コード例 #1
    void TurnEffectOn()
        if (HapticDevice == null)
            return;                                             //If there is no device, bail out early.
        // If a haptic effect has not been assigned through Open Haptics, assign one now.
        if (FXID == -1)
            FXID = HapticPlugin.effects_assignEffect(HapticDevice.configName);

            if (FXID == -1)             // Still broken?
                Debug.LogError("Unable to assign Haptic effect.");

        // Send the effect settings to OpenHaptics.
        double[] pos = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };       // Position (not used for vibration)
        double[] dir = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 };       // Direction of vibration

            0.33,                                                    // Gain
            0.33,                                                    // Magnitude
            300,                                                     // Frequency
            pos,                                                     // Position (not used for vibration)
            dir);                                                    //Direction.

        HapticPlugin.effects_type(HapticDevice.configName, FXID, 4); // Vibration effect == 4

        HapticPlugin.effects_startEffect(HapticDevice.configName, FXID);
コード例 #2
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     Haptic = gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(HapticPlugin)) as HapticPlugin;
     if (Haptic == null)
         Debug.LogError("HapticPluginSafetyScript must be attached to the same object as the HapticPlugin script.");
コード例 #3
 void TurnEffectOff()
     if (HapticDevice == null)
         return;                                             //If there is no device, bail out early.
     if (FXID == -1)
         return;                                                     //If there is no effect, bail out early.
     HapticPlugin.effects_stopEffect(HapticDevice.configName, FXID);
コード例 #4
    void Start()
        vibrationOn = false;
        if (HapticDevice == null)
            HapticDevice = (HapticPlugin)FindObjectOfType(typeof(HapticPlugin));

        if (HapticDevice /* STILL */ == null)
            Debug.LogError("This script requires that Haptic Device be assigned.");
コード例 #5
 void OnDestroy()
     //For every haptic device, send a Stop event to OpenHaptics
     for (int ii = 0; ii < devices.Length; ii++)
         HapticPlugin device = devices [ii];
         if (device == null)
         int ID = FXID [ii];
         HapticPlugin.effects_stopEffect(device.configName, ID);
コード例 #6
ファイル: HapticMouse.cs プロジェクト: Sonchez1/Haptics
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // find the Haptic Device
        Haptic = gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(HapticPlugin)) as HapticPlugin;
        if (Haptic == null)
            Debug.LogError("HapticMouse script must be attached to the same object as the HapticPlugin script.");

        // Find the camera
        if (camera == null)
            camera = FindObjectOfType <Camera>();
コード例 #7
    //public GameObject bt = null;

    void Start()
        //hapticPlugin = gameObject.GetComponent<HapticPlugin>();
        hapticPlugin = GameObject.Find("HapticDevice").GetComponent <HapticPlugin>();
        instCurette  = GameObject.Find("17221_Curette");
        drill        = GameObject.Find("DrillAcima");
        //filler = GameObject.Find("Aparelhodental2");
        instPick = GameObject.Find("16972_dentist_pick");
        uv       = GameObject.Find("Aparelhodental1");

コード例 #8
    //! Stop grabbing an object. (Like opening a claw.) Normally called when the button is released.
    void release()
        if (grabbing == null)          //Nothing to release

        Debug.Assert(joint != null);

        //Recréer une forme haptique pour les objets qu'on a manipulé et qu'on lâche
        //Ne sert que si on utilise le ShapeRemove quand on grab. Si on utilise le repositionnement de la shape haptique, bout de code inutile
        Mesh         mesh     = null;
        MeshCollider collider = grabbing.GetComponent <MeshCollider>();

        if (collider != null)
            mesh = collider.sharedMesh;
        if (mesh == null)
            MeshFilter filter = grabbing.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
            if (filter != null)
                mesh = filter.mesh;
        double[] vertices  = HapticPlugin.Vector3ArrayToDoubleArray(mesh.vertices);
        int[]    triangles = mesh.triangles;

