private void CheckFile(string file, out ulong path, out ulong language, out ulong extension) { language = 0; path = 0; extension = 0; string[] pieces = file.Split('.'); if (pieces.Length == 3) { path = Hash64.HashString(pieces[0]); extension = Hash64.HashString(pieces[2]); language = ulong.Parse(pieces[1]); } else if (pieces.Length == 2) { path = Hash64.HashString(pieces[0]); extension = Hash64.HashString(pieces[1]); } else { this.Error( "Filename did not appear to be valid. It must be either path/to/file.ext or path/to/file.language.ext in format."); } if (index.Entry2Id(path, extension, 0).Count == 0) { this.Error("Could not find the file in the file index. Please check the spelling and that you used / and not \\."); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the group with the given key. /// </summary> /// <param name="key">The key, nor null.</param> /// <returns>The cache group.</returns> protected virtual IDiskCacheGroup GetGroup(string key) { var hash = new Hash64(); hash = hash.Add(key); string path = Path.Combine(cacheDirectoryPath, hash.ToString()); return new Group(this, key, new DirectoryInfo(path)); }
public void LoadXnd(out bool hasRedirectionType) { hasRedirectionType = false; Hash64 hash = GetFolderHash(); var address = ClassName.GetDirectory() + hash.ToString().ToLower() + "/"; var files = CEngine.Instance.FileManager.GetFiles(address, "*.metadata"); if (files == null || files.Count == 0) { Profiler.Log.WriteLine(Profiler.ELogTag.Warning, "MetaData", $"MetaClass {address} is empty"); } foreach (var i in files) { var MetaHash = CEngine.Instance.FileManager.GetPureFileFromFullName(i, false); var meta = new MetaData(i); this.Metas[System.Convert.ToUInt32(MetaHash)] = meta; if (CIPlatform.Instance.PlayMode != CIPlatform.enPlayMode.Game) { bool isRedirection = false; meta.LoadMetaData(i, out isRedirection); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(MetaHash == meta.MetaHash.ToString()); if (isRedirection) { hasRedirectionType = true; } } } }
public TestIsolationServer GetTestIsolationServer(DebuggerSetup debuggerSetup) { if (server != null) { return(server); } try { statusReporter("Attaching to AutoCAD."); string ipcPortName = "AcadTestIsolationContext." + Hash64.CreateUniqueHash(); Guid uniqueId = Guid.NewGuid(); server = new TestIsolationServer(ipcPortName, uniqueId); process.Start(ipcPortName, uniqueId, debuggerSetup); return(server); } catch { if (process != null) { process.Dispose(); } if (server != null) { server.Dispose(); } throw; } }
internal TeamCityExtension(string flowId) { this.flowId = flowId ?? Hash64.CreateUniqueHash().ToString(); currentStepStack = new Stack <string>(); continuationMap = new MultiMap <string, Continuation>(); }
MetaClass CreateMetaClass(System.Type type) { var cname = RttiHelper.GetTypeSaveString(type); var klass = new MetaClass(); klass.MetaType = type; var csIdx = cname.IndexOf('|'); var fileName = cname; if (csIdx >= 0) { fileName = cname.Substring(csIdx + 1); } klass.ClassName = RName.GetRName(MetaDirectory.Name + "/" + fileName); MetaData curVer = new MetaData(); curVer.BuildMetaData(type); Hash64 hash = klass.GetFolderHash(); string dir = klass.ClassName.GetDirectory() + hash.ToString(); if (EngineNS.CEngine.Instance.FileManager.DirectoryExists(dir)) { bool hasRedirection = false; klass.LoadXnd(out hasRedirection); #if PWindow //if (hasRedirection) // klass.Save2Xnd(false); #endif MetaData data = klass.FindMetaData(curVer.MetaHash); if (data == null) { klass.RegMetaData(curVer.MetaHash, curVer); var xnd = IO.XndHolder.NewXNDHolder(); curVer.Save2Xnd(xnd.Node); IO.XndHolder.SaveXND(dir + "/" + curVer.MetaHash + ".MetaData", xnd); } } else { CEngine.Instance.FileManager.CreateDirectory(dir); var sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(dir + "/typename.txt", false); sw.WriteLine(cname); sw.Close(); klass.RegMetaData(curVer.MetaHash, curVer); var xnd = IO.XndHolder.NewXNDHolder(); curVer.Save2Xnd(xnd.Node); IO.XndHolder.SaveXND(dir + "/" + curVer.MetaHash + ".MetaData", xnd); } klass.CurrentVersion = curVer; Klasses.Add(cname, klass); return(klass); }
