerbose("Does Player GetHomePoint?");
                    if (!Settings.RandomSpawnOnDeath.Value)
                        spawnPoint = __instance.m_playerProfile.GetHomePoint();

                    Plugin.LogVerbose($"HomePoint is {spawnPoint}");

                    // if we've executed on this more than MaxSpawnPointChecks times, just return true
                    if (SpawnCheckCount > Settings.MaxSpawnPointChecks.Value)
                        Plugin.Log($"Breaking out, SpawnCheckCount is {SpawnCheckCount}");

                    if (spawnPoint == Vector3.zero)
                        int     x            = 0;
                        float   y            = 0;
                        int     z            = 0;
                        Vector3 tempLocation = new Vector3(x, y, z);

                        // meadows won't spawn out farther than this distance from the middle of the map so no point supporting a number higher than this
                        float maxDistance = WorldGenerator.worldSize;
                        float minDistance = 0;

                        // if not ignoring WorldGenerator constraints on biomes, then enforce them
                        if (Settings.IgnoreWorldGeneratorConstraints.Value)
                            Plugin.Log("Ignoring WorldGenerator Min/Max Constraints");
                            switch (Settings.Biome.Value)
                            case Heightmap.Biome.AshLands:
                                minDistance = WorldGenerator.ashlandsMinDistance;

                            case Heightmap.Biome.BlackForest:
                                maxDistance = WorldGenerator.maxDeepForestDistance;
                                minDistance = WorldGenerator.minDeepForestDistance;

                            case Heightmap.Biome.DeepNorth:
                                minDistance = WorldGenerator.deepNorthMinDistance;

                            case Heightmap.Biome.Meadows:
                                maxDistance = WorldGenerator.meadowsMaxDistance;

                            case Heightmap.Biome.Mountain:
                                minDistance = WorldGenerator.m_instance.m_minMountainDistance;

                            case Heightmap.Biome.Swamp:
                                maxDistance = WorldGenerator.maxMarshDistance;
                                minDistance = WorldGenerator.minMarshDistance;

                        // make sure max is less than max distance and more than minX
                        float maxX = UtilityClass.Clamp(Settings.MaxXDistance.Value, Settings.MinXDistance.Value, maxDistance);
                        float maxZ = UtilityClass.Clamp(Settings.MaxZDistance.Value, Settings.MinZDistance.Value, maxDistance);

                        // make sure Min#Distance > 0
                        float minX = (Settings.MinXDistance.Value > 0) ? Settings.MinXDistance.Value : 0;
                        float minZ = (Settings.MinZDistance.Value > 0) ? Settings.MinZDistance.Value : 0;

                        // clamp minDinstance between actual minDistance for biome and maxdistance
                        minX = UtilityClass.Clamp(minX, minDistance, maxDistance);
                        minZ = UtilityClass.Clamp(minZ, minDistance, maxDistance);

                        if (Settings.MaxXDistance.Value != maxX)
                            Plugin.LogVerbose($"Modified MaxXDistance from {Settings.MaxXDistance.Value} to {maxX}");
                        if (Settings.MaxZDistance.Value != maxZ)
                            Plugin.LogVerbose($"Modified MaxZDistance from {Settings.MaxZDistance.Value} to {maxZ}");
                        if (Settings.MinXDistance.Value != minX)
                            Plugin.LogVerbose($"Modified MinXDistance from {Settings.MinXDistance.Value} to {minX}");
                        if (Settings.MinZDistance.Value != minZ)
                            Plugin.LogVerbose($"Modified MinZDistance from {Settings.MinZDistance.Value} to {minZ}");

                        Plugin.Log($"Looking for Biome: {Settings.Biome.Value} - Type {Settings.BiomeAreaType.Value}");
                        Plugin.Log($"Looking minX Distance: {minX}, maxX Distance:{maxX}");
                        Plugin.Log($"Looking minZ Distance: {minZ}, maxZ Distance:{maxZ}");
                        while (spawnPoint == Vector3.zero)
                            if (SpawnCheckCount > Settings.MaxSpawnPointChecks.Value)
                                Plugin.Log($"Breaking out SpawnCheck is {SpawnCheckCount}");


