コード例 #1
 public static string AsDegreesMinutesSeconds(Heading heading)
     if (double.IsNaN(heading.Value)) {
         return Unknown;
     return AsDegreesMinutesSeconds(heading.Value, ' ');
コード例 #2
        public void AddRoversToPlateauAndTestForCollissions()
            Plateau.SetPlateauBounds(10, 10);

            var positionA = new Position(5, 5);
            var headingA = new Heading('N');
            var pathA = new List<char> {'M', 'M'};
            var roverA = new Rover(positionA, headingA, new Guid(), pathA);

            var positionB = new Position(4, 4);
            var headingB = new Heading('N');
            var pathB = new List<char> {'M', 'M'};
            var roverB = new Rover(positionB, headingB, new Guid(), pathB);

            var positionC = new Position(3, 3);
            var headingC = new Heading('N');
            var pathC = new List<char> {'M', 'M'};
            var roverC = new Rover(positionC, headingC, new Guid(), pathC);

            var positionD = new Position(2, 2);

            Plateau.AddRoverToPosition(positionA, roverA);
            Plateau.AddRoverToPosition(positionB, roverB);
            Plateau.AddRoverToPosition(positionC, roverC);

コード例 #3
ファイル: Text.cs プロジェクト: li5414/UnityFlatEditor
        public static void Title(string titleText, Heading heading, bool centered, string secondaryText)
            var style = FlatFonts.LatoBlackStyle((int) heading, centered);
            var content = new GUIContent(titleText);
            var titleRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(content, style);
            GUI.Label(titleRect, TypographyUtilities.ColoredText(FlatEditor.TextColor, titleText), style);

            if (secondaryText != null)
                var subStyle = new GUIStyle(style)
                    font = FlatFonts.Lato,
                    fontSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(style.fontSize*0.85f),
                    alignment = TextAnchor.LowerLeft,
                var contentSize = subStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(secondaryText));
                var offset = new Vector2(style.CalcSize(content).x, ((int) heading / 10) + 1);
                var subRect = new Rect(titleRect.position + offset, contentSize);

                var lightened = new Color32(125, 125, 125,255);

                GUI.Label(subRect, TypographyUtilities.ColoredText(lightened, secondaryText), subStyle);
コード例 #4
        public static IEnumerable<RoverPath> Parse(List<string> instructions)
            var bounds = instructions[0].Split(' ');
            int boundsX;
            int boundsY;

            int.TryParse(bounds[0], out boundsX);
            int.TryParse(bounds[1], out boundsY);
            Plateau.SetPlateauBounds(boundsX, boundsY);

            for (var i = 1; i < instructions.Count; i += 2)
                var currentInstruction = instructions[i].Split(' ');
                var x = int.Parse(currentInstruction[0]);
                var y = int.Parse(currentInstruction[1]);
                var heading = char.Parse(currentInstruction[2]);

                var startPosition = new Position(x, y);
                var startHeading = new Heading(heading);
                var path = instructions[i + 1];

                var roverPath = new RoverPath(startPosition, startHeading, path);
            return RoverPathList;
コード例 #5
        private static string CheckForId(Heading parent, System.Xml.XmlElement element)
            string id = element.GetAttribute("id");
              if (id == null || id.Length == 0)
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (char c in element.InnerText)
              if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(c))
              else if (char.IsWhiteSpace(c))
            //don't consider whitespace

              if (builder.Length >= 100)

            id = builder.ToString();

            //Add the parent id
            if (parent.IsRoot() == false)
              id = parent.Id + "_" + id;

            element.SetAttribute("id", id);

              return id;
コード例 #6
        private static void GenerateHeadings(System.Xml.XmlNodeList headings, Heading parent, ref int index)
            while (index < headings.Count)
            int headingLevel = GetHeadingLevel(headings[index].Name);

            if (headingLevel == 0)
              //not an heading
              index++; // Skip
            else if (headingLevel <= parent.Level)
            else if (headingLevel > parent.Level)
              //Generate the header only for heading with ID attribute
              string id = CheckForId(parent, (System.Xml.XmlElement)headings[index]);
              Heading subHead = new Heading(headings[index].InnerText, id, headingLevel);

              index++; // Read next

              GenerateHeadings(headings, subHead, ref index);
              throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");
コード例 #7
ファイル: HeadingSender.cs プロジェクト: ylyking/lynea
    void SendHeading()
        Heading current = new Heading();

        Vector3 currPos = transform.position;
        float currAngle = Convert.ToSingle(2*Math.Atan2(transform.rotation.y, transform.rotation.w));
        ThirdPersonController playerController = GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>();
        float currSpeed = playerController.GetSpeed();
        long currTime = ServerClock.Instance.GetTime();

        if (playerController.IsAccelerating())
            float currEndSpeed = playerController.GetEndSpeed();
            long currAccelerationTime = playerController.GetAccelerationTime();
            current.InitFromValues(currPos, currAngle, currTime, currSpeed, currEndSpeed, currAccelerationTime);
            current.InitFromValues(currPos, currAngle, currTime, currSpeed);

        bool headingChanged = !current.IsFutureOf(lastState);

            //Debug.Log("last: "+lastState);
            //Debug.Log("curr: "+current);
            lastState = current;
コード例 #8
ファイル: MowerTests.cs プロジェクト: MagL33To/Lawnmowers
        public void Move_ValidMoveOneSpace_MowerMovesOneSpace(Heading heading, string expected)
            var mower = new Mower(new Point(3,3), heading, new Point(5,5));

            var result = mower.Move("M");

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
コード例 #9
ファイル: MowerTests.cs プロジェクト: MagL33To/Lawnmowers
        public void Move_InvalidMoveOneSpaceValidTurn_MowerDoesnNotMoveButDoesTurn(int spx, int spy, Heading heading, int gbx, int gby, string instructions, string expected)
            var mower = new Mower(new Point(spx,spy), heading, new Point(gbx,gby));

            var result = mower.Move(instructions);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
コード例 #10
ファイル: Rover.cs プロジェクト: hippolascage/.net-workshops
        // path shouldn't be part of the constructor, the rover can exist without it

