コード例 #1
        private void UpdateContourLines()
            double minValue = AxesBox.ZAxis1.MinimumValue;
            double maxValue = AxesBox.ZAxis1.MaximumValue;

            // First define values for each contour line
            var contourLineValues = SetupContourLineValues(minValue, maxValue, step: (maxValue - minValue) / 15);

            // Then use CreateContourLinePositions method to create positions for all contour lines and returns them in one Point3DCollection.
            var contourLinePositions = HeightMap1.CreateContourLinePositions(contourLineValues, yOffset: 0.05); // offset the contour lines so they are drawn just slightly on top of the 3D height map

            ContourLinesVisual3D.Positions = contourLinePositions;

            AxesBox.ShowBottomConnectionLines = false;

            // Show flattened contour lines at the bottom of the graph
            if (ShowBottomGridCheckBox.IsChecked ?? false)
                if (ContourLinesRadioButton.IsChecked ?? false)
                    // Get bottom y position of the AxesBox
                    double yPosition = AxesBox.CenterPosition.Y - AxesBox.Size.Y * 0.5;

                    // CreateContourLinePositions creates positions for individual contour lines and returns them in an array of Point3DCollection
                    // (each element in the array represents positions for contour lines each value in _contourLineValues).
                    var individualContourLinePositions = HeightMap1.CreateMultiContourLinePositions(contourLineValues, yOffset: 0.05); // offset the contour lines so they are drawn just slightly on top of the 3D height map

                    for (var i = 0; i < contourLineValues.Length; i++)
                        // Update all position's Y value to yPosition
                        var positions = individualContourLinePositions[i];
                        for (var j = 0; j < positions.Count; j++)
                            positions[j] = new Point3D(positions[j].X, yPosition, positions[j].Z);

                        var color = HeightMap1.GetHeightTextureColor(contourLineValues[i]);

                        var multiLineVisual3D = new MultiLineVisual3D()
                            Positions     = positions,
                            LineThickness = 2,
                            LineColor     = color

                else if (WireframeRadioButton.IsChecked ?? false)
                    AxesBox.ShowBottomConnectionLines = true;
コード例 #2
        private void ChangeDataButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // This method demonstrates how to update the graph 3D mesh after the data are changed
            // Similar code can be used to create dynamic height graphs.
            // But be careful about performance especially when showing 3D lines in height map.
            // Much better performance can be achieved when 3D lines are not shown.

            int arraySize = GetSelectedArraySize();

            double[,] heightData = HeightMap1.HeightData;

            for (int z = 0; z < arraySize; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < arraySize; x++)
                    heightData[z, x] *= 0.95;

            // UpdateContent will recreate the 3D mesh
コード例 #3
        private void UpdateGradientTexture()
            Rectangle selectedRectangle;

            if (Gradient1RadioButton.IsChecked ?? false)
                selectedRectangle = Rectangle1;
            else if (Gradient2RadioButton.IsChecked ?? false)
                selectedRectangle = Rectangle2;
            else // if (Gradient1RadioButton.IsChecked ?? false)
                selectedRectangle = Rectangle3;

            // The following call will create the magic:
            // It will use the height data and the LinearGradientBrush on the selected rectangle
            // and create the texture bitmap from the data
コード例 #4
        private void UpdateGradientTexture()
            Rectangle selectedRectangle;

            if (Gradient1RadioButton.IsChecked ?? false)
                selectedRectangle = Rectangle1;
            else if (Gradient2RadioButton.IsChecked ?? false)
                selectedRectangle = Rectangle2;
            else // if (Gradient1RadioButton.IsChecked ?? false)
                selectedRectangle = Rectangle3;

            // The following call will create the magic:
            // It will use the height data and the LinearGradientBrush on the selected rectangle
            // and create the texture bitmap from the data

            // This method is internally calling static CreateHeightTexture and GetGradientColorsArray methods on Ab3d.Meshes.HeightMapMesh3D.
            // It is also possible to create the textures manually (uncomment the following code):

            // The simple way
            ////WriteableBitmap texture = Ab3d.Meshes.HeightMapMesh3D.CreateHeightTexture(_data, _minYValue, _maxYValue, (LinearGradientBrush)selectedRectangle.Fill);

