public virtual void MapTypes(List <Type> allTypes, NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration cfg, Func <string, string> formatter) { var m = new HbmMapping(); m.Items = allTypes.Select(t => { var sc = new HbmSubclass(); = GetName(t); sc.extends = GetName(t.BaseType); sc.discriminatorvalue = map.GetOrCreateDefinition(t).Discriminator ?? t.Name; sc.lazy = false; sc.lazySpecified = true; var propertyMappings = GetPersistables(t) .Select(p => p.Attribute.GetPropertyMapping(p.DeclaringProperty, formatter)) .ToList(); if (propertyMappings.Count > 0) { if (sc.Items == null) { sc.Items = propertyMappings.ToArray(); } else { sc.Items = sc.Items.Union(propertyMappings).ToArray(); } } return(sc); }).ToArray(); var dbg = m.AsString(); cfg.AddDeserializedMapping(m, "N2"); }
private static void ShowOutputXmlMappings(HbmMapping mapping) { var outputXmlMappings = mapping.AsString(); Console.WriteLine(outputXmlMappings); File.WriteAllText(OutputXmlMappingsFile, outputXmlMappings); }
private static void ExportHbmMappingsXml(HbmMapping hbmMapping, string name, string exportPath) { using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(File.Open(Path.Combine(exportPath, name + ".hbm.xml"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))) { tw.Write(hbmMapping.AsString()); } }
public void XmlMapping() { IHbmMapping mapper = new TestsSimpleModelMapper(new TestsMappingAssemblies()); HbmMapping hbmMapping = mapper.GetHbmMapping(); if (hbmMapping != null) { Console.WriteLine(hbmMapping.AsString()); } }
private void ShowOutputXmlMappings(HbmMapping mapping) { if (!ShowLogs) { return; } var output = mapping.AsString(); Console.WriteLine(output); }
private void showOutputXmlMappings(HbmMapping mapping) { if (!ShowLogs) { return; } var outputXmlMappings = mapping.AsString(); Console.WriteLine(outputXmlMappings); File.WriteAllText(OutputXmlMappingsFile, outputXmlMappings); }
private void LoadClassMappings(Configuration configuration) { var mapper = new ModelMapper(); mapper.AddMappings(GetClassMappings()); HbmMapping mapping = mapper.CompileMappingForAllExplicitlyAddedEntities(); configuration.AddMapping(mapping); logger.WriteLine(mapping.AsString()); }
private static void showOutputXmlMappings(HbmMapping mapping, bool showLogs, string outputXmlMappingsFile) { if (!showLogs) { return; } var outputXmlMappings = mapping.AsString(); Console.WriteLine(outputXmlMappings); var path = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData("DataDirectory").ToString(), outputXmlMappingsFile); File.WriteAllText(path, outputXmlMappings); }
private void showOutputXmlMappings(HbmMapping mapping) { var outputXmlMappings = mapping.AsString(); if (ShowLogs) { Console.WriteLine(outputXmlMappings); } if (OutputXmlMappingsFile == null) { return; } File.WriteAllText(OutputXmlMappingsFile, outputXmlMappings); }
static void MappingByCode() { Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); cfg.Configure(); var mapper = new ModelMapper(); mapper.AddMapping(typeof(DoctorByCodeMapping)); HbmMapping mapping = mapper.CompileMappingForAllExplicitlyAddedEntities(); //输出编译好的XML映射 Trace.WriteLine(mapping.AsString()); cfg.AddMapping(mapping); SessionFactory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory(); }
public void ExclusionDemo() { var orm = new ObjectRelationalMapper(); orm.Patterns.Poids.Add(new MyPoidProperty()); // <== recognize the property representing the POID IPatternsAppliersHolder patternsAppliers = (new CoolPatternsAppliersHolder(orm)) .UnionWith(new MyTablesAndColumnsNamingPack()); // <=== Note the usage of UnionWith instead Merge var mapper = new Mapper(orm, patternsAppliers); // The strategy to represent classes is not important orm.TablePerClass <PorBoxEO>(); orm.TablePerClass <PorEO>(); // Show the mapping to the console HbmMapping mapping = mapper.CompileMappingFor(new[] { typeof(PorEO), typeof(PorBoxEO) }); Console.Write(mapping.AsString()); }
