public static ParticleSystem.Particle[] CreateParticlesDynamically( Hayate hayate, Vector3 _Position, float _Width, float _Height, float _Depth, float _TargetParticleSize, float _UiScale, HayateEnums.BuildOrder _buildOrder) { int NumX = Mathf.CeilToInt (_Width / _TargetParticleSize ); int NumY = Mathf.CeilToInt (_Height / _TargetParticleSize ); int NumZ = Mathf.CeilToInt (_Depth / _TargetParticleSize ); int MaxParticles = NumX * NumY * NumZ; hayate.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().startSize = _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale; hayate.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().emissionRate = 0f; #if UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_5_0 hayate.particleSystem.maxParticles = MaxParticles; #endif hayate.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().Emit( MaxParticles ); ParticleSystem.Particle[] Particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[MaxParticles]; hayate.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().GetParticles(Particles); int index = 0; int zIndex = 1; switch (_buildOrder) { case HayateEnums.BuildOrder.TopBottom: for(int z = 0; z < NumZ; z++) { int yIndex = 1; for(int y = NumY; y > 0; y--) { int xIndex = 1; for(int x = 0; x < NumX; x++) { Particles[index].position = new Vector3( ((_Position.x - ( _Width * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) + (x * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )), ((_Position.y - ( _Height * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) - (_TargetParticleSize * _UiScale) + (y * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )), ((_Position.z - ( _Depth * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) + (z * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )) ); Particles[index].lifetime += (Particles[index].startLifetime / MaxParticles) * ((NumX/2f) * yIndex * zIndex); Particles[index].startLifetime = Particles[index].lifetime; index++; xIndex++; } yIndex++; } zIndex++; } break; case HayateEnums.BuildOrder.TopRightBottomLeft: for(int z = 0; z < NumZ; z++) { int yIndex = 1; for(int y = NumY; y > 0; y--) { int xIndex = 1; for(int x = NumX; x > 0 ; x--) { Particles[index].position = new Vector3( ((_Position.x - ( _Width * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) - (_TargetParticleSize * _UiScale) + (x * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )), ((_Position.y - ( _Height * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) - (_TargetParticleSize * _UiScale) + (y * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )), ((_Position.z - ( _Depth * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) + (z * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )) ); Particles[index].lifetime += (Particles[index].startLifetime / MaxParticles) * (xIndex * yIndex * zIndex); Particles[index].startLifetime = Particles[index].lifetime; index++; xIndex++; } yIndex++; } zIndex++; } break; case HayateEnums.BuildOrder.RightLeft: for(int z = 0; z < NumZ; z++) { int xIndex = 1; for(int x = NumX; x > 0; x--) { int yIndex = 1; for(int y = 0; y < NumY; y++) { Particles[index].position = new Vector3( ((_Position.x - ( _Width * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) - (_TargetParticleSize * _UiScale) + (x * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )), ((_Position.y - ( _Height * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) + (y * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )), ((_Position.z - ( _Depth * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) + (z * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )) ); Particles[index].lifetime += (Particles[index].startLifetime / MaxParticles) * (xIndex * yIndex * zIndex); Particles[index].startLifetime = Particles[index].lifetime; index++; xIndex++; } yIndex++; } zIndex++; } break; case HayateEnums.BuildOrder.BottomRightTopLeft: for(int z = 0; z < NumZ; z++) { int yIndex = 1; for(int y = 0; y < NumY; y++) { int xIndex = 1; for(int x = NumX; x > 0 ; x--) { Particles[index].position = new Vector3( ((_Position.x - ( _Width * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) - (_TargetParticleSize * _UiScale) + (x * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )), ((_Position.y - ( _Height * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) + (y * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )), ((_Position.z - ( _Depth * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) + (z * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )) ); Particles[index].lifetime += (Particles[index].startLifetime / MaxParticles) * (xIndex * yIndex * zIndex); Particles[index].startLifetime = Particles[index].lifetime; index++; xIndex++; } yIndex++; } zIndex++; } break; case