public void InitFiles() { #if PWindow if (EngineNS.IO.FileManager.UseCooked != null) { return; } var files = CEngine.Instance.FileManager.GetFiles(RName.GetRName("Shaders", RName.enRNameType.Engine).Address, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); if (files == null) { return; } foreach (var f in files) { bool error = false; var i = CEngine.Instance.FileManager.NormalizePath(f, out error); if (error) { continue; } if (i.EndsWith(".shaderinc") || i.EndsWith(".cginc") || i.EndsWith(".shadingenv") || i.EndsWith(".compute")) { var desc = new HLSLFileDesc(); desc.Directory = CEngine.Instance.FileManager.GetPathFromFullName(i); desc.FileName = CEngine.Instance.FileManager.GetPureFileFromFullName(i); desc.HLSLCode = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(i); Hash64.CalcHash64(ref desc.HashCode, desc.HLSLCode); FileDescDict.Add(desc.Directory + desc.FileName, desc); } } foreach (var i in FileDescDict) { GetDepends(i.Value); } foreach (var i in FileDescDict) { if (i.Key.EndsWith(".shadingenv") || i.Key.EndsWith(".compute")) { var allDepends = new List <HLSLFileDesc>(); CollectDependTree(i.Value, allDepends); allDepends.Sort((left, right) => { return(left.FullName.CompareTo(right.FullName)); }); string AllCode = i.Value.HLSLCode; foreach (var j in allDepends) { AllCode += j.HLSLCode; } Hash64.CalcHash64(ref i.Value.HashWithDepends, AllCode); } } #endif }
public ReportFilePool(IDiskCacheGroup cacheGroup, int numberOfFiles) { for (var i = 0; i < numberOfFiles; i++) { var uniqueFilename = string.Format("{0}.{1}.html", ReportName, Hash64.CreateUniqueHash()); files.Add(cacheGroup.GetFileInfo(uniqueFilename)); } }
public Material(uint sec_id, string mat_name) { id = sec_id; size = 0U; hashname = Hash64.HashString(mat_name, 0UL); skipped = new byte[48]; count = 0U; }
internal static async Task SearchForCubelights(Dictionary <uint, FileEntry> fileEntries, string outPath, IProgress <ProgressRecord> progress, CancellationToken ct) { var s = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); s.Start(); progress.Report(new ProgressRecord("Looking for worlds", 0, 0)); var levels = fileEntries.Values .Where(fe => fe.PathIds.HasUnHashed) .Where(fe => fe.ExtensionIds.ToString() == "world") .Select(fe => fe.Parent.EntryPath) .ToList(); var files = ImmutableHashSet.CreateRange(fileEntries.Select(i => i.Value.PathIds.Hashed)); var interestingPaths = new ConcurrentBag <string>(); var total = levels.Count; var completed = 0; var progressReporter = Task.Run(async() => { while (completed < total && !ct.IsCancellationRequested) { await Task.Delay(100); progress.Report(new ProgressRecord("Checking cubelight names", total, completed)); } }); var opts = new ParallelOptions(); opts.CancellationToken = ct; Parallel.ForEach(levels, levelname => { for (var i = 1000; i <= 1000000; i++) { var path = $"{levelname}/cube_lights/{i}"; var hsh = Hash64.HashString(path); if (files.Contains(hsh)) { interestingPaths.Add(path); } } var domeocc = $"{levelname}/cube_lights/dome_occlusion"; if (files.Contains(Hash64.HashString(domeocc))) { interestingPaths.Add(domeocc); } Interlocked.Increment(ref completed); }); File.WriteAllLines(outPath, interestingPaths, new UTF8Encoding()); completed = total; s.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Bruteforced {1} combinations in {0} ms", s.ElapsedMilliseconds, total * 999000); await progressReporter; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the group with the given key. /// </summary> /// <param name="key">The key, nor null.</param> /// <returns>The cache group.</returns> protected virtual IDiskCacheGroup GetGroup(string key) { var hash = new Hash64(); hash = hash.Add(key); string path = Path.Combine(cacheDirectoryPath, hash.ToString()); return(new Group(this, key, new DirectoryInfo(path))); }
internal static async Task SearchForStreams(Dictionary <uint, FileEntry> fileEntries, string outPath, IProgress <ProgressRecord> progress, CancellationToken ct) { var s = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); s.Start(); progress.Report(new ProgressRecord("Loading bank/stream names", 0, 0)); var pendingBankfile = File.ReadAllLinesAsync("Data/banknames", ct); var pendingStreamfile = File.ReadAllLinesAsync("Data/streamnames", ct); // It's immutable. Very threadsafe. var files = ImmutableHashSet.CreateRange(fileEntries.Select(i => i.Value.PathIds.Hashed)); var interestingBanks = (await pendingBankfile) .Where(i => files.Contains(Hash64.HashString(i))) .Select(i => i.Split("/").Last()) .ToList(); var streamNames = await pendingStreamfile; var interestingPaths = new ConcurrentBag <string>(); int completed = 0; int total = streamNames.Length; var progressReporter = Task.Run(async() => { while (completed < total && !ct.IsCancellationRequested) { await Task.Delay(100); progress.Report(new ProgressRecord("Checking stream names", total, completed)); } }); var opts = new ParallelOptions(); opts.CancellationToken = ct; Parallel.ForEach(streamNames, opts, (s) => { for (var i = 0; i < interestingBanks.Count; i++) { var path = $"soundbanks/streamed/{interestingBanks[i]}/{s}"; var hsh = Hash64.HashString(path); if (files.Contains(hsh)) { interestingPaths.Add(path); } } Interlocked.Increment(ref completed); }); File.WriteAllLines(outPath, interestingPaths, new UTF8Encoding()); completed = total; s.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Bruteforced {1} combinations in {0} ms", s.ElapsedMilliseconds, total * interestingBanks.Count); }
