public override void PostAdd(DamageInfo?dinfo) { if (base.Part == null) { Log.Error("Part is null. It should be set before PostAdd for " + this.def + ".", false); return; }, this, false); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { if (base.Part.Index == 1) { Hediff_MissingPart hediff_MissingPart = (Hediff_MissingPart)HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDefOf.MissingBodyPart, this.pawn, null); hediff_MissingPart.IsFresh = true; hediff_MissingPart.lastInjury = HediffDefOf.SurgicalCut; hediff_MissingPart.Part =[i];, null, null); } } }
// Token: 0x06000021 RID: 33 RVA: 0x00002878 File Offset: 0x00000A78 public static void ReplaceHediffFromBodypart(this Pawn pawn, BodyPartRecord startingPart, HediffDef hediffDef, HediffDef replaceWithDef) { var hediffs =; var list = new List <BodyPartRecord>(); var list2 = new List <BodyPartRecord> { startingPart }; do { list.AddRange(list2); list2.Clear(); foreach (var item2 in list) { for (var num = hediffs.Count - 1; num >= 0; num--) { var val = hediffs[num]; if (val.Part != item2 || val.def != hediffDef) { continue; } var val2 = hediffs[num]; hediffs.RemoveAt(num); val2.PostRemoved(); var item = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(replaceWithDef, pawn, item2); hediffs.Insert(num, item); } foreach (var bodyPartRecord in { list2.Add(bodyPartRecord); } } list.Clear(); } while (list2.Count > 0); }
public static void MakeWet(Pawn pawn) { HediffDef hediffDef = HediffDefOf.TKKN_Wetness; if ( == null && pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike) { Map map = pawn.MapHeld; IntVec3 c = pawn.Position; if (map == null || !c.IsValid) { return; } bool isWet = false; if (map.weatherManager.curWeather.rainRate > .001f) { Room room = c.GetRoom(map, RegionType.Set_All); bool roofed = map.roofGrid.Roofed(c); bool flag2 = room != null && room.UsesOutdoorTemperature; if (!roofed) { isWet = true; } } else { TerrainDef currentTerrain = c.GetTerrain(map); if (currentTerrain.HasTag("TKKN_Wet")) { isWet = true; } } if (isWet) { Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(hediffDef, pawn, null); hediff.Severity = 0;, null, null); } } }
public bool RegenerateBodyPart() { var injured =; var missing =; var potential = missing.Where(x => x.Part != null && ( x.Part.parent == null || ( !injured.Contains(x.Part.parent) && !injured.Intersect(x.Part.parent.GetDirectChildParts()).Any() ) ) ); Hediff_MissingPart hediff = potential.RandomElementWithFallback(); if (hediff == null) { return(false); } BodyPartRecord part = hediff.Part;; foreach (var subpart in part.GetDirectChildParts()) { Hediff_MissingPart missingPart = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(RimWorld.HediffDefOf.MissingBodyPart, pawn, subpart) as Hediff_MissingPart;; } Hediff_Injury injury = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(RimWorld.HediffDefOf.Shredded, pawn, part) as Hediff_Injury; injury.Severity = part.def.hitPoints - 1;;; RadiologyEffectSpawnerDef.Spawn(def.effectRegeneration, pawn); return(true); }
/// <summary>Does the ingestion outcome special.</summary> /// <param name="pawn">The pawn.</param> /// <param name="ingested">The ingested.</param> protected override void DoIngestionOutcomeSpecial(Pawn pawn, Thing ingested) { if (! => hediffDefs.Contains(x.def))) { _scratchList.Clear(); if (Rand.RangeInclusive(0, 100) <= completeChance) { _scratchList.AddRange(hediffDefsComplete.Where(h => h.CanInfect(pawn))); } else { _scratchList.AddRange(hediffDefs.Where(h => h.CanInfect(pawn))); } if (_scratchList.Count == 0) { return; } _hediffDef = _scratchList.RandElement(); Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(_hediffDef, pawn); float num; if (severity > 0f) { num = severity; } else { num = _hediffDef.initialSeverity; } if (divideByBodySize) { num /= pawn.BodySize; } AddictionUtility.ModifyChemicalEffectForToleranceAndBodySize(pawn, toleranceChemical, ref num); hediff.Severity = num;, null, null); } }