        // convert _path to an enum to reduce the possible valid ideas
        // extension methods 

        public Rover(Position position, Heading heading, Guid id, List<char> path)
            // generate id within this class
            _id = id;
            Position = position;
            _heading = heading;
            _path = path;
コード例 #11
ファイル: ParagraphBuilder.cs プロジェクト: karak/Geovanni
 public ParagraphModel EndParagraph()
     var retval = new ParagraphModel(_buffer.ToArray(), _heading);
     _buffer = null;
     _heading = null;
     return retval;
コード例 #12
        public RoverPath(Position startPosition, Heading startHeading, string movementInstructions)
            _startHeading = startHeading;
            _startPosition = startPosition;

            foreach (var move in movementInstructions)
コード例 #13
        public void CreateRoversAndGetPositionsAndHeadings()
            var positionA = new Position(5, 5);
            var headingA = new Heading('N');
            var pathA = new List<char> { 'M', 'M' };
            var roverA = new Rover(positionA, headingA, new Guid(), pathA);

            var positionB = new Position(4, 4);
            var headingB = new Heading('S');
            var pathB = new List<char> { 'M', 'M' };
            var roverB = new Rover(positionB, headingB, new Guid(), pathB);

            roverB.Position.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(new Position(4, 4));
コード例 #14
        public void CreateHeadingAndDoSomeTurns()
            var heading = new Heading('N');


コード例 #15
ファイル: PhysicalObject.cs プロジェクト: p07r0457/MarsRover
        /// <summary>Determine what a heading would be after performing a rotation</summary>
        /// <param name="currentDirection">the current (Heading) of the object</param>
        /// <param name="desiredRotation">The (Rotation) that should be applied</param>
        /// <returns>The resulting (Heading)</returns>
        protected Heading Rotate(Heading currentDirection, Rotation desiredRotation)
            int degreeHeading = (int)currentDirection + (int)desiredRotation;
            // Check if we rotated left of North; if so, set West
            if (degreeHeading < 0)
                return Heading.West;

            // Check if we rotated right of West; if so, set North
            if (degreeHeading > 270)
                return Heading.North;

            return (Heading)degreeHeading;
コード例 #16
        public void CreateRoverPaths()
            var positionA = new Position(5, 5);
            var headingA = new Heading('N');
            var pathA = "MMRLMM";
            var roverPathA = new RoverPath(positionA, headingA, pathA);

            var positionB = new Position(4, 4);
            var headingB = new Heading('S');
            var pathB = "MMMMMMM";
            var roverPathB = new RoverPath(positionB, headingB, pathB);

            roverPathA.GetStartPosition().ShouldBeEquivalentTo(new Position(5, 5));

            roverPathB.GetStartPosition().ShouldBeEquivalentTo(new Position(4, 4));

コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Automatically create the table of contents for the specified document.
        /// Insert an ID in the document if the heading doesn't have it.
        /// Returns the XHTML for the TOC
        /// </summary>
        public static string GenerateTOC(System.Xml.XmlDocument doc)
            System.Xml.XmlNodeList headings = doc.SelectNodes("//*");

              Heading root = new Heading("ROOT", null, 0);
              int index = 0;
              GenerateHeadings(headings, root, ref index);

              using (System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
            System.Xml.XmlTextWriter writer = new System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(stream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

            stream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
            System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(stream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

            return reader.ReadToEnd();
コード例 #18
        public void MoveRover()
            Plateau.SetPlateauBounds(10, 10);

            var positionA = new Position(5, 5);
            var headingA = new Heading('N');
            var pathA = new List<char> { 'M', 'M', 'L' };
            var roverA = new Rover(positionA, headingA, new Guid(), pathA);

            var successA = roverA.FollowPath();
            roverA.Position.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(new Position(5, 7));

            var positionB = new Position(4, 4);
            var headingB = new Heading('S');
            var pathB = new List<char> { 'M', 'M', 'M', 'M', 'M' };
            var roverB = new Rover(positionB, headingB, new Guid(), pathB);
            var successB = roverB.FollowPath();
            roverB.Position.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(new Position(4, -1));
コード例 #19
ファイル: NetworkSender.cs プロジェクト: ylyking/lynea
    public void SendHeading(Heading heading)
        Hashtable data = new Hashtable();
        data.Add("x", heading.GetPosition().x);
        data.Add("y", heading.GetPosition().y);
        data.Add("z", heading.GetPosition().z);
        data.Add("a", heading.GetAngle());
        data.Add("t", Convert.ToDouble(heading.GetTime()));
        data.Add("s", heading.GetSpeed().magnitude);
        if (heading.IsAccelerating())
            data.Add("at", Convert.ToDouble(heading.GetAccelerationTime()));
            data.Add("es", heading.GetEndSpeed().magnitude);
            data.Add("at", -1);

        //send heading to server
        SmartFoxClient client = NetworkController.GetClient();
        string extensionName = NetworkController.GetExtensionName();
        client.SendXtMessage(extensionName, "h", data);
コード例 #20
 protected void AssertRobotPosition(int expectedX, int expectedY, Heading expectedHeading, Robot actualRobot)
     Assert.AreEqual(expectedX, actualRobot.XCoordinate);
     Assert.AreEqual(expectedY, actualRobot.YCoordinate);
     Assert.AreEqual(expectedHeading, actualRobot.Direction);
コード例 #21
        public void PurchaseRocket()

            // 2. Create methods accept a generic parameter the type of the web control. Then only the methods for this specific control are accessible.
            // Here we tell BELLATRIX to find your element by name attribute ending with 'orderby'.
            Select sortDropDown = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByNameEndingWith <Select>("orderby");

