コード例 #1
 static void Postfix(ref Pawn __instance, ref List <VerbProperties> __result)
     if (__instance.equipment != null)
         if (__instance.equipment.PrimaryEq.PrimaryVerb.verbProps.range > 1.5f)
     if (__instance.health.hediffSet.hediffs.Any(x => x.TryGetComp <HediffComp_VerbGiver>() != null))
         foreach (HediffWithComps hdc in __instance.health.hediffSet.hediffs.Where(x => x.def.HasComp(typeof(HediffComp_VerbGiver))))
             HediffComp_VerbGiver _VerbGiver = hdc.TryGetComp <HediffComp_VerbGiver>();
             if (_VerbGiver.Props.verbs != null)
                 foreach (VerbProperties verb in _VerbGiver.Props.verbs)
                     if (!__result.Contains(verb))
コード例 #2
 public static void PostFix(ref float __result, Tool tool, Pawn attacker, HediffComp_VerbGiver hediffCompSource)
     //EliteBionicsFrameworkMain.LogError("Dump vars: " + __result + ", " + tool.LabelCap + ", " + attacker.Name + ", " + hediffCompSource);
     if (attacker != null)
         // There is an attacker.
         int   tempLinearAdjustment  = 0;
         float tempScalingAdjustment = 1;
         // Handle several cases.
         if (ToolFinderUtils.ToolIsOriginalToolOfPawn(tool, attacker))
             // Attacks by bare-hand; no hediff source.
             // May have implant or no implant...
             BodyPartGroupDef hostGroup = tool.linkedBodyPartsGroup;
             foreach (HediffWithComps candidateHediff in attacker.health.hediffSet.GetHediffs <HediffWithComps>())
                 if (!(candidateHediff is Hediff_Implant))
                     // Normal hediff only.
                 // I think in some cases the Part can be null, especially when for whole-body hediffs.
                 if ((bool)(candidateHediff.Part?.IsInGroup(hostGroup)))
                     // Relevant.
                     HediffComp_ToolPowerAdjust adjustmentComps = candidateHediff.TryGetComp <HediffComp_ToolPowerAdjust>();
                     if (adjustmentComps != null)
                         // Have adjustment comps
                         __result *= adjustmentComps.Props.ActualScalingFactor;
         else if (hediffCompSource != null)
             // Attacks by bionic parts; bionic may have power adjustment components.
             if (ToolPowerAdjuster.CalculatePowerAdjustmentDueToImplants(attacker, hediffCompSource.parent.Part, ref tempLinearAdjustment, ref tempScalingAdjustment))
                 // Successfully calculated.
                 __result *= tempScalingAdjustment;
             if (ToolPowerAdjuster.CalculatePowerAdjustmentDueToToolUpgrade(attacker, hediffCompSource.parent.Part, tool, ref tempLinearAdjustment, ref tempScalingAdjustment))
                 // Successfully calculated.
                 __result *= tempScalingAdjustment;
コード例 #3
 public static void PostFix(ref float __result, Tool tool, Pawn attacker, HediffComp_VerbGiver hediffCompSource)
     // __result already has the scaling multipliers within it.
     if (attacker != null)
         // There is an attacker.
         int   tempLinearAdjustment  = 0;
         float tempScalingAdjustment = 1;
         // Handle several cases.
         if (ToolFinderUtils.ToolIsOriginalToolOfPawn(tool, attacker))
             // Attacks by bare-hand; no hediff source.
             // May have implant or no implant...
             BodyPartGroupDef hostGroup = tool.linkedBodyPartsGroup;
             foreach (HediffWithComps candidateHediff in attacker.health.hediffSet.GetHediffs <HediffWithComps>())
                 if (!(candidateHediff is Hediff_Implant))
                     // Normal hediff only.
                 if (candidateHediff.Part.IsInGroup(hostGroup))
                     // Relevant.
                     HediffComp_ToolPowerAdjust adjustmentComps = candidateHediff.TryGetComp <HediffComp_ToolPowerAdjust>();
                     if (adjustmentComps != null)
                         // Have adjustment comps
                         __result += adjustmentComps.Props.linearAdjustment;
         else if (hediffCompSource != null)
             // Attacks by bionic parts; bionic may have power adjustment components.
             if (ToolPowerAdjuster.CalculatePowerAdjustmentDueToImplants(attacker, hediffCompSource.parent.Part, ref tempLinearAdjustment, ref tempScalingAdjustment))
                 // Successfully calculated.
                 __result += tempLinearAdjustment;
             if (ToolPowerAdjuster.CalculatePowerAdjustmentDueToToolUpgrade(attacker, hediffCompSource.parent.Part, tool, ref tempLinearAdjustment, ref tempScalingAdjustment))
                 // Successfully calculated.
                 __result += tempLinearAdjustment;
コード例 #4
ファイル: harmony_patches.cs プロジェクト: lixy/Rimworld_mods
        public static void AdjustedMeleeDamageAmountPostfix(Tool tool, Pawn attacker, Thing equipment, HediffComp_VerbGiver hediffCompSource, ref float __result)
            PawnLvComp pawnlvcomp = attacker.TryGetComp <PawnLvComp>();

            if (pawnlvcomp != null)
                //Log.Message(__result.ToString() + "i");

