コード例 #1
    public override void OnUpdate(float deltaTime)
        foreach (var bulletEnt in this.bulletFilter)
            ref var bullet = ref bulletEnt.GetComponent <BulletComponent>();

            // All bullets ownership transfers to master at the moment of instantiation
            if (bullet._PhotonView.IsMine)
                // Moving bullet
                bullet._Rigidbody2D.MovePosition(bullet._Transform.position + bullet._Transform.up * bullet.Speed * deltaTime);

                // Detecting collision contacts
                contacts = bullet._BoxCollider2D.GetContacts(colliders);

                // Looking through collider array in case bullet collides with GameObject that have mark
                if (contacts > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < contacts; i++)
                        // Checking each collider if it have Health component
                        if (colliders[i].GetComponent <HealthComponentProvider>() != null)
                            HealthComponentProvider healthProvider = colliders[i].GetComponent <HealthComponentProvider>();
                            ref var healthComp = ref healthProvider.GetData();

                            // Checking if collider health component marked as another team
                            if (bullet.Team != healthComp.Team)
                                // Checking if it can be immune
                                bool canBeImmune = colliders[i].GetComponent <ImmunityComponentProvider>() == null ? false : true;
                                if (canBeImmune)
                                    ImmunityComponentProvider immunityProvider = colliders[i].GetComponent <ImmunityComponentProvider>();
                                    ref var immuneComponent = ref immunityProvider.GetData();

                                    // If immune at this moment - check next collider. Else - enable immunity
                                    if (immuneComponent.ActiveImmunity)
                                        PhotonManager.Instance.PhotonView.RPC("ActivateImmunityComp", RpcTarget.All, immuneComponent.Transform.gameObject.GetPhotonView().ViewID);
                                // Deal damage to the GO`s component
                                healthComp.Health -= bullet.Damage;
                                // If it belongs to someone - change someone`s lives count and synchronize data via event
                                if (healthComp.Owner != null)
                                    PhotonManager.Instance.ChangePlayerLives(healthComp.Owner, bullet.Damage);
                                    PhotonNetwork.Instantiate("Bang", bullet._Transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
コード例 #2
 private void SetTankHealthProperties(int viewId, Player owner, Team team, int health)
     GameObject Tank = PhotonView.Find(viewId).gameObject;
     HealthComponentProvider healthProvider = Tank.GetComponent <HealthComponentProvider>();
     ref var healthComp = ref healthProvider.GetData();