public static void GenerateAddictionsAndTolerancesFor(Pawn pawn) { if (!pawn.RaceProps.IsFlesh || !pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike || pawn.IsTeetotaler()) { return; } allDrugs.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (Rand.Value >= pawn.kindDef.chemicalAddictionChance) { break; } if (!allDrugs.Any()) { allDrugs.AddRange(DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefsListForReading.Where((ThingDef x) => x.category == ThingCategory.Item && x.GetCompProperties <CompProperties_Drug>() != null)); } if (!DefDatabase <ChemicalDef> .AllDefsListForReading.Where((ChemicalDef x) => PossibleWithTechLevel(x, pawn.Faction) && !AddictionUtility.IsAddicted(pawn, x)).TryRandomElement(out var result)) { break; } Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(result.addictionHediff, pawn); hediff.Severity = GeneratedAddictionSeverityRange.RandomInRange;; if (result.toleranceHediff != null && Rand.Value < result.onGeneratedAddictedToleranceChance) { Hediff hediff2 = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(result.toleranceHediff, pawn); hediff2.Severity = GeneratedToleranceSeverityRange.RandomInRange;; } if (result.onGeneratedAddictedEvents != null) { foreach (HediffGiver_Event onGeneratedAddictedEvent in result.onGeneratedAddictedEvents) { onGeneratedAddictedEvent.EventOccurred(pawn); } } DoIngestionOutcomeDoers(pawn, result); } }
internal static void TryToImpregnate(Pawn male, Pawn female) { // Only humans can be impregnated for now if (female.def.defName != "Human") { return; } BodyPartRecord torso = female.RaceProps.body.AllParts.Find(x => x.def == BodyPartDefOf.Torso); HediffDef contraceptive = HediffDef.Named("Contraceptive"); // Make sure the woman is not pregnanct and not using a contraceptive if (, torso) ||, null) ||, null)) { return; } // Check the pawn's age to see how likely it is she can carry a fetus // 25 and below is guaranteed, 50 and above is impossible, 37.5 is 50% chance float preg_chance = Math.Max(1 - (Math.Max(female.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalYearsFloat - 25, 0) / 25), 0) * 0.33f; if (preg_chance < Rand.Value) { //Log.Message ("Impregnation failed. Chance was " + preg_chance); return; } //Log.Message ("Impregnation succeeded. Chance was " + preg_chance); // Spawn a bunch of hearts. Sharp eyed players may notice this means impregnation occurred. for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { MoteMaker.ThrowMetaIcon(male.Position, male.MapHeld, ThingDefOf.Mote_Heart); MoteMaker.ThrowMetaIcon(female.Position, male.MapHeld, ThingDefOf.Mote_Heart); } // Do the actual impregnation. We apply it to the torso because Remove_Hediff in operations doesn't work on WholeBody (null body part) // for whatever reason. Hediff_HumanPregnancy hediff_Pregnant = (Hediff_HumanPregnancy)HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDef.Named("HumanPregnancy"), female, torso); hediff_Pregnant.father = male;, torso, null); }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { base.Impact(hitThing); if (Props != null && hitThing != null && hitThing is Pawn hitPawn) { float rand = Rand.Value; if (rand <= Props.addHediffChance) { Messages.Message("SK_Bullet_SuccessMessage".Translate( this.launcher.Label, hitPawn.Label ), MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); // 判断一下目标是否已经触发了瘟疫效果 Hediff plagueOnPawn =; float randomSeverity = Rand.Range(0.15f, 0.30f); // 已经触发瘟疫 if (plagueOnPawn != null) { // 严重程度叠加,超过100%会即死 plagueOnPawn.Severity += randomSeverity; } else { // 我们调用HediffMaker.MakeHediff生成一个新的hediff状态,类型就是我们之前设置过的HediffDefOf.Plague瘟疫类型 Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(Props.hediffToAdd, hitPawn); // 严重程度 hediff.Severity = randomSeverity; // 把状态添加到被击中目标的身上; } } //本次没有触发 else { //这个方法可以在某个位置(这里是被击中目标的身旁)弹出一小行字,比如未击中,击中头部之类的,也是可以 MoteMaker.ThrowText(hitThing.PositionHeld.ToVector3(), hitThing.MapHeld, "SK_Bullet_FailureMote".Translate(Props.addHediffChance), 12f); } } }