        //Remettre l'objet en Touchable pour pouvoir ravoir l'haptique dès qu'on l'a laché
        grabbing.tag = "Touchable";
        //HapticPlugin.shape_define(grabbing.GetInstanceID(), grabbing.name, vertices, triangles, vertices.Length, triangles.Length);

        joint.connectedBody = null;

        grabbing = null;

        if (physicsToggleStyle != PhysicsToggleStyle.none)
            hapticDevice.GetComponent <HapticPlugin>().PhysicsManipulationEnabled = false;
コード例 #9
    //! Start() is called at the beginning of the simulation.
    //! It will identify the Haptic devices, initialize variables internal to this script,
    //! and request an Effect ID from Open Haptics. (One for each device.)
    void Start()
        //Initialize the list of haptic devices.
        devices     = (HapticPlugin[])Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(HapticPlugin));
        inTheZone   = new bool[devices.Length];
        devicePoint = new Vector3[devices.Length];
        delta       = new float[devices.Length];
        FXID        = new int[devices.Length];

        // Generate an OpenHaptics effect ID for each of the devices.
        for (int ii = 0; ii < devices.Length; ii++)
            inTheZone [ii]   = false;
            devicePoint [ii] = Vector3.zero;
            delta [ii]       = 0.0f;
            FXID [ii]        = HapticPlugin.effects_assignEffect(devices [ii].configName);
コード例 #10
ファイル: MetersDemo.cs プロジェクト: Sonchez1/Haptics
    // Simple initialization.
    void Start()
        if (HapticDevice == null)
            HapticDevice = (HapticPlugin)FindObjectOfType(typeof(HapticPlugin));

        if (HapticDevice /* STILL */ == null)
            Debug.LogError("This script requires that Haptic Device be assigned.");

        if (depthMeter == null)
            Debug.LogError("This script requires a UI Image be linked to 'depthMeter'");
        if (speedMeter == null)
            Debug.LogError("This script requires a UI Image be linked to 'speedMeter'");
コード例 #11
ファイル: HapticFitToCamera.cs プロジェクト: Sonchez1/Haptics
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // Make sure camera and plugin exist.
        if (masterCamera == null)

        // Deal with the greeting
        float T = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - greetingTime;

        if (T > 0 && Greeting != null)
            float alpha = Mathf.Max(1.0f - T, 0f);
            Greeting.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = alpha;

        HapticPlugin plugin = (HapticPlugin)gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(HapticPlugin));

        if (plugin == null)
            Debug.LogError("HapticFitToCamera must be attached to a HapticDevice.");

        // Extents are in array, these are the indexes
        const int minX = 0;
        const int minY = 1;
        const int minZ = 2;
        const int maxX = 3;
        const int maxY = 4;
        const int maxZ = 5;

        // dimensions and position of haptic volume (In raw, unscaled coordinates.)
        float   hapticWidth;
        float   hapticHeight;
        float   hapticDepth;
        Vector3 hapticCenter;

        if (FitToWorkspace == BoxType.usableWorkspace)
            hapticWidth  = (float)(plugin.usable_extents[maxX] - plugin.usable_extents [minX]);
            hapticHeight = (float)(plugin.usable_extents[maxY] - plugin.usable_extents [minY]);
            hapticDepth  = (float)(plugin.usable_extents [maxZ] - plugin.usable_extents [minZ]);
            hapticCenter = new Vector3(
                (float)(plugin.usable_extents[maxX] + plugin.usable_extents [minX]) / 2,
                (float)(plugin.usable_extents[maxY] + plugin.usable_extents [minY]) / 2,
                (float)(plugin.usable_extents[maxZ] + plugin.usable_extents [minZ]) / 2);
            hapticWidth  = (float)(plugin.max_extents[maxX] - plugin.max_extents [minX]);
            hapticHeight = (float)(plugin.max_extents[maxY] - plugin.max_extents [minY]);
            hapticDepth  = (float)(plugin.max_extents [maxZ] - plugin.max_extents [minZ]);
            hapticCenter = new Vector3(
                (float)(plugin.max_extents [maxX] + plugin.max_extents [minX]) / 2,
                (float)(plugin.max_extents [maxY] + plugin.max_extents [minY]) / 2,
                (float)(plugin.max_extents [maxZ] + plugin.max_extents [minZ]) / 2);

