private static void ShowFileHash(Hash.ServiceProvider algorithm, string inputFilePath) { string hashForFile = Hash.GetHashFromFile(algorithm, inputFilePath); Console.WriteLine("The {0} hash value for the file: {1} is:\n{2}", algorithm, inputFilePath, hashForFile); Console.WriteLine("You can compare the output above with the following PowerShell command: \nGet-FileHash {0} -Algorithm {1} | Format-List", inputFilePath, algorithm); Console.WriteLine(); }
private static void ShowInputTextHash(Hash.ServiceProvider algorithm, string inputText) { string hashValue = Hash.GetHash(algorithm, inputText); bool hashMatches = Hash.VerifyHash(algorithm, inputText, hashValue); if (hashMatches) { Console.WriteLine("The {0} hash for the input text: '{1}' is:\n{2}", algorithm, inputText, hashValue); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error!"); } Console.WriteLine(); }