public Topology(uint sec_id, obj_data obj) { id = sec_id; size = 0U; unknown1 = 0U; count1 = (uint)(obj.faces.Count / 3); facelist = obj.faces; count2 = 0U; items2 = new byte[0]; hashname = Hash64.HashString(obj.object_name + ".Topology", 0UL); }
public void RegEffect(Hash64 hash, CGfxEffect effect) { lock (Effects) { if (effect.Desc.GetHash64() != hash) { hash = effect.Desc.GetHash64(); } Effects[hash] = effect; } }
public Object3D(string object_name, uint parent) { id = 0U; size = 0U; hashname = Hash64.HashString(object_name, 0UL); count = 0U; items = new List <Vector3D>(); rotation = new Matrix3D(1f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); position = new Vector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); parentID = parent; }
public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task LoadAllShaders(CRenderContext rc) { var sm = CRenderContext.ShaderModelString; var shaderPath = CEngine.Instance.FileManager.DDCDirectory + sm + "/"; var shaders = CEngine.Instance.FileManager.GetFiles(shaderPath, "*.shader"); Profiler.Log.WriteLine(Profiler.ELogTag.Info, "LoadShaders", $"Begin LoadShaders Number = {shaders.Count}"); var t1 = Support.Time.HighPrecision_GetTickCount(); var smp = Thread.ASyncSemaphore.CreateSemaphore(shaders.Count); foreach (var i in shaders) { if (MultiThreadCompile) { CEngine.Instance.EventPoster.RunOn(async() => { var fileName = CEngine.Instance.FileManager.GetPureFileFromFullName(i, false); Hash64 hash = Hash64.TryParse(fileName); var effect = new CGfxEffect(); if (await effect.LoadFromXndAsync(rc, hash) == 0) { CEngine.Instance.EffectManager.RegEffect(hash, effect); } else { CEngine.Instance.FileManager.DeleteFile(shaderPath + hash.ToString() + ".shader"); } smp.Release(); return(true); }, Thread.Async.EAsyncTarget.TPools); } else { var fileName = CEngine.Instance.FileManager.GetPureFileFromFullName(i, false); Hash64 hash = Hash64.TryParse(fileName); var effect = new CGfxEffect(); if (await effect.LoadFromXndAsync(rc, hash) == 0) { CEngine.Instance.EffectManager.RegEffect(hash, effect); } else { CEngine.Instance.FileManager.DeleteFile(shaderPath + hash.ToString() + ".shader"); } smp.Release(); } } await smp.Await(); var t2 = Support.Time.HighPrecision_GetTickCount(); Profiler.Log.WriteLine(Profiler.ELogTag.Info, "LoadShaders", $"End LoadShaders, Times = {(t2 - t1) / 1000} ms"); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an uninitialized host. /// </summary> /// <param name="hostSetup">The host setup.</param> /// <param name="logger">The logger for host message output.</param> /// <param name="runtimePath">The runtime path where the hosting executable will be found.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if <paramref name="hostSetup"/> /// <paramref name="logger"/>, or <paramref name="runtimePath"/> is null.</exception> public IsolatedProcessHost(HostSetup hostSetup, ILogger logger, string runtimePath) : base(hostSetup, logger, PingInterval) { if (runtimePath == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("runtimePath"); } this.runtimePath = runtimePath; uniqueId = Hash64.CreateUniqueHash().ToString(); logConsoleOutputBufferTimer = new Timer(LogConsoleOutputBufferTimeoutExpired); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an attachment. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name of attachment, or null to automatically assign one. The attachment /// name must be unique within the scope of the currently executing test step.</param> /// <param name="contentType">The content type, not null.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if <paramref name="contentType"/> is null.</exception> internal /*to prevent subclassing outside of the framework*/ Attachment(string name, string contentType) { if (name != null && name.Length > 100) { throw new ArgumentException("name must be 100 chars or less", "name"); } if (contentType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("contentType"); } = name ?? Hash64.CreateUniqueHash().ToString(); this.contentType = contentType; }