            // An advanced way with first creating an array of colors (with specifying the size of array - by default also 100):
            ////uint[] gradientColorsArray = Ab3d.Meshes.HeightMapMesh3D.GetGradientColorsArray(selectedRectangle.Fill as LinearGradientBrush, 100);
            ////WriteableBitmap texture = Ab3d.Meshes.HeightMapMesh3D.CreateHeightTexture(_data, _minYValue, _maxYValue, gradientColorsArray);

            // After that we set the Material of the HeightMap1
            ////HeightMap1.Material = new DiffuseMaterial(new ImageBrush(texture));
コード例 #5
        private void UpdateContourLines()
            double minValue = AxesBox.ZAxis1.MinimumValue;
            double maxValue = AxesBox.ZAxis1.MaximumValue;

            // First define values for each contour line
            var contourLineValues = SetupContourLineValues(minValue, maxValue, step: (maxValue - minValue) / 15);

            // Then use CreateContourLinePositions method to create positions for all contour lines and returns them in one Point3DCollection.

            // No yOffset when rendered by DXEngine because we will use LineDepthBias instead (see a few lines below):
            //var contourLinePositions = HeightMap1.CreateContourLinePositions(contourLineValues, yOffset: 0.05); // offset the contour lines so they are drawn just slightly on top of the 3D height map
            var contourLinePositions = HeightMap1.CreateContourLinePositions(contourLineValues);

            ContourLinesVisual3D.Positions = contourLinePositions;

            // With DXEngine it is possible to offset the 3D lines from the 3D models in the geometry shader
            // so that lines are always positioned towards the camera.
            // This efficiently prevents that lines or parts of lines are hidden by the 3D objects.
            ContourLinesVisual3D.SetDXAttribute(DXAttributeType.LineDepthBias, 0.5f);

            AxesBox.ShowBottomConnectionLines = false;

            // Show flattened contour lines at the bottom of the graph
            if (ShowBottomGridCheckBox.IsChecked ?? false)
                if (ContourLinesRadioButton.IsChecked ?? false)
                    // Get bottom y position of the AxesBox
                    double yPosition = AxesBox.CenterPosition.Y - AxesBox.Size.Y * 0.5;

                    // CreateContourLinePositions creates positions for individual contour lines and returns them in an array of Point3DCollection
                    // (each element in the array represents positions for contour lines each value in _contourLineValues).
                    var individualContourLinePositions = HeightMap1.CreateMultiContourLinePositions(contourLineValues, yOffset: 0.05); // offset the contour lines so they are drawn just slightly on top of the 3D height map

                    for (var i = 0; i < contourLineValues.Length; i++)
                        // Update all position's Y value to yPosition
                        var positions = individualContourLinePositions[i];
                        for (var j = 0; j < positions.Count; j++)
                            positions[j] = new Point3D(positions[j].X, yPosition, positions[j].Z);

                        var color = HeightMap1.GetHeightTextureColor(contourLineValues[i]);

                        var multiLineVisual3D = new MultiLineVisual3D()
                            Positions     = positions,
                            LineThickness = 2,
                            LineColor     = color

                else if (WireframeRadioButton.IsChecked ?? false)
                    AxesBox.ShowBottomConnectionLines = true;
コード例 #6
        private void CreateContourLines()

            // NOTE:
            // Here we use CreateContourLinePositions and CreateMultiContourLinePositions methods on the HeightMapVisual3D class.
            // Those methods use the MeshGeometry3D of the height map and also scale the contour lines by the size of the HeightMapVisual3D.
            // If you want to create contour lines based on some other geometry, then use the Ab3d.Utilities.ContourLinesFactory class (internally used by HeightMapVisual3D).

            if (CombineAllContourLinesRadioButton.IsChecked ?? false)
                // CreateContourLinePositions creates positions for all contour lines and returns them in one Point3DCollection.
                var contourLinePositions = HeightMap1.CreateContourLinePositions(_contourLineValues, yOffset: 0.05); // offset the contour lines so they are drawn just slightly on top of the 3D height map

                var multiLineVisual3D = new MultiLineVisual3D()
                    Positions     = contourLinePositions,
                    LineColor     = Colors.Black,
                    LineThickness = 1