public virtual void MapTypes(List <Type> allTypes, NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration cfg, Func <string, string> formatter) { var m = new HbmMapping(); m.Items = allTypes.Select(t => { var sc = new HbmSubclass(); = GetName(t); sc.extends = GetName(t.BaseType); sc.discriminatorvalue = map.GetOrCreateDefinition(t).Discriminator ?? t.Name; sc.lazy = false; sc.lazySpecified = true; var propertyMappings = GetPersistables(t) .Select(p => p.Attribute.GetPropertyMapping(p.DeclaringProperty, formatter)) .ToList(); if (propertyMappings.Count > 0) { if (sc.Items == null) { sc.Items = propertyMappings.ToArray(); } else { sc.Items = sc.Items.Union(propertyMappings).ToArray(); } } logger.DebugFormat("Generating subclass {0} with discriminator {1} extending {2} with {3} items ({4} property mappings)",, sc.discriminatorvalue, sc.extends, sc.Items != null ? sc.Items.Length.ToString() : "(null)", propertyMappings.Count); return(sc); }).ToArray(); if (Debugger.IsAttached) { var dbg = m.AsString(); } cfg.AddDeserializedMapping(m, "N2"); }
public void ComposingPatternsAppliersPacks() { // Thanks to Lorenzo Vegetti to provide the domain of this example. // This example refers to a little-domain, interesting from the point of view of mapping with ConfORM. // Here you can see how apply general convetion, how and when compose patterns-appliers-packs and patterns-appliers, // how ConfORM can apply different mapping depending on the type of enum (see the difference on CostOptions) and so on... // You don't have to organize the mapping all in one class, as in this example, and you don't have to use the IModuleMapping... // You can organize the mapping as you feel more confortable for your application; in some case a class is enough, in other cases would // be better the separation per module/concern, you are not closed in "mapping per class" box. var orm = new ObjectRelationalMapper(); // With the follow line I'm adding the pattern for the POID strategy ("native" instead the default "High-Low") orm.Patterns.PoidStrategies.Add(new NativePoidPattern()); // composition of patterns-appliers-packs and patterns-appliers for Lorenzo's domain // Note: for bidirectional-one-to-many association Lorenzo is not interested in the default cascade behavior, // implemented in the BidirectionalOneToManyRelationPack, because he is using a sort of soft-delete in his base class VersionModelBase. // He can implements a custom pack of patterns-appliers to manage the situation when classes does not inherits from VersionModelBase by the way // he don't want the cascade atall, so the BidirectionalOneToManyInverseApplier will be enough IPatternsAppliersHolder patternsAppliers = (new SafePropertyAccessorPack()) .Merge(new OneToOneRelationPack(orm)) .Merge(new BidirectionalManyToManyRelationPack(orm)) .Merge(new DiscriminatorValueAsClassNamePack(orm)) .Merge(new CoolColumnsNamingPack(orm)) .Merge(new TablePerClassPack()) .Merge(new PluralizedTablesPack(orm, new EnglishInflector())) .Merge(new ListIndexAsPropertyPosColumnNameApplier()) .Merge(new BidirectionalOneToManyInverseApplier(orm)) .Merge(new EnumAsStringPack()) .Merge(new DatePropertyByNameApplier()) .Merge(new MsSQL2008DateTimeApplier()); // Instancing the Mapper using the result of Merge var mapper = new Mapper(orm, patternsAppliers); // Setting the version property using the base class orm.VersionProperty <VersionModelBase>(v => v.Version); // Note: I'm declaring the strategy only for the base entity orm.TablePerClassHierarchy <Cost>(); orm.TablePerClass <EditionQuotation>(); orm.TablePerClass <ProductQuotation>(); orm.TablePerClass <Quotation>(); AppliesGeneralConventions(mapper); // EditionQuotation.PrintCost don't use lazy-loading mapper.Customize <EditionQuotation>(map => map.ManyToOne(eq => eq.PrintCost, m2o => m2o.Lazy(LazyRelation.NoLazy))); // Customizes some others DDL's stuff outside conventions CustomizeColumns(mapper); // Note : I have to create mappings for the whole domain HbmMapping mapping = mapper.CompileMappingFor( typeof(GenericModelBase <>).Assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => t.Namespace == typeof(GenericModelBase <>).Namespace)); Console.Write(mapping.AsString()); }
public static void ShowInConsole(this HbmMapping mapping) { Console.WriteLine(mapping.AsString()); }
public void Compile(NHcfg.Configuration configuration) { var mapper = new ModelMapperWithNamingConventions(); mapper.IsEntity((type, declared) => MappingHelper.IsEntity(type)); mapper.IsRootEntity((type, declared) => MappingHelper.IsRootEntity(type)); mapper.IsTablePerClass((type, declared) => { var discriminator = MappingHelper.GetDiscriminatorColumn(type); return(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(discriminator)); }); mapper.IsTablePerClassHierarchy((type, declared) => { var discriminator = MappingHelper.GetDiscriminatorColumn(type); return(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(discriminator)); }); mapper.IsTablePerConcreteClass((type, declared) => false); mapper.IsOneToMany((mi, declared) => { if (Attribute.IsDefined(mi, (typeof(ManyToManyAttribute)))) { return(false); } return(declared || _defaultMapper.ModelInspector.IsOneToMany(mi)); }); mapper.IsManyToMany((mi, declared) => { if (Attribute.IsDefined(mi, (typeof(ManyToManyAttribute)))) { return(true); } return(declared || _defaultMapper.ModelInspector.IsManyToAny(mi)); }); mapper.IsPersistentProperty((mi, declared) => { if (!NhMappingHelper.IsPersistentProperty(mi)) { return(false); } return(_defaultMapper.ModelInspector.IsPersistentProperty(mi)); }); mapper.BeforeMapSubclass += (modelInspector, type, subclassCustomizer) => { var discriminatorValue = MappingHelper.GetDiscriminatorValue(type); subclassCustomizer.DiscriminatorValue(discriminatorValue); var joinPropAttribute = type.GetAttribute <JoinedPropertyAttribute>(); if (joinPropAttribute != null) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(joinPropAttribute.TableName)) { throw new Exception($"{nameof(JoinedPropertyAttribute.TableName)} is mandatory for `{joinPropAttribute.GetType().Name}`, check class `{type.FullName}`"); } if (subclassCustomizer is NMIMPL.SubclassMapper subclassMapper) { // add join with provided table name, all properties will be added using current conventions and placed to the corresponding group using SplitGroupId = TableName subclassMapper.Join(joinPropAttribute.TableName, j => { j.Table(joinPropAttribute.TableName); j.Fetch(FetchKind.Join); j.Key(k => { k.Column("Id"); }); }); } } }; mapper.SplitsFor((type, definedSplits) => { var splits = definedSplits.ToList(); if (type.Name.Contains("TestProcessConfiguration")) { } var joinPropAttribute = type.GetAttribute <JoinedPropertyAttribute>(); if (joinPropAttribute != null && !splits.Contains(joinPropAttribute.TableName)) { splits.Add(joinPropAttribute.TableName); } return(splits); }); mapper.IsTablePerClassSplit((definition, b) => true); mapper.BeforeMapElement += (modelInspector, member, collectionRelationElementCustomizer) => { }; mapper.BeforeMapProperty += (modelInspector, member, propertyCustomizer) => { var propertyType = member.LocalMember.GetPropertyOrFieldType(); var columnName = MappingHelper.GetColumnName(member.LocalMember); string sqlType = null; IType columnType = null; if (propertyType == typeof(DateTime) || propertyType == typeof(DateTime?)) { columnType = NHibernateUtil.DateTime; sqlType = "DateTime"; } else if (member.LocalMember.GetAttribute <StringLengthAttribute>()?.MaximumLength == int.MaxValue) //if (Attribute.IsDefined(member.LocalMember, (typeof(StringClobAttribute)))) { columnType = NHibernateUtil.StringClob; sqlType = "nvarchar(max)"; } if (columnType != null) { propertyCustomizer.Type(columnType); } if (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(member.LocalMember, typeof(ReadonlyPropertyAttribute), true) is ReadonlyPropertyAttribute readonlyAttribute) { propertyCustomizer.Insert(readonlyAttribute.Insert); propertyCustomizer.Update(readonlyAttribute.Update); } propertyCustomizer.Column(c => { c.Name(columnName); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sqlType)) { c.SqlType(sqlType); } }); }; mapper.IsPersistentId((mi, d) => { var isId = mi.Name.Equals("Id", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); return(isId); }); mapper.BeforeMapClass += (modelInspector, type, classCustomizer) => { var tableName = MappingHelper.GetTableName(type); classCustomizer.Table(tableName); var imMutable = type.HasAttribute <ImMutableAttribute>(true); if (imMutable) { classCustomizer.Mutable(false); } if (MappingHelper.IsEntity(type)) { try { var idProp = type.GetProperty("Id"); if (idProp != null) // note: Id may be missing when entity has hand-written mapping but isn't derived from EntityWithTypedId<> (for example: NhIdentityUserLogin) { if (tableName.StartsWith("Abp") && (idProp.PropertyType == typeof(Int64) || idProp.PropertyType == typeof(int))) { // temporary map `Abp` tables without hilo classCustomizer.Id(p => { p.Column("Id"); p.Generator(NHGens.Identity); }); } else { var idColumn = idProp.GetAttribute <ColumnAttribute>()?.Name ?? "Id"; // get Id mapper var idMapper = _idMapper.Invoke(idProp.PropertyType); if (idMapper != null) { classCustomizer.Id(p => { idMapper.Invoke(p); p.Column(idColumn); }); } } } else { } } catch (Exception e) { throw; } } var discriminatorColumn = MappingHelper.GetDiscriminatorColumn(type); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(discriminatorColumn)) { classCustomizer.Discriminator(d => { d.Column(discriminatorColumn); if (MappingHelper.GetFilterUnknownDiscriminatorsFlag(type)) { d.Force(true); } }); var discriminatorValue = MappingHelper.GetDiscriminatorValue(type); classCustomizer.DiscriminatorValue(discriminatorValue); } // IMayHaveTenant support if (typeof(IMayHaveTenant).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { classCustomizer.Filter("MayHaveTenant", m => { }); } // ISoftDelete support if (typeof(ISoftDelete).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { classCustomizer.Filter("SoftDelete", m => { }); } }; mapper.BeforeMapManyToOne += (modelInspector, propertyPath, map) => { string columnPrefix = MappingHelper.GetColumnPrefix(propertyPath.LocalMember.DeclaringType); var lazyAttribute = propertyPath.LocalMember.GetAttribute <LazyAttribute>(true); var lazyRelation = lazyAttribute != null?lazyAttribute.GetLazyRelation() : _defaultLazyRelation; if (lazyRelation != null) { map.Lazy(lazyRelation); } var foreignKeyAttribute = propertyPath.LocalMember.GetAttribute <ForeignKeyAttribute>(true); var foreignKeyColumn = foreignKeyAttribute != null ? foreignKeyAttribute.Name : columnPrefix + propertyPath.LocalMember.Name + "Id"; //map.NotFound(NotFoundMode.Ignore); disabled due to performance issues, this option breaks lazy loading map.Column(foreignKeyColumn); var directlyMappedFk = propertyPath.LocalMember.DeclaringType?.GetProperty(foreignKeyColumn); if (foreignKeyColumn.ToLower() == "id" || directlyMappedFk != null) { map.Insert(false); map.Update(false); } var cascadeAttribute = propertyPath.LocalMember.GetAttribute <CascadeAttribute>(true); map.Cascade(cascadeAttribute?.Cascade ?? Cascade.Persist); map.Class(propertyPath.LocalMember.GetPropertyOrFieldType()); }; mapper.BeforeMapBag += (modelInspector, propertyPath, map) => { var inversePropertyAttribute = propertyPath.LocalMember.GetAttribute <InversePropertyAttribute>(true); if (inversePropertyAttribute != null) { map.Key(keyMapper => keyMapper.Column(inversePropertyAttribute.Property)); } else { map.Key(keyMapper => keyMapper.Column(propertyPath.GetContainerEntity(modelInspector).Name + "Id")); } map.Cascade(Cascade.All); map.Lazy(CollectionLazy.Lazy); var bagMapper = map as NMIMPL.BagMapper; var manyToManyAttribute = propertyPath.LocalMember.GetAttribute <ManyToManyAttribute>(true); if (manyToManyAttribute != null) { map.Cascade(Cascade.None); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(manyToManyAttribute.Table)) { map.Table(manyToManyAttribute.Table); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(manyToManyAttribute.KeyColumn)) { map.Key(keyMapper => keyMapper.Column(manyToManyAttribute.KeyColumn)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(manyToManyAttribute.Where)) { map.Where(manyToManyAttribute.Where); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(manyToManyAttribute.OrderBy)) { map.OrderBy(manyToManyAttribute.OrderBy); } } else { if (bagMapper != null && typeof(ISoftDelete).IsAssignableFrom(bagMapper.ElementType)) { //TODO: Check IsDeletedColumn for Many-To-Many map.Where($"{SheshaDatabaseConsts.IsDeletedColumn} = 0"); } } }; mapper.BeforeMapManyToMany += (modelInspector, propertyPath, map) => { //map.NotFound(NotFoundMode.Ignore); disabled due to performance issues, this option breaks lazy loading var manyToManyAttribute = propertyPath.LocalMember.GetAttribute <ManyToManyAttribute>(true); if (manyToManyAttribute != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(manyToManyAttribute.ChildColumn)) { map.Column(manyToManyAttribute.ChildColumn); } } }; foreach (var assembly in _assemblies) { var allTypes = !assembly.IsDynamic ? assembly.GetExportedTypes() : assembly.GetTypes(); var allEntities = allTypes.Where(t => MappingHelper.IsEntity(t)).ToList(); foreach (var entityType in allEntities) { var classMapping = configuration.GetClassMapping(entityType); if (classMapping == null) { _entitiesToMap.Add(entityType); } } var mappingOverride = allTypes.Where(t => IsClassMapping(t) && !t.IsAbstract).ToList(); foreach (var @override in mappingOverride) { try { var entityType = GetEntityTypeByMapping(@override); if (entityType.IsEntityType()) { _defaultMapper.AddMapping(@override); mapper.AddMapping(@override); if (entityType != null && !entityType.IsAbstract && !_entitiesToMap.Contains(entityType)) { _entitiesToMap.Add(entityType); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw; } } } // sort entity types by hierarchy _entitiesToMap = MappingHelper.SortEntityTypesByInheritance(_entitiesToMap); /* for debug * foreach (var ent in _entitiesToMap) * { * try * { * var mapping1 = mapper.CompileMappingFor(new List<Type> { ent }); * } * catch (Exception e) * { * throw; * } * } */ HbmMapping mapping = mapper.CompileMappingFor(_entitiesToMap); configuration.AddDeserializedMapping(mapping, "AutoMapping"); LastCompiledXml = mapping.AsString(); }