private void UpdateHash64() { if (Modifiers.Count == 0) { mHash64 = Hash64.Empty; return; } string mdfStr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Modifiers.Count; i++) { mdfStr += Modifiers[i].Name; } Hash64.CalcHash64(ref mHash64, mdfStr); }
public CGfxEffect TryGetEffect(ref Hash64 hash) { lock (Effects) { CGfxEffect result; if (Effects.TryGetValue(hash, out result) == true) { if (hash != result.Desc.GetHash64()) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false); } return(result); } } return(null); }
public Geometry(uint sec_id, obj_data newobject) { = sec_id; this.size = 0U; this.vert_count = (uint)newobject.verts.Count; this.header_count = 5U; this.headers.Add(new GeometryHeader(3U, 1U)); this.headers.Add(new GeometryHeader(2U, 7U)); this.headers.Add(new GeometryHeader(3U, 2U)); this.headers.Add(new GeometryHeader(3U, 20U)); this.headers.Add(new GeometryHeader(3U, 21U)); this.verts = newobject.verts; this.uvs = newobject.uv; this.normals = newobject.normals; this.hashname = Hash64.HashString(newobject.object_name + ".Geometry", 0UL); }
public void SaveXML(IO.XmlHolder xml, Hash64 hash) { if (this.MtlShaderPatch.Name.RNameType == RName.enRNameType.Editor && this.MtlShaderPatch.Name.Name.Contains("MaterialEditor/Mats/")) { return; } if (xml == null) { xml = IO.XmlHolder.NewXMLHolder("EffectDesc", ""); Save2XML(xml.RootNode); } var file = GetShaderInfoFileName(hash); IO.XmlHolder.SaveXML(file, xml); }
public Hash64 GetFolderHash() { var cname = RttiHelper.GetTypeSaveString(MetaType); cname = cname.Replace('+', '.'); cname = cname.ToLower(); var idx = cname.IndexOf('|'); if (idx >= 0) { cname = cname.Substring(idx + 1); } Hash64 hash = new Hash64(); Hash64.CalcHash64(ref hash, cname); return(hash); }
internal void UpdateHash64(bool UpdateMacro) { if (UpdateMacro) { UpdateMacroArray(); } String = ""; if (MtlShaderPatch != null) { String += MtlShaderPatch.ToString(); } if (MdfQueueShaderPatch != null) { String += MdfQueueShaderPatch.ToString(); } if (ShaderMacros != null) { String += ShaderMacros.ToString(); } String += EnvShaderPatch.ToString(); Hash64.CalcHash64(ref NameHash, String); }
public void PopulateCatalog_WhenPluginXmlContainsPreprocessorInstructions_AppliesThem() { string pluginContents = "<plugin pluginId=\"pluginId\" xmlns=\"\"><traits><?ifdef A?><name>A</name><?endif?><?ifdef B?><property>B</property><?endif?></traits></plugin>"; PluginLoaderTest.RunWithTemporaryPluginFile((pluginDir, pluginFile) => { Guid installationId = Guid.NewGuid(); var loader = new CachingPluginLoader(); loader.InstallationId = installationId; loader.AddPluginPath(pluginFile); loader.DefinePreprocessorConstant("A"); Hash64 hash = new Hash64().Add(pluginFile).Add("A").Add(installationId.ToString()); var cacheDir = CachingPluginLoader.GetCurrentUserPluginCacheDir(); string cacheFilePath = Path.Combine(cacheDir, hash + ".xml"); if (System.IO.File.Exists(cacheFilePath)) { System.IO.File.Delete(cacheFilePath); } // First pass. { Plugin plugin = null; var catalog = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IPluginCatalog>(); catalog.Expect(x => x.AddPlugin(null, null)).IgnoreArguments() .Do((Gallio.Common.Action <Plugin, DirectoryInfo>) delegate(Plugin pluginArg, DirectoryInfo baseDirectoryArg) { plugin = pluginArg; }); loader.PopulateCatalog(catalog, NullProgressMonitor.CreateInstance()); catalog.VerifyAllExpectations(); // added one plugin Assert.AreEqual(new PropertySet() { { "name", "A" } }, plugin.Traits.PropertySet); } // Check cache file. { Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(cacheFilePath)); Cache cache = Assert.XmlDeserialize <Cache>(File.ReadAllText(cacheFilePath)); Assert.AreEqual(installationId.ToString(), cache.InstallationId); Assert.AreEqual(1, cache.PluginInfos.Count); Assert.AreEqual(pluginDir, cache.PluginInfos[0].BaseDirectory); Assert.AreEqual("pluginId", cache.PluginInfos[0].Plugin.PluginId); Assert.AreEqual(pluginFile, cache.PluginInfos[0].PluginFile); Assert.AreEqual(File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(pluginFile), cache.PluginInfos[0].PluginFileModificationTime); } // Second pass should restore from cache. { Plugin plugin = null; var catalog = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IPluginCatalog>(); catalog.Expect(x => x.AddPlugin(null, null)).IgnoreArguments() .Do((Gallio.Common.Action <Plugin, DirectoryInfo>) delegate(Plugin pluginArg, DirectoryInfo baseDirectoryArg) { plugin = pluginArg; }); loader.PopulateCatalog(catalog, NullProgressMonitor.CreateInstance()); catalog.VerifyAllExpectations(); // added one plugin Assert.AreEqual(new PropertySet() { { "name", "A" } }, plugin.Traits.PropertySet); } }, pluginContents); }
