コード例 #1
        public void InnerPoint()
            var aabb = _field.GetAabb(Pose.Identity);

            Assert.IsTrue(GeometryHelper.HaveContact(aabb, _field.InnerPoint));
            Assert.IsTrue(_field.InnerPoint.Y < _field.GetHeight(_field.InnerPoint.X, _field.InnerPoint.Z));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Clamps a road path to the terrain height.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="road">The path that represents the road.</param>
        /// <param name="terrain">The terrain represented by a <see cref="HeightField"/>.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The y position of each path key is set to the terrain height at the xz position.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="terrain"/> is <see langword="null"/>.
        /// </exception>
        public static void ClampRoadToTerrain(Path3F road, HeightField terrain)
            if (road == null)
            if (terrain == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("terrain");

            foreach (var key in road)
                Vector3F position = key.Point;
                float    height   = terrain.GetHeight(position.X, position.Z);
                if (!Numeric.IsNaN(height))
                    position.Y = height;
                    key.Point  = position;
コード例 #3
 public void GetHeight()
     Assert.AreEqual(-5, _heightField.GetHeight(2.0f, 3.0f));
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Guesses the closest pair.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contactSet">The contact set.</param>
        /// <param name="swapped">
        /// Object A in <paramref name="contactSet"/> should be the height field. This parameter
        /// indicates whether object A and object B in the contact set are swapped.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="isOverHole">
        /// <see langword="true"/> if the guessed contact is over a hole and probably shouldn't be used.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Guess for closest pair.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// For general shapes: Inner point of B to height field point "under" inner point of B.
        /// For convex shapes: Support point of B in the "down" direction to height field point "under"
        /// this support point.
        /// </remarks>
        private static Contact GuessClosestPair(ContactSet contactSet, bool swapped, out bool isOverHole)
            // Object A should be the height field.
            IGeometricObject objectA = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject objectB = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;

            // Swap if necessary.
            if (swapped)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref objectA, ref objectB);

            HeightField heightFieldA = (HeightField)objectA.Shape;
            Shape       shapeB       = objectB.Shape;

            Vector3 scaleA = objectA.Scale;
            Vector3 scaleB = objectB.Scale;
            Pose    poseA  = objectA.Pose;
            Pose    poseB  = objectB.Pose;

            // Get the height field up-axis in world space.
            Vector3 heightFieldUpAxis = poseA.ToWorldDirection(Vector3.UnitY);

            // Get point on other object.
            Vector3     positionBLocal;
            ConvexShape shapeBAsConvex = shapeB as ConvexShape;

            if (shapeBAsConvex != null)
                // Use support point for convex shapes.
                positionBLocal = shapeBAsConvex.GetSupportPoint(poseB.ToLocalDirection(-heightFieldUpAxis), scaleB);
                // Use inner point for general shapes.
                positionBLocal = shapeB.InnerPoint * scaleB;

            // Convert point (object B) into height field space (object A).
            Vector3 positionB    = poseB.ToWorldPosition(positionBLocal);
            Vector3 positionBInA = poseA.ToLocalPosition(positionB);

            // Get point on the surface of the height field (object A):
            // Clamp x and z coordinate to height field widths.
            // For y coordinate get the height of the height field at the x-z position.
            float originX = heightFieldA.OriginX;
            float originZ = heightFieldA.OriginZ;
            float x       = MathHelper.Clamp(positionBInA.X, originX * scaleA.X, (originX + heightFieldA.WidthX) * scaleA.X);
            float z       = MathHelper.Clamp(positionBInA.Z, originZ * scaleA.Z, (originZ + heightFieldA.WidthZ) * scaleA.Z);
            float y       = heightFieldA.GetHeight(x / scaleA.X, z / scaleA.Z) * scaleA.Y; // Inverse scale applied in GetHeight() parameters.

            Vector3 positionALocal = new Vector3(x, y, z);

            // Special handling of holes.
            isOverHole = Numeric.IsNaN(y);
            if (isOverHole)
                positionALocal = heightFieldA.InnerPoint * scaleA;

            // Convert point on height field to world space.
            Vector3 positionA = poseA.ToWorldPosition(positionALocal);

            // Use the world positions (positionA, positionB) as our closest-pair/contact guess.

            // Compute contact information.
            Vector3 position         = (positionA + positionB) / 2;
            float   penetrationDepth = (positionA - positionB).Length;
            bool    haveContact      = (positionALocal.Y >= positionBInA.Y);

            Vector3 normal = positionA - positionB;

            if (!normal.TryNormalize())
                normal = heightFieldUpAxis;

            if (swapped)
                normal = -normal;

            bool isRayHit = haveContact && shapeB is RayShape;

            if (!haveContact)
                // For separation: Switch the normal and make the penetration depth negative to indicate
                // separation.
                normal           = -normal;
                penetrationDepth = -penetrationDepth;

            return(ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, isRayHit));