public override bool TryExecute(IncidentParms parms) { Map map = (Map); Faction player = Find.FactionManager.AllFactions.ToList().Find((Faction x) => x.IsPlayer); Pawn thief = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(DefDatabase <PawnKindDef> .GetNamed("Scavenger"), Find.FactionManager.RandomEnemyFaction()); IntVec3 intVec; if (!RCellFinder.TryFindRandomPawnEntryCell(out intVec, map)) { return(false); } GenSpawn.Spawn(thief, intVec, map); Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDefOfPsychology.Thief, thief, null);; IntVec3 c; if (!RCellFinder.TryFindBestExitSpot(thief, out c, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { return(false); } List <Thing> valuables = (from t in map.listerThings.ThingsInGroup(ThingRequestGroup.HaulableAlways) where (t.MarketValue * Mathf.Min(t.stackCount, (int)(thief.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.CarryingCapacity, true) / t.def.VolumePerUnit))) >= 250 && HaulAIUtility.PawnCanAutomaticallyHaulFast(thief, t) select t).ToList(); if (valuables.Count == 0) { thief.Destroy(); return(false); } Thing valuable = valuables.RandomElement(); Job(JobDefOf.Steal) { targetA = valuable, targetB = c, count = Mathf.Min(valuable.stackCount, (int)(thief.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.CarryingCapacity, true) / valuable.def.VolumePerUnit)) }); return(true); }
private void SetQueenHediffSeverity(Pawn pawn) { float severity = 0f; int score = -1; score = HiveQueenUtility.GetPawnHQScore(pawn); if (score < 0) { score *= 2; } score += QueenStrength; if (score > 0) { severity = score * .1f; severity = Math.Min(severity, 1f); } else { severity = 0f; } // do hediff Hediff olddiff =, false); if (olddiff != null) {; } if (severity > 0f) { Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(AntHQDefOf.Ant_HiveQueenInspHediff, pawn, null); hediff.Severity = severity;, null, null, null); } }
private void CheckPropagateDamageToInnerSolidParts(DamageInfo dinfo, Pawn pawn, Hediff_Injury injury, bool involveArmor, ref DamageWorker_AddInjuryCE.LocalInjuryResult result) { if (!dinfo.AllowDamagePropagation) { return; } if (Rand.Value >= HealthTunings.ChanceToAdditionallyDamageInnerSolidPart) { return; } if (dinfo.Def.hasChanceToAdditionallyDamageInnerSolidParts && !injury.Part.def.IsSolid(injury.Part, && injury.Part.depth == BodyPartDepth.Outside) { IEnumerable <BodyPartRecord> source = from x in, BodyPartDepth.Undefined) where x.parent == injury.Part && x.def.IsSolid(x, && x.depth == BodyPartDepth.Inside select x; BodyPartRecord part; if (source.TryRandomElementByWeight((BodyPartRecord x) => x.coverageAbs, out part)) { HediffDef hediffDefFromDamage = HealthUtility.GetHediffDefFromDamage(dinfo.Def, pawn, part); Hediff_Injury hediff_Injury = (Hediff_Injury)HediffMaker.MakeHediff(hediffDefFromDamage, pawn, null); hediff_Injury.Part = part; hediff_Injury.source = injury.source; hediff_Injury.sourceBodyPartGroup = injury.sourceBodyPartGroup; hediff_Injury.Severity = (float)(dinfo.Amount / 2); /* * if (involveArmor) * { * hediff_Injury.Severity = (float)ArmorUtility.GetAfterArmorDamage(pawn, dinfo.Amount / 2, part, dinfo.Def); * } */ if (hediff_Injury.Severity <= 0f) { return; } result.lastHitPart = hediff_Injury.Part; this.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, hediff_Injury, dinfo, ref result); } } }