/// <inheritdoc /> protected override void LoadPlugins(PluginCallback pluginCallback, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) { // Attempt to read the old cache. string cacheFilePath; try { Hash64 hash = new Hash64(); foreach (string pluginPath in PluginPaths) { hash = hash.Add(pluginPath); } foreach (string constant in InitialPreprocessorConstants) { hash = hash.Add(constant); } hash = hash.Add(InstallationId.ToString()); string cacheDirPath = GetCurrentUserPluginCacheDir(); string cacheFileName = hash + ".xml"; cacheFilePath = Path.Combine(cacheDirPath, cacheFileName); if (Directory.Exists(cacheDirPath)) { if (File.Exists(cacheFilePath)) { Cache oldCache = ReadCacheFile(cacheFilePath); if (oldCache != null) { foreach (var pluginInfo in oldCache.PluginInfos) { pluginCallback(pluginInfo.Plugin, new DirectoryInfo(pluginInfo.BaseDirectory), pluginInfo.PluginFile); } return; } } } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(cacheDirPath); } } catch (Exception) { // Fallback on any failure. // There can be all sorts of weird security exceptions that will prevent // us from manipulating the local application data directory. base.LoadPlugins(pluginCallback, progressMonitor); return; } // Load plugin metadata. var newCache = new Cache { InstallationId = InstallationId.ToString() }; base.LoadPlugins((plugin, baseDirectory, pluginFile) => { newCache.PluginInfos.Add(new CachePluginInfo { Plugin = plugin, BaseDirectory = baseDirectory.FullName, PluginFile = pluginFile, PluginFileModificationTime = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(pluginFile) }); pluginCallback(plugin, baseDirectory, pluginFile); }, progressMonitor); // Attempt to store it in the cache. try { WriteCacheFile(cacheFilePath, newCache); } catch (Exception) { // Ignore any failure. } }
/// <inheritdoc /> protected override void LoadPlugins(PluginCallback pluginCallback, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) { // Attempt to read the old cache. string cacheFilePath; try { Hash64 hash = new Hash64(); foreach (string pluginPath in PluginPaths) hash = hash.Add(pluginPath); foreach (string constant in InitialPreprocessorConstants) hash = hash.Add(constant); hash = hash.Add(InstallationId.ToString()); string cacheDirPath = GetCurrentUserPluginCacheDir(); string cacheFileName = hash + ".xml"; cacheFilePath = Path.Combine(cacheDirPath, cacheFileName); if (Directory.Exists(cacheDirPath)) { if (File.Exists(cacheFilePath)) { Cache oldCache = ReadCacheFile(cacheFilePath); if (oldCache != null) { foreach (var pluginInfo in oldCache.PluginInfos) pluginCallback(pluginInfo.Plugin, new DirectoryInfo(pluginInfo.BaseDirectory), pluginInfo.PluginFile); return; } } } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(cacheDirPath); } } catch (Exception) { // Fallback on any failure. // There can be all sorts of weird security exceptions that will prevent // us from manipulating the local application data directory. base.LoadPlugins(pluginCallback, progressMonitor); return; } // Load plugin metadata. var newCache = new Cache { InstallationId = InstallationId.ToString() }; base.LoadPlugins((plugin, baseDirectory, pluginFile) => { newCache.PluginInfos.Add(new CachePluginInfo { Plugin = plugin, BaseDirectory = baseDirectory.FullName, PluginFile = pluginFile, PluginFileModificationTime = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(pluginFile) }); pluginCallback(plugin, baseDirectory, pluginFile); }, progressMonitor); // Attempt to store it in the cache. try { WriteCacheFile(cacheFilePath, newCache); } catch (Exception) { // Ignore any failure. } }
