private static void PersistEnemyHealth(HealthPool oldHealth, HealthPool newHealth) { if (oldHealth.Health < oldHealth.MaxHealth) { newHealth.Damage(oldHealth.MaxHealth - oldHealth.Health); } }
void updatePushingPlayers(bool pvMine) { teamCaptains.Clear(); int count = detectionColl.Cast(, rch2ds, 0, true); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { RaycastHit2D rch2d = rch2ds[i]; GameObject rchGO = rch2d.collider.gameObject; if (rchGO.CompareTag("Player")) { TeamToken tt = TeamToken.getTeamToken(rchGO); HealthPool healthPool = rchGO.GetComponentInChildren <HealthPool>(); if (healthPool) { if (!teamCaptains.ContainsKey(tt.teamCaptain)) { teamCaptains.Add(tt.teamCaptain, 0); } float amount = healthPool.Health; //Add in distance to caravan float distance = (rchGO.transform.position - transform.position).magnitude; float distanceMultiplier = 1 + ((maxAllowedDistance - distance) / maxAllowedDistance); //Update team captains dict teamCaptains[tt.teamCaptain] += amount * distanceMultiplier; } } } updateDirection(pvMine); }
// ***************************************************************************************************************** // ***************************************************************************************************************** #region private Functions // ***************************************************************************************************************** private void AttemptHeal(Collider2D _other) { // Get the health pool from our collided object HealthPool healthPool = _other.GetComponent <HealthPool>(); // If it had a health pool... if (healthPool != null) { // Heal it by the amount set bool healed = healthPool.Heal(m_healing, m_targetType); // if we did in fact heal.... if (healed) { // If we should destroy this object, do so if (m_destroyOnCollect) { Destroy(gameObject); } // If we have a sound to play, play it if (m_collectSound) { // Play the sound for collecting at this locaiton AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(m_collectSound, transform.position); } } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { healthPool = GetComponent <HealthPool>(); teamTokenCaptain = GetComponent <TeamTokenCaptain>(); healthPool.onDied += checkGameOver; //Team Token Captains teamCaptains = FindObjectsOfType <TeamTokenCaptain>().ToList(); //Text Map Name txtMapName = gameObject.FindComponent <TMP_Text>(); MapGenerator mapGenerator = FindObjectOfType <MapGenerator>(); txtMapName.text = mapGenerator.mapName; mapGenerator.onMapNameChanged += (mapName) => txtMapName.text = mapName; //Marker MapMarker mapMarker = MapMarkerManager.CreateMapMarker( PhotonView.Get(gameObject), transform.position, flagMarkerInfo ); GameObject balloons = Instantiate(flagMarkerBalloonPrefab); balloons.transform.parent = mapMarker.iconSR.transform; balloons.transform.localPosition =; balloons.GetComponent <FlagMapMarkerDisplay>().Init(this); }
private void Start() { capsuleCollider = GetComponent <CapsuleCollider2D>(); circleCollider = gameObject.transform.Find("ActorBase").GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>(); actor = gameObject; healthPool = actor.GetComponent <HealthPool>(); animator = gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>(); spriteRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { int sortingOrder = GetComponentInParent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder + 1; gameObject.FindComponents <SpriteRenderer>(true) .ForEach(sr => sr.sortingOrder = sortingOrder); healthPool = gameObject.FindComponent <HealthPool>(); healthPool.onDamaged += checkOnDamaged; }
protected override void LoadContent() { spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); right = new RightGame(graphics, spriteBatch, this); right.LoadContent(); left = new LeftGame(graphics, spriteBatch, this); left.LoadContent(); title = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Title"); hp = new HealthPool(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Heart"), Content.Load <SoundEffect>("GameSounds/playerdamage"), this, 42, 36, 10); switchTexture = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Switcharoo"); switchTexturePrime = Content.Load <Texture2D>("SwitcharooSwitch"); reverseTexture = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Reversearoo"); swapTexture = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Swaparoo"); timerFont = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("timerSpritefont"); fade = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Fade"); pause = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Pause"); progress = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Progress"); emptyProgressCirle = Content.Load <Texture2D>("UnfilledCircle"); filledProgressCircle = Content.Load <Texture2D>("FilledCircle"); explosionSound = Content.Load <SoundEffect>("GameSounds/Explosion"); bossMarker = Content.Load <Texture2D>("BossLabel"); gameOverBG1 = Content.Load <Texture2D>("GameOverBG"); countDown = new Texture2D[3]; countDown[0] = Content.Load <Texture2D>("1"); countDown[1] = Content.Load <Texture2D>("2"); countDown[2] = Content.Load <Texture2D>("3"); Texture2D buttonTexture = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Button"); SpriteFont buttonFont = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("ButtonFont"); gameOverFont = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("GameOverSpritefont"); gameOverMes = gameOverFont.MeasureString("Game Over"); instructions = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Instructions"); SoundEffect buttonClick = Content.Load <SoundEffect>("GameSounds/click"); victoryExplosion = Content.Load <Texture2D>("DeadBoss"); mainMenuPlay = new Button(buttonTexture, WIDTH / 2 - 400 / 2, 325, 400, 150, buttonClick, buttonFont, "Play"); mainMenuPlay.OnClick += MainMenuPlayClick; mainMenuExit = new Button(buttonTexture, WIDTH / 2 - 400 / 2, 675, 400, 150, buttonClick, buttonFont, "Exit"); mainMenuExit.OnClick += () => { Exit(); }; mainMenuInstructions = new Button(buttonTexture, WIDTH / 2 - 400 / 2, 500, 400, 150, buttonClick, buttonFont, "Instructions"); mainMenuInstructions.OnClick += () => { gameState = GameState.InstructionMenu; }; pauseMenuResume = new Button(buttonTexture, WIDTH / 2 - 400 / 2, 325, 400, 200, buttonClick, buttonFont, "Play"); pauseMenuResume.OnClick += PauseMenuResumeClick; pauseMenuMainMenu = new Button(buttonTexture, WIDTH / 2 - 400 / 2, 600, 400, 200, buttonClick, buttonFont, "Main Menu"); pauseMenuMainMenu.OnClick += () => { gameState = GameState.MainMenu; }; instructionMainMenu = new Button(buttonTexture, WIDTH - 315, HEIGHT - 140, 250, 100, buttonClick, buttonFont, "Main Menu"); instructionMainMenu.OnClick += () => { gameState = GameState.MainMenu; }; gameOverExit = new Button(buttonTexture, WIDTH - 300 - 50, HEIGHT - 150 - 50, 300, 150, buttonClick, buttonFont, "Exit"); gameOverExit.OnClick += () => { Exit(); }; gameOverPlayAgain = new Button(buttonTexture, WIDTH / 2 - 300 / 2, HEIGHT - 150 - 50, 300, 150, buttonClick, buttonFont, "Play Again"); gameOverPlayAgain.OnClick += () => { gameState = GameState.Game; }; gameOverMainMenu = new Button(buttonTexture, 100 / 2, HEIGHT - 150 - 50, 300, 150, buttonClick, buttonFont, "Main Menu"); gameOverMainMenu.OnClick += () => { gameState = GameState.MainMenu; }; switcharooSound = Content.Load <SoundEffect>("GameSounds/switcharoo"); gameOverSound = Content.Load <SoundEffect>("GameSounds/lose"); }
void addOnHitFlash(HealthPool hp) { int indexOffset = 1; if (hasOnDieDestroy(hp)) { indexOffset++; } addComponent <OnHitFlash>(hp, indexOffset); }
// ***************************************************************************************************************** // When a collision interaction starts involving this game object... void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D _collision) { // Check if the other collider that we hit has a HealthPool on it HealthPool healthPool = _collision.collider.GetComponent <HealthPool>(); if (healthPool != null) { // Apply damage to the health pool healthPool.Damage(m_damage, m_targetType); } }
void checkCollision(GameObject go) { if (friendlyHit || !TeamToken.onSameTeam(gameObject, go)) { HealthPool hp = go.FindComponent <HealthPool>(); if (hp && entityTypes.Contains(hp.entityType)) { takeDamage(); } } }
void checkCollisionWithObject(GameObject other) { if (other != owner) { HealthPool hp = other.GetComponent <HealthPool>(); if (hp) { hp.HP -= (int)damage; Destroy(gameObject); } } }