            // 3. You can select from select inputs by text (SelectByText) or index (SelectByIndex)).
            // Also, you can get the selected option through GetSelected method.
            //    <select name="orderby" class="orderby">
            //       <option value="popularity" selected="selected">Sort by popularity</option>
            //       <option value="rating">Sort by average rating</option>
            //       <option value="date">Sort by newness</option>
            //       <option value="price">Sort by price: low to high</option>
            //       <option value="price-desc">Sort by price: high to low</option>
            //    </select>
            sortDropDown.SelectByText("Sort by price: low to high");

            // 4. Here BELLATRIX finds the first anchor element which has inner text containing the 'Read more' text.
            // <a href='http://demos.bellatrix.solutions/product/proton-m/'>Read more</a>
            Anchor protonMReadMoreButton = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByInnerTextContaining <Anchor>("

            // 5. You can Hover and Focus on most web elements. Also, can invoke Click on anchors.

            // 6. Locate elements by custom attribute. Also, bellow BELLATRIX waits till the anchor is clickable before doing any actions.
            // <a href="/?add-to-cart=28" data-product_id="28">Add to cart</a>
            Anchor addToCartFalcon9 = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByAttributesContaining <Anchor>("data-product_id", "28").ToBeClickable();


            // 7. Find the anchor by class 'added_to_cart wc-forward' and wait for the element again to be clickable.
            // <a href="http://demos.bellatrix.solutions/cart/" class="added_to_cart wc-forward" title="View cart">View cart</a>
            Anchor viewCartButton = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByClassContaining <Anchor>("added_to_cart wc-forward").ToBeClickable();


            // 8. Find a regular input text element by id = 'coupon_code'.
            TextField couponCodeTextField = App.ElementCreateService.CreateById <TextField>("coupon_code");

            // 9. Instead of using vanilla WebDriver SendKeys to set the text, use the SetText method.

            // 10. Create a button control by value attribute containing the text 'Apply coupon'.
            // <input type="submit" class="button" name="apply_coupon" value="Apply coupon">
            // Button can be any of the following web elements- input button, input submit or button.
            Button applyCouponButton = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByValueContaining <Button>("Apply coupon");


            Div messageAlert = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByClassContaining <Div>("woocommerce-message");

            // 11. Wait for the message DIV to show up and have some content.
            // <div class="woocommerce-message" role="alert">Coupon code applied successfully.</div>

            // 12. Sometimes you need to verify the content of some element. However, since the asynchronous nature of websites,
            // the text or event may not happen immediately. This makes the simple Assert methods + vanilla WebDriver useless.
            // The commented code fails 1 from 5 times.
            ////Assert.AreEqual("Coupon code applied successfully.", messageAlert.InnerText);

            // To handle these situations, BELLATRIX has hundreds of Validate methods that wait for some condition to happen before asserting.
            // Bellow the statement waits for the specific text to appear and assert it.
            // Note: There are much more details about these methods in the next chapters.
            messageAlert.ValidateInnerTextIs("Coupon code applied successfully.");

            // 13. Find the number element by class 'input-text qty text'.
            // <input type="number" id="quantity_5ad35e76b34a2" step="1" min="0" max="" value="1" size="4" pattern="[0-9]*" inputmode="numeric">
            Number quantityBox = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByClassContaining <Number>("input-text qty text");

            // 14. For numbers elements, you can set the number and get most of the properties of these elements.

            Span totalSpan = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByXpath <Span>("//*[@class='order-total']//span");

            // 15. The same as the case with the DIV here we wait/assert for the total price SPAN to get updated.
            ////Assert.AreEqual("114.00€", totalSpan.InnerText);
            totalSpan.ValidateInnerTextIs("54.00€", 15000);

            Anchor proceedToCheckout = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByClassContaining <Anchor>("checkout-button button alt wc-forward");


            // 16. As mentioned before, BELLATRIX has special synchronisation mechanism for locating elements, so usually, there is no need to wait for specific
            // elements to appear on the page. However, there may be some rare cases when you need to do it.
            // Bellow the statement finds the heading by its inner text containing the text 'Billing details'.
            Heading billingDetailsHeading = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByInnerTextContaining <Heading>("Billing details");

            // Wait for the heading with the above text to be visible. This means that the correct page is loaded.

            Anchor showLogin = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByInnerTextContaining <Anchor>("Click here to login");

            // 17. All web controls have multiple properties for their most important attributes and Validate methods for their verification.
            ////Assert.AreEqual("http://demos.bellatrix.solutions/checkout/#", showLogin.Href);
            ////Assert.AreEqual("showlogin", showLogin.CssClass);

            TextArea orderCommentsTextArea = App.ElementCreateService.CreateById <TextArea>("order_comments");

            // 18. Here we find the order comments text area and since it is below the visible area we scroll down
            // so that it gets visible on the video recordings. Then the text is set.
            orderCommentsTextArea.SetText("Please send the rocket to my door step! And don't use the elevator, they don't like when it is not clean...");

            TextField billingFirstName = App.ElementCreateService.CreateById <TextField>("billing_first_name");


            TextField billingLastName = App.ElementCreateService.CreateById <TextField>("billing_last_name");


            TextField billingCompany = App.ElementCreateService.CreateById <TextField>("billing_company");

            billingCompany.SetText("Automate The Planet Ltd.");

            Select billingCountry = App.ElementCreateService.CreateById <Select>("billing_country");


            TextField billingAddress1 = App.ElementCreateService.CreateById <TextField>("billing_address_1");

            // 19. Through the Placeholder, you can get the default text of the control.
            Assert.AreEqual("House number and street name", billingAddress1.Placeholder);
            billingAddress1.SetText("bul. Yerusalim 5");

            TextField billingAddress2 = App.ElementCreateService.CreateById <TextField>("billing_address_2");

            billingAddress2.SetText("bul. Yerusalim 6");

            TextField billingCity = App.ElementCreateService.CreateById <TextField>("billing_city");


            Select billingState = App.ElementCreateService.CreateById <Select>("billing_state").ToBeVisible().ToBeClickable();


            TextField billingZip = App.ElementCreateService.CreateById <TextField>("billing_postcode");


            Phone billingPhone = App.ElementCreateService.CreateById <Phone>("billing_phone");

            // 20. Create the special text field control Phone it contains some additional properties unique for this web element.