/// <summary> /// The load local mods. /// </summary> /// public void LoadMods(bool overrride = false) { var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); if (Directory.Exists(modsDirectory)) { watch.Restart(); if (overrride) this._modsList.Clear(); List<string> leftovers = this.modsList.Keys.ToList(); string[] pdmods = Directory.GetFiles(modsDirectory, "*.pdmod"); //System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForEach(pdmods, file => foreach (string file in pdmods) { if (!File.Exists(file)) return;//continue; if (LoadSingleMod(file)) { leftovers.Remove(file); } }//); watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("LoadLocalMods.pdmods - " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms"); watch.Restart(); foreach (string left in leftovers) RemoveModsList(left); watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("LoadLocalMods.pdmods.leftovers - " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms"); } else { if (this.CanCreateDirectory(modsDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(modsDirectory); } } watch.Restart(); //load in override folder if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(StaticStorage.settings.AssetsFolder, "mod_overrides"))) { List<BundleMod> mod_overrides_mods = new List<BundleMod>(); string[] mod_overrides = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Path.Combine(StaticStorage.settings.AssetsFolder, "mod_overrides")).ToArray(); foreach (string mo in mod_overrides) { if (!Directory.Exists(mo)) continue;//continue; if (new DirectoryInfo(mo).Name == "Bundle_Modder_Shared") continue;//continue; string[] allfiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(mo, "*.*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories); BundleMod mo_mod = new BundleMod(); mo_mod.Name = new DirectoryInfo(mo).Name; mo_mod.Author = "<UNKNOWN>"; mo_mod.Description = "This mod is installed in \"mod_overrides\" folder. No description for this mod is availiable. This mod was not matched with any local mods. You can only uninstall this mod."; mo_mod.file = mo; mo_mod.status = BundleMod.ModStatus.Unrecognized; mo_mod.type = BundleMod.ModType.mod_override; mo_mod.actionStatus = BundleMod.ModActionStatus.Missing; mo_mod.UtilizesOverride = true; if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(mo, "mod.txt"))) { try { OverrideMod overrideModInformation = OverrideMod.Deserialize(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(mo, "mod.txt"))); if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(overrideModInformation.Name)) mo_mod.Name = overrideModInformation.Name; if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(overrideModInformation.Author)) mo_mod.Author = overrideModInformation.Author; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(overrideModInformation.Description)) mo_mod.Description = overrideModInformation.Description; mo_mod.status = BundleMod.ModStatus.Installed; mo_mod.actionStatus = BundleMod.ModActionStatus.None; } catch(Exception exc) { } } foreach (string mo_entry in allfiles) { if (mo_entry.EndsWith("mod.txt")) continue; BundleRewriteItem mo_bri = new BundleRewriteItem(); string filepath = mo_entry.Substring(mo.Length + 1).Replace('\\', '/'); string[] pathelements = filepath.Split('.'); if (pathelements.Length > 3) continue; string entrypath = pathelements[0]; if (pathelements.Length == 2) { mo_bri.BundlePath = Hash64.HashString(pathelements[0]); mo_bri.BundleExtension = Hash64.HashString(pathelements[1]); } else if (pathelements.Length == 3) { mo_bri.BundlePath = Hash64.HashString(pathelements[0]); UInt32 lang = 0; if (UInt32.TryParse(pathelements[1], out lang)) mo_bri.BundleLanguage = lang; mo_bri.BundleExtension = Hash64.HashString(pathelements[2]); mo_bri.IsLanguageSpecific = true; } else continue; mo_bri.ModName = mo_mod.Name; mo_bri.ModAuthor = mo_mod.Author; mo_bri.ModDescription = mo_mod.Description; mo_bri.ReplacementFile = ""; if (mo_bri.isOverrideable() //&& !bri.ReplacementFile.EndsWith(".script") ) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HashIndex.GetUnhashed(mo_bri.BundlePath)) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(HashIndex.GetUnhashed(mo_bri.BundleExtension)) ) { continue; } } mo_mod.ItemQueue.Add(mo_bri); } mod_overrides_mods.Add(mo_mod); } //check vs others Dictionary<string, BundleMod> temporarylocalModsList_master = this.modsList; foreach (BundleMod mo_bm in mod_overrides_mods) { bool modMatch = false; List<BundleMod> matched_mods = temporarylocalModsList_master.Values.Where(mod => mod.getEscapedName().Equals(mo_bm.Name) || mod.Name.Equals(mo_bm.Name)).ToList(); foreach (BundleMod bm in matched_mods) { modMatch = true; if (mo_bm.ItemQueue.Count > bm.ItemQueue.Count) //the override mod contains too many files, not equal { mo_bm.canInstall = false; mo_bm.canUninstall = true; mo_bm.actionStatus = BundleMod.ModActionStatus.Missing; mo_bm.status = BundleMod.ModStatus.Unrecognized; AddModsList(mo_bm.file, mo_bm); } else { bool[] mo_checklist = new bool[mo_bm.ItemQueue.Count]; int checklist_i = 0; bool mo_onlyfolder = !