void explode() { List <Rigidbody2D> rb2ds = new List <Rigidbody2D>(); RaycastHit2D[] rch2ds = Physics2D.CircleCastAll(transform.position, explodeRange,; for (int i = 0; i < rch2ds.Length; i++) { Rigidbody2D rb2d = rch2ds[i].rigidbody; if (!rb2d) { continue; } if (!rb2ds.Contains(rb2d)) { rb2ds.Add(rb2d); } } foreach (Rigidbody2D rb2d in rb2ds) { HealthPool hp = rb2d.gameObject.FindComponent <HealthPool>(); if (hp && entityTypes.Contains(hp.entityType)) { Vector2 explodeDir = (rb2d.transform.position - transform.position).normalized; Vector2 explodeVector = explodeDir * explodePower; rb2d.velocity = explodeVector; //PlayerMovement PlayerMovement playerMovement = rb2d.gameObject.FindComponent <PlayerMovement>(); if (playerMovement) { //TODO: refactor this once MovementLayer has been implemented float speed = explodePower / playerMovement.MovementSpeed; playerMovement.forceMovement(explodeVector, true); int viewID = gameObject.FindComponent <PhotonView>().ViewID; StatLayer statLayer = new StatLayer(StatLayer.STAT_IGNORE) { moveSpeed = speed }; StatKeeper statKeeper = playerMovement.gameObject.FindComponent <StatKeeper>(); statKeeper.selfStats.addLayer(viewID, statLayer); TimerManager.StartTimer(forceMoveDuration, () => { playerMovement.forceMovement(false); statKeeper.selfStats.removeLayer(viewID); }); } } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { PV = GetComponent <PhotonView>(); healthPool = GetComponent <HealthPool>(); healthPool.onDied += (hp) => { if (PV.IsMine) { PhotonNetwork.Destroy(this.gameObject); } else { Destroy(this.gameObject); } }; }
void addStaticRB2D(HealthPool hp) { int indexOffset = 1; if (hasOnDieDestroy(hp)) { indexOffset++; } if (hasOnHitFlash(hp)) { indexOffset++; } Rigidbody2D rb2d = addComponent <Rigidbody2D>(hp, indexOffset); //Make it static rb2d.bodyType = RigidbodyType2D.Static; }
T addComponent <T>(HealthPool hp, int indexOffset = 1) where T : Component { T comp = hp.gameObject.AddComponent <T>(); //Component reordering copied from: //2021-11-23: //2021-11-23: List <Component> compList = hp.GetComponents <Component>().ToList(); int hpIndex = compList.IndexOf(hp); int compIndex = compList.IndexOf(comp); while (compIndex > hpIndex + indexOffset) { UnityEditorInternal.ComponentUtility.MoveComponentUp(comp); compIndex = comp.GetComponents <Component>().ToList().IndexOf(comp); } UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.SetIsInspectorExpanded(comp, false); return(comp); }
protected override void processCollision(Collider2D collision, bool useInitialDamage) { base.processCollision(collision, useInitialDamage); if (TeamToken.onSameTeam(gameObject, collision.gameObject)) { //don't trap teammates return; } HealthPool hp = collision.gameObject.FindComponent <HealthPool>(); if (hp) { if (trapTypes.Contains(hp.entityType)) { //TODO: enable trapping other types trapPlayer(hp.gameObject.FindComponent <PlayerController>()); } } }
private void ChangeToPresent(GameObject shot, Vector2 pos, Vector2 dir) { //Only change the shots, not the constructs HealthPool healthPool = shot.FindComponent <HealthPool>(); if (healthPool && healthPool.entityType == EntityType.SHOT) { shot.FindComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = shotSprite; OnHitGiveAmina ohga = shot.AddComponent <OnHitGiveAmina>(); ohga.aminaToGive = this.aminaToGive; } //Propagate spawning presents even further ObjectSpawner os = shot.FindComponent <ObjectSpawner>(); if (os) { os.onObjectSpawned += ChangeToPresent; } }
//private void OnCollisionStay2D(Collision2D collision) //{ // processCollision(collision.collider, false); //} public void processCollision(Collider2D collision, bool useInitialDamage) { if (!damageFriendlies && TeamToken.onSameTeam(gameObject, collision.gameObject)) { //don't damage teammates return; } HealthPool hp = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <HealthPool>(); if (hp) { if (damagableTypes.Contains(hp.entityType)) { if (useInitialDamage) { hp.Health += -damage; onDealtDamage?.Invoke(damage, hp); } } } }
protected override void processCollision(Collider2D collision, bool useInitialDamage) { //If it's a flag, don't teleport it Rigidbody2D rb2d = collision.gameObject.FindComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); if (rb2d && rb2d.gameObject.CompareTag("TeamFlag")) { return; } //If it is destroyable, HealthPool hp = collision.gameObject.FindComponent <HealthPool>(); if (hp) { //It doesn't matter what it is, teleport it Vector2 teleportPos = Utility.MouseWorldPos; //Check if it's a Unicorn using Rainbow Path UnicornController unicorn = collision.gameObject.FindComponent <UnicornController>(); if (unicorn) { unicorn.redirectPath(teleportPos); } //Teleport like usual Utility.teleportObject(hp.gameObject, teleportPos); //If it's a WeaponController (like the weapons from Astral) WeaponController weapon = collision.gameObject.FindComponent <WeaponController>(); if (weapon) { //Make it unowned weapon.Controller = null; } //and then destroy this shot health.Health = 0; } else if (!collision.isTrigger) { //Destroy this shot if object is destroyable health.Health = 0; } }
private void Start() { healthPool = gameObject.FindComponent <HealthPool>(); }
public void Damage(GameObject?attacker, double amount) { HealthPool.Damage(amount); LastDamagedBy = attacker; OnDamage(attacker, amount); }
private void Kill(HealthPool healthPool) { OnKill(); }
public Actor(Region region, Vector3 <decimal> position, Team team, double health) : base(region, position) { CollisionHull = new CollisionHull(this, team); HealthPool = new HealthPool(this, health); HealthPool.Depleted += Kill; }
bool hasRB2D(HealthPool hp) => hasComponent <Rigidbody2D>(hp);
private PreviewDisplayer.PreviewState getPreviewState(Vector2 position) { preview.transform.position = position + ChargedShotSpawnInfo.spawnOffset; preview.transform.up = Vector2.up; previewDisplayer.updatePreviewSprite(); GameObject conflictingObject = null; bool coHasSC = false; if (previewCollider) { RaycastHit2D[] rch2ds = new RaycastHit2D[10]; int count = previewCollider.Cast(, rch2ds, 0, false); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { RaycastHit2D rch2d = rch2ds[i]; Collider2D coll2d = rch2d.collider; GameObject rchGO = coll2d.gameObject; HealthPool hp = rchGO.FindComponent <HealthPool>(); //If the conflicting object is a regular moving shot, if (hp && hp.entityType == EntityType.SHOT) { //You can build here anyway continue; } //If the conflicting object is not solid, else if (coll2d.isTrigger) { //You can build here anyway continue; } //If the conflicting object is non-moving or is not a shot, else { //Double-check to make sure the sprites overlap SpriteRenderer coSR = rchGO.FindComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); bool overlap = previewDisplayer.boundsIntersects(coSR.bounds); if (overlap) { //it's conflicting conflictingObject = rchGO; coHasSC = rchGO.FindComponent <ShotController>(); break; } else { continue; } } } } if (!conflictingObject && upgradeRange > 0) { RaycastHit2D[] rch2ds = Physics2D.CircleCastAll( position, upgradeRange, ); for (int i = 0; i < rch2ds.Length; i++) { RaycastHit2D rch2d = rch2ds[i]; Collider2D coll2d = rch2d.collider; GameObject rchGO = coll2d.gameObject; HealthPool hp = rchGO.FindComponent <HealthPool>(); //If the conflicting object is a regular moving shot, if (hp && hp.entityType == EntityType.SHOT) { //You can build here anyway continue; } //If the conflicting object is not solid, else if (coll2d.isTrigger) { //You can build here anyway continue; } //If the conflicting object is non-moving or is not a shot, else { //If the object is upgradable if ( { //it's conflicting conflictingObject = rchGO; coHasSC = rchGO.FindComponent <ShotController>(); break; } else { continue; } } } } if (conflictingObject) { //If this player owns the conflicting object, if (TeamToken.ownedBySamePlayer(gameObject, conflictingObject)) { //if they're the same type, if ( { //upgrade the one there targetObject = conflictingObject; preview.transform.position = conflictingObject.transform.position; preview.transform.up = conflictingObject.transform.up; return(PreviewDisplayer.PreviewState.UPGRADE); } //else if they're not the same type, //but still both constructs else if (coHasSC) { ChargedShotController csc = conflictingObject.FindComponent <ChargedShotController>(); Sprite conflictingSprite = csc.previewSprite; //delete the object already there targetObject = conflictingObject; preview.transform.position = conflictingObject.transform.position; preview.transform.up = conflictingObject.transform.up; previewDisplayer.updatePreviewSprite(conflictingSprite); return(PreviewDisplayer.PreviewState.DESTROY); } } return(PreviewDisplayer.PreviewState.NONE); } else { targetObject = null; } if (aminaPool.ReservedAmina < minAminaReserved) { return(PreviewDisplayer.PreviewState.NONE); } return(PreviewDisplayer.PreviewState.BUILD); }
bool hasOnHitFlash(HealthPool hp) => hasComponent <OnHitFlash>(hp);
void addOnDieDestroy(HealthPool hp) => addComponent <OnDieDestroy>(hp);
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { healthPool = gameObject.FindComponent <HealthPool>(); healthPool.onDied += (hp) => explode(); }
bool hasOnDieDestroy(HealthPool hp) => hasComponent <OnDieDestroy>(hp);
bool hasComponent <T>(HealthPool hp) where T : Component { T comp = hp.GetComponent <T>(); return(comp); }