            Email billingEmail = App.ElementCreateService.CreateById <Email>("billing_email");

            // 21. Here we create the special text field control Email it contains some additional properties unique for this web element.

            CheckBox createAccountCheckBox = App.ElementCreateService.CreateById <CheckBox>("createaccount");

            // 22. You can check and uncheck checkboxes.

            // 23. Bellow BELLATRIX finds the first RadioButton with attribute 'for' containing the value 'payment_method_cheque'.
            RadioButton checkPaymentsRadioButton = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByAttributesContaining <RadioButton>("for", "payment_method_cheque");

            // The radio buttons compared to checkboxes cannot be unchecked/unselected.
コード例 #22
ファイル: Rover.cs プロジェクト: KhaledSabry/PkSoundProblem1
 public Rover(int x, int y, Heading heading) // construct a new rover by knowing its intial location
     this.currentLocation = new RoverPosition(x, y, heading);
コード例 #23
ファイル: Mower.cs プロジェクト: MagL33To/Lawnmowers
 public Mower(Point startingPosition, Heading heading, Point gardenBound)
     Position = startingPosition;
     Heading = heading;
     _gardenBound = gardenBound;
コード例 #24
 public ActionResult AddHeading(Heading p)
     p.HeadingDate = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
コード例 #25
 public ActionResult EditHeading(Heading heading)
コード例 #26
 public void Insert(Heading p)
コード例 #27
ファイル: GpsFix.cs プロジェクト: Gbertaz/GlobosatTrackParser
 private string FormatHeading()
     return(Heading.ToString("0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat));
コード例 #28
 public IElementRenderer CreateHeadingRender(Heading element)
     return(new HtmlHeading((Heading)element));
コード例 #29
 public void Delete(Heading p)
コード例 #30
 /// <summary>Sets the heading.</summary>
 /// <param name="heading">The heading.</param>
 public override void SetHeading(Heading heading)
コード例 #31
 public ActionResult EditHeading(Heading h)
コード例 #32
 public TextHeadingRenderer(Heading heading)
     this.headingElement = heading;
コード例 #33
 public Robot()
     _cmds           = Enumerable.Empty <Command>();
     CurrentLocation = new Position(0, 0);
     CurrentHeading  = Heading.IGNORE;
コード例 #34
 public string ToPoseDegString()
     return(string.Format("X: {0:n3}, Y: {1:n3}, Heading: {2:n2} (deg)", X, Y, Heading.RadToDeg()));
コード例 #35
ファイル: DisplayAlert.cs プロジェクト: KevinGliewe/Goui
        public DisplayAlert(AlertArguments arguments)
            Element = new Div
                AddClassName = "modal-dialog"

            var content = new Div
                AddClassName = "modal-content"

            var header = new Div
                AddClassName = "modal-header"

            _closeButton = new Button
                AddClassName = "close"

            _closeButton.AppendChild(new Span("×"));

            var h4 = new Heading(4)
                Text = arguments.Title


            content.AppendChild(new Div()
                AddClassName = "modal-body",
                Text         = arguments.Message

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments.Cancel))
                var footer = new Div()
                    AddClassName = "modal-footer"

                _cancelButton = new Button(arguments.Cancel)
                    AddClassName = "btn btn-default"
                _cancelButton.Click += (s, e) => SetResult(false);


                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments.Accept))
                    _acceptButton = new Button(arguments.Accept)
                        AddClassName = "btn btn-default"

                    _acceptButton.Click += (s, e) => SetResult(true);



            void SetResult(bool result)
コード例 #36
 private void print(Heading type, string text)
     print(type, text, null);
コード例 #37
ファイル: ManualChannelPage.cs プロジェクト: TabNoc/PiWeb
        public ManualChannelPage(ChannelData channel, ManualPage parent) : base("div")
            const int labelSize = 229;

            _channel = channel;
            SetBorder(BorderKind.Rounded, StylingColor.Secondary);

            #region ExecuteAction

            #region Initialize Grid

            Grid grid = new Grid(this);
            grid.AddStyling(StylingOption.MarginRight, 2);
            grid.AddStyling(StylingOption.MarginLeft, 2);
            grid.AddStyling(StylingOption.MarginTop, 4);
            grid.AddStyling(StylingOption.MarginBottom, 2);

            #endregion Initialize Grid

            #region Init Container

            Container firstContainer = new Container();
            firstContainer.SetBorder(BorderKind.Rounded, StylingColor.Info);
            firstContainer.AddStyling(StylingOption.MarginTop, 3);
            firstContainer.AddStyling(StylingOption.MarginBottom, 1);
            firstContainer.AddStyling(StylingOption.PaddingTop, 3);
            firstContainer.AddStyling(StylingOption.PaddingBottom, 2);
            grid.AddRow().AppendCollum(firstContainer, autoSize: true);

            #endregion Init Container

            #region create Heading

            Heading firstHeading = new Heading(5, "Kanal aktivieren ...");

            #endregion create Heading

            #region duration Input

            MultiInputGroup durationMultiInputGroup = new MultiInputGroup();
            durationMultiInputGroup.AppendLabel("Dauer", labelSize);
            StylableTextInput durationTextInput = durationMultiInputGroup.AppendTextInput("hh:mm:ss");
            durationTextInput.Value = "00:00:00";
            durationMultiInputGroup.AddStyling(StylingOption.MarginBottom, 2);
            durationMultiInputGroup.AppendValidation("", "Das Format der Dauer muss hh:mm:ss sein!", true);