(bm.ItemQueue.Any(x => !x.isOverrideable())); //isOverradable foreach (BundleRewriteItem mo_bri in mo_bm.ItemQueue) { if (bm.ItemQueue.Any(x => x.BundlePath == mo_bri.BundlePath && x.BundleExtension == mo_bri.BundleExtension)) mo_checklist[checklist_i] = true; checklist_i++; } bool mo_equal = !mo_checklist.Any(x => !x); /* for (checklist_i = 0; mo_equal && checklist_i < mo_bm.ItemQueue.Count; checklist_i++) if (!mo_checklist[checklist_i]) mo_equal = false; */ if (!mo_equal) { mo_bm.canInstall = false; mo_bm.canUninstall = true; mo_bm.actionStatus = BundleMod.ModActionStatus.Missing; mo_bm.status = BundleMod.ModStatus.Unrecognized; AddModsList(mo_bm.file, mo_bm); } else { if (mo_onlyfolder || InstalledModsListContains(bm) > -1) { bm.status = BundleMod.ModStatus.Installed;//installed } else { bm.actionStatus = BundleMod.ModActionStatus.ForcedReinstall; bm.status = BundleMod.ModStatus.ParticallyInstalled;//installed foreach (BundleRewriteItem bri in bm.ItemQueue) bri.toReinstall = true; } } } } if (!modMatch) { mo_bm.canInstall = false; mo_bm.canUninstall = true; AddModsList(mo_bm.file, mo_bm); } } } watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("LoadLocalMods.overrides - " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms"); watch.Restart(); //BLT Mods if ( Directory.Exists( Path.Combine( StaticStorage.settings.AssetsFolder, "..", "mods") ) ) { if( Directory.Exists( Path.Combine( StaticStorage.settings.AssetsFolder, "..", "mods", "base") ) ) { List<string> bltmods = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Path.Combine(StaticStorage.settings.AssetsFolder, "..", "mods")).ToList(); foreach (string bltmod in bltmods) { if (!Directory.Exists(bltmod)) continue; if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(bltmod).Equals("log") || Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(bltmod).Equals("base")) continue; if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(bltmod, "mod.txt"))) continue; BundleMod blt_mod = new BundleMod(); blt_mod.Name = new DirectoryInfo(bltmod).Name; blt_mod.Author = "<UNKNOWN>"; blt_mod.Description = "This is a BLT Hook mod. No description for this mod is availiable. This mod doesn't have a proper description. You can enable/disable this mod as well as uninstall it."; blt_mod.file = bltmod; blt_mod.status = BundleMod.ModStatus.Installed; blt_mod.type = BundleMod.ModType.lua; blt_mod.actionStatus = BundleMod.ModActionStatus.None; blt_mod.UtilizesOverride = false; blt_mod.UtilizesBundles = false; blt_mod.enabled = true; try { FileStream bltModfs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(bltmod, "mod.txt"), FileMode.Open); using (StreamReader bltModsr = new StreamReader(bltModfs)) { try { //JsonConvert dynamic jsonDe = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(bltModsr.ReadToEnd()); //dynamic jsonDe = null; if (jsonDe != null) { if ( != null) { blt_mod.Name =; } if ( != null) { blt_mod.Author =; } if (jsonDe.description != null) { blt_mod.Description = jsonDe.description; } } } catch (Exception exc) { blt_mod.Description += " Failed parsing mods.txt of " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(bltmod) + ", Message: " + exc.Message; } } } catch (Exception e) { blt_mod.Description += " Failed parsing mods.txt of " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(bltmod) + ", Message: " + e.Message; } AddModsList(bltmod, blt_mod, true); } } LoadBLTModManagement(); } watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("LoadLocalMods.blt_mods - " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms"); }
public static string GetShaderInfoFileName(Hash64 hash) { return(CEngine.Instance.FileManager.DDCDirectory + "shaderinfo/" + hash.ToString().ToLower() + ".xml"); }
public void VisitEmbedTag(EmbedTag tag) { AttachmentData attachment = testStepRun.TestLog.GetAttachment(tag.AttachmentName); if (attachment == null) { return; } string src = formatter.GetAttachmentFileInfo(testStepRun.Step.Id, attachment).FullName; writer.Write("<div class=\"logStreamEmbed\">"); if (attachment.ContentType.StartsWith("image/")) { writer.Write("<a href=\""); writer.Write(src); writer.Write("\" class=\"attachmentLink\">"); writer.Write("<img class=\"embeddedImage\" src=\""); WriteHtmlEncoded(writer, src); writer.Write("\" alt=\"Attachment: "); WriteHtmlEncoded(writer, attachment.Name); writer.Write("\" /></a>"); } else if ((attachment.ContentType.StartsWith("text/html") || attachment.ContentType.StartsWith("text/xhtml")) && attachment.IsText) { writer.Write(attachment.GetText()); } else if (attachment.ContentType.StartsWith("text/") && attachment.IsText) { writer.Write("<pre>"); WriteHtmlEncodedWithBreaks(writer, attachment.GetText()); writer.Write("</pre>"); } else if (flashEnabled && attachment.ContentType.StartsWith(MimeTypes.FlashVideo)) { string placeholderId = "video-" + Hash64.CreateUniqueHash(); writer.Write("<div id=\""); writer.Write(placeholderId); writer.Write("\">"); writer.