        // Add the margin to the dimensions of the box we're trying to place.
        hapticWidth  *= (1.0f + margin);
        hapticHeight *= (1.0f + margin);
        hapticDepth  *= (1.0f + margin);

        if (gameObject.transform.parent != null)
            hapticWidth  *= gameObject.transform.parent.localScale.x;
            hapticHeight *= gameObject.transform.parent.localScale.y;
            hapticDepth  *= gameObject.transform.parent.localScale.z;

        // How Close to the camera should the haptic box get.
        float camPlacementPlane = MinimumDepth;

        // Dimantions of the box defined by camera-to-box distance defined above, and the camera frustrum
        float camDepth  = masterCamera.nearClipPlane + (masterCamera.farClipPlane - masterCamera.nearClipPlane) * camPlacementPlane;        // Halfway through the camera space.
        float camWidth  = (masterCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0, 0, camDepth)) - masterCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1, 0, camDepth))).magnitude;
        float camHeight = (masterCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0, 0, camDepth)) - masterCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0, 1, camDepth))).magnitude;

        // Compare the haptic box with the camera box to determine caling.
        float ratioX = camWidth / hapticWidth;
        float ratioY = camHeight / hapticHeight;
        float ratioZ = (masterCamera.farClipPlane - camDepth) / (hapticDepth);

        if (constraint == ConstraintType.uniform)
            // Uniform scaling must take the smallest dimension. (Otherwise there's an overhang.)
            float ratio = Mathf.Min(ratioZ, Mathf.Min(ratioX, ratioY));
            ratioX = ratio;
            ratioY = ratio;
            ratioZ = ratio;
        else if (constraint == ConstraintType.nonuniformConstrainZ)
            // Don't let the Z go out to the horizon. Find some reasonable value for it.
            float ratio = Mathf.Min(ratioZ, Mathf.Max(ratioX, ratioY));
            ratioZ = ratioX;

        // Apply the rotation, scale and translation to the haptics objectt.
        gameObject.transform.rotation   = masterCamera.transform.rotation;
        gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(ratioX, ratioY, ratioZ);
        gameObject.transform.position   = masterCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, camDepth + (ratioZ * hapticDepth) / 2));

         * // If the haptics volume was offset from zero, add that compensation back in.
         * hapticCenter.Scale(gameObject.transform.localScale);
         * gameObject.transform.position -= gameObject.transform.rotation *hapticCenter;*/
コード例 #12
    //! Update is called once per frame and updates OpenHaptics with the current suface materials.
    void Update()
        bool needUpdate = false;

        if (hlStiffness != oldStiffness)
            needUpdate = true;
        if (hlDamping != oldDamping)
            needUpdate = true;
        if (hlStaticFriction != oldStaticFriction)
            needUpdate = true;
        if (hlDynamicFriction != oldDynamicFriction)
            needUpdate = true;
        if (hlPopThrough != oldPopThrough)
            needUpdate = true;
        if (snapDistance != oldSnapDistance)
            needUpdate = true;
        if (hlTouchModel != oldTouchModel)
            needUpdate = true;
        if (Flip_Normals != oldFlipNormals)
            needUpdate = true;
        if (hlTouchable != oldFacing)
            needUpdate = true;

        if (needUpdate)
            HapticPlugin.shape_settings(gameObject.GetInstanceID(), hlStiffness, hlDamping, hlStaticFriction, hlDynamicFriction, hlPopThrough);

            int M = 0;
            if (hlTouchModel == HLTOUCH_MODEL.HL_CONSTRAINT)
                M = 1;