            #endregion duration Input

            #region Master ButtonGroup

            MultiInputGroup masterEnabledMultiInputGroup = new MultiInputGroup();
            masterEnabledMultiInputGroup.AppendLabel("Master Aktivieren", labelSize);
            TwoStateButtonGroup masterEnabledTwoStateButtonGroup = masterEnabledMultiInputGroup.AppendCustomElement(new TwoStateButtonGroup("Ja", "Nein", true, false), false);
            masterEnabledMultiInputGroup.AddStyling(StylingOption.MarginBottom, 2);

            #endregion Master ButtonGroup

            #region StartButton

            Button startButton = new Button(StylingColor.Success, true, text: "Einreihen!", fontAwesomeIcon: "plus-circle", asBlock: true);
            startButton.Click += (o, args) =>
                if (durationTextInput.Value.Split(':').Length != 3 || durationTextInput.Value.Split(':').Any(s => int.TryParse(s, out _) == false))
                    durationTextInput.SetValidation(false, true);
                    durationTextInput.SetValidation(true, false);
                    startButton.IsDisabled = true;
                        CreateChannelAction(channel, TimeSpan.Parse(durationTextInput.Value), masterEnabledTwoStateButtonGroup.FirstButtonActive, 100);

                        startButton.Text = "Wurde Eingereiht";
                        Task.Run(() =>
                            startButton.Text = "Einreihen!";
                            return(startButton.IsDisabled = false);
                    catch (Exception)
                        startButton.Text = "Einreihen fehlgeschlagen";
            startButton.AddStyling(StylingOption.MarginBottom, 2);

            #endregion StartButton

            #endregion ExecuteAction

            #region AddToBatch

            #region Init Container

            Container secondContainer = new Container();
            secondContainer.SetBorder(BorderKind.Rounded, StylingColor.Info);
            secondContainer.AddStyling(StylingOption.MarginTop, 3);
            secondContainer.AddStyling(StylingOption.MarginBottom, 1);
            secondContainer.AddStyling(StylingOption.PaddingTop, 3);
            secondContainer.AddStyling(StylingOption.PaddingBottom, 2);
            grid.AddRow().AppendCollum(secondContainer, autoSize: true);

            #endregion Init Container

            #region create Heading

            Heading heading = new Heading(5, "... als Batch-Auftrag speichern");

            #endregion create Heading

            #region batchName Input

            MultiInputGroup batchNameMultiInputGroup = new MultiInputGroup();
            batchNameMultiInputGroup.AddStyling(StylingOption.MarginTop, 4);
            batchNameMultiInputGroup.AppendLabel("Name für den Batch-Auftrag:");
            StylableTextInput batchNameTextInput = batchNameMultiInputGroup.AppendTextInput("Name?");
            batchNameMultiInputGroup.AppendValidation("", "Der Name ist bereits vergeben", true);

            #endregion batchName Input

            Button appendToBatchButton = new Button(StylingColor.Success, true, text: "Als Batch-Auftrag speichern", fontAwesomeIcon: "save", asBlock: true);
            appendToBatchButton.AddStyling(StylingOption.MarginTop, 2);
            appendToBatchButton.Click += (sender, args) =>
                if (batchNameTextInput.Value == "")
                    batchNameTextInput.SetValidation(false, true);
                if (PageStorage <ManualData> .Instance.StorageData.BatchEntries.Any(entry => entry.Name == batchNameTextInput.Value))
                    batchNameTextInput.SetValidation(false, true);
                    batchNameTextInput.SetValidation(true, false);
                    PageStorage <ManualData> .Instance.StorageData.BatchEntries.Add(new BatchEntry(batchNameTextInput.Value, channel.ChannelId, TimeSpan.Parse(durationTextInput.Value), masterEnabledTwoStateButtonGroup.FirstButtonActive, 100));


            #endregion AddToBatch
コード例 #38
ファイル: Truck.cs プロジェクト: nsacandy/GroupHFrogger
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Truck" /> class.</summary>
 /// <param name="heading">The heading of the Sprite</param>
 public Truck(Heading heading)
     Sprite = new TruckSprite();
コード例 #39
        private static async Task SeedChecklist(DataContext context, ILogger <DataContext> logger)
                var anyCheckListExist = await context.CheckLists.AnyAsync();

                if (!anyCheckListExist)
                    ChecklistService service = new ChecklistService(context);
                    int subAdminId           = service.GetSubAdminIdByText("Sub-Admin1");

                    var checkListDto = new CheckListDto {
                        HubName = "Indoctrination Form on Health, Safety and Environment for Hub 1",
                        Heading = "Emergency  Procedures", SubAdminId = subAdminId
                    var checklist = await service.Create(checkListDto);

                    #region/* Emergency  Procedures */
                    var question2 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = checklist.HeadingId, CheckListId = checklist.Id,
                        Content       = "⦁  1st Alarm,warning alarm – Wait for further instruction.", HeaderText = "In the event of fire emergency"
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question2);

                    var question3 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = checklist.HeadingId, CheckListId = checklist.Id,
                        Content       = "⦁	  2nd Alarm, evacuation alarm – Proceed to assembly area in an orderly manner.",
                        FooterText    = "Note: Do not re-enter the premises or take the lift."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question3);


                    #region/* Company policies  */
                    var heading = new Heading {
                        CheckListId = checkListDto.Id, HeadingType = HeadingType.MainHeading, Content = "Company policies"
                    var headingResult = await service.AddHeading(heading);

                    var question5 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = headingResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id,
                        Content       = "Quality and performance policy."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question5);

                    var question6 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = headingResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id,
                        Content       = "Health, safety and environment policy."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question6);

                    var question7 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = headingResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id,
                        Content       = "Alcohol and substance abuse policy."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question7);

                    var question8 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = headingResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id,
                        Content       = "Security policy."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question8);