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">"); writer.Write("swfobject.embedSWF('"); WriteHtmlEncoded(writer, new Uri(Path.Combine(formatter.jsDir, "player.swf")).ToString()); writer.Write("', '"); writer.Write(placeholderId); writer.Write("', '400', '300', '9.0.98', '"); WriteHtmlEncoded(writer, new Uri(Path.Combine(formatter.jsDir, "expressInstall.swf")).ToString()); writer.Write("', {file: '"); WriteHtmlEncoded(writer, new Uri(src).ToString()); writer.Write("'}, {allowfullscreen: 'true', allowscriptaccess: 'always'}, {id: '"); writer.Write(placeholderId); writer.Write("'})"); writer.Write("</script>"); writer.Write("</div>"); } else { writer.Write("Attachment: <a href=\""); WriteHtmlEncoded(writer, src); writer.Write("\" class=\"attachmentLink\">"); WriteHtmlEncoded(writer, attachment.Name); writer.Write("</a>"); } writer.Write("</div>"); }
public void writePackage(String name) { UInt64 hashed_name = Hash64.HashString(name); }
private string GetTemporaryConfigurationFilePath() { switch (ConfigurationFileLocation) { case ConfigurationFileLocation.None: return(null); case ConfigurationFileLocation.Temp: return(SpecialPathPolicy.For("Hosting").CreateTempFileWithUniqueName().FullName); case ConfigurationFileLocation.AppBase: if (applicationBaseDirectory == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The configuration file was to be written to the application base directory but none was specified in the host setup."); } for (; ;) { string path = Path.Combine(GetCanonicalApplicationBaseDirectory(null), Hash64.CreateUniqueHash() + ".tmp.config"); if (!File.Exists(path)) { return(path); } } default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }
public void PopulateCatalog_WhenPluginXmlContainsPreprocessorInstructions_AppliesThem() { string pluginContents = "<plugin pluginId=\"pluginId\" xmlns=\"\"><traits><?ifdef A?><name>A</name><?endif?><?ifdef B?><property>B</property><?endif?></traits></plugin>"; PluginLoaderTest.RunWithTemporaryPluginFile((pluginDir, pluginFile) => { Guid installationId = Guid.NewGuid(); var loader = new CachingPluginLoader(); loader.InstallationId = installationId; loader.AddPluginPath(pluginFile); loader.DefinePreprocessorConstant("A"); Hash64 hash = new Hash64().Add(pluginFile).Add("A").Add(installationId.ToString()); var cacheDir = CachingPluginLoader.GetCurrentUserPluginCacheDir(); string cacheFilePath = Path.Combine(cacheDir, hash + ".xml"); if (System.IO.File.Exists(cacheFilePath)) System.IO.File.Delete(cacheFilePath); // First pass. { Plugin plugin = null; var catalog = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IPluginCatalog>(); catalog.Expect(x => x.AddPlugin(null, null)).IgnoreArguments() .Do((Action<Plugin, DirectoryInfo>)delegate(Plugin pluginArg, DirectoryInfo baseDirectoryArg) { plugin = pluginArg; }); loader.PopulateCatalog(catalog, NullProgressMonitor.CreateInstance()); catalog.VerifyAllExpectations(); // added one plugin Assert.AreEqual(new PropertySet() { { "name", "A" } }, plugin.Traits.PropertySet); } // Check cache file. { Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(cacheFilePath)); Cache cache = Assert.XmlDeserialize<Cache>(File.ReadAllText(cacheFilePath)); Assert.AreEqual(installationId.ToString(), cache.InstallationId); Assert.AreEqual(1, cache.PluginInfos.Count); Assert.AreEqual(pluginDir, cache.PluginInfos[0].BaseDirectory); Assert.AreEqual("pluginId", cache.PluginInfos[0].Plugin.PluginId); Assert.AreEqual(pluginFile, cache.PluginInfos[0].PluginFile); Assert.AreEqual(File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(pluginFile), cache.PluginInfos[0].PluginFileModificationTime); } // Second pass should restore from cache. { Plugin plugin = null; var catalog = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IPluginCatalog>(); catalog.Expect(x => x.AddPlugin(null, null)).IgnoreArguments() .Do((Action<Plugin, DirectoryInfo>)delegate(Plugin pluginArg, DirectoryInfo baseDirectoryArg) { plugin = pluginArg; }); loader.PopulateCatalog(catalog, NullProgressMonitor.CreateInstance()); catalog.VerifyAllExpectations(); // added one plugin Assert.AreEqual(new PropertySet() { { "name", "A" } }, plugin.Traits.PropertySet); } }, pluginContents); }