コード例 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns an axis value;
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Index">Array index of the axis we want to return</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public float GetAxis(int Index)
        float     tmp   = 0;
        AxisInput _axis = axisInputs[Index];

        if (!PauseMenuControl.Paused)
            float TargetInput = _axis.Value;
            ///For keyboard input axes, we set a target value and add or subtract it depending on if positive/negative inputs are held or released.
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(_axis.Positive) || Input.GetKeyUp(_axis.Negative))
                _axis.TargetValue += 1;
            if (Input.GetKeyUp(_axis.Positive) || Input.GetKeyDown(_axis.Negative))
                _axis.TargetValue -= 1;
            if (!Input.GetKey(_axis.Positive) && !Input.GetKey(_axis.Negative))
                _axis.TargetValue = 0;
            tmp = _axis.Value + Input.GetAxisRaw(_axis.GamepadAxis);
            tmp = HedgeMath.ClampFloat(tmp, -1, 1);

コード例 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns an axis value.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name">Name of the axis we want to return</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public float GetAxis(string name)
        float     tmp   = 0;
        AxisInput _axis = new AxisInput();

        if (!PauseMenuControl.Paused)
            //Like with button inputs, we will first cycle through our available axis inputs.
            for (int a = 0; a < axisInputs.Length; a++)
                if (axisInputs[a].Name == name)
                    _axis = axisInputs[a];
            float TargetInput = _axis.Value;
            ///For keyboard input axes, we set a target value and add or subtract it depending on if positive/negative inputs are held or released.
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(_axis.Positive) || Input.GetKeyUp(_axis.Negative))
                _axis.TargetValue += 1;
            if (Input.GetKeyUp(_axis.Positive) || Input.GetKeyDown(_axis.Negative))
                _axis.TargetValue -= 1;
            if (!Input.GetKey(_axis.Positive) && !Input.GetKey(_axis.Negative))
                _axis.TargetValue = 0;
            tmp = _axis.Value + Input.GetAxisRaw(_axis.GamepadAxis);
            tmp = HedgeMath.ClampFloat(tmp, -1, 1);

コード例 #3
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //Here we'll be setting all the main animator values.
        HedgeMath.SplitPlanarVector(player.rigidBody.velocity, player.GroundNormal, out Vector3 Ground, out Vector3 Air);
        Vector3 LocalAirVelocity = transform.InverseTransformDirection(Air);

        animator.SetInteger("State", Actions.StateIndex);
        animator.SetBool("Grounded", player.Grounded);
        animator.SetFloat("AirSpeed", LocalAirVelocity.y);
        animator.SetBool("Crouching", player.Crouching);
        animator.SetBool("Braking", player.Skidding);
        animator.SetBool("Dead", PlayerHealth.IsDead);
        SpinBall.GetComponent <Animator>().SetFloat("Speed", Ground.magnitude);

        SpinBall.SetActive(PlayerActions.currentState is ActionJump);

        if (PlayerActions.currentState is ActionSpindash)
            animator.SetFloat("GroundSpeed", Actions.spinDashState.SpinDashCharge);
            if (!SpinDashParticles.isPlaying)
            animator.SetFloat("GroundSpeed", Ground.magnitude);
            if (SpinDashParticles.isPlaying)

        //Set turn amount
        ///To get the turn amount, we first get which direction Sonic is turning by using a dot product between Sonic's right vector and Sonic's velocity.
        ///If the dot is positive, he is turning right. If it is negative, he is turning left.
        ///Once we have the turning amount, we set the actual Turn float. If the rotation amount is above the dead zone, we lerp Turning to the turn amount.
        ///If it is under the dead zone, we lerp it to 0.
        DeltaRotation = Vector3.Dot(transform.right, player.rigidBody.velocity.normalized) * 10;
        DeltaRotation = HedgeMath.ClampFloat(DeltaRotation, -1, 1);
        if (DeltaRotation > RotationDeadZone || DeltaRotation < -RotationDeadZone)
            Turning = Mathf.Lerp(Turning, DeltaRotation, Time.deltaTime * TurnSmoothing);
            Turning = Mathf.Lerp(Turning, 0f, Time.deltaTime * TurnSmoothing);
        animator.SetFloat("HorizontalInput", Turning);

        ///Here we're simply playing and stopping the speed line particles depending on whether or not Sonic is up to speed
        ///and whether or not the particles are already playing.
        if (player.rigidBody.velocity.magnitude >= ParticleStartSpeed && !SpeedParticles.isPlaying)
        else if (player.rigidBody.velocity.magnitude < ParticleStartSpeed && SpeedParticles.isPlaying)
コード例 #4
 public void UpdateAxisValue()
     Value = Mathf.SmoothDamp(Value, TargetValue, ref Velocity, Damping);
     Value = HedgeMath.ClampFloat(Value, -1, 1);