HayateEnums.BuildOrder.BottomTop: for(int z = 0; z < NumZ; z++) { int yIndex = 1; for(int y = 0; y < NumY; y++) { int xIndex = 1; for(int x = 0; x < NumX; x++) { Particles[index].position = new Vector3( ((_Position.x - ( _Width * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) + (x * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )), ((_Position.y - ( _Height * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) + (y * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )), ((_Position.z - ( _Depth * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) + (z * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )) ); Particles[index].lifetime += (Particles[index].startLifetime / MaxParticles) * ((NumX/2f) * yIndex * zIndex); Particles[index].startLifetime = Particles[index].lifetime; index++; xIndex++; } yIndex++; } zIndex++; } break; case HayateEnums.BuildOrder.BottomLeftTopRight: for(int z = 0; z < NumZ; z++) { int yIndex = 1; for(int y = 0; y < NumY; y++) { int xIndex = 1; for(int x = 0; x < NumX; x++) { Particles[index].position = new Vector3( ((_Position.x - ( _Width * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) + (x * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )), ((_Position.y - ( _Height * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) + (y * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )), ((_Position.z - ( _Depth * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) + (z * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale ))); Particles[index].lifetime += (Particles[index].startLifetime / MaxParticles) * (xIndex * yIndex * zIndex); Particles[index].startLifetime = Particles[index].lifetime; index++; xIndex++; } yIndex++; } zIndex++; } break; case HayateEnums.BuildOrder.LeftRight: for(int z = 0; z < NumZ; z++) { int xIndex = 1; for(int x = 0; x < NumX; x++) { int yIndex = 1; for(int y = 0; y < NumY; y++) { Particles[index].position = new Vector3( ((_Position.x - ( _Width * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) + (x * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )), ((_Position.y - ( _Height * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) + (y * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )), ((_Position.z - ( _Depth * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) + (z * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )) ); Particles[index].lifetime += (Particles[index].startLifetime / MaxParticles) * (xIndex * yIndex * zIndex); Particles[index].startLifetime = Particles[index].lifetime; index++; xIndex++; } yIndex++; } zIndex++; } break; case HayateEnums.BuildOrder.TopLeftBottomRight: for(int z = 0; z < NumZ; z++) { int yIndex = 1; for(int y = NumY; y > 0; y--) { int xIndex = 1; for(int x = 0; x < NumX; x++) { Particles[index].position = new Vector3( ((_Position.x - ( _Width * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) + (x * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )), ((_Position.y - ( _Height * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) - (_TargetParticleSize * _UiScale) + (y * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )), ((_Position.z - ( _Depth * _UiScale / 2f) + _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale / 2f) + (z * _TargetParticleSize * _UiScale )) ); Particles[index].lifetime += (Particles[index].startLifetime / MaxParticles) * (xIndex * yIndex * zIndex); Particles[index].startLifetime = Particles[index].lifetime; index++; xIndex++; } yIndex++; } zIndex++; } break; } return Particles; }
public void CreateParticles( Vector3 _Position, float _Width, float _Height, float _Depth, float TargetParticleSize, float _UiScale, HayateEnums.BuildOrder _buildOrder) { GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().Stop (); ParticleSystem.Particle[] p = new ParticleSystem.Particle[maxParticles]; p = HayateHelper.CreateParticlesDynamically( this, _Position, _Width, _Height, _Depth, TargetParticleSize, _UiScale, _buildOrder); GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().SetParticles( p, maxParticles ); GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().Play(); }