private void CallAid(Pawn caller, Map map, Faction faction, bool free, float biocodeWeaponsChance = 1f) { List <Thing> sendColonists = new List <Thing>(); Pawn pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(PawnKindDef.Named("Tribal_Warrior"), null); Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDefOf.PsychicShock, pawn); BodyPartRecord result = null; pawn.RaceProps.body.GetPartsWithTag(BodyPartTagDefOf.ConsciousnessSource).TryRandomElement(out result);, result); sendColonists.Add(pawn); DropPodUtility.DropThingsNear(DropCellFinder.TradeDropSpot(map), map, sendColonists, 110, canInstaDropDuringInit: false, leaveSlag: false, canRoofPunch: true, forbid: false); faction.lastMilitaryAidRequestTick = Find.TickManager.TicksGame; if (!free) { caller.royalty.TryRemoveFavor(faction, def.royalAid.favorCost); } caller.royalty.Notify_PermitUsed(def); }
public void ApplyHediff(Pawn pawn) { for (int i = 0; i < Props.triggeredHediff.Count; i++) { HediffDef curHD = Props.triggeredHediff[i]; if (curHD == null) { Tools.Warn("cant find hediff; i=" + i, true); return; } Hediff hediff2apply = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(curHD, pawn, null); if (hediff2apply == null) { Tools.Warn("cant create hediff " + curHD.defName, true); return; } Tools.Warn("Adding " + curHD.defName + "for science", Props.debug);, null, null); } }
public override void CompPostTick(ref float severityAdjustment) { Pawn pawn = parent.pawn; if (pawn.Spawned) { onItem = 0; foreach (HediffDef hediffDef in conflictingHediffs) { Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(hediffDef, pawn, null); if ( {; if (!(hediffDef.spawnThingOnRemoved == null)) { GenSpawn.Spawn(hediffDef.spawnThingOnRemoved, pawn.Position, pawn.Map, WipeMode.Vanish); } Log.Message("Removed hediff: " + hediffDef.defName.ToString() + " from pawn " + hediff.pawn.ToString()); } } } }
public override void Tick() { if (pawn.Downed) { absorbedDamage = 0f; } if (!pawn.IsFighting() && pawn.IsHashIntervalTick(120)) { absorbedDamage -= 1f; if (absorbedDamage < 0f) { absorbedDamage = 0f; } } if (absorbedDamage > 75f) { Hediff returnDamageHediff = new Hediff(); returnDamageHediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(RWBYDefOf.RWBY_YangReturnDamage, pawn);; } base.Tick(); }
public static void GiveSideEffects(Pawn pawn) { BodyPartRecord brain =; Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDefOf.ResurrectionSickness, pawn, null); if (! {, null, null, null); } if (Rand.Chance(0.8f) && brain != null) { Hediff hediff2 = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDefOf.Dementia, pawn, brain); if (! {, null, null, null); } } if (Rand.Chance(0.8f)) { foreach (BodyPartRecord bodyPartRecord in Enumerable.Where <BodyPartRecord>(, 0, null, null), (BodyPartRecord x) => x.def == BodyPartDefOf.Eye)) { Hediff hediff3 = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDefOf.Blindness, pawn, bodyPartRecord);, null, null, null); } } if (brain != null && Rand.Chance(0.8f)) { Hediff hediff4 = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDefOf.ResurrectionPsychosis, pawn, brain); if (! {, null, null, null); } } if (pawn.Dead) { Log.Error("The pawn has died while being resurrected.", false); ResurrectionUtility.Resurrect(pawn); } }
public void DoOPToxicGas(Thing Gas, Thing targ) { Pawn pawn = targ as Pawn; if (pawn != null && { HediffDef namedSilentFail = DefDatabase <HediffDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(OPToxicDefGetValue.OPToxicGetHediff(Gas.def)); if (namedSilentFail != null) { Pawn_HealthTracker health =; Hediff hediff; if (health == null) { hediff = null; } else { HediffSet hediffSet = health.hediffSet; hediff = ((hediffSet != null) ? hediffSet.GetFirstHediffOfDef(namedSilentFail, false) : null); } float statValue = pawn.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.ToxicSensitivity, true); float num = OPToxicDefGetValue.OPToxicGetSev(Gas.def); if (num < 0.01f) { num = 0.01f; } float num2 = Rand.Range(0.01f * statValue, num * statValue); if (hediff != null && num2 > 0f) { hediff.Severity += num2; return; } Hediff hediff2 = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(namedSilentFail, pawn, null); hediff2.Severity = num2;, null, null, null); } } }