            HapticPlugin.shape_constraintSettings(gameObject.GetInstanceID(), M, snapDistance);
            HapticPlugin.shape_flipNormals(gameObject.GetInstanceID(), Flip_Normals);

            int T = 1;
            if (hlTouchable == HLFACING.HL_BACK)
                T = 2;
            if (hlTouchable == HLFACING.HL_FRONT_AND_BACK)
                T = 3;
            HapticPlugin.shape_facing(gameObject.GetInstanceID(), T);

            oldStiffness       = hlStiffness;
            oldDamping         = hlDamping;
            oldStaticFriction  = hlStaticFriction;
            oldDynamicFriction = hlDynamicFriction;
            oldTouchModel      = hlTouchModel;
            oldSnapDistance    = snapDistance;
            oldPopThrough      = hlPopThrough;
            oldFlipNormals     = Flip_Normals;
            oldFacing          = hlTouchable;
コード例 #13
 void OnDestroy()
コード例 #14
    //! Begin grabbing an object. (Like closing a claw.) Normally called when the button is pressed.
    void grab()
        GameObject touchedObject = touching;

        if (touchedObject == null)         // No Unity Collision?
            // Maybe there's a Haptic Collision
            touchedObject = hapticDevice.GetComponent <HapticPlugin>().touching;

        if (grabbing != null)         // Already grabbing
        if (touchedObject == null)         // Nothing to grab

        // Grabbing a grabber is bad news.
        if (touchedObject.CompareTag("Gripper"))

        Debug.Log(" Object : " + touchedObject.name + "  Tag : " + touchedObject.tag);

        grabbing = touchedObject;

        //Debug.logger.Log("Grabbing Object : " + grabbing.name);
        Rigidbody body = grabbing.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        // If this doesn't have a rigidbody, walk up the tree.
        // It may be PART of a larger physics object.
        while (body == null)
            //Debug.logger.Log("Grabbing : " + grabbing.name + " Has no body. Finding Parent. ");
            if (grabbing.transform.parent == null)
                grabbing = null;
            GameObject parent = grabbing.transform.parent.gameObject;
            if (parent == null)
                grabbing = null;
            grabbing = parent;
            body     = grabbing.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        joint = (FixedJoint)gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(FixedJoint));
        joint.connectedBody = body;

        //Tentative pour enlever le retour haptique d'un objet qu'on est en train d'attraper, car sinon les collisions permanentes avec l'objet créent des forces wtf
        //Enlever aussi tout shape haptique pour pas avoir de forme fantome - marche bien, mais la réinstanciation est un peu sèche...
        if (body != null)
            grabbing.tag = "Untagged";
            //test pour déplacer la shape haptique sur un proxy qui est hors scène - marche a peu près aussi, mais sec quand on pousse vers la shape...
            //Pas vraiment plus sec que le passage untagged/touchable en fait, il y a toujours ces problèmes quand on lache...

            Matrix4x4 M = GameObject.Find("Proxy_Haptique").transform.localToWorldMatrix;
            M = this.transform.worldToLocalMatrix * M;

            double[] M16 = HapticPlugin.MatrixToDoubleArray(M);
            HapticPlugin.shape_setTransform(touchedObject.GetInstanceID(), M16);
コード例 #15
    //!  Update() is called once per frame.
    //! This function
    //! - Determines if a haptic stylus is inside the collider
    //! - Updates the effect settings.
    //! - Starts and stops the effect when appropriate.
    void Update()
        // Find the pointer to the collider that defines the "zone".
        Collider collider = gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>();

        if (collider == null)
            Debug.LogError("This Haptic Effect Zone requires a collider");

        // Update the World-Space vectors
        focusPointWorld = transform.TransformPoint(Position);
        directionWorld  = transform.TransformDirection(Direction);

        // Update the effect seperately for each haptic device.
        for (int ii = 0; ii < devices.Length; ii++)
            HapticPlugin device       = devices [ii];
            bool         oldInTheZone = inTheZone[ii];
            int          ID           = FXID [ii];