                _individualContourLinePositions = null;
                _individualContourLines         = null;
                _individualContourLines = new List <MultiLineVisual3D>(_contourLineValues.Length);

                // CreateContourLinePositions creates positions for individual contour lines and returns them in an array of Point3DCollection
                // (each element in the array represents positions for contour lines each value in _contourLineValues).
                _individualContourLinePositions = HeightMap1.CreateMultiContourLinePositions(_contourLineValues, yOffset: 0.05); // offset the contour lines so they are drawn just slightly on top of the 3D height map

                for (var i = 0; i < _individualContourLinePositions.Length; i++)
                    var multiLineVisual3D = new MultiLineVisual3D()
                        Positions = _individualContourLinePositions[i],

                    // Set line thickness (each 5th line is thicker)
                    if ((i % 5) == 0)
                        multiLineVisual3D.LineThickness = 2;
                        multiLineVisual3D.LineThickness = 0.7;

                    // Set line color
                    if (ColoredContourLinesRadioButton.IsChecked ?? false)
                        var color = HeightMap1.GetHeightTextureColor(_contourLineValues[i]);
                        multiLineVisual3D.LineColor = color;
                        multiLineVisual3D.LineColor = Colors.Black;


コード例 #7
        private void SetGradientMaterial(bool useGeographicalColors)
            GradientStopCollection stops = new GradientStopCollection();

            if (GeographicalSmoothColorsRadioButton.IsChecked ?? false)
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.White, 1));
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Gray, 0.8));
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.SandyBrown, 0.6));
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.LightGreen, 0.4));
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Aqua, 0.2));
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Blue, 0));
            else if (GeographicalHardColorsRadioButton.IsChecked ?? false)
                // The gradient with hard transition is defined by making the transition from one color to another very small (for example from 0.799 to 0.8)
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.White, 1));
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.White, 0.8));
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.SandyBrown, 0.799));
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.SandyBrown, 0.6));
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.LightGreen, 0.599));
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.LightGreen, 0.400));
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Aqua, 0.399));
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Aqua, 0.2));
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Blue, 0.199));
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Blue, 0));
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Red, 1));
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Yellow, 0.75));
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.LightGreen, 0.5));
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Aqua, 0.25));
                stops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Blue, 0));

            // NOTE: We do not have to specify the StartPoint and EndPoint
            // It will be used in the CreateHeightTextureFromGradient method
            // to create the texture from the actual height map data and with the specified LinearGradientBrush
            LinearGradientBrush gradient = new LinearGradientBrush(stops);

            // When using gradient texture, we get better results when UseHeightValuesAsTextureCoordinates is true.
            // In this case height values are used for texture coordinates - texture coordinate (0, 0.5) is set the minimum height value and texture coordinate (1, 0.5) is set to the maximum height value.
            // This requires a one dimensional gradient texture and usually produces more accurate results than when UseHeightValuesAsTextureCoordinates is false.
            // This should not be used for cases when a bitmap is shown on the height map.
            // See HeightMapSample for more info.
            // Set this value to false to see the difference.
            HeightMap1.UseHeightValuesAsTextureCoordinates = true;


            // This method is internally calling static CreateHeightTexture and GetGradientColorsArray methods on Ab3d.Meshes.HeightMapMesh3D.
            // It is also possible to create the textures manually (uncomment the following code):

            // The simple way
            ////WriteableBitmap texture = Ab3d.Meshes.HeightMapMesh3D.CreateHeightTexture(_data, _minYValue, _maxYValue, (LinearGradientBrush)selectedRectangle.Fill);

            // An advanced way with first creating an array of colors (with specifying the size of array - by default also 100):
            ////uint[] gradientColorsArray = Ab3d.Meshes.HeightMapMesh3D.GetGradientColorsArray(selectedRectangle.Fill as LinearGradientBrush, 100);
            ////WriteableBitmap texture = Ab3d.Meshes.HeightMapMesh3D.CreateHeightTexture(_data, _minYValue, _maxYValue, gradientColorsArray);

            // After that we set the Material of the HeightMap1
            ////HeightMap1.Material = new DiffuseMaterial(new ImageBrush(texture));