                __result *= (float)(1.0f + (0.01 * pawnlvcomp.STR));
                //Log.Message(__result.ToString() + "in postfix");
コード例 #5
            private static float AdjustedToolArmourPenetration(float armourPenetration, VerbProperties instance, Tool tool, Pawn attacker, Thing equipment, HediffComp_VerbGiver hediffCompSource)
                // Scale AP with stuff and pawn age
                if (TinyTweaksSettings.meleeArmourPenetrationFix && armourPenetration > -1)
                    // Factor in equipment stuff
                    if (equipment != null && equipment.Stuff != null && instance.meleeDamageDef != null)
                        armourPenetration *= equipment.Stuff.GetStatValueAbstract(instance.meleeDamageDef.armorCategory.multStat);

                    // Factor in attacker
                    if (attacker != null)
                        armourPenetration *= instance.GetDamageFactorFor(tool, attacker, hediffCompSource);
コード例 #6
        public static void AdjustedArmorPenetration_RendingWeapon_Postfix(ref VerbProperties __instance, Tool tool, Pawn attacker, Thing equipment, HediffComp_VerbGiver hediffCompSource, ref float __result)
            if (tool != null)
                if (!tool.capacities.NullOrEmpty())
                    if (tool.capacities.Any(x => x.defName.Contains("OG_RendingWeapon")))
                        float RendingChance = 0.167f;

                        if (equipment != null)
                            CompWeapon_MeleeSpecialRules _MeleeSpecialRules = equipment?.TryGetComp <CompWeapon_MeleeSpecialRules>();
                            if (_MeleeSpecialRules != null)
                                RendingChance = _MeleeSpecialRules.RendingChance;
                            if (attacker != null)
                                foreach (Tool item in attacker.Tools.Where(x => x != tool))
                                    if (item.capacities.Any(x => x.defName.Contains("OG_RendingWeapon")))
                                        RendingChance += 0.167f;

                        if (Rand.Chance(RendingChance))
                            MoteMaker.ThrowText(attacker.Position.ToVector3(), attacker.MapHeld, "AMA_Rending_Strike".Translate(), 3f);
                            __result = 2f;

             * if (__instance.EquipmentSource != null)
             * {
             *  if (!__instance.EquipmentSource.AllComps.NullOrEmpty())
             *  {
             *      if (__instance.EquipmentSource.GetComp<CompWeapon_MeleeSpecialRules>() != null)
             *      {
             *          if (__instance.EquipmentSource.GetComp<CompWeapon_MeleeSpecialRules>() is CompWeapon_MeleeSpecialRules WeaponRules)
             *          {
             *              if (AMASettings.Instance.AllowRendingMeleeEffect)
             *              {
             *                  bool RendingAttack = __result.Any(x => x.Def.rendingWeapon());
             *                  if (WeaponRules.RendingWeapon && RendingAttack && __instance.CasterPawn is Pawn Caster)
             *                  {
             *                  }
             *              }
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
コード例 #7
        public float AdjustedArmorPenetrationCE(ToolCE tool, Pawn attacker, Thing equipment, HediffComp_VerbGiver hediffCompSource)
            float num;

            if (tool != null)
                num = tool.armorPenetration;
                num = this.meleeArmorPenetrationBase;
            if (num < 0f)
                float num2 = this.AdjustedMeleeDamageAmount(tool, attacker, equipment, hediffCompSource);
                num = num2 * 0.015f;
コード例 #8
 private static void VerbProperties_GetDamageFactorForPostfix(VerbProperties __instance, Tool tool, Pawn attacker, HediffComp_VerbGiver hediffCompSource, ref float __result)
     if (tool == null && __instance.linkedBodyPartsGroup != null)
         float damageFactor = PawnCapacityUtility.CalculateNaturalPartsAverageEfficiency(attacker.health.hediffSet, __instance.linkedBodyPartsGroup);
         if (__instance.ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable)
         else if (damageFactor == 0f)
             __result = 0f;