// Token: 0x06003563 RID: 13667 RVA: 0x00123774 File Offset: 0x00121974 protected override void DoIngestionOutcomeSpecial(Pawn pawn, Thing ingested) { this.hediffDef = this.hediffDefs.RandomElement(); Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(this.hediffDef, pawn, null); float num; if (this.severity > 0f) { num = this.severity; } else { num = this.hediffDef.initialSeverity; } if (this.divideByBodySize) { num /= pawn.BodySize; } AddictionUtility.ModifyChemicalEffectForToleranceAndBodySize(pawn, this.toleranceChemical, ref num); hediff.Severity = num;, null, null, null); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the light sickness hediff. /// </summary> private void UpdateLightSickness() { if (adaptationComp.CanSee && !IgnoreLightLevel && LightLevel > adaptationComp.MaxLightLevel && CurStageIndex > 0 && ! { Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(lightSickness, pawn); hediff.Severity = this.Severity; if (! {; } } else if (pawn.IsHashIntervalTick(480) && // Check to see if we want to adjust lightSickness far less often than adding it. { Hediff_CuteboldLightSickness hediff = (Hediff_CuteboldLightSickness); if (LightLevel > adaptationComp.MaxLightLevel && CurStageIndex != 0) { hediff.Severity = this.Severity; hediff.ResetTicksToDisappear(); } } }
public override DamageResult Apply(DamageInfo dinfo, Thing thing) { if (thing is Pawn pawn && dinfo.Amount >= 15) { if (Rand.Chance(0.8f)) { List <BodyPartRecord> list = (from x in pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts where ! && x.depth == BodyPartDepth.Outside && x.coverage > 0.1f select x).ToList <BodyPartRecord>(); if (list.TryRandomElement <BodyPartRecord>(out var bodyPartRecord)) { var missingBodyPart = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDefOf.MissingBodyPart, pawn, bodyPartRecord);; } } } return(base.Apply(dinfo, thing)); }
/// <summary> /// Applies the pure mutagenic damage. /// </summary> /// this does not actually damage the pawn /// <param name="dInfo">The damage info.</param> /// <param name="pawn">The pawn.</param> /// <param name="mutationHediffDef">The mutation hediff definition.</param> /// <param name="severityPerDamage">The severity per damage.</param> /// <param name="mutagen">The mutagen.</param> public static void ApplyPureMutagenicDamage(DamageInfo dInfo, [NotNull] Pawn pawn, HediffDef mutationHediffDef = null, float severityPerDamage = SEVERITY_PER_DAMAGE, MutagenDef mutagen = null) { mutagen = mutagen ?? MutagenDefOf.defaultMutagen; MutagenicDamageExtension ext = dInfo.Weapon?.GetModExtension <MutagenicDamageExtension>() ?? dInfo.Def?.GetModExtension <MutagenicDamageExtension>(); mutationHediffDef = mutationHediffDef ?? ext?.mutagenicBuildup ?? MorphTransformationDefOf.MutagenicBuildup_Weapon; //first check if we're given a specific hediff to use //then use what's ever attached to the damage def //then use the default float severityToAdd = Mathf.Clamp(dInfo.Amount * severityPerDamage, 0, mutationHediffDef.maxSeverity); Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(mutationHediffDef, pawn); hediff.Severity = severityToAdd;; }
//咖喱技能2 public static Command_CastSkill Skill2() { var ck = new Command_CastSkill { defaultLabel = "".Translate(), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("Skills/MesaSkill2"), targetingParams = WarframeStaticMethods.OnlyPawn(), cooldownTime = 1f, range = 1f, hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc8 }; ck.action = delegate(Pawn self) { foreach (var hef in { if (hef.def.defName != "WFMesa2Skill_Mesa") { continue; } Messages.Message("MesaSkillUsing".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput, false); return; } SoundDef.Named("Mesa_2Skill").PlayOneShot(self); var hediff = (Hediff_Mesa2Skill)HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDef.Named("WFMesa2Skill_Mesa"), self); hediff.level = (int)self.GetLevel();; WarframeStaticMethods.StartCooldown(self, ck.cooldownTime * (1 + (self.GetLevel() * 1f / 10f)), 2, WarframeStaticMethods.GetArmor(self).TryGetComp <CompWarframeSkill>().Props.mana2); }; return(ck); }