                            // set this as our bounds
                            x = UnityEngine.Random.Range((int)Math.Round(minX), (int)Math.Round(maxX));
                            z = UnityEngine.Random.Range((int)Math.Round(minZ), (int)Math.Round(maxZ));

                            // using the range above, now randomly decide to to switch one to negative or leave positive. This provides a potential range of distance in the spawn away from 0,0
                            // Int based Random.Range the max is exclusive (unlike float)
                            if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 3) == 1)
                                x = -x;
                            if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 3) == 1)
                                z = -z;
                            Plugin.LogVerbose($"SpawnCheckCount: {SpawnCheckCount}, X:{x} , z:{z}");

                            // note: In Vector3 X is LEFT to RIGHT on map? Y is HEIGHT and Z is TOP/BOTTOM???
                            tempLocation.x = x;
                            tempLocation.z = z;

                            Heightmap.Biome     biome     = Heightmap.Biome.None;
                            Heightmap.BiomeArea biomeArea = Heightmap.BiomeArea.Everything;

                            //try to find a valid height line...
                            float height = WorldGenerator.instance.GetHeight(tempLocation.x, tempLocation.z);
                            Plugin.LogVerbose($"Initial coords: {tempLocation}");

                            // only search here if the height is heigher than the water level as it still has a tendency to pull other biomes
                            if (height > ZoneSystem.instance.m_waterLevel || Settings.IgnoreWaterDepthCheck.Value) // && height < WorldGenerator.mountainBaseHeightMin * 85)
                                tempLocation.y = height;

                                //This is less churn
                                biome     = WorldGenerator.instance.GetBiome(tempLocation);
                                biomeArea = WorldGenerator.instance.GetBiomeArea(tempLocation);

                                Plugin.Log($"found {biome}, {biomeArea} @ {tempLocation}");

                                // match on the returned biome type unless the player didn't care and chose Everything
                                // match on biome and biometype but don't match on actual biome of None....
                                // Settings.Biome.Value.None will match on anything, Settings.biome.BiomesMax will match on anything

                                if (biome != Heightmap.Biome.None && (biome == Settings.Biome.Value || Settings.Biome.Value == Heightmap.Biome.None || Settings.Biome.Value == Heightmap.Biome.BiomesMax) && (biomeArea == Settings.BiomeAreaType.Value || Settings.BiomeAreaType.Value == Heightmap.BiomeArea.Everything))
                                    Plugin.Log($"found new spawnpoint {biome} @ {tempLocation}");
                                    spawnPoint = tempLocation;
                                    __instance.m_playerProfile.SetHomePoint(spawnPoint + Vector3.up * 2f);
                                    // register a starter location nearby
                                    // just a method to dump these starter locations out when verbose is enabled and only then
                                    if (Settings.PluginLoggingLevel.Value == Plugin.LoggingLevel.Verbose)
                                        Plugin.LogVerbose("Dumping Zones Coordinates");
                                        foreach (var zone in ZoneSystem.instance.m_generatedZones)
                                            Plugin.LogVerbose($"Zone Vector2i: {zone}");
                                            Plugin.LogVerbose($"  Zone Position: {ZoneSystem.instance.GetZonePos(zone)}");

                                        Plugin.LogVerbose("Dumping ZoneLocation Names");
                                        foreach (ZoneSystem.ZoneLocation item in ZoneSystem.instance.m_locations)
                                            Plugin.LogVerbose($"ZoneLocation Name: {item.m_prefabName}");
                                            //if (item.m_prefabName == "StartTemple")
                                            if (item.m_prefabName == "Eikthyrnir" || item.m_prefabName == "StartTemple")
                                                //Remove previous locations of this?
                                                //item.m_unique = false;
                                                //ZoneSystem.instance.RegisterLocation(item, spawnPoint, true);

                    point = spawnPoint + Vector3.up * 2f;
                    __result = ZNetScene.instance.IsAreaReady(point);
                    Plugin.Log($"Waiting for area to be ready. Spawnpoint {point}");

                catch (Exception ex)
                    // do nothing, just swallow it up