                    #region/* Associated Hazards - headings   */
                    var hazardHeading = new Heading {
                        CheckListId = checkListDto.Id, HeadingType = HeadingType.MainHeading, Content = "Associated Hazards"
                    var hazardResult = await service.AddHeading(hazardHeading);

                    var generalHeading = new Heading {
                        CheckListId = checkListDto.Id, HeadingType = HeadingType.SubHeading, Content = "General Hazard"
                    var generalResult = await service.AddHeading(generalHeading);

                    var specificHeading = new Heading {
                        CheckListId = checkListDto.Id, HeadingType = HeadingType.SubHeading, Content = "Site Specific Hazards or Concern"
                    var specificResult = await service.AddHeading(specificHeading);

                    var healthHeading = new Heading {
                        CheckListId = checkListDto.Id, HeadingType = HeadingType.SubOfSubHeading, Content = "Health and Safety hazards"
                    var healtResult = await service.AddHeading(healthHeading);

                    var warehouseHeading = new Heading {
                        CheckListId = checkListDto.Id, HeadingType = HeadingType.SubOfSubHeading, Content = "Warehouse"
                    var warehouseResult = await service.AddHeading(warehouseHeading);

                    var bayHeading = new Heading {
                        CheckListId = checkListDto.Id, HeadingType = HeadingType.SubOfSubHeading, Content = "Loading bay"
                    var bayResult = await service.AddHeading(bayHeading);


                    #region /*  Health and Safety hazards  */
                    var question9 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId     = hazardResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id, SubHeadingId = generalResult.Id,
                        SubOfSubHeadingId = healtResult.Id, Content = "Electrical hazards."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question9);

                    var question10 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId     = hazardResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id, SubHeadingId = generalResult.Id,
                        SubOfSubHeadingId = healtResult.Id, Content = "Fire hazards."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question10);

                    var question11 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId     = hazardResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id, SubHeadingId = generalResult.Id,
                        SubOfSubHeadingId = healtResult.Id, Content = "Mechanical hazards."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question11);

                    var question12 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId     = hazardResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id, SubHeadingId = generalResult.Id,
                        SubOfSubHeadingId = healtResult.Id, Content = "Falls from height/Falling objects."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question12);

                    var question13 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId     = hazardResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id, SubHeadingId = generalResult.Id,
                        SubOfSubHeadingId = healtResult.Id, Content = "Ergonomic hazards (manual handling hazards)."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question13);

                    var question14 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId     = hazardResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id, SubHeadingId = generalResult.Id,
                        SubOfSubHeadingId = healtResult.Id, Content = "Slip, trip and fall."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question14);

                    var question15 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId     = hazardResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id, SubHeadingId = generalResult.Id,
                        SubOfSubHeadingId = healtResult.Id, Content = "Chemical hazards."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question15);


                    #region /*  Warehouse  */
                    var question16 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId     = hazardResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id, SubHeadingId = specificResult.Id,
                        SubOfSubHeadingId = warehouseResult.Id, Content = "Forklift & MHE movement."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question16);

                    var question17 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId     = hazardResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id, SubHeadingId = specificResult.Id,
                        SubOfSubHeadingId = warehouseResult.Id, Content = "Charging of Forklift and MHE."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question17);

                    var question18 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId     = hazardResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id, SubHeadingId = specificResult.Id,
                        SubOfSubHeadingId = warehouseResult.Id, Content = "Housekeeping."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question18);

                    var question19 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId     = hazardResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id, SubHeadingId = specificResult.Id,
                        SubOfSubHeadingId = warehouseResult.Id, Content = "Charging of micro-battery."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question19);


                    #region /*  Loading bay  */
                    var question20 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId     = hazardResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id, SubHeadingId = specificResult.Id,
                        SubOfSubHeadingId = bayResult.Id, Content = "Trip and fall over dock leveler."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question20);

                    var question21 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId     = hazardResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id, SubHeadingId = specificResult.Id,
                        SubOfSubHeadingId = bayResult.Id, Content = "Loading and unloading hazards."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question21);


                    #region Risk Assessment
                    var riskHeading = new Heading {
                        CheckListId = checkListDto.Id, HeadingType = HeadingType.MainHeading, Content = "Risk Assessment"
                    var riskResult = await service.AddHeading(riskHeading);

                    var question22 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = riskHeading.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id,
                        Content       = "Understand hazard identification, risk evaluation and control measures."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question22);


                    #region General Security, Health and Safety Rules
                    var securityHeading = new Heading {
                        CheckListId = checkListDto.Id, HeadingType = HeadingType.MainHeading, Content = "General Security, Health and Safety Rules"
                    var securityResult = await service.AddHeading(securityHeading);

                    var question23 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = securityResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id,
                        Content       = "No obstruction of Fire Fighting equipment, Emergency Exit/ stairway and Fireman Access point."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question23);

                    var question24 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = securityResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id,
                        Content       = "No smoking in the warehouse and office area."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question24);

                    var question25 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = securityResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id,
                        Content       = "No operating of forklift without valid forklift license."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question25);

                    var question26 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = securityResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id,
                        Content       = "Always observe warning signs and notices."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question26);

                    var question27 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = securityResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id,
                        Content       = "Comply with good housekeeping and hygiene habits."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question27);

                    var question28 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = securityResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id,
                        Content       = "Report all accident, injuries or near miss to your supervisor or manager."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question28);

                    var question29 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = securityResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id,
                        Content       = "After any injuries, consult first aiders immediately. If required, visit the doctor with your immediate supervisor."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question29);

                    var question30 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = securityResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id,
                        Content       = "No entry into quarantine or unauthorized area without the escort from host."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question30);