            // If a haptic effect has not been assigned through Open Haptics, assign one now.
            if (ID == -1)
                FXID [ii] = HapticPlugin.effects_assignEffect(devices [ii].configName);
                ID        = FXID [ii];

                if (ID == -1)                 // Still broken?
                    Debug.LogError("Unable to assign Haptic effect.");

            // Determine if the stylus is in the "zone".
            Vector3 StylusPos = device.stylusPositionWorld;             //World Coordinates
            Vector3 CP        = collider.ClosestPoint(StylusPos);       //World Coordinates
            devicePoint[ii] = CP;
            delta[ii]       = (CP - StylusPos).magnitude;

            //If the stylus is within the Zone, The ClosestPoint and the Stylus point will be identical.
            if (delta[ii] <= Mathf.Epsilon)
                inTheZone [ii] = true;

                // Convert from the World coordinates to coordinates relative to the haptic device.
                Vector3  focalPointDevLocal = device.transform.InverseTransformPoint(focusPointWorld);
                Vector3  rotationDevLocal   = device.transform.InverseTransformDirection(directionWorld);
                double[] pos = { focalPointDevLocal.x, focalPointDevLocal.y, focalPointDevLocal.z };
                double[] dir = { rotationDevLocal.x, rotationDevLocal.y, rotationDevLocal.z };

                double Mag = Magnitude;

                if (device.isInSafetyMode())
                    Mag = 0;

                // Send the current effect settings to OpenHaptics.
                inTheZone [ii] = false;

                // Note : If the device is not in the "Zone", there is no need to update the effect settings.

            // If the on/off state has changed since last frame, send a Start or Stop event to OpenHaptics
            if (oldInTheZone != inTheZone [ii])
                if (inTheZone [ii])
                    HapticPlugin.effects_startEffect(device.configName, ID);
                    HapticPlugin.effects_stopEffect(device.configName, ID);
コード例 #16
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     device = (HapticPlugin)Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(HapticPlugin));
コード例 #17
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // Find the pointer to the collider that defines the "zone".
        Collider collider = gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>();

        if (collider == null)
            Debug.LogError("This Haptic Surface Demo Effect requires a collider");

        if (FrictionTexture == null)
            Debug.LogError("This Haptic Surface Demo Effect requires a texture assigned to it.");

        Vector3 StylusPos = device.stylusPositionWorld;               //World Coordinates
        Vector3 CP        = collider.ClosestPointOnBounds(StylusPos); //World Coordinates
        float   delta     = (CP - StylusPos).magnitude;

        if (delta < 1.0f)
            Vector3 direction = transform.position - CP;

            // Cast a ray between the stylus and the center of the collider
            RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(CP, direction);

            //There may be some false positives in the list, so loop through
            //and find the hit on the current collider.
            foreach (RaycastHit H in hits)
                if (H.collider == collider)
                    // This is the correct hit, so retrieve the UV values...
                    Vector2 UV = H.textureCoord;

                    // Scale the UV to the size of the texture...
                    int U = (int)(UV.x * FrictionTexture.width);
                    int V = (int)(UV.y * FrictionTexture.height);

                    // Retrieve the color of that pixel.
                    Color C = FrictionTexture.GetPixel(U, V);
                    luminocity = C.grayscale;

            // Assign the haptic material setttings so that they transition proportionatly
            // between the two values based on the luminocity of the texel.
            float Value = luminocity;
            float inVal = 1.0f - Value;

                                        hlStiffness * Value + hlStiffness2 * inVal,
                                        hlDamping * Value + hlDamping2 * inVal,
                                        hlStaticFriction * Value + hlStaticFriction2 * inVal,
                                        hlDynamicFriction * Value + hlDynamicFriction2 * inVal,
                                        hlPopThrough * Value + hlPopThrough2 * inVal);
コード例 #18
ファイル: ErrorDemo.cs プロジェクト: Sonchez1/Haptics
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     Haptic = gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(HapticPlugin)) as HapticPlugin;