public static Mesh SubDivide( GameObject meshTarget, HayateEnums.DivisionType divisionType, float smallestTriangle) { List<Vector3> Vertices = new List<Vector3>(); List<int> Triangles = new List<int>(); List<Vector2> Uvs = new List<Vector2>(); List<Vector3> Normals = new List<Vector3>(); if (meshTarget) { for (int i = 0; i < meshTarget.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.vertices.Length; i++) { Vertices.Add(meshTarget.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.vertices[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < meshTarget.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.triangles.Length; i++) { Triangles.Add(meshTarget.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.triangles[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < meshTarget.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.uv.Length; i++) { Uvs.Add(meshTarget.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.uv[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < meshTarget.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.normals.Length; i++) { Normals.Add(meshTarget.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.normals[i]); } List<Vector3> newVertices = new List<Vector3>(Vertices); List<int> newTriangles = new List<int>(Triangles); List<Vector2> newUvs = new List<Vector2>(Uvs); List<Vector3> newNormals = new List<Vector3>(Normals); if (divisionType == { for (int i = 0; i < newTriangles.Count; i += 3) { if (SignedVolumeOfTriangle(newVertices[newTriangles[i]], newVertices[newTriangles[i + 1]], newVertices[newTriangles[i + 2]]) > smallestTriangle) { if (newVertices.Count > 60000) { Debug.Log("Stoped! Too many vertices"); break; } int p0 = newTriangles[i]; int p1 = newTriangles[i + 1]; int p2 = newTriangles[i + 2]; int pI0 = i; int pI1 = i + 1; int pI2 = i + 2; Vector3 v0 = newVertices[p0]; Vector3 v1 = newVertices[p1]; Vector3 v2 = newVertices[p2]; Vector3 n0 = newNormals[p0]; Vector3 n1 = newNormals[p1]; Vector3 n2 = newNormals[p2]; Vector2 uv0 = newUvs[p0]; Vector2 uv1 = newUvs[p1]; Vector2 uv2 = newUvs[p2]; Vector3 nV = (v0 + v1 + v2) / 3; Vector3 nN = ((n0 + n1 + n2) / 3).normalized; Vector2 nU = (uv0 + uv1 + uv2) / 3; int l = newVertices.Count; newVertices.Add(nV); newNormals.Add(nN); newUvs.Add(nU); newTriangles[pI0] = p0; newTriangles[pI1] = p1; newTriangles[pI2] = l; newTriangles.Add(l); newTriangles.Add(p1); newTriangles.Add(p2); newTriangles.Add(p0); newTriangles.Add(l); newTriangles.Add(p2); if (SignedVolumeOfTriangle(newVertices[p0], newVertices[p1], newVertices[l]) > smallestTriangle) { i -= 3; } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < newTriangles.Count; i += 3) { if (SignedVolumeOfTriangle(newVertices[newTriangles[i]], newVertices[newTriangles[i + 1]], newVertices[newTriangles[i + 2]]) > smallestTriangle) { if (newVertices.Count > 40000) { Debug.Log("Stoped! Too many vertices"); break; } int p0 = newTriangles[i]; int p1 = newTriangles[i + 1]; int p2 = newTriangles[i + 2]; int pI0 = i; int pI1 = i + 1; int pI2 = i + 2; Vector3 v0 = newVertices[p0]; Vector3 v1 = newVertices[p1]; Vector3 v2 = newVertices[p2]; Vector3 n0 = newNormals[p0]; Vector3 n1 = newNormals[p1]; Vector3 n2 = newNormals[p2]; Vector2 uv0 = newUvs[p0]; Vector2 uv1 = newUvs[p1]; Vector2 uv2 = newUvs[p2]; Vector3 v0_m = (v0 + v1) / 2; Vector3 v1_m = (v1 + v2) / 2; Vector3 v2_m = (v2 + v0) / 2; Vector3 n0_m = ((n0 + n1) / 2).normalized; Vector3 n1_m = ((n1 + n2) / 2).normalized; Vector3 n2_m = ((n2 + n0) / 2).normalized; Vector2 uv0_m = (uv0 + uv1) / 2; Vector2 uv1_m = (uv1 + uv2) / 2; Vector2 uv2_m = (uv2 + uv0) / 2; int l0 = newVertices.Count; int l1 = newVertices.Count + 1; int l2 = newVertices.Count + 2; newVertices.Add(v0_m); newVertices.Add(v1_m); newVertices.Add(v2_m); newNormals.Add(n0_m); newNormals.Add(n1_m); newNormals.Add(n2_m); newUvs.Add(uv0_m); newUvs.Add(uv1_m); newUvs.Add(uv2_m); newTriangles[pI0] = p0; newTriangles[pI1] = l0; newTriangles[pI2] = l2; newTriangles.Add(l0); newTriangles.Add(l1); newTriangles.Add(l2); newTriangles.Add(l0); newTriangles.Add(p1); newTriangles.Add(l1); newTriangles.Add(l2); newTriangles.Add(l1); newTriangles.Add(p2); if (SignedVolumeOfTriangle(newVertices[p0], newVertices[l0], newVertices[l2]) > smallestTriangle) { i -= 3; } } } } Vector3[] ver = new Vector3[newVertices.Count]; Vector3[] norms = new Vector3[newNormals.Count]; Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[newVertices.Count]; int[] tri = new int[newTriangles.Count]; for (int w = 0; w < newUvs.Count; w++) { uvs[w] = newUvs[w]; } for (int w = 0; w < newNormals.Count; w++) { norms[w] = newNormals[w]; } for (int x = 0; x < newVertices.Count; x++) { ver[x] = newVertices[x]; } for (int y = 0; y < newTriangles.Count; y++) { tri[y] = newTriangles[y]; } /*-------------ALLOCTION-------------*/ Mesh subdivided = new Mesh(); subdivided.vertices = ver; subdivided.triangles = tri; subdivided.uv = uvs; subdivided.normals = norms; subdivided.RecalculateBounds(); Debug.Log((newVertices.Count - Vertices.Count) + " New Vertices created."); Debug.Log((newTriangles.Count - Triangles.Count) + " New Triangles created."); Debug.Log("Mesh target ready to work with " + newVertices.Count + " particles."); return subdivided; } else { Debug.LogWarning("No mesh target assigned!"); } return null; }