private void CheckPropagateDamageToInnerSolidParts(DamageInfo dinfo, Pawn pawn, Hediff_Injury injury, bool involveArmor, int postArmorDamage, ref DamageWorker_AddInjuryCR.LocalInjuryResult result) { if (!dinfo.AllowDamagePropagation) { return; } if (Rand.Value >= HealthTunings.ChanceToAdditionallyDamageInnerSolidPart) { return; } if (dinfo.Def.hasChanceToAdditionallyDamageInnerSolidParts && !injury.Part.def.IsSolid(injury.Part, && injury.Part.depth == BodyPartDepth.Outside) { IEnumerable <BodyPartRecord> enumerable =, null).Where(x => x.parent == injury.Part && x.def.IsSolid(x, && x.depth == BodyPartDepth.Inside); BodyPartRecord part; if (DamageWorker_AddInjuryCR.cache0 == null) { DamageWorker_AddInjuryCR.cache0 = delegate(BodyPartRecord x) { return(x.absoluteFleshCoverage); }; } if (enumerable.TryRandomElementByWeight(DamageWorker_AddInjuryCR.cache0, out part)) { HediffDef hediffDefFromDamage = HealthUtility.GetHediffDefFromDamage(dinfo.Def, pawn, part); Hediff_Injury hediff_Injury = (Hediff_Injury)HediffMaker.MakeHediff(hediffDefFromDamage, pawn, null); hediff_Injury.Part = part; hediff_Injury.source = injury.source; hediff_Injury.sourceBodyPartGroup = injury.sourceBodyPartGroup; hediff_Injury.Severity = (float)(dinfo.Amount / 2); if (involveArmor) { hediff_Injury.Severity = (float)postArmorDamage; } if (hediff_Injury.Severity <= 0f) { return; } result.lastHitPart = hediff_Injury.Part; this.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, hediff_Injury, dinfo, ref result); } } }
public static void ChangePsylinkLevel(this Pawn pawn, int levelOffset, bool sendLetter = true) { Hediff_Psylink mainPsylinkSource = pawn.GetMainPsylinkSource(); if (mainPsylinkSource == null) { mainPsylinkSource = (Hediff_Psylink)HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDefOf.PsychicAmplifier, pawn); try { mainPsylinkSource.suppressPostAddLetter = !sendLetter;,; } finally { mainPsylinkSource.suppressPostAddLetter = false; } } else { mainPsylinkSource.ChangeLevel(levelOffset, sendLetter); } }
/// <summary> /// called when this instance impacts the specified thing. /// </summary> /// <param name="hitThing">The hit thing.</param> protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { base.Impact(hitThing); Pawn hitPawn; if (Def != null && hitThing != null && hitThing is Pawn) { hitPawn = (Pawn)hitThing; // Already checked above. if (!Def.CanAddHediffToPawn(hitPawn)) { return; //if the hediff can't be added to the hit pawn just abort } float rand = Rand.Value; // This is a random percentage between 0% and 100% if (rand <= Def.AddHediffChance) // If the percentage falls under the chance, success! { //This checks to see if the character has a heal differential, or hediff on them already. Hediff etherOnPawn =; if (etherOnPawn == null) { //These three lines create a new health differential or Hediff, //put them on the character, and increase its severity by a random amount. Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(Def.HediffToAdd, hitPawn);; //this should be an interface var syringeHediff = hediff as SyringeRifleTf; //hacky, want to figure out a better way to find the weapon that will allow turrets as well var weapon = (launcher as Pawn)?.equipment?.Primary; syringeHediff?.Initialize(weapon); IntermittentMagicSprayer.ThrowMagicPuffDown(hitPawn.Position.ToVector3(), Map); } } } }
public void DoUSTangleKillGasToxic(Thing Gas, Thing targ) { if (targ is not Pawn victim || ! { return; } var health =; Hediff hediff; if (health == null) { hediff = null; } else { var hediffSet = health.hediffSet; hediff = hediffSet?.GetFirstHediffOfDef(Globals.USTangleRootStrike); } var sensitivity = victim.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.ToxicSensitivity); var addsev = Rand.Range(0.0249999985f * sensitivity * toxicRatio, 0.125f * sensitivity * toxicRatio); if (Globals.USVictimImmuneTo(victim, Globals.USTangleRootStrike)) { return; } if (hediff != null && addsev > 0f) { hediff.Severity += addsev; return; } var addhediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(Globals.USTangleRootStrike, victim); addhediff.Severity = addsev;; }
bool TryApply(Pawn pawn, BodyPartRecord recordToAdd, [NotNull] MutagenDef mutagen, HashSet <BodyPartRecord> nonMissingRecords) { if (!mutagen.CanInfect(pawn)) { return(false); } if (!nonMissingRecords.Contains(recordToAdd)) { return(false); } if (!hediff.IsValidFor(pawn)) { return(false); } var hediffInst = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(hediff, pawn, recordToAdd);, recordToAdd); DoMutationAddedEffects(pawn); AddMutationLogFor(pawn); return(true); }
// // Static Methods // public static void GenerateRandomOldAgeInjuries(Pawn pawn, bool tryNotToKillPawn) { int num = 0; for (int i = 10; i < pawn.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalYears; i += 10) { if (Rand.Value < 0.15) { num++; } } for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { DamageDef dam = AgeInjuryUtility.RandomOldInjuryDamageType(); int num2 = Rand.RangeInclusive(2, 6); IEnumerable <BodyPartRecord> source = from x in, BodyPartDepth.Undefined) where x.depth == BodyPartDepth.Outside && !Mathf.Approximately(x.def.oldInjuryBaseChance, 0) && ! select x; if (source.Any <BodyPartRecord>()) { BodyPartRecord bodyPartRecord = source.RandomElementByWeight((BodyPartRecord x) => x.absoluteFleshCoverage); HediffDef hediffDefFromDamage = HealthUtility.GetHediffDefFromDamage(dam, pawn, bodyPartRecord); if (bodyPartRecord.def.oldInjuryBaseChance > 0 && hediffDefFromDamage.CompPropsFor(typeof(HediffComp_GetsOld)) != null) { Hediff_Injury hediff_Injury = (Hediff_Injury)HediffMaker.MakeHediff(hediffDefFromDamage, pawn, null); hediff_Injury.Severity = (float)num2; hediff_Injury.TryGetComp <HediffComp_GetsOld>().IsOld = true;, bodyPartRecord, null); } } } for (int k = 1; k < pawn.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalYears; k++) { foreach (HediffGiver_Birthday current in AgeInjuryUtility.RandomHediffsToGainOnBirthday(pawn, k)) { current.TryApplyAndSimulateSeverityChange(pawn, (float)k, tryNotToKillPawn); } } }
protected override void DoIngestionOutcomeSpecial(Pawn pawn, Thing ingested) { MilkThistleBenefit = HediffDef.Named("MilkThistleBenefit"); List <Hediff> Hediffs = <Hediff>().ToList(); foreach (Hediff hediffList in Hediffs) { if (hediffList.ToString().Contains("Cirrhosis")) { Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(this.hediffDef, pawn, null); float num = (!(this.severity > 0f)) ? this.hediffDef.initialSeverity : this.severity; if (this.divideByBodySize) { num /= pawn.BodySize; } AddictionUtility.ModifyChemicalEffectForToleranceAndBodySize(pawn, this.toleranceChemical, ref num); hediff.Severity = num;, null, null); } } }
// Token: 0x06000064 RID: 100 RVA: 0x00005F24 File Offset: 0x00004124 internal static bool HediffEffect(HediffDef hediffdef, float SeverityToApply, Pawn pawn, BodyPartRecord part, out bool immune) { immune = false; if (!pawn.RaceProps.IsMechanoid && hediffdef != null) { if (!MSHediffEffecter.ImmuneTo(pawn, hediffdef)) { if (!, part, SeverityToApply)) { Pawn_HealthTracker health =; Hediff hediff; if (health == null) { hediff = null; } else { HediffSet hediffSet = health.hediffSet; hediff = (hediffSet?.GetFirstHediffOfDef(hediffdef, false)); } Hediff hashediff = hediff; if (hashediff != null) { hashediff.Severity += SeverityToApply; return(true); } Hediff addhediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(hediffdef, pawn, part); addhediff.Severity = SeverityToApply;, part, null, null); return(true); } } else { immune = true; } } return(false); }