                    #region Environmental Rules
                    var environmentHeading = new Heading {
                        CheckListId = checkListDto.Id, HeadingType = HeadingType.MainHeading, Content = "Environmental Rules"
                    var environmentResult = await service.AddHeading(environmentHeading);

                    var question31 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = environmentResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id,
                        Content       = "Minimizing the environmental impact to our facility by reducing the consumption of natural resources, and the generation of waste and emissions related to the project, and practicing water conservation. "
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question31);

                    var question32 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = environmentResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id,
                        Content       = "Switch off vehicle engine when doing loading and unloading to reduce pollution."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question32);

                    var question33 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = environmentResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id,
                        Content       = "Comply with 3 Rs practice. (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle)."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question33);


                    #region Schedule of PPE in warehouse
                    var scheduleHeading = new Heading {
                        CheckListId = checkListDto.Id, HeadingType = HeadingType.MainHeading, Content = "Schedule of PPE in warehouse"
                    var scheduleResult = await service.AddHeading(scheduleHeading);

                    var mandatoryHeading = new Heading {
                        CheckListId = checkListDto.Id, HeadingType = HeadingType.SubHeading, Content = "Mandatory"
                    var mandatoryResult = await service.AddHeading(mandatoryHeading);

                    var ifHeading = new Heading {
                        CheckListId = checkListDto.Id, HeadingType = HeadingType.SubHeading, Content = "If applicable"
                    var ifResult = await service.AddHeading(ifHeading);

                    var question34 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = scheduleResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id, SubHeadingId = mandatoryResult.Id,
                        Content       = "Safety boots"
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question34);

                    var question35 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = scheduleResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id, SubHeadingId = mandatoryResult.Id,
                        Content       = "Visibility Vest/ Bolloré Uniform"
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question35);

                    var question36 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = scheduleResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id, SubHeadingId = ifResult.Id,
                        Content       = "Gloves"
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question36);


                    #region/* Legal Requirement  */
                    var legalHeading = new Heading {
                        CheckListId = checkListDto.Id, HeadingType = HeadingType.MainHeading, Content = "Legal Requirement"
                    var legalHeadingResult = await service.AddHeading(legalHeading);

                    var question37 = new Question {
                        MainHeadingId = legalHeadingResult.Id, CheckListId = checklist.Id,
                        Content       = "The main legal requirements that were complied (Fire Safety Act, Workplace Safety & Health act, Environmental Protection & Management Act)."
                    await service.CreateQuestion(question37);

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.LogError("Error in checklist seed: ", ex);
コード例 #40
 private void print(Heading type, string text, object[] p)
     Program.printf(getHeading(type) + " " + text, p);
コード例 #41
 public UnjustifiedLineBuilder(IFormatObject[] objectList, Heading heading)
     _objectList = objectList;
     _heading = heading;
コード例 #42
 public ActionResult EditHeading(Heading p)
コード例 #43
ファイル: Pointer.cs プロジェクト: aspyct/Traq
		public void UpdateDeviceHeading (Heading deviceHeading)
			lastDeviceBearing = deviceHeading.Degrees;
コード例 #44
 private string getHeading(Heading h)
     return("§7[§r" + headings[(int)h] + "§7]§r");
コード例 #45
ファイル: Flat.cs プロジェクト: li5414/UnityFlatEditor
 public static void Title(string text, Heading heading, string secondaryText = null, bool centered = false)
     Text.Title(text, heading, centered, secondaryText);
コード例 #46
 public HtmlHeading(Heading element)
     this.element = element;
コード例 #47
ファイル: HeadingSender.cs プロジェクト: ylyking/lynea
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     lastState = new Heading();
コード例 #48
 public override void TestInit()
     App.Navigation.NavigateToLocalPage(ConfigurationService.GetSection <TestPagesSettings>().LayoutPricingPage);
     _free       = App.Components.CreateByXpath <Heading>("/html/body/div[3]/div/div[1]/div[1]/h4");
     _getStarted = App.Components.CreateByXpath <Button>("//*[text()='Get started']");
コード例 #49
 public override void TestInit()
     App.NavigationService.NavigateToLocalPage(ConfigurationService.GetSection <TestPagesSettings>().LayoutPricingPage);
     _free = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByXpath <Heading>("/html/body/div[3]/div/div[1]/div[1]/h4");
     _pro  = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByXpath <Heading>("/html/body/div[3]/div/div[2]/div[1]/h4");
コード例 #50
 public void HeadingAdd(Heading heading)
コード例 #51
ファイル: JustifiedLine.cs プロジェクト: karak/Geovanni
 internal JustifiedLine(IEnumerable<InlineElement> source, Heading heading)
     _texts = source.ToArray();
     _heading = heading;
コード例 #52
 public void HeadingUpdate(Heading heading)
コード例 #53
 public void Update(Heading p)
コード例 #54
 public Robot(int x, int y, Heading heading = Heading.N)
     Position  = new Position(x, y);
     Heading   = heading;
     Penalties = 0;
コード例 #55
ファイル: West.cs プロジェクト: vensure/mars.rover
 public bool Equals(Heading other)
     if (null == other) return false;
     return other is West;
コード例 #56
        private void FindSubheading(IExcelDataReader excelReader, string s)
                string s2 = ReadCell(excelReader, 0);
                if (s2 != null)
                    string head = GetNormalString(@"^\d+ (.*)", s2);

                    if (headings.ContainsKey(head))
                        currentHeading = headings[head];
                        var heiding = new Heading()
                            HeadingName = head
                        headings.Add(head, heiding.HeadingId);
                        currentHeading = heiding.HeadingId;
                string str = GetNormalString(@"^\d.\d+ (.*)", s);
                if (str == "Общие показатели")
                    var tempSubhead = Context.Subheadings
                                      .Select(x => new Subheading {
                        SubheadingId = x.SubheadingId, SubheadingName = x.SubheadingName, HeadingId = x.HeadingId
                                      .Where(x => x.SubheadingName == str && x.HeadingId == currentHeading).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (tempSubhead == null)
                        var subh = new Subheading()
                            SubheadingName = str, HeadingId = currentHeading
                        currentSubHead = subh.SubheadingId;
                        currentSubHead = tempSubhead.SubheadingId;
                    if (subheadings.ContainsKey(str))
                        currentSubHead = subheadings[str];
                        var subh = new Subheading()
                            SubheadingName = str, HeadingId = currentHeading
                        subheadings.Add(str, subh.SubheadingId);
                        currentSubHead = subh.SubheadingId;
            catch (Exception e) { }
コード例 #57
ファイル: Rover.cs プロジェクト: p07r0457/MarsRover
 /// <summary>Create a new rover</summary>
 /// <param name="mySurface">What (Surface) should the rover land on?</param>
 /// <param name="startingPosition">What (Point) does the rover originate at?</param>
 /// <param name="directionFacing">What (Heading) is our rover point in?</param>
 public Rover(Surface mySurface, Point startingPosition, Heading directionFacing)
     this.parent = mySurface;
     this.Direction = directionFacing;
     this.crashLanded = !this.parent.AddObject(this, startingPosition);
コード例 #58
 public void Flee(float pace)
     Heading = -1 * (pursuer.transform.position - this.transform.position);
     this.gameObject.transform.Translate(Heading * Traits[2] * pace / 50f, Space.World);
コード例 #59
ファイル: Player.cs プロジェクト: schonstal/BLOODBALL
        public Player(PlayerIndex playerIndex, Team team, Vector2 submatrix,
        CourtPosition position)
            : base()
            this.playerIndex = playerIndex;
              this.team = team;
              spriteSubmatrix = submatrix;
              heading = Heading.Forward;

              courtPosition = position;
              switch (position) {
            case CourtPosition.TopLeft:
              x = 15;
              y = 65;
            case CourtPosition.TopRight:
              x = 414;
              y = 65;
            case CourtPosition.BottomLeft:
              x = 15;
              y = 180;
            case CourtPosition.BottomRight:
              x = 414;
              y = 180;

              maxSpeed = MAX_RUN_SPEED;
              drag = new Vector2(CONTROL_DRAG,CONTROL_DRAG);

              loadGraphic("player", 34, 34);
              characterOffset.X = submatrix.X * atlas.Width / 2;
              characterOffset.Y = submatrix.Y * atlas.Height / 2;

              sheetOffset.X = characterOffset.X;

              playerGlow = new PlayerGlow(this);

              addAnimation("idle", new List<int> { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, 10, true);

              addAnimation("runForward", new List<int> { 12, 13, 14, 15 }, 15, true);
              addAnimation("runBackward", new List<int> { 16, 17, 18, 19 }, 15, true);
              addAnimation("runUpForward", new List<int> { 4, 5, 6, 7 }, 15, true);
              addAnimation("runDownForward", new List<int> { 8, 9, 10, 11 }, 15, true);
              addAnimation("runUpBackward", new List<int> { 8, 11, 10, 9 }, 15, true);
              addAnimation("runDownBackward", new List<int> { 6, 5, 4, 7 }, 15, true);

              addAnimation("throw", new List<int> { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, 10, false);
              addAnimation("throwReturn", new List<int> { 4, 4 }, 20, false);
              addAnimationCallback("throw", onThrowCallback);
              addOnCompleteCallback("throw", onThrowCompleteCallback);
              addOnCompleteCallback("throwReturn", onThrowReturnCompleteCallback);

              addAnimation("hurt", new List<int> { 5 });
              addAnimation("hurtFall", new List<int> { 6, 7 }, 10, false);
              addAnimation("hurtRecover", new List<int> { 8, 8 }, 20, false);
              addOnCompleteCallback("hurtRecover", onHurtRecoverCompleteCallback);
              addAnimationCallback("hurtFall", onHurtFallCallback);

              addAnimation("parry", new List<int> { 10, 9, 9, 10 }, 40, false);
              addAnimation("parryReturn", new List<int> { 10, 10 }, 20, false);
              addOnCompleteCallback("parryReturn", onParryReturn);

              throwOffsets[(int)Heading.Up] = new Vector2[3] {
              new Vector2(0, 0),
              new Vector2(0, 0),
              new Vector2(0, 0)
              throwOffsets[(int)Heading.UpMid] = new Vector2[3] {
              new Vector2(0, 0),
              new Vector2(0, 0),
              new Vector2(0, 0)
              throwOffsets[(int)Heading.Forward] = new Vector2[3] {
              new Vector2(1, 0),
              new Vector2(3, 0),
              new Vector2(1, 0)
              throwOffsets[(int)Heading.DownMid] = new Vector2[3] {
              new Vector2(0, 0),
              new Vector2(0, 0),
              new Vector2(0, 0)
              throwOffsets[(int)Heading.Down] = new Vector2[3] {
              new Vector2(0, 0),
              new Vector2(0, 0),
              new Vector2(0, 0)

              //We can change this to use Heading later if needed
              fallOffsets = new Vector2[2] {
            new Vector2(-4, 0),
            new Vector2(-11, 0)

              //No actual hit yet, this should substitute for now
              addAnimation("hit", new List<int> { 12, 13, 14, 15 }, 60, true);

              height = 22;
              offset.Y = -5;
              width = 18;
              offset.X = -9;

              shadow = new PlayerShadow(this);

              retical = new Retical(playerIndex, team);
              retical.visible = false;

              blood = new BloodSpatter(this);
コード例 #60
 public void MoveTowards(Vector3 position, float pace)
     Heading = position - this.transform.position;
     this.gameObject.transform.Translate(Heading * Traits[2